

Describe A Risk You Took That You Thought Would Lead To A Terrible Result But Ended Up With A Positive Result: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:03


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given during the speaking module of the IELTS exam. Here, the examiner will analyse your speaking ability and allow you to showcase your fluency, coherence, and vocabulary under timed conditions.


This topic, ‘Describe a risk you took that you thought would lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result,’ revolves around describing a risk you took that you initially believed would result in a negative outcome but ultimately turned out positively. Taking risks is often perceived as daunting, but it can lead to unexpected rewards and personal growth.


Throughout this page, we'll go into sample answers for this topic, providing insights and examples to help you understand how to approach and effectively respond to it during your IELTS speaking test.

Sample Answer 1



  • Well, one risk I took that initially seemed like a recipe for disaster was when I decided to pursue a career change against all odds. 
  • It was a daunting leap into the unknown, and I was apprehensive about the potential consequences.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • At the time, I was working in a stable job, but deep down, I felt unfulfilled and stuck in a rut. 
  • Despite knowing that switching careers could impact my financial stability and disrupt my life, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I needed to take the plunge.


Key Highlights:


  • The journey was fraught with challenges and uncertainties. I had to undergo extensive retraining, face rejection from job applications, and navigate through periods of doubt and anxiety. 
  • However, amidst the struggles, there were glimmers of hope and small victories that kept me going.




  • In the end, taking that risk turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. It opened up doors to opportunities I never imagined possible and led me to a career path that aligns with my passions and values. 
  • It taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes, the greatest rewards lie on the other side of fear.
Sample Answer 2



  • Let me share a story about a time when I decided to take a big risk. I was filled with a sense of trepidation because I was about to step into the unknown. 
  • It was a moment of uncertainty, where I feared that my decision might lead to disastrous consequences.
  • The prospect of failure loomed large, casting a shadow over my thoughts.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • This risk was significant for me because it meant departing from the familiar path I had been on for years. 
  • It was a leap into uncertainty, a departure from my comfort zone. 
  • Despite the doubts swirling in my mind, there was a persistent inner voice urging me to seize the opportunity and embrace the unknown.


Key Highlights:


  • The journey was fraught with challenges, each presenting its own set of obstacles to overcome. 
  • From the logistical hurdles of finding accommodation in a new city to the emotional turmoil of being separated from loved ones, every step forward felt like a battle. 
  • Loneliness became a constant companion, and doubts crept in during moments of vulnerability. However, amidst the struggles, there were glimpses of hope and resilience that kept me going.




  • Reflecting on this experience, I realize that taking that risk was a defining moment in my life. It pushed me beyond my limits and forced me to confront my fears head-on. 
  • What initially seemed like a recipe for disaster turned out to be a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. 
  • It taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes, the greatest rewards lie on the other side of fear.
Sample Answer 3



  • I have a story to share about a moment in my life when I took a big risk. It was a time filled with fear because I thought everything was going to fall apart. 
  • I made a decision to try something completely new, something that had the potential to mess up everything I had built so far.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • This risk was huge for me because it meant leaving behind the safety of what I knew. I wasn't sure if I was capable enough or if it was the right choice to make. 
  • But deep inside, I felt this strong urge to take the leap and see what would happen.


Key Highlights:


  • The journey was far from easy. I faced numerous challenges, from finding a place to live in a new city to feeling incredibly lonely without my usual support system. 
  • Every day felt like a struggle as I tried to adapt to a completely different environment. Despite the hardships, I kept pushing forward.




  • Looking back now, I realise that taking that risk was a pivotal moment in my life. It forced me to step out of my comfort zone and grow in ways I never thought possible. 
  • What initially seemed like a disaster waiting to happen turned out to be a blessing in disguise. 
  • It taught me that sometimes, taking a chance can lead to unexpected and wonderful outcomes.

In responding to the cue card topic ‘describe a risk you took that you thought would lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result,’ it's essential to structure your answer effectively to convey your experience within the allocated two-minute timeframe. 


In this section, you will go through the key components of the response, from introducing the risk taken to reflecting on its positive outcome. 

Following this structured approach, you can articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely, ensuring a coherent and engaging response to the prompt.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Risk You Took That You Thought Would Lead To A Terrible Result But Ended Up With A Positive Result
You should say
  • What was it?
  • Why did you take it?
  • What was the result?
  • How did you feel about it?



Now that we are aware of the prompt card, let us now see how to answer each of the given part. 




  • Clearly state the topic you will be discussing.
  • Provide a brief overview of the risk you took.
  • Engage the listener with an intriguing opening statement.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Share details about the risk you took and why you thought it would lead to a negative outcome.
  • Express your emotions or thoughts at the time of taking the risk.
  • Explain what motivated you to take the risk despite expecting a negative result.


Key highlights:


  • Describe the series of events or actions that unfolded after taking the risk.
  • Highlight any unexpected positive outcomes that occurred.
  • Provide specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate the positive result of the risk.




  • Summarise the story of the risk you took and its eventual positive outcome.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned from the experience.
  • End with a concluding remark that leaves a lasting impression on the listener.


Also Read: IELTS Speaking Practice Test With Sample Answers

Describe A Risk You Took That You Thought Would Lead To A Terrible Result But Ended Up With A Positive Result: Follow-up Questions

The follow-up questions are a chance for the examiner to explore your thoughts and feelings surrounding risk-taking in a broader sense. They won't necessarily be directly related to your specific experience, so be prepared to think on your feet and connect the dots.


Now, let's look at some potential follow-up questions related to taking risks:


Follow-up Question 1

Q1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?


Answer 1: I think some people are drawn to extreme sports because they crave the thrill and adrenaline rush. It pushes their limits and makes them feel alive. Additionally, extreme sports can provide a sense of accomplishment and mastery. Overcoming a difficult challenge can be incredibly rewarding.


Answer 2: Maybe some people enjoy extreme sports because they offer a way to escape the routine and test their courage. It allows them to face their fears head-on and build confidence. Extreme sports could also foster a strong sense of community among people who share a passion for pushing boundaries.

Follow-up Question 2

Q2. Are action films popular in your country?


Answer 1: Absolutely! Action movies are hugely popular in my country. People enjoy the excitement, fast-paced action sequences, and seeing the hero overcome challenges. They can be a fun escape from reality and offer a thrilling viewing experience.


Answer 2: Action films are definitely popular, but there's also a strong interest in films with deeper storylines and character development. While action provides a fun escape, some viewers might prefer a more engaging narrative alongside the thrills.

Follow-up Question 3

Q3. Do you think it's a good thing if a leader likes to take risks?


Answer 1: It can be! A leader who's willing to take calculated risks can be innovative and drive progress. They might explore new ideas or take advantage of emerging opportunities. However, leaders also need to be responsible and weigh the potential consequences of their actions.


Answer 2: It depends on the situation. Sometimes, taking risks can lead to breakthroughs and positive change. On the other hand, reckless risks can have disastrous consequences. A good leader should be able to assess situations carefully and make responsible choices.

Follow-up Question 4

Q4. Do you think men and women make different choices when it comes to risk-taking?


Answer 1: It's hard to say definitively. Plenty of men and women are both risk-averse and risk-takers. Individual personalities likely play a bigger role than gender. However, societal expectations might influence some people's choices.


Answer 2: Maybe. Some stereotypes portray men as being more adventurous and risk-taking, while women are seen as more cautious. But these are just stereotypes, and plenty of examples challenge them. Ultimately, risk-taking behaviour comes down to the individual.


Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

A. Remember to use varied vocabulary to express yourself effectively when tackling the cue card section. Employing descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and figurative language can enrich your response. Additionally, maintain coherence by using transitional phrases to connect ideas logically. Lastly, ensure correct grammar and pronunciation to convey your message clearly and confidently within the allotted time.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

A. If you encounter difficulty understanding the cue card topic, don't panic. Take a moment to read the prompt carefully and identify keywords or phrases. Try to relate it to personal experiences or general knowledge. If still unsure, ask the examiner for clarification or politely request to choose another topic. Remember, staying calm and composed is crucial for delivering a coherent response.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

A. While it's important to maintain a semi-formal tone during the cue card task, using overly informal language may detract from your overall performance. Aim for a balance between formality and naturalness in your speech. Avoid slang, colloquial expressions, or casual language inappropriate for an academic setting. Instead, opt for clear, concise language suitable for the IELTS speaking test environment.

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