

Describe An Occasion When You Heard Someone Complaining About Something In A Restaurant: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:04


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to test-takers during the Speaking test, requiring them to speak on a specific topic for a set amount of time. In this context, "Describe An Occasion When You Heard Someone Complaining About Something In A Restaurant" prompts reflection on an incident involving customer dissatisfaction in a dining establishment. 

Such occurrences shed light on service quality and customer experience, impacting perceptions of hospitality and business professionalism. Throughout this content piece, we'll delve into sample answers for this topic to aid in your IELTS Speaking test preparation.

Sample Answer 1


  • Well, one memorable instance springs to mind when I was dining out with friends at a quaint little bistro in the heart of the city. 
  • As we were enjoying our meal and engaging in lively conversation, we couldn't help but notice a rather heated exchange at the table nearby. 
  • It piqued our curiosity, and we soon realised that a diner was voicing their dissatisfaction about the quality of their dish. 
  • This incident left quite an impression on me, highlighting the importance of effective complaint handling in the hospitality industry.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • The atmosphere in the restaurant shifted noticeably when the complaint arose. The disgruntled customer appeared visibly frustrated, expressing their concerns about the undercooked steak they had received. 
  • Their dissatisfaction was palpable, and it seemed to ripple through the surrounding tables. 
  • As someone who appreciates good service and a pleasant dining experience, I couldn't help but empathize with both the customer's frustration and the staff's dilemma in managing the situation.

Key highlights:

  • What struck me most was the response of the restaurant staff to the complaint. Despite the challenging circumstances, they remained calm and professional, promptly addressing the issue and offering a sincere apology. 
  • I was impressed by their willingness to rectify the mistake, as they swiftly replaced the dish with a properly cooked one and even extended a complimentary dessert as a gesture of goodwill. 
  • This proactive approach not only resolved the immediate issue but also showcased the restaurant's commitment to customer satisfaction.


  • In hindsight, this experience reinforced my belief in the importance of effective complaint management in the restaurant industry. 
  • It highlighted the need for attentive staff who can handle grievances tactfully and promptly, ensuring that customers feel valued and heard. 
  • Ultimately, how a restaurant responds to complaints can significantly impact its reputation and customer loyalty. 
  • This encounter served as a valuable reminder of the crucial role that excellent customer service plays in creating memorable dining experiences.
Sample Answer 2



  • So, there was this one time, I remember being at "Rajdhani Dhaba" with some friends, nestled in the bustling lanes of Delhi. 
  • Amidst our chatter and the aroma of delicious food, a commotion caught our attention. 
  • It turned out a diner, let's call him Amit, was expressing his discontent about the paneer curry he had ordered. 
  • This incident really made me think about how crucial it is to handle complaints effectively in the Indian dining scene.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • Amit seemed quite agitated, waving his hands in frustration as he explained to the waiter that the paneer was too rubbery and lacked flavour. 
  • It was clear that he was expecting an authentic, flavoursome dish, given the reputation of the dhaba. 
  • As someone who loves exploring different cuisines and values good food, I couldn't help but empathise with Amit's disappointment and the challenge the staff faced in resolving the issue.

Key highlights:


  • What stood out to me was how the staff at Rajdhani Dhaba responded to Amit's complaint. 
  • Despite the busy evening rush, they remained composed and attentive, listening to Amit's concerns with genuine interest. 
  • They promptly replaced his dish with a freshly prepared one, apologizing for the inconvenience caused. 
  • To our surprise, they even offered a complimentary dessert and assured us that they would address the issue with the kitchen staff to prevent it from happening again.
  • Their proactive approach not only salvaged the dining experience for Amit but also left a positive impression on us.


  • Reflecting on this experience, it became evident to me how vital effective complaint management is in the Indian restaurant industry. 
  • It's not just about serving delicious food but also about ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Rajdhani Dhaba's prompt and considerate response to Amit's complaint reaffirmed my belief in the power of good customer service. 
  • In a country where food holds such cultural significance, how restaurants handle complaints can truly make or break their reputation.
Sample Answer 3



  • Once, I had an interesting experience at "Swaad Restaurant" in Mumbai, where I often go with my family. 
  • We were there for dinner, enjoying the vibrant ambiance and the diverse menu.
  • However, our attention was drawn to a nearby table where a lady, Mrs. Sharma, was expressing her dissatisfaction with her meal. 
  • This situation highlighted the importance of effective complaint handling in restaurants.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Mrs. Sharma seemed quite displeased as she spoke to the waiter, pointing out that her biryani was overly spicy and the rice was undercooked. 
  • Her tone was polite but firm, clearly indicating her expectations for a better dining experience. 
  • As a food enthusiast who often dines out, I could relate to her frustration and was curious to see how the staff would address her complaint.

Key highlights:


  • The response from the staff at Swaad Restaurant was noteworthy. 
  • The manager promptly approached Mrs. Sharma’s table, listened attentively to her concerns, and apologised for the inconvenience. 
  • They immediately offered to replace the dish with a milder, perfectly cooked version.
  • Additionally, they provided a complimentary lassi to soothe her palate and offered a discount on her bill. 
  • This thoughtful and swift resolution not only pacified Mrs. Sharma but also impressed other diners, including myself, with their dedication to customer satisfaction.



  • This experience reinforced my belief in the significance of handling customer complaints effectively, especially in the Indian restaurant industry. 
  • It’s crucial for restaurants to listen to their patrons and address issues promptly to maintain their reputation and ensure repeat business. 
  • Swaad Restaurant’s professional handling of Mrs. Sharma’s complaint left a lasting positive impression on me. 
  • It demonstrated that excellent customer service, combined with a proactive approach to problem-solving, can greatly enhance the dining experience.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic printed on it. They will then instruct you to speak on the given topic for 2 minutes.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe An Occasion When You Heard Someone Complaining About Something In A Restaurant You should say
  • When and where it happened?
  • What did he/she complain about?
  • What was the result?
  • How did you feel about the experience?



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The best way to answer these cue cards is to break down your response into smaller, manageable parts. Start with a brief introduction, then describe your experience or opinion related to the topic, highlight key points or incidents, and finally, conclude your response summarising your thoughts.




  • Briefly introduce the topic by stating that you will describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant.
  • Mention that you believe handling complaints is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry.
  • State that you will share a personal experience or observation regarding this matter.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • Describe the setting where you encountered the complaint, such as the name and type of restaurant, the occasion (e.g., lunch with friends, family dinner), and your role (e.g., customer, observer).
  • Explain the nature of the complaint, including what the person was unhappy about and how they expressed their dissatisfaction.
  • Share your thoughts on how the complaint was handled by the restaurant staff, whether it was resolved satisfactorily or not, and your overall impression of the situation.

Key highlights:


  • Highlight any significant details or actions that stood out during the complaint process, such as how the staff responded, any attempts to rectify the issue, or the impact of the complaint on the dining experience.
  • Discuss the potential reasons behind the complaint, such as poor service, food quality issues, or other factors affecting customer satisfaction.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned from the experience, such as the importance of effective communication, problem-solving skills, and the impact of customer feedback on business reputation.


  • Summarise your main points by reiterating the importance of addressing customer complaints in restaurants.
  • Emphasize the role of effective complaint management in enhancing customer experience and loyalty.
  • Conclude with a brief statement expressing your overall perspective on the significance of this topic in the restaurant industry.


By following this structure, you can effectively address the cue card topic within the allotted 2-minute time limit.

Describe An Occasion When You Heard Someone Complaining About Something In A Restaurant: Follow-Up Questions

After you finish speaking about your cue card topic, the examiner will ask you some follow-up questions. This part of the test aims to evaluate your ability to discuss the topic in more depth, express your opinions, and demonstrate your language skills in a more extended conversation. Expect questions that encourage you to elaborate on your initial response, share your views, and discuss broader issues related to the topic.

Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Why do you think people complain in restaurants?

Ans 1: I think people complain in restaurants because they have certain expectations regarding the quality of food and service. When these expectations are not met, they feel disappointed and express their dissatisfaction. Complaints can be about various aspects, such as the taste of the food, the temperature at which it is served, or even the behaviour of the staff.

Ans 2: People often complain in restaurants because they are paying for a service and expect value for their money. If the food or service does not meet their standards, they feel justified in voicing their concerns. Complaints can help restaurants improve their offerings, as feedback is crucial for maintaining high standards and customer satisfaction.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. How should restaurant staff handle customer complaints?

Ans 1: Restaurant staff should handle customer complaints with empathy and professionalism. They should listen attentively to the customer's concerns, apologise sincerely, and take immediate steps to rectify the issue. Offering a replacement dish or a complimentary item can also help in soothing the customer's dissatisfaction and showing that the restaurant values their patrons.

Ans 2: It's important for restaurant staff to remain calm and polite when handling complaints. They should acknowledge the problem and assure the customer that it will be resolved promptly. Effective communication and a positive attitude can turn a negative experience into a positive one, ensuring the customer feels heard and respected.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. Do you think complaining in restaurants is effective? Why or why not?

Ans 1: Complaining in restaurants can be effective if done constructively. It provides the management with valuable feedback, allowing them to address issues and improve their service. However, the effectiveness depends on how the complaint is communicated and how the restaurant responds. Polite and specific complaints are more likely to lead to positive outcomes.

Ans 2: Complaining in restaurants can be effective, as it highlights problems that management might not be aware of. When customers voice their concerns, it gives the restaurant a chance to correct mistakes and enhance their overall service. However, the effectiveness largely depends on the willingness of the restaurant to take the feedback seriously and make necessary changes.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. What can restaurants do to reduce the number of complaints?

Ans 1: Restaurants can reduce the number of complaints by maintaining high standards of quality and service. Regular staff training, maintaining cleanliness, and ensuring consistent food quality are essential. Additionally, actively seeking feedback from customers and addressing their concerns promptly can help in preventing complaints.

Ans 2: To reduce complaints, restaurants should focus on improving their overall customer experience. This includes attentive service, accurately taking orders, and ensuring that the food meets the expected standards. Implementing a feedback system where customers can share their experiences anonymously can also help in identifying areas that need improvement


Q. Can I make up information if I don't know the answer?

Ans. Yes, you can invent details as long as your response is relevant and coherent. The examiner is assessing your language skills, not the factual accuracy of your content.

Q. How should I handle mistakes during the test?

Ans. If you make a mistake, correct yourself and continue speaking. Don't worry too much about minor errors; focus on maintaining fluency and coherence.

Q. What is the best way to practice for the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. Practice speaking English as much as possible, participate in language exchange groups, record yourself, and get feedback from teachers or fluent speakers. Simulate test conditions to build confidence.

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