

Describe a Good Decision You Made Recently: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 10:19


In the IELTS Speaking Test, the topic 'Describe a Good Decision You Made Recently' falls under Part 2, also known as the Individual Long Turn. Here, you're required to speak for 1-2 minutes on a given topic. This topic prompts you to reflect on a recent decision you made that had a positive impact on your life, whether in personal, professional, or social contexts. When preparing your response, consider discussing what led to the decision, the options you weighed, and the outcome of your choice.


Practising this topic is crucial for improving your IELTS Speaking skills as it encourages you to organise your thoughts, use appropriate vocabulary, and maintain fluency while narrating personal experiences. It also helps you develop the ability to discuss abstract concepts like decision-making and consequences, which are essential for scoring well in the speaking section.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Good Decision You Made Recently

You should say

  • What was it?
  • When did you make it?
  • What was the result?
  • How did you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What was it?)


  • Recently, I decided to start a morning exercise routine. I noticed that my energy levels were dropping, and I felt it was time to make a change.
  • I had been contemplating this decision for a while, as I knew that regular exercise would improve my overall health and productivity.
  • The decision was simple yet significant because it involved making a commitment to myself to prioritise my well-being.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: When did you make it?)


  • I made this decision about three months ago after realising that I had become too sedentary due to my work-from-home routine.
  • One morning, I woke up feeling particularly sluggish and knew I had to take action, so I decided to go for a walk in the nearby park.
  • This was during the winter, a time when it’s easy to stay indoors, but I pushed myself to step out and get some fresh air.


Key Highlights (Covers: What was the result?)


  • The result was almost immediate; within a week, I noticed that I felt more energised throughout the day.
  • I also found that my concentration improved, and I was able to complete my work tasks more efficiently.
  • Over time, I even lost a bit of weight and felt more confident about my physical appearance, which was an added bonus.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • I felt incredibly satisfied with my decision to start exercising regularly because it positively impacted various aspects of my life.
  • This experience taught me the importance of taking small steps towards self-improvement, which can lead to significant changes.
  • If I had to make this decision again, I would do it without hesitation, as it has been one of the best choices I’ve made recently.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What was it?)


  • A few months ago, I decided to cut down on my screen time, especially on social media. I realised it was taking up too much of my time and affecting my sleep.
  • This decision came after I noticed that I was spending hours scrolling through my phone, leaving me less time for productive activities.
  • I chose to limit my usage by setting daily time limits and turning off notifications in the evenings.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: When did you make it?)

  • I made this decision in early June when I found myself constantly distracted and struggling to focus on my studies.
  • It was during a particularly busy period at work, and I realised that my excessive screen time was contributing to my stress and anxiety.
  • One evening, I decided enough was enough, and I set strict rules for myself regarding phone usage, especially after 8 PM.


Key Highlights (Covers: What was the result?)


  • The results were noticeable within a few days; I found that I was sleeping better and waking up more refreshed.
  • I also had more time to engage in hobbies I enjoy, like reading and cooking, which I had been neglecting.
  • Overall, my mood improved, and I felt less overwhelmed by the constant stream of information from social media.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • I felt a great sense of accomplishment after making this change, as it allowed me to regain control over my time and mental well-being.
  • This decision helped me realise how important it is to disconnect and focus on the present moment.
  • Reflecting on this experience, I would definitely recommend others to consider reducing their screen time for a healthier and more balanced life.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What was it?)


  • A recent decision I made was to take up meditation every morning. I had been feeling quite stressed due to work and wanted to find a way to manage it better.
  • The idea came to me after reading about the benefits of mindfulness and how it can help with reducing anxiety and improving focus.
  • I decided to give it a try, thinking it might help me start the day with a clear mind and a positive attitude.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: When did you make it?)


  • I made this decision about two months ago when the workload at my job was at its peak, and I was finding it hard to cope.
  • One day, I woke up feeling particularly overwhelmed and thought that I needed to change my approach to handling stress.
  • I started with just five minutes of meditation each morning, sitting quietly and focusing on my breathing.


Key Highlights (Covers: What was the result?)

  • The impact was noticeable within a few weeks; I felt calmer and more composed throughout the day.
  • My ability to concentrate improved, and I found myself becoming more patient and less reactive to stressful situations.
  • Additionally, I noticed that my overall mood had lifted, and I was approaching challenges with a more positive outlook.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)

  • I felt really proud of my decision to incorporate meditation into my daily routine, as it made a significant difference in how I managed stress.
  • This experience showed me the value of taking time for self-care, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.
  • Looking back, I’m glad I made this choice, and I plan to continue practising meditation as it has been a great help in maintaining my mental well-being.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a cue card titled "Describe a Good Decision You Made Recently." 

You’ll be given one minute to prepare, during which you can jot down notes. After that, you’ll have up to two minutes to speak on the topic.

The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. To structure your response effectively, you can explore various tips and tricks for the IELTS Speaking test.


Introduction (Covers: What was it?)


  • Start by briefly introducing the decision you made.
  • Mention the context in which this decision was necessary.
  • Provide a clear statement about what the decision involved.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: When did you make it?)


  • Explain when and where you made this decision.
  • Discuss what factors influenced your choice.
  • Mention any alternatives you considered before making the final decision.


Key Highlights (Covers: What was the result?)


  • Describe the immediate outcome of your decision.
  • Highlight any long-term effects or changes it brought to your life.
  • Explain how the decision impacted others, if relevant.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • Summarise your feelings about the decision.
  • Reflect on whether you would make the same choice again.
  • Mention any lessons you learned from this experience.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and within the two-minute limit.


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Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round, you’ll face Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test. In this round, the examiner will ask follow-up questions related to the topic you discussed. These questions are designed to encourage a deeper exploration of the subject, assessing your ability to discuss abstract ideas and provide thoughtful responses. 


Expect these questions to be more general and require you to reflect on broader aspects related to decision-making or personal experiences.

Q1. Can children make decisions on their own?  

Answer 1: Children can make some decisions on their own, particularly when it comes to choosing their daily activities or small preferences. For example, they might decide which book to read or what game to play. However, for more significant decisions, such as those impacting their health or education, they often need guidance from adults to ensure they understand the consequences.


Answer 2: Yes, children can make decisions on their own, but the extent depends on their age and maturity. Younger children might make simple choices like selecting their clothes, while older ones might choose their extracurricular activities. It’s important that as they grow, they learn to weigh their options and understand the outcomes of their decisions, with appropriate support from parents or guardians.

Q2. When do people change their decision? 

Answer 1: People often change their decisions when new information comes to light or when circumstances change. For instance, someone might decide to switch jobs if they receive a better offer or if their current job becomes too stressful. Changes in personal priorities or unexpected events can also lead people to reconsider their previous choices.


Answer 2: Decisions are commonly revised when people face unforeseen challenges or gain new insights that alter their perspective. For example, a person might decide to relocate for a job opportunity if their current living situation becomes less favourable or if they realise the potential for career growth elsewhere. Flexibility in decision-making allows individuals to adapt to evolving situations.

Q3. What decisions do people make every day?

Answer 1: People make numerous small decisions daily, such as what to wear, what to eat, and how to manage their time. These everyday choices, though seemingly minor, affect how efficiently they go about their daily tasks and can impact their overall mood and productivity throughout the day.


Answer 2: Daily decisions people make include planning their schedules, choosing how to commute, and deciding how to spend their leisure time. These choices often reflect their priorities and can influence their personal and professional lives. Managing these daily decisions effectively can contribute to a more organised and fulfilling lifestyle.

Q4. What kind of results did the decision bring in people's lives?

Answer 1: The results of a decision can vary widely depending on the choice made. For example, choosing to pursue higher education can lead to improved career opportunities and personal growth. Similarly, deciding to adopt a healthier lifestyle might result in better physical health and increased energy levels.


Answer 2: Decisions can bring both positive and negative outcomes. For instance, deciding to move to a new city might bring new career prospects and personal experiences, but it could also involve challenges like adapting to a new environment. Ultimately, the results of a decision often reflect the complexity of the choice and the efforts made to achieve the desired outcome.


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Q. How important is it to use a wide range of vocabulary in my cue card response?

Ans. Using a wide range of vocabulary is crucial in your Cue Card response as it demonstrates your language proficiency and ability to express ideas clearly. A varied vocabulary makes your response more engaging and helps avoid repetition. It shows the examiner that you can use language effectively and accurately. Aim to incorporate diverse words and phrases naturally into your response to enhance your overall score.

Q. Can I use notes during the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. During the IELTS Speaking test, you can use notes briefly during the preparation time for the Cue Card task. However, you are not allowed to refer to them while speaking. The notes are meant to help you organise your thoughts and structure your response. Make sure your final response is delivered without reading from the notes, showcasing your ability to speak spontaneously.

Q. How to make notes for cue card IELTS?

Ans. To make effective notes for the Cue Card task, jot down key points and ideas related to the prompt quickly. Use bullet points or brief phrases to outline the main aspects you want to cover. Focus on the key elements such as examples, personal experiences, and relevant details. Ensure your notes are concise and organised to help you speak coherently during the task.

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