
Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to you during the speaking test, designed to assess your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic. In the cue card section, you'll be asked to speak about a particular topic for up to two minutes. 

Today, we're focusing on the topic "Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times," where you'll share insights about a book that has left a lasting impression on you. 


Throughout this content piece, we'll delve into sample answers to help you understand how to effectively respond to this cue card topic.

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1. Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a cue card titled "Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times." They will give you one minute to prepare your response silently.

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2. Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner will ask you additional questions related to the cue card topic you just discussed.


Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a cue card titled "Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times." They will give you one minute to prepare your response silently.

The best way to answer this cue card is to break it down into small pieces to effectively utilise the two-minute time limit:

Here is how the cue card for the topic ‘Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times’ will look like:


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times
You should say
  • When you read it?
  • What kind of book is it?
  • What is it about?
  • And explain why you think it is exciting?



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  • Briefly introduce the book: Provide the title and author of the book you've read many times.
  • Mention your emotional connection: Share why this particular book holds a special place in your heart or has had a significant impact on you.
  • Preview your main points: Outline the aspects of the book you will discuss, such as its genre, plot, and why it's exciting to you.


When you read it?


  • Specify the time frame: Describe when you first read the book and how many times you've revisited it since.
  • Highlight any significant life events: Mention if there were specific occasions or periods in your life when you found solace or inspiration in re-reading the book.
  • Explain the frequency of re-reads: Share why you keep coming back to this book, whether it's for comfort, entertainment, or deeper understanding.


What kind of book is it?


  • Identify the genre: Mention the genre or category of the book, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, mystery, etc.
  • Discuss its format: Describe whether the book is a novel, a collection of essays, poetry, or something else.
  • Highlight its unique characteristics: Point out any distinctive features of the book, such as its writing style, structure, or themes.


What is it about?


  • Provide a brief summary: Give an overview of the book's plot or central themes without giving away spoilers.
  • Discuss its significance: Explain why the story or message of the book resonates with you personally or why you find it compelling.
  • Share memorable moments: Mention specific scenes, characters, or quotes from the book that have stuck with you over time.


And explain why you think it is exciting?


  • Connect with personal experience: Describe how the book's themes or characters resonate with your own life experiences or worldview.
  • Explore emotional depth: Discuss how the book elicits a range of emotions, whether it's joy, sadness, inspiration, or introspection.
  • Highlight its enduring appeal: Explain why, despite reading it multiple times, the book continues to captivate your interest and imagination.




  • Summarise your thoughts: Recap why this book is meaningful to you and why you've chosen to re-read it multiple times.
  • Reflect on its impact: Share how reading this book has enriched your life, broadened your perspective, or provided comfort during difficult times.
  • Invite others to discover it: Encourage your audience to explore the book themselves, highlighting its universal themes or timeless appeal.

Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


One book that has always meant a lot to me is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I first read it in high school and have revisited it many times since then.


When you read it?


I first read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in high school, and I've gone back to it a few times over the years whenever I needed something familiar and comforting.


What kind of book it is?


It's a story about a young girl named Scout growing up in the South during the 1930s. It talks about important things like fairness, standing up for what's right, and treating everyone with respect.


What it is about?


The book follows Scout as she learns important lessons from her dad, Atticus, who is a lawyer. He defends a black man who's been wrongly accused of a crime, and through this experience, Scout learns about racism and courage.


And explain why you think it is exciting?


‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is exciting because it makes you feel a lot of different emotions, like happiness, sadness, and even anger sometimes. It also teaches us about things that are still important today, like treating everyone fairly and standing up against injustice. Plus, the characters are so real and memorable that you can't help but get drawn into their world.




‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is a special book that has stayed with me over the years. Its powerful messages and unforgettable characters make it a timeless classic that I'll always treasure.


Describe A Book That You Have Read Many Times: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner will ask you additional questions related to the cue card topic you just discussed. These questions aim to delve deeper into your opinions, experiences, or preferences, allowing you to showcase your ability to express yourself fluently and coherently. Expect questions that build upon the theme of the cue card and require you to provide more detailed responses.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Do you prefer books or movies?

Answer 1: Personally, I enjoy both books and movies, but if I had to choose, I would lean towards books. There's something special about immersing yourself in a well-written story and letting your imagination take flight.


Answer 2: For me, it depends on the story and my mood. Sometimes I prefer the depth and detail that books offer, while other times I enjoy the visual experience of watching a movie adaptation.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. Do you think it is important to read the book before watching the movie Answer of it?


Answer 1: Yes, I believe it's essential to read the book before watching the movie. Books often provide more depth and detail than their movie adaptations, allowing you to fully appreciate the storyline and characters.

Answer 2: Personally, I think it enhances the experience to read the book first, as it allows you to form your own mental images and interpretations of the story before seeing it portrayed on screen.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. Do boys and girls like the same kind of books?


Answer 1: While there may be some overlap, I think boys and girls often have different preferences when it comes to books. For example, boys may gravitate towards action-packed adventures, while girls may prefer stories with strong emotional themes.


Answer 2: In my experience, there's a wide variety of books available, and individual preferences vary greatly regardless of gender. While some boys and girls may enjoy similar genres, others may have entirely different tastes.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. What kind of books do Indian people like to read?


Answer 1: From my observations, Indian readers have diverse tastes, ranging from literary classics to contemporary fiction and non-fiction. Additionally, there's a growing interest in regional literature and works that explore Indian culture and history.


Answer 2: Indian readers are drawn to a wide range of genres, including spiritual and philosophical texts, as well as popular genres like romance and mystery. Additionally, there's a rich tradition of storytelling in Indian literature, with many readers enjoying folk tales and mythological stories.

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Q. Is the IELTS speaking test easy?

Ans. Personally, I wouldn't say the IELTS speaking test is easy, but with adequate preparation and practice, it becomes more manageable. The challenge lies in expressing yourself fluently and coherently under pressure while demonstrating a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. However, familiarity with the test format and regular speaking practice can boost your confidence and improve your performance.

Q. Are speaking tests for Academic and General the same?

Ans. No, the speaking tests for Academic and General Training versions of the IELTS differ slightly in terms of topics and tasks. While both tests assess your ability to communicate effectively in English, the Academic version typically includes more complex topics related to academic studies, whereas the General Training version focuses more on everyday situations and workplace communication.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test is assessed based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Each criterion is scored on a scale of 0 to 9, and the scores are averaged to calculate your overall speaking band score. Examiners evaluate your ability to express ideas clearly, use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar accurately, and pronounce words intelligibly.