

Describe an Intelligent Person You Know: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 10:05


In the IELTS Speaking test, you'll get a cue card with a topic you need to talk about for 1-2 minutes. It’s a chance to show how well you can organise your thoughts and speak naturally. One interesting topic you might come across is "Describe An Intelligent Person You Know," where you’ll get to share about someone whose intelligence really stands out to you.

In this guide, we'll walk you through some sample answers to help you nail this topic. By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of how to talk about the person’s intelligence in a way that’s engaging and well-structured.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe an Intelligent Person You Know

You should say

  • Who is he/she?
  • Why do you call him/her intelligent?
  • How do you know him/her?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • The intelligent person I’d like to describe is my cousin, Rahul. We’ve grown up together, and I’ve always admired his sharp intellect.
  • Rahul is an engineer with a strong ability to think critically and solve complex problems.
  • I’ve seen him handle difficult situations with ease, often coming up with innovative solutions that others might not consider.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion (Covers: Why do you call him/her intelligent?)


  • I call Rahul intelligent because he has an exceptional ability to learn new things quickly, whether related to his work or personal interests.
  • He approaches challenges methodically, breaking them down into smaller parts and addressing each with precision.
  • His intelligence extends beyond academics; he’s also very perceptive and emotionally intelligent, offering wise advice and understanding others’ feelings.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you know him/her?)


  • I’ve known Rahul since childhood, and he has always stood out for his quick thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Over the years, I’ve worked with him on various projects, and I’ve been consistently impressed by his ability to find practical and effective solutions.
  • Rahul is an avid reader, which has greatly broadened his knowledge on a wide range of topics, making him even more insightful.




  • One lasting lesson I’ve learned from Rahul is the importance of curiosity and the desire to keep learning.
  • He’s shown me that intelligence is not just about knowing things but also about being willing to learn more.
  • I’m inspired by his ability to stay composed under pressure and think logically, qualities that I strive to apply in my own life.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • The intelligent person I’d like to describe is my friend, Priya, who has always been a source of inspiration for me.
  • Priya works as a software developer, and her ability to grasp complex concepts quickly has always impressed me.
  • I’ve seen her tackle challenging tasks at work with ease, often finding creative solutions that others might overlook.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion (Covers: Why do you call him/her intelligent?)


  • I call Priya intelligent because she excels at understanding and applying new technologies, often learning on her own without formal training.
  • She approaches problems analytically, breaking them down into manageable steps, and addresses each one systematically.
  • Beyond her technical skills, Priya is also emotionally intelligent, offering thoughtful advice and understanding different perspectives in any situation.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you know him/her?)


  • I’ve known Priya since our college days when she consistently stood out as one of the top students in our class.
  • We’ve collaborated on several projects, and I’ve always admired how she can effortlessly come up with innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Priya’s passion for continuous learning, particularly in the ever-evolving field of technology, has significantly expanded her expertise and made her a valuable resource for everyone around her.




  • One lasting lesson I’ve learned from Priya is the importance of persistence and the desire to keep pushing boundaries in one’s field of interest.
  • She has shown me that intelligence is not just about academic success but also about the willingness to explore, adapt, and grow continuously.
  • Priya’s intelligence, combined with her dedication and empathy, makes her someone I deeply respect and strive to learn from in my own journey.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • The intelligent person I’d like to describe is my colleague, Ankit. His keen intellect and problem-solving skills have always impressed me.
  • Ankit is a data scientist, and his ability to analyse complex data and derive meaningful insights is remarkable.
  • I’ve witnessed him tackle challenging projects with exceptional skill, often delivering results that exceed expectations.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion (Covers: Why do you call him/her intelligent?)


  • I consider Ankit intelligent because he quickly grasps complex concepts and applies them effectively in his work.
  • He approaches each problem with a logical mindset, breaking it down into manageable parts and solving it systematically.
  • Ankit’s intelligence extends beyond technical knowledge; he is also adept at understanding intricate details and anticipating potential issues before they arise.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you know him/her?)


  • I’ve worked closely with Ankit on various projects, and his analytical skills and innovative approach have always stood out.
  • His knack for interpreting data and offering actionable insights has been crucial in making informed decisions for our team.
  • Ankit is constantly learning and updating his skills, which keeps him at the forefront of advancements in his field.




  • One valuable lesson I’ve learned from Ankit is the importance of continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends.
  • His approach to problem-solving and his ability to adapt to new challenges have shown me that intelligence involves both knowledge and flexibility.
  • Ankit’s blend of expertise, commitment, and foresight makes him an inspiring figure and a great example of how intelligence can drive success and innovation.


Also Read:


Knowing how to effectively answer cue card topics like "Describe An Intelligent Person You Know" can significantly boost your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you one minute to prepare. This is your chance to organise your thoughts and plan your response, as you’ll need to speak for up to two minutes without interruption. The key to success here is breaking down your answer into manageable pieces.


The best way to answer these cue cards is by structuring your response into four clear sections: an introduction, your experience or opinion, key highlights, and a conclusion. This approach ensures that your answer is well-organised and easy to follow.


Introduction (Covers: Who is he/she?)


  • Start by briefly introducing the person you’re describing.
  • Mention how you know them (e.g., friend, colleague, family member).
  • State why you consider them intelligent.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion (Covers: Why do you call him/her intelligent?)


  • Share specific instances where their intelligence was evident.
  • Discuss your personal experience with their intelligence.
  • Explain how their intelligence impacts others around them.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you know him/her?)


  • Highlight their most notable intellectual achievements or traits.
  • Mention any challenges they overcame through intelligence.
  • Discuss how their intelligence has influenced their life or career.




  • Summarise why this person stands out to you as intelligent.
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned from them.
  • End with a closing thought on the importance of intelligence in general.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, the follow-up questions, also known as Part 3, are a two-way discussion between you and the examiner. This section lasts for 4-5 minutes and focuses on exploring ideas and opinions related to the topic you discussed in Part 2. It's an opportunity for you to delve deeper into the subject, express your views, and provide detailed responses. 


For the topic "Describe An Intelligent Person You Know," you can expect questions that prompt you to reflect on broader aspects of intelligence and its impact on various aspects of life.

Q1. Are most intelligent people happy? Why?

Answer 1: Not necessarily. While intelligence can lead to success and opportunities, it doesn’t guarantee happiness. Many intelligent people face high expectations and pressure, which can lead to stress and dissatisfaction. Happiness often depends on factors beyond intelligence, such as personal relationships and emotional well-being.


Answer 2: It’s not always the case. Intelligent people may achieve many goals, but many factors, including personal satisfaction and mental health influence happiness. Sometimes, their intellectual pursuits can create isolation or a sense of never being content, which affects their overall happiness.

Q2. Do you think intelligent people are selfish?

Answer 1: Not always. While some might focus intensely on their own goals and ambitions, many intelligent people are also empathetic and willing to help others. Their ability to understand complex issues often includes a sense of social responsibility and a desire to contribute positively to society.


Answer 2: Intelligence doesn’t inherently make someone selfish. Some intelligent people may prioritise their own needs or ambitions, but many use their intelligence to support and uplift others. Selfishness or generosity is more about individual personality than intelligence itself.

Q3. Do you think intelligent people are helpful?

Answer 1: Generally, yes. Intelligent people often have a wealth of knowledge and problem-solving skills that can be valuable to others. Their ability to analyse and understand complex issues allows them to offer insightful advice and support to those in need.


Answer 2: In many cases, intelligent people are helpful. Their understanding of various topics and ability to think critically often enable them to assist others with practical solutions and valuable guidance. However, their willingness to help can vary based on personal values and experiences.

Q4. Who do you think plays a more important role in children’s education, parents or teachers? Why?

Answer 1: Both are crucial, but parents play a foundational role. They provide initial guidance, support, and encouragement that shape a child’s attitude towards learning. Teachers then build on this foundation with formal education and academic skills, creating a balanced educational experience.


Answer 2: Teachers often have a more direct impact on a child’s academic growth and knowledge. However, parents are vital for nurturing curiosity and providing emotional support, which are essential for a child’s overall development. A combination of both influences is ideal for a child’s education.


Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test is scored based on four key criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Each criterion is rated out of 9, and the scores are averaged to determine your final band score. Fluency and coherence assess how well you speak smoothly and logically. Lexical resource evaluates your vocabulary use. Grammatical range checks sentence structures and pronunciation focuses on how clearly you speak.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test lasts for about 11-14 minutes. It is divided into three parts: an introduction and interview (4-5 minutes), a long turn where you speak about a specific topic using a cue card (1-2 minutes), and a discussion related to the topic (4-5 minutes). The test is designed to assess your spoken English in a structured and comprehensive manner.

Q. How to find resources for practising cue-card topics?

Ans. To find resources for practising IELTS cue-card topics, consider using official IELTS preparation materials available from the British Council or IDP. Online platforms and websites like IELTS Liz, IELTS Simon, and Magoosh offer practice questions and sample answers. Additionally, joining study groups on social media or forums dedicated to IELTS can provide access to a wide range of practice materials and peer support.

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