

Describe an Old Friend You Got in Contact With Again: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 13, 2024, 06:37


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe an Old Friend You Got in Contact With Again" invites you to talk about a friend from your past with whom you reconnected, focusing on how you reestablished contact and what the experience was like. When responding to this topic, consider describing who this friend is, how you lost touch, the circumstances of your reunion, and how it felt to reconnect after a long time.

Practising this topic can enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to narrate personal experiences, express emotions, and reflect on the significance of relationships. This exercise helps you improve your ability to describe social interactions and use descriptive language to convey feelings and memories effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe an Old Friend You Got in Contact With Again

You should say

  • Who he or she is?
  • What is he or she like?
  • How did you get in contact?
  • And explain how you felt about it?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • An old friend I recently got in contact with again is Raj, my school friend from 10th grade. We were quite close during our school days but lost touch after graduation.
  • It had been nearly a decade since we last spoke, but thanks to social media, we reconnected and decided to catch up.
  • Our reconnection was both nostalgic and refreshing, bringing back many fond memories from our school years.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is he or she like?)


  • When we first reconnected, we spent hours reminiscing about our school days, talking about our favourite teachers, the mischief we used to get into, and the friends we had lost touch with.
  • It was fascinating to see how much Raj had changed over the years, yet in many ways, he was still the same person I remembered. We quickly fell back into our old rhythm as if no time had passed.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • One of the key highlights of reconnecting with Raj was rediscovering our shared interests. We both still enjoy cricket, and we even made plans to watch a match together, just like old times.
  • Another highlight was the sense of comfort and familiarity that came with our renewed friendship. Despite the years apart, we were able to pick up right where we left off, which was heartwarming.




  • Reconnecting with an old friend like Raj has been a wonderful experience, reminding me of the value of long-lasting friendships. It’s incredible how some bonds remain strong no matter how much time has passed.
  • Our renewed friendship has added a new layer of positivity to my life, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to catch up and create new memories together.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • I recently got back in touch with Arjun, my roommate from my college days in Delhi. We shared a flat during our second year and became very close, but after graduation, life took us in different directions.
  • We hadn’t spoken in several years, but I stumbled upon his profile on LinkedIn and decided to reach out.
  • To my delight, he responded immediately, and we arranged to meet up the next time he was in town.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is he or she like?)


  • Our first conversation after years felt like no time had passed. We talked about our college experiences, the late-night study sessions, and the adventures we had exploring Delhi.
  • It was interesting to hear about Arjun’s career and personal life. He had moved to Mumbai and was doing well professionally, but like me, he missed the simplicity of our college days.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • One key highlight of reconnecting with Arjun was reliving our college memories. We laughed about the challenges of living together, from managing finances to dealing with the quirks of our rented flat.
  • Another highlight was the immediate sense of camaraderie that returned. Despite the years apart, our bond was still intact, and we easily slipped back into our old, easy-going dynamic.
  • Additionally, reconnecting with Arjun has opened up new opportunities for collaboration, both personally and professionally. We’ve even discussed working on a project together, which I’m really excited about.




  • Reconnecting with Arjun has been a rewarding experience, bringing back cherished memories and reigniting a friendship that had faded over time.
  • Our renewed connection has reminded me of the importance of maintaining friendships, even as life moves forward.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who he or she is?)


  • I recently reconnected with an old friend, Neha, my childhood neighbour. We grew up in the same apartment complex and spent most of our free time playing and studying together.
  • After I moved to a different city for higher studies, we gradually lost touch, but I always remembered the fun times we shared as kids.
  • A few months ago, I bumped into her at a mutual friend’s wedding, and it was like stepping back into my childhood.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is he or she like?)


  • Reconnecting with Neha was a joyful experience. We spent hours catching up on everything since we last met, from our careers to our families.
  • We talked about our childhood antics, like the games we used to play in the building’s courtyard and the times we would sneak snacks from each other’s homes. It felt like we were kids again, just for a moment.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did you get in contact? / And explain how you felt about it?)


  • One of the key highlights of reconnecting with Neha was the sense of nostalgia that came flooding back. It was wonderful to relive those innocent, carefree days and share those memories with someone who was there.
  • Another highlight was realising how much we had both grown, yet how easy it was to reconnect. Despite the years apart, our friendship felt just as strong and genuine as it had been in our childhood.




  • Reconnecting with Neha has been an incredibly special experience, reminding me of the bonds that endure over time and distance.
  • Our renewed friendship has brought a new sense of joy and nostalgia into my life, and I’m grateful for the chance to rekindle this old connection.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes.


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction (Covers: Who he or she is?)


  • Introduce your old friend by name and briefly mention how you knew each other in the past. 


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is he or she like?)


  • Share some details about your friend's personality, character, or interests.
  • Reflect on how these traits have remained the same or changed over time.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did you get in contact? / And explain how you felt about it?)


  • Reflect on the negative effects of the activity, such as how it takes away time from more productive tasks. 
  • Mention any specific instances where you realised the activity was consuming too much of your time. 
  • Discuss any standout pieces or exhibits that left a strong impression on you.
  • Reflect on the overall curation, layout, and presentation of the exhibition.




  • Recap why you consider this activity a waste of time and how it impacts you negatively.
  • Mention if you’ve taken any steps to reduce or avoid this activity (e.g., "I’m now trying to limit my social media use by setting time restrictions on my apps").


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 


This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. Why did you lose contact with this friend?

Answer 1: We lost contact after school because we both moved to different cities for further studies. Life got busy with college, new friendships, and career pursuits, so we didn’t stay in touch regularly. Over time, it became harder to reconnect, especially since we didn’t have social media back then. However, I always remembered the good times we shared and wished we had stayed in touch.

Answer 2: We drifted apart due to the pressures of work and family responsibilities. After graduation, we were both focused on building our careers, and the distance between our cities made it challenging to meet up. Although we occasionally thought of reaching out, time passed quickly, and before we knew it, several years had gone by without any contact.

Q2. How did you feel when you reconnected with your old friend?

Answer 1: I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and nostalgia when we reconnected. It was as if no time had passed at all, and we immediately fell back into our old rhythm. Catching up on each other’s lives was heartwarming, and it reminded me of how much I valued our friendship. The reunion brought back many fond memories and made me appreciate the importance of staying connected with old friends.

Answer 2: I was a bit nervous at first, wondering if we would still have the same connection. But as soon as we started talking, I felt a wave of happiness and relief. It was comforting to see that despite the years apart, our bond was still strong. Reconnecting with them was like finding a missing piece of my life, and it felt incredibly fulfilling to catch up and share our experiences.

Q3. Do you think it’s important to stay in touch with old friends? Why or why not?

Answer 1: I believe it’s very important to stay in touch with old friends because they are a link to our past and often understand us in ways new friends might not. Old friends have shared experiences and memories that are irreplaceable. Maintaining these connections helps us stay grounded and reminds us of our journey and growth over the years.

Answer 2: Yes, it’s important to stay in touch with old friends, as they offer a sense of continuity in our lives. They’ve seen us grow and change, and their friendship provides a unique perspective that newer relationships might lack. Even if life gets busy, making an effort to reconnect with old friends can be incredibly rewarding, as these bonds are often the most genuine and lasting.

Q4. How has social media affected your ability to reconnect with old friends?

Answer 1: Social media has made it much easier to reconnect with old friends. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow us to find people we’ve lost touch with and stay updated on their lives. In my case, we reconnected through a social media platform after many years. It’s a convenient way to maintain friendships, especially when we’re living in different cities or countries.

Answer 2: Social media has definitely played a significant role in helping me reconnect with old friends. It’s a great tool for finding people and reaching out to them without much effort. However, I also think that while social media makes it easier to reconnect, it’s important to make an effort to meet in person or have deeper conversations beyond just liking each other’s posts.


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Q. How long should I speak in Part 2?

Ans. You should aim to speak for the full 2 minutes in Part 2. If you finish early, the examiner might ask follow-up questions, but it’s best to keep talking until they stop you. Speaking for full-time allows you to demonstrate your ability to maintain a conversation on a single topic.

Q. Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question?

Ans. Yes, if you don’t understand a question, you can politely ask the examiner to repeat or rephrase it. This won’t affect your score, as the test assesses your ability to respond to questions, not your ability to understand them the first time. It's better to ask than to answer incorrectly.

Q. Can I take notes during Part 2?

Ans. Yes, during the 1-minute preparation time in Part 2, you can take notes on the paper provided. You can use these notes to guide your speech but don't read directly from them. Notes can help you stay organised and ensure you cover all the points on the cue card.

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