

Describe A Long Walk You Ever Had: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 11, 2024, 14:40


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe a Long Walk You Ever Had" requires you to recall a memorable walk, emphasising the distance, location, and your thoughts or experiences during the journey. To answer this effectively, consider discussing where the walk took place, what made it particularly long or challenging, and how you felt throughout the experience.

Practising this topic can enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by helping you narrate personal experiences with detail and clarity. It also encourages the use of descriptive language, allowing you to paint a vivid picture of the walk, which can improve your fluency and ability to structure responses effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Long Walk You Ever Had

You should say

  • When did this happen?
  • Where do you walk?
  • Who were you with?
  • Explain how you felt about this walk.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: When did this happen? /Where do you walk?)


  • One of the most memorable walks I’ve ever had was through the countryside on a cool autumn morning. The air was crisp, and the sky was a clear, brilliant blue.
  • I recall this particular walk vividly because it allowed me to connect with nature in a way I hadn’t experienced before. The serenity of the surroundings was truly refreshing.
  • This walk took place during a weekend getaway to a small village. It was a spontaneous decision, but it turned out to be the highlight of my trip.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who were you with?)


  • As I started my walk, I noticed how quiet everything was. The only sounds I could hear were the rustling of leaves under my feet and the distant chirping of birds.
  • Walking along the narrow paths, I was lost in thought, yet deeply aware of my surroundings. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to truly appreciate the beauty around me.
  • I’ve always enjoyed walking, but this experience was different. It felt more profound as if the walk was not just physical but also a journey of self-reflection.


Key Highlights:


  • One of the most striking moments was when I reached a hilltop with a panoramic view of the countryside. The sight of endless green fields stretching out beneath the blue sky was breathtaking.
  • Along the way, I encountered a small, secluded pond surrounded by willow trees. The tranquillity of the water, with the trees gently swaying in the breeze, was utterly calming.
  • I also stumbled upon an old stone bridge that crossed a bubbling brook. The bridge, covered in moss and ivy, seemed like something out of a fairy tale, adding a magical touch to the walk.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you felt about this walk.)


  • By the end of the walk, I felt incredibly rejuvenated. The fresh air, beautiful scenery, and quiet reflection made me feel more relaxed and at peace.
  • This walk reminded me of the simple joys in life, like the pleasure of being outdoors and the beauty of nature. It was a much-needed break from my usual routine.
  • I’ve since made it a point to take long walks whenever I need to clear my mind. It’s become my go-to method for relaxation and self-care.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: When did this happen? /Where do you walk?)


  • One of my most memorable walks was during my visit to Golconda Fort in Hyderabad. The fort’s rich history and impressive architecture drew me in when I arrived.
  • I remember this walk clearly because it was not just about the physical journey but also about exploring a significant part of India’s heritage. The fort's ancient walls seemed to whisper stories of the past.
  • This walk took place on a winter morning, which made the experience even more pleasant. The cool breeze and clear sky added to the charm of the place.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who were you with?)


  • As I began my walk, I was immediately struck by the fort’s massive stone walls and the intricate carvings on the gates. Each step felt like I was travelling back in time.
  • Walking through the narrow passageways and climbing the steep steps was both thrilling and enlightening. I could imagine the soldiers and royals who once walked the same paths.
  • History has always fascinated me, so this walk was particularly special for me. It was a chance to connect with the past and learn more about India’s rich cultural heritage.


Key Highlights:


  • One of the most memorable moments was reaching the top of the fort, where I was greeted with a panoramic view of Hyderabad city. The contrast between the ancient structure and the modern city was striking.
  • I also spent some time at the fort’s sound and light show, which brought the fort’s history to life. The stories of the kings and battles made the walk even more meaningful.
  • Another highlight was the walk through the majestic halls of the fort, where the acoustics were so precise that a clap at the entrance could be heard clearly at the highest point of the fort.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you felt about this walk.)


  • By the end of the walk, I felt a deep sense of connection to the history of the place. It was more than just a walk; it was an educational and enriching experience.
  • This walk reminded me of the importance of preserving our historical sites and the stories they hold. It was a humbling experience to walk in the footsteps of history.
  • I’ve since become more interested in exploring historical sites across India. Each walk through such places offers a unique insight into our rich cultural heritage.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: When did this happen? /Where do you walk?)


  • One of my most interesting walks was through the Chandni Chowk market in Old Delhi. The market is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with a mix of shops, street vendors, and historic landmarks.
  • I remember this walk distinctly because it was an explosion of colours, sounds, and smells. It was unlike any other walk I’ve ever experienced, with something new to discover at every turn.
  • This walk took place during Diwali, which made the market even more lively. The streets were filled with people shopping for the festival, and the decorations added to the festive spirit.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who were you with?)


  • As I started my walk, I was immediately captivated by the market's energy. The hustle and bustle, the chatter of vendors, and the aroma of street food made the experience truly immersive.
  • Walking through the market, I could see a variety of shops selling everything from traditional clothing to jewellery and spices. Seeing such a wide array of goods in one place was fascinating.
  • I’ve always enjoyed exploring local markets because they give you a real sense of a place’s culture and lifestyle. This walk through Chandni Chowk was a perfect example of that.


Key Highlights:


  • One of the most memorable moments was stumbling upon the Paranthe Wali Gali, a famous lane known for its delicious stuffed parathas. I couldn’t resist stopping for a taste; it was worth it.
  • I also visited the Jama Masjid, which is located near the market. The contrast between the peaceful mosque and the bustling market outside was striking and added a spiritual element to my walk.
  • Another highlight was walking through the spice market. The rich aroma of various spices filled the air, and the sight of sacks filled with vibrant powders and seeds was truly a feast for the eyes.


Conclusion (Covers- Explain how you felt about this walk.)


  • By the end of the walk, I felt like I had experienced the essence of Old Delhi. The market’s vibrant energy and rich cultural heritage left a lasting impression on me.
  • This walk reminded me of the beauty of exploring local markets, where every corner holds a new surprise. It was an enriching experience that engaged all my senses.
  • I’ve since made it a point to visit local markets whenever I travel. They offer a unique insight into the local culture and are a great way to connect with the people and traditions of a place.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes. 


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction: (Covers: When did this happen? /Where do you walk?)


  • Mention when the walk took place.
  • Describe the location of the walk.
  • Briefly introduce who accompanied you on the walk, if applicable.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: Who were you with?)


  • Describe the scenery, weather, and any notable sights or sounds.
  • Explain why you chose to take this walk
  • Share your personal experience and what stood out during the walk.


Key Highlights:


  • Highlight any significant events or encounters during the walk (e.g., seeing wildlife, a beautiful sunset).
  • Discuss the physical or emotional challenges of the walk, if any.
  • Mention any moments of reflection or particular thoughts you had during the walk.


Conclusion: (Covers- Explain how you felt about this walk.)


  • Summarise the main points you’ve discussed, including the impact the walk had on you.
  • Mention if you would do it again or if it has inspired you to take more walks.
  • Finish with a final thought or reflection on the experience, such as how it left you feeling more relaxed or connected to nature.


Following this structure will ensure you cover all the essential points while providing a clear and engaging response to the cue card topic.


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 

This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. Why do you think walking is important?

Answer 1: I believe walking is essential for both physical and mental well-being. When I take long walks, like the one I mentioned earlier, it helps me clear my mind and stay fit. Walking is a simple way to keep active without needing any special equipment. It also offers a chance to connect with nature, which I find very calming.

Answer 2: Walking plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It's a low-impact exercise that suits people of all ages. The long walk I talked about made me realise how refreshing it is to just be outdoors. It also provides an opportunity to reflect on life, especially when walking alone, which can be quite therapeutic.

Q2. Do you think people walk less nowadays compared to the past?

Answer 1: Yes, I do think people walk less today than they did in the past. With the convenience of cars and public transport, walking has become less common. I remember how much I enjoyed the long walk I described, but I rarely see people taking such walks now. The modern lifestyle often prioritises speed and convenience over physical activity like walking.

Answer 2: I agree that people walk less nowadays. In the past, walking was a primary mode of transport, but now, with the rise of technology and urbanisation, it's easier to rely on vehicles. The long walk I experienced reminded me of how walking can be a rewarding activity, but it seems to be overlooked in our fast-paced lives.

Q3. How can we encourage people to walk more?

Answer 1: Cities should develop more pedestrian-friendly spaces to encourage more walking. During my long walk, I noticed how enjoyable it was to have wide, tree-lined paths. Governments could also promote walking by organising community events, like walking clubs or charity walks, motivating people to walk more regularly and making it a social activity.

Answer 2: providing more green spaces and safe walking paths is key to encouraging walking. On my long walk, the pleasant environment made a significant difference. Employers could also encourage walking by offering incentives, like rewards for walking to work. Raising awareness about the health benefits of walking might also inspire more people to incorporate it into their daily routines.

Q4. What are the benefits of taking long walks regularly?

Answer 1: Taking long walks regularly has numerous benefits. From my experience, it improves physical health, like boosting cardiovascular fitness. It also enhances mental clarity, as walking gives you time to think. After the long walk I described, I felt much more relaxed and focused. Regular walking can also help maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress.

Answer 2: Long walks offer both physical and mental health benefits. I've found that they help me stay active without feeling exhausted. The long walk I took was good exercise and gave me time to unwind and think things through. Over time, walking can improve mood, increase energy levels, and even enhance creativity by providing a change of scenery.


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Q. What is IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. IELTS Speaking Part 2 is the cue card section where test takers are given a specific topic to speak about for up to two minutes. It assesses the ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic.

Q. How long do I have to prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking?

Ans. For IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will be given 1 minute to prepare before you have to speak about the given topic for up to two minutes. This preparation time allows you to gather your thoughts and structure your response.

Q. What type of topics can I expect in IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you can expect to receive a cue card with a specific topic or task to speak about. These topics can range from personal experiences to abstract ideas, allowing you to demonstrate your speaking skills effectively.

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