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Describe A Law On Environmental Protection

Updated on Oct 08, 2024, 14:42


An IELTS Speaking cue card prompts you to speak about a specific topic for up to two minutes, showcasing your ability to discuss complex subjects clearly and coherently. Today, we focus on ‘Describe A Law On Environmental Protection.’ 

This topic explores legislation to safeguard the environment, ensure sustainable practices, and address global concerns such as climate change. Effective environmental laws are crucial in shaping policy, influencing behaviour, and protecting natural resources for future generations. Throughout this discussion, we will examine sample answers to help you understand how to structure and present your ideas on this critical issue effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Law On Environmental Protection

You should say

  • What is it?
  • How did you first learn about it?
  • Who benefits from it?
  • Explain how you feel about this law.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is it?)


  • The Environment (Protection) Act was enacted by the Government of India in 1986 to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development.
  • This legislation provides a framework for environmental protection measures across the country, aiming to safeguard natural resources and mitigate pollution.
  • It establishes guidelines for industries, governments, and citizens to uphold environmental standards and ensure responsible stewardship of the environment.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How did you first learn about it?)


  • I first learned about the Environment (Protection) Act through discussions in school about India's efforts to combat environmental degradation.
  • Growing up in an urban environment, I witnessed firsthand the impact of pollution on public health and ecosystem balance, sparking my interest in environmental legislation.
  • Studying the Act deepened my understanding of its provisions on air and water quality management, waste disposal, and environmental impact assessments.


Key Highlights (Covers: Who benefits from it?)


  • Industries benefit from clear regulatory frameworks that promote cleaner production processes and sustainable resource management.
  • Local communities benefit from improved environmental conditions, including better air quality and safer water sources.
  • Wildlife and natural habitats benefit from conservation measures mandated under the Act, protecting biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you feel about this law)


  • The Environment (Protection) Act is pivotal in shaping India's environmental policies and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.
  • I strongly support its role in balancing economic growth with environmental conservation, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
  • Strengthening enforcement and public awareness of this legislation is crucial to address emerging environmental challenges and achieve lasting environmental sustainability.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is it?)


  • The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, enacted by the Government of India, stands as a cornerstone in safeguarding the nation's rich biodiversity and endangered species.
  • This legislation was introduced to combat threats such as habitat destruction, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade, ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of India's natural heritage.
  • It outlines measures for the protection and management of wildlife habitats, as well as the regulation of hunting and trade in wildlife species across the country.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How did you first learn about it?)


  • My first encounter with the Wildlife Protection Act was during school excursions to national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, where conservation efforts were emphasised.
  • Growing up with a deep appreciation for India's diverse ecosystems, I became increasingly aware of the threats posed to wildlife and the importance of conservation laws.
  • Studying the Act further in environmental science classes highlighted its role in preserving endangered species and their habitats, sparking my interest in wildlife protection and conservation efforts.


Key Highlights (Covers: Who benefits from it?)


  • Indigenous communities benefit from sustainable livelihood opportunities linked to ecotourism and sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Conservation organisations benefit from legal frameworks that enable collaborative efforts with governments and communities to protect endangered species.
  • Future generations benefit from preserved ecosystems and biodiversity, ensuring they inherit a richer natural heritage and sustainable environment.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you feel about this law)


  • The Wildlife Protection Act is pivotal in conserving India's natural wealth and promoting sustainable development practices.
  • I strongly support its proactive approach to balancing wildlife conservation with socioeconomic needs, ensuring ecological integrity for present and future generations.
  • Strengthening enforcement and public awareness of this legislation is essential to combatting wildlife crime and securing a sustainable future for India's diverse flora and fauna.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is it?)


  • The Forest Conservation Act of 1980, implemented by the Government of India, aims to regulate the diversion of forest lands for non-forest purposes and promote sustainable forest management practices.
  • This legislation plays a crucial role in conserving India's forest ecosystems, which are vital for biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, and supporting local livelihoods.
  • It emphasises the importance of maintaining ecological balance while facilitating developmental activities, ensuring the long-term sustainability of forest resources.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How did you first learn about it?)


  • My interest in forest conservation was sparked during educational trips to national parks and conversations with local conservationists about the importance of preserving forest ecosystems.
  • Witnessing deforestation firsthand in my hometown raised my awareness of environmental issues and the need for robust legislation to protect natural habitats.
  • Studying the Forest Conservation Act in environmental studies classes deepened my understanding of its provisions on forest management, afforestation, and the rights of indigenous communities.


Key Highlights (Covers: Who benefits from it?)


  • Indigenous tribes benefit from the Act's provisions safeguarding their traditional rights and promoting community-based forest management practices.
  • Wildlife and biodiversity benefit from protected habitats and corridors essential for species survival and genetic diversity.
  • Future generations benefit from sustainable forest resources, ecosystem services, and recreational opportunities ensured by responsible forest management practices.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you feel about this law)


  • The Forest Conservation Act is instrumental in balancing conservation priorities with developmental needs, ensuring forests continue to provide essential ecological, economic, and cultural benefits.
  • I strongly advocate for its rigorous enforcement and adaptation to emerging environmental challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • By prioritising sustainable forest management and community participation, we can safeguard India's forests for generations to come, fostering resilience and prosperity in harmony with nature.

Understanding how to effectively structure your response to the cue card topic ‘Describe A Law On Environmental Protection’ can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test.


When the cue card section begins, the examiner will present you with the topic and allow you one minute to prepare. During this time, you should brainstorm and outline your response.


Here’s how you can approach answering this cue card:

Introduction (Covers: What is it?)


  • Clearly state the environmental law being discussed.
  • Highlight its significance in environmental protection.
  • Provide a brief context for the discussion.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How did you first learn about it?)


  • Share personal experiences or knowledge related to the law.
  • Express your opinion on its effectiveness or areas for improvement.
  • Discuss your interest in environmental issues and relevance to the law.


Key Highlights (Covers: Who benefits from it?)


  • Explain the main provisions of the law and their impact on the environment.
  • Use examples or case studies to illustrate its effectiveness.
  • Mention any challenges or controversies surrounding its implementation.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain how you feel about this law.)


  • Summarise the law's importance in environmental protection.
  • Reflect on future implications or potential improvements.
  • Conclude with a strong statement reinforcing your viewpoint.


This structured approach ensures that you effectively cover all aspects of the cue card topic while adhering to the time constraints of the IELTS Speaking test. 


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Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, the Part 3 or Two-way discussion round follows the cue card section. This part allows you to delve deeper into the topic you discussed earlier. The examiner will ask you questions related to the cue card topic to explore your ideas further. This segment typically lasts for 4-5 minutes and gives you the opportunity to express additional viewpoints and opinions on the subject.

Q1. Do you think this law is acceptable to the people?

Answer 1: Yes, the Environmental Protection Act of 1986, enacted by the Government of India, enjoys widespread acceptance due to its critical role in addressing environmental degradation. It provides a comprehensive framework for pollution control, conservation of natural resources, and sustainable development practices. Many recognise its importance in safeguarding ecosystems and ensuring a healthier environment for current and future generations. 


Answer 2: While the majority support its objectives, challenges such as economic constraints or inadequate awareness about environmental issues may hinder full acceptance and compliance. Efforts in education and advocacy are crucial to enhance public understanding and support for environmental legislation.

Q2. Do all Indian people obey the law?

Answer 1: There is a strong commitment among many Indians to abide by environmental laws, understand their significance in preserving natural habitats and biodiversity. Individuals and industries alike endeavour to comply with regulations to minimise their ecological footprint and contribute to sustainable development goals. 


Answer 2: However, compliance varies across regions and sectors due to factors like inconsistent enforcement measures and differing levels of awareness about environmental responsibilities. Addressing these disparities requires enhanced enforcement strategies and increased public education initiatives.

Q3. What can teachers do to make students obey the rules?

Answer 1: Teachers play a pivotal role in cultivating environmental awareness among students by integrating lessons on environmental laws into the curriculum. They can use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the importance of compliance and responsible environmental stewardship. 


Answer 2: Additionally, organising educational field trips to environmental conservation sites and inviting guest speakers who are experts in environmental science can inspire students to adopt eco-friendly practices and adhere to environmental regulations from a young age.

Q4. Is there any situation wherein people may disobey the law?

Answer 1: Economic pressures or lack of viable alternatives may sometimes compel industries to bypass environmental regulations to reduce operational costs or meet market demands. This can lead to environmental degradation and pose challenges to sustainable development efforts. 


Answer 2: Moreover, inconsistencies in law enforcement, especially in remote or economically disadvantaged regions, can contribute to non-compliance with environmental laws. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms and promoting equitable access to resources are essential to address these challenges effectively.

Q5. What should parents do to educate children about laws?

Answer 1: Parents can nurture respect for environmental laws by incorporating eco-friendly practices into daily routines and discussing their importance with children. Setting a positive example through actions such as recycling, conserving energy, and supporting local conservation initiatives can instil lifelong environmental values. 


Answer 2: Additionally, involving children in educational activities like nature walks, visits to wildlife sanctuaries, or volunteering for community clean-up drives provides hands-on learning experiences that deepen their understanding of environmental laws and the significance of protecting natural habitats.


Q. How can I prepare for IELTS cue card?

Ans. To prepare for IELTS cue cards, practice speaking on various topics for 1-2 minutes. Use sample cue cards to simulate the test environment. Structure your answers with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Focus on fluency, coherence, and relevant vocabulary. Recording and reviewing your responses can help identify areas for improvement.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. Improving performance in the IELTS Speaking test involves regular practice, expanding vocabulary, and developing fluency. Engage in conversations with native speakers, listen to English media, and record yourself speaking on diverse topics. Focus on clear pronunciation and structuring your responses logically. Taking mock tests can help simulate the test environment and build confidence.

Q. Does IELTS cue cards repeat?

Ans.  Yes, IELTS cue cards can be repeated. While the test regularly updates its topics, some cue cards from previous exams might reappear. Familiarising yourself with a wide range of past cue card topics can be beneficial. Practising responses for these topics can help you prepare for potential repetitions and improve your overall performance on the test.

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