

Describe Someone You Know Who Has Recently Moved To A New Place: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:06


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt used in the Speaking test, where you are asked to speak about a specific topic for 1-2 minutes. These cue cards are essential to the test, designed to assess your ability to speak fluently and coherently in English.


For this topic, ‘Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place,’ you will describe a person you know who has relocated, including details about their reasons for moving, their new environment, and how they are adjusting.


On this page, we will explore sample answers for this topic, providing you with ideas and strategies for responding effectively to the cue card prompt.

Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • I want to talk about my friend, Ravi, who recently moved to a new city for his job. 
  • Ravi and I have been close friends since university, and his move has been a significant change for both of us. 
  • He relocated from our hometown to Bangalore, which was a major shift from the quiet life we were used to.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is the new place like?)


  • Ravi is a software engineer and got an amazing opportunity to work with a top tech company in Bangalore. 
  • The new place he moved to is a modern flat in the heart of the city, surrounded by vibrant streets and numerous amenities. 
  • The main reason for his move was to advance his career and take advantage of the professional growth opportunities in Bangalore.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why did he/she move to a new place?)


  • Since moving, Ravi has experienced many changes. He faced the initial challenge of adjusting to the fast-paced city life, which was quite different from our laid-back hometown. 
  • However, he quickly adapted and now enjoys the diverse culture and the endless activities available in Bangalore. 
  • One significant positive outcome is that he feels more independent and confident, having managed to settle in a completely new environment on his own.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain whether his/her move had a positive impact on you)


  • Ravi's move has had a positive impact on me as well. It encouraged me to consider new opportunities and not be afraid of change. 
  • Our friendship remains strong despite the distance, and we frequently catch up via video calls. 
  • Overall, his move has been a successful and enriching experience for both of us.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • I want to talk about my cousin, Priya, who recently moved to a new city to pursue higher studies.
  •  Priya and I have grown up together, and her move has significantly changed our family. 
  • She relocated from our hometown in Kerala to Delhi, which is quite a drastic change from the serene backwaters we were used to.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is the new place like?)


  • Priya is pursuing a master's degree in Economics and has been accepted into a prestigious university in Delhi. 
  • The new place she moved to is a shared apartment near her university, surrounded by bustling markets and cultural landmarks. 
  • The main reason for her move was to access better educational opportunities and to immerse herself in a more dynamic academic environment.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why did he/she move to a new place?)


  • Since moving, Priya has experienced many changes. She initially struggled with the fast-paced life and the colder climate, which was a stark contrast to our peaceful and warm hometown. 
  • However, she soon adapted and now appreciates the vibrant student life and the numerous events around her. 
  • One significant positive outcome is that she has become more self-reliant and resourceful, managing her studies and living independently.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain whether his/her move had a positive impact on you).


  • Priya's move has had a positive impact on me as well. It inspired me to explore possibilities outside my comfort zone and to be open to new experiences. 
  • Despite the distance, we remain close and often discuss her new life and the exciting things she is learning. 
  • Overall, her move has been a transformative experience for both of us.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • Let me tell you about my colleague Rajesh, who recently moved to a different city for a job opportunity. 
  • Rajesh and I have been working together for several years, and his relocation has significantly changed our workplace dynamics. 
  • He shifted from our office in Mumbai to Pune, which marked a considerable shift from bustling city life to a more laid-back environment.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is the new place like?)


  • Rajesh is a talented graphic designer who has secured a promising position at a design agency in Pune. 
  • The new place he moved to is a rented apartment in a serene neighbourhood surrounded by greenery and peaceful streets. 
  • His move was primarily driven by career advancement prospects and a desire for a better work-life balance.


Key Highlights  (Covers: Why did he/she move to a new place?)


  • Since his relocation, Rajesh has experienced various adjustments. Initially, he found it challenging to adapt to the slower pace of life and the different cultural nuances of Pune. 
  • However, he gradually settled in and now enjoys the relaxed atmosphere and the opportunities for outdoor activities. 
  • One notable positive outcome is that he feels more creatively inspired and motivated in his new environment.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain whether his/her move had a positive impact on you).


  • Rajesh's move has also impacted me positively. It encouraged me to consider career opportunities beyond our current workplace and to embrace change more confidently. 
  • Despite the physical distance, our professional collaboration remains strong, and we often exchange ideas remotely. 
  • Overall, his move has been a rewarding journey of growth and exploration for both of us.


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Knowing how to answer IELTS Speaking cue cards will significantly improve your performance on the test. By structuring your response effectively, you can present your ideas clearly and confidently, demonstrating your language skills to the examiner.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a card with a topic and a minute to prepare. You should use this time to jot down key points. After the preparation, you will speak about the topic for up to two minutes.


The best way to answer these cue cards is to break your response into small, manageable pieces: an introduction describing your experience/opinion/interest, key highlights, and a conclusion.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Someone You Know Who Has Recently Moved To A New Place You should say
  • Who is he/she?
  • What is the new place like?
  • Why did he/she move to a new place?
  • Explain whether his/her move had a positive impact on you.



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Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • Briefly introduce the person you are talking about.
  • Mention your relationship with them.
  • State that they have recently moved to a new place.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What is the new place like?)


  • Explain who this person is.
  • Describe what their new place is like.
  • Discuss why they moved to this new place.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why did he/she move to a new place?)


  • Talk about significant changes they experienced after the move.
  • Highlight any challenges they faced in their new environment.
  • Mention any positive outcomes or improvements in their life due to the move.


Conclusion ( Covers: Explain whether his/her move had a positive impact on you.)


  • Summarise whether their move had a positive impact on you.
  • Reflect on how their move has influenced your relationship with them.
  • End with a personal comment or opinion about their new situation.


By following this structure and focusing on conveying your ideas clearly and confidently, you'll be able to effectively answer the cue card topic within the two-minute time limit.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe Someone You Know Who Has Recently Moved To A New Place: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round, you can expect follow-up questions from the examiner. These questions delve deeper into the topic you just discussed, allowing you to express your thoughts and opinions more extensively. 


Be prepared to elaborate on your responses and provide examples to support your answers.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Why do some young people keep moving?


Answer 1: Some young people move frequently to explore new opportunities and experiences. For instance, they may relocate for better job prospects or to pursue higher education in different cities. Moving also allows them to broaden their horizons and gain independence.


Answer 2: Young people may keep moving to escape from routine or to seek excitement and adventure. They might find satisfaction in exploring diverse cultures and lifestyles, which contributes to personal growth and development.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. What problems do people face after moving to a new place?


Answer 1: People often face challenges such as adapting to a new environment, making new friends, and adjusting to different cultural norms. Additionally, they may experience homesickness and loneliness, especially if they are far away from family and familiar surroundings.


Answer 2: After moving to a new place, individuals might encounter difficulties in finding suitable accommodation, navigating transportation systems, and understanding local customs. Language barriers and unfamiliarity with local amenities can also pose obstacles.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the same place?


Answer 1: Living in the same place offers stability and a sense of belonging. It allows individuals to establish strong social connections and become part of a community. However, it may lead to monotony and limited exposure to new experiences.


Answer 2: The advantage of living in the same place is the familiarity with the surroundings and the convenience it brings. However, it can also result in complacency and missed opportunities for personal growth and exploration.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?


Answer 1: Moving to a new place frequently can be beneficial as it exposes individuals to diverse cultures, perspectives, and opportunities. It fosters adaptability and resilience, helping them develop valuable life skills and broaden their horizons.


Answer 2: While frequent moves can be exciting and enriching, they may also disrupt stability and hinder long-term relationships. It's essential to weigh the benefits of exploration against the challenges of uprooting oneself repeatedly.


Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

Ans. To effectively answer in one minute, start by outlining the response in your mind. Begin with a brief introduction stating the importance of time management in the speaking test. Then, address each part of the question concisely, focusing on key points. Practice delivering your answer within the time limit to ensure you cover all aspects effectively.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test is marked based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource (vocabulary), grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Each criterion is scored on a scale of 0-9, and the final score is an average of these four scores. Examiners assess your ability to communicate effectively in English, considering clarity, coherence, and language proficiency factors.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test typically lasts for around 11-14 minutes. It consists of three parts: Part 1, where you answer questions about familiar topics; Part 2, where you speak on a given topic for 1-2 minutes; and Part 3, where you discuss with the examiner more abstract topics related to Part 2. Plan your responses carefully to ensure you make the most of the allocated time for each part.


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