

Describe an Interesting Person You Know: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 08:42


In the IELTS Speaking test, a cue card is a prompt that guides you to speak on a specific topic for one to two minutes. You will receive a card with a subject and key points to address, allowing you to organise your response and speak coherently. This section evaluates your ability to articulate your thoughts and present information clearly.

The topic "Describe An Interesting Person You Know" asks you to talk about someone who is noteworthy in your life due to their distinctive qualities or achievements. You should describe what makes this person stand out, their impact on you, and why they are significant. On this page, we will provide sample answers for this topic to help you understand how to structure your response effectively and cover all essential points.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe an Interesting Person You Know

You should say

  • Who is this interesting person?
  • What kind of person she/he is?
  • Why she/he is interesting to you?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is this interesting person?)


  • One of the most interesting people I know is my grandmother. She is an incredibly wise and spirited woman in her late seventies.
  • I’ve known her all my life, and she has always been a source of inspiration and joy for our family.
  • Her life experiences and stories have deeply influenced my perspective on life and the importance of resilience.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What kind of person she/he is?)


  • My grandmother is known for her kindness and unwavering strength. She has a warm personality and a great sense of humour that makes everyone feel at ease.
  • She is also a talented storyteller who shares fascinating tales from her youth, which captivate anyone who listens.
  • Her ability to remain positive despite life’s challenges is truly admirable, and it makes her a very interesting and impactful person in my life.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why she/he is interesting to you?)


  • What makes my grandmother particularly interesting is her unique life journey and the wisdom she has gained over the years.
  • Her stories about travelling to different countries and overcoming various obstacles showcase her adventurous spirit and resilience.
  • Her ability to impart life lessons through her experiences provides valuable insights and inspiration to everyone around her.




  • My grandmother’s influence has taught me the value of perseverance, kindness, and a positive outlook on life.
  • Her stories and advice continue to inspire me and shape my approach to life’s challenges.
  • Overall, she is not just an interesting person but a cherished mentor whose life lessons have left a lasting impact on me.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is this interesting person?)


  • An interesting person I know is my former professor, Dr. Smith. He is a renowned historian who has dedicated his life to studying ancient civilisations.
  • I had the privilege of taking his history classes during my university years, and his passion for the subject was truly inspiring.
  • His extensive knowledge and engaging teaching methods made his lectures both fascinating and educational.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What kind of person she/he is?)


  • Dr. Smith is known for his deep intellect and enthusiasm for history. He has an extraordinary ability to make historical events come alive through vivid storytelling.
  • His dedication to research is evident in the numerous publications he has authored, which reflect his expertise and commitment to his field.
  • Beyond his academic prowess, he is a humble and approachable individual, always eager to share his knowledge and encourage students to explore history further.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why she/he is interesting to you?)


  • Dr. Smith’s lectures were not only informative but also filled with anecdotes and historical insights that sparked my curiosity about the past.
  • His innovative approach to teaching, including interactive discussions and field trips, made learning history enjoyable and memorable.
  • His dedication to preserving and sharing historical knowledge has had a significant impact on my academic interests and career aspirations.




  • Dr. Smith’s influence has instilled in me a lasting appreciation for history and the importance of pursuing one’s passions.
  • His mentorship and enthusiasm have inspired me to continue exploring historical studies and to value the role of education in personal growth.
  • Overall, his impact as an educator and historian has left a profound and lasting impression on me, making him a truly remarkable and interesting person in my life.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is this interesting person?)


  • An interesting person I know is my uncle Rajesh, who is a successful social entrepreneur in India. I’ve admired him since childhood for his dedication to community service.
  • He has made significant contributions through various projects aimed at improving education and healthcare in rural areas.
  • His commitment to social change and his achievements in these fields make him a truly fascinating individual.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What kind of person she/he is?)


  • Uncle Rajesh is known for his selflessness and innovative approach to solving social issues. He has a remarkable ability to inspire others with his vision and work ethic.
  • He is deeply involved in grassroots initiatives, from setting up schools to organising health camps, and is always willing to lend a hand.
  • His dedication and the positive impact of his work on local communities make him a very interesting person to me.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why she/he is interesting to you?)


  • Uncle Rajesh’s work in transforming rural communities through education and healthcare is particularly inspiring. His projects have changed many lives for the better.
  • His hands-on approach and the tangible results of his efforts showcase his commitment and effectiveness, making him stand out.
  • His ability to mobilise resources and people for noble causes has greatly influenced my own values and aspirations.




  • Uncle Rajesh’s example has taught me the importance of giving back to society and the power of persistent effort to make a difference.
  • His work and his dedication continue to motivate me to pursue my own goals with a sense of purpose and community responsibility.
  • Overall, Uncle Rajesh’s impact on my life has been profound, and his inspiring journey makes him a remarkable and interesting individual.


Also Read:

Understanding how to craft effective answers for cue card topics can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. It helps you organise your thoughts, ensure you cover all required points, and speak coherently within the allotted time. By practising how to structure your responses, you become more confident and articulate, which can positively impact your fluency and coherence scores.


When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a card with a topic and some points to cover. You will have one minute to prepare and make notes if you wish, and then you’ll need to speak on the topic for one to two minutes. The examiner will listen to your response and may ask follow-up questions afterwards.

The best way to tackle these cue cards is to break your answer down into small, manageable pieces: an introduction, a description of your experience or opinion, key highlights, and a conclusion. This approach ensures you address each aspect of the prompt and provide a well-rounded response.


Introduction (Covers: Who is this interesting person?)


  • Start by briefly introducing the person you are going to talk about.
  • Mention how you know this person and a general statement about their interesting qualities.
  • Provide a context or setting where you interact with this person.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What kind of person she/he is?)


  • Explain what makes this person interesting to you, highlighting their unique traits or achievements.
  • Share personal experiences or stories that illustrate why you find them compelling.
  • Discuss how this person’s qualities have impacted or inspired you.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why she/he is interesting to you?)


  • Outline specific characteristics or actions that make this person stand out.
  • Mention any particular experiences or events that showcase their interesting aspects.
  • Describe how these qualities contribute to their uniqueness.




  • Summarise why this person is significant to you and reiterate what makes them interesting.
  • Reflect on any lasting impressions or lessons you have learned from them.
  • End with a final thought on their impact or importance in your life.


Following this structure, you can deliver a well-organised and engaging response within two minutes.

Follow-Up Questions

In the Part 3 follow-up questions of the IELTS Speaking test, you will engage in a two-way discussion with the examiner based on the topic you spoke about in Part 2. This round allows you to expand on your initial response and share more detailed ideas or opinions. The questions are designed to explore broader themes and test your ability to discuss and reason about various issues.


It’s an opportunity to demonstrate your language proficiency and critical thinking skills, so be prepared to elaborate and provide insightful answers.

Q1. Where and how can we meet new people?

Answer 1: You can meet new people in various settings such as social events, networking functions, or community activities. For example, attending local festivals or joining clubs based on your interests provides opportunities to connect with others who share similar passions. Engaging in such events helps you build new relationships and expand your social circle.


Answer 2: New people can be met in both formal and informal settings. Professional networking events and conferences are great for meeting people in your field, while casual environments like cafes or parks can lead to more relaxed and spontaneous interactions. Joining groups or organisations that align with your hobbies can also be a productive way to meet others.

Q2. How does society influence an individual's personality?

Answer 1: Society plays a significant role in shaping an individual's personality through cultural norms and social expectations. For instance, societal values and beliefs often dictate behaviours and attitudes, influencing how we interact with others and view ourselves. Peer pressure and family upbringing also contribute to the development of one's personality traits.


Answer 2: The influence of society on personality is evident in how social norms and roles shape our behaviour and attitudes. From a young age, individuals learn to adapt to societal expectations, which can mould their values and interests. Media, education, and social interactions all contribute to the formation of personality by reinforcing certain traits and behaviours.

Q3. Can clothing reveal a person's personality?

Answer 1: Yes, clothing can often reflect aspects of a person's personality. For example, someone who dresses in a creative and eclectic style might be perceived as adventurous and open-minded. Conversely, someone who opts for classic and conservative attire might be seen as traditional or professional. Clothing can be a subtle indicator of one's self-expression and personal values.


Answer 2: Clothing can indeed offer insights into a person’s personality. People often use their clothing choices to express their individuality and preferences. For instance, bright and unique clothing might suggest a confident and outgoing personality, while more reserved attire could reflect a person’s preference for simplicity or professionalism.

Q4. Are there any differences in your relationships with your friends and with others?

Answer 1: Yes, there are noticeable differences between relationships with friends and those with acquaintances or colleagues. Friendships often involve deeper emotional connections, trust, and shared experiences, whereas relationships with others may be more formal or limited to specific contexts. Friends typically offer more support and understanding compared to casual acquaintances.


Answer 2: There are distinct differences in how I interact with friends compared to others. Friends usually have a more personal and relaxed dynamic, with mutual support and shared history, whereas interactions with others, such as colleagues or acquaintances, tend to be more professional and situational. The level of intimacy and trust varies significantly between these types of relationships.


Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

Ans. To frame your answer within one minute, start by quickly outlining the key points you want to cover. Begin with a brief introduction, then elaborate on your main ideas or experiences, and conclude with a summary or final thought. Practising this structure will help you stay focused and concise, ensuring you effectively communicate your response within the time limit.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test is marked based on four criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation. Fluency assesses how smoothly and logically you speak. Lexical Resource evaluates your vocabulary and ability to express ideas. Grammatical Range and Accuracy examines your use of grammar. Pronunciation looks at how clearly and accurately you speak. Each criterion contributes equally to your final score.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test lasts approximately 11-14 minutes. It is divided into three parts: an introduction and interview, a long turn where you speak on a given topic, and a two-way discussion based on the topic. This short duration is designed to assess your speaking skills comprehensively while allowing you to showcase your ability to communicate effectively in English.

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