
Describe A Film: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is like your guide during the speaking test. It helps you talk about a specific topic for around 2 minutes. Today, we're focusing on describing a film, which isn't just about talking about a movie but also storytelling and expressing yourself effectively.

Movies are more than just entertainment; they can inspire, educate, and connect us to different cultures and perspectives. Learning to describe a film effectively showcases your language skills and your ability to engage with diverse stories and ideas.

On this page, we'll explore how to craft compelling descriptions of films. By understanding how to structure your response, choose impactful words, and convey your thoughts clearly, you'll excel in your speaking test and enhance your communication skills for real-life situations. 

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1. Describe A Film: How to Answer?

Understanding how to answer cue card topics like ‘Describe a film’ is crucial for success in the IELTS test. This skill helps you tackle the speaking section confidently, demonstrating your language proficiency and ability to communicate effectively within the given time frame.

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2. Describe A Film: Sample Answers

Sample answers are like roadmaps for your IELTS journey. They show you the way to craft your responses effectively. By looking at these examples, you get a clear idea of the format, the kind of information to include, and the language style preferred in the exam.


Think of it this way: seeing how others have successfully tackled a task is like having a sneak peek into the examiner's mind. You become familiar with the patterns and expectations, making meeting them head-on during the exam easier.

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3. Describe A Film: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic you've just discussed, exploring related themes and ideas.

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Describe A Film: How to Answer?

Understanding how to answer cue card topics like ‘Describe a film’ is crucial for success in the IELTS test. This skill helps you tackle the speaking section confidently, demonstrating your language proficiency and ability to communicate effectively within the given time frame.


When the cue card section starts, the examiner hands you a cue card with a topic, such as ‘Describe a film,’ and you have one minute to prepare your response. During this time, the examiner listens attentively but does not interrupt.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Film You should say
  • When and where you saw it?
  • What the film was about?
  • Explain why it is your favourite film.



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To answer cue cards effectively, follow these steps:


Introduction (Covers: When and where you saw it?): 


  • Introduce the film briefly, including its title, genre, and notable information. 
  • Mention why you chose this particular film to discuss.
  • Set the stage for your description, capturing the listener's interest from the start.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What the film was about?)


  • Share your personal connection to the film, whether it's your favourite, one that impacted you deeply or a recent watch. 
  • Express your opinion about the film, highlighting what you liked or disliked and why. 
  • Discuss your interest in the genre or themes explored in the film, providing context for your description.


Key Highlights: (And explain why it is your favourite film). 


  • Provide a detailed description of the plot, characters, setting, and any significant themes or messages. 
  • Use descriptive language and vivid examples to paint a picture of the film for the listener.
  • Highlight memorable scenes, performances, or cinematic techniques that stood out to you.




  • Summarise your overall impression of the film, emphasising its impact or significance on you. 
  • Reflect on the film's broader cultural or societal relevance, if applicable. 
  • End with a concluding remark that leaves a lasting impression on the listener.


By breaking down your response into these components, you can effectively utilise the two-minute time limit to deliver a well-structured and engaging film description. Practice speaking fluently and confidently to maximise your speaking test experience.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe A Film: Sample Answers

Sample answers are like roadmaps for your IELTS journey. They show you the way to craft your responses effectively. By looking at these examples, you get a clear idea of the format, the kind of information to include, and the language style preferred in the exam.


Think of it this way: seeing how others have successfully tackled a task is like having a sneak peek into the examiner's mind. You become familiar with the patterns and expectations, making meeting them head-on during the exam easier.


For instance, if you're asked to describe a film, seeing sample answers will help you understand what details to mention, like the title, a brief summary, your thoughts on the story or characters, and why you like or dislike it.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: When and where you saw it?):


  • I vividly recall my first encounter with "Lagaan" during a balmy summer vacation in Mumbai at a bustling local cinema.
  • The atmosphere was electric, with eager movie buffs filling the seats, eager for the cinematic spectacle to unfold.
  • From the opening scenes, the film's rich imagery and compelling narrative swept me away, immersing me in the bygone era of colonial India.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What the film was about?):


  • "Lagaan" paints a poignant picture of a rural village grappling with the oppressive weight of a burdensome tax, "lagaan," imposed by British colonial rulers.
  • Fueled by the indomitable spirit of their leader, Bhuvan, the villagers embark on a daring quest to challenge the British to a game of cricket, seeking to overturn the unjust tax and reclaim their dignity.
  • Through its masterful blend of sportsmanship, romance, and social commentary, the film offers a compelling portrayal of life under British rule, highlighting the resilience and unity of the Indian people in the face of adversity.


Key Highlights: (And explain why it is your favourite film):


  • The climactic cricket match is a triumphant symbol of India's struggle for independence, delivering equal measure of edge-of-your-seat excitement and heartfelt emotion.
  • Aamir Khan's nuanced portrayal of Bhuvan infuses the character with depth and authenticity, elevating him from a mere protagonist to an emblem of hope and inspiration.
  • Above all, "Lagaan" resonates with audiences for its timeless message of courage, unity, and perseverance, transcending cultural boundaries to touch viewers' hearts across generations.




  • In summary, "Lagaan" holds a cherished place in the annals of Indian cinema, celebrated for its stirring narrative, memorable performances, and enduring themes.
  • Its enduring legacy serves as a testament to the power of storytelling, inspiring audiences worldwide with its tale of triumph over adversity.
  • From its mesmerising cricketing showdown to its poignant exploration of human resilience, "Lagaan" continues to captivate and inspire, leaving an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape.

Describe A Film: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic you've just discussed, exploring related themes and ideas. 

Expect questions that build upon your initial response, further probing your opinions, insights, and experiences. It's an opportunity to showcase your ability to express yourself fluently and coherently on a range of related topics, so stay confident and engaged throughout this part of the test.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1.  In what ways are documentary films and films only for entertainment different?


Answer 1: Documentary films inform and educate viewers on real-life issues or events, presenting factual information in a compelling narrative format. On the other hand, films solely for entertainment purposes prioritise storytelling and fictional narratives, often aiming to entertain and evoke emotional responses from the audience.


Answer 2: The main difference lies in their objectives: while documentary films aim to inform and raise awareness, films for entertainment primarily seek to entertain and engage audiences through fictional storytelling and imaginative narratives.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2. Why do you think documentary films are not so popular?


Answer 1: Documentary films may not be as popular as mainstream entertainment films due to their perceived lack of glamour and escapism. Many viewers prefer films that offer entertainment and escapism rather than documentaries that often delve into serious or controversial topics, which may not appeal to everyone.


Answer 2: Additionally, documentaries may not receive as much promotion and distribution as mainstream films, making them less accessible to the general public. However, for those who appreciate thought-provoking content and a deeper exploration of real-world issues, documentaries offer a unique and enriching viewing experience.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3. How are movies and real life different?

Answer 1: Although often inspired by real-life events, movies are fictional representations created for entertainment purposes. They may exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of reality to enhance storytelling and engage audiences. In contrast, real life is unpredictable and unscripted, without guaranteeing a happy ending or neatly resolved conflicts.


Answer 2: While movies may mirror real-life experiences and emotions, they are ultimately a form of artistic expression that allows for creative interpretation and manipulation of reality. In contrast, real-life unfolds organically, with individuals navigating through many complexities and uncertainties without the luxury of scripted dialogue or carefully orchestrated plot twists.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4. Do men and women watch the same kind of films?


Answer 1: While there may be some overlap, men and women often have different preferences regarding film genres. Studies have shown that men tend to gravitate towards action, thriller, and science fiction films, while women may prefer romance, drama, and comedy. However, these preferences can vary widely depending on individual tastes and interests.


Answer 2: Additionally, societal norms and cultural influences may shape gender-specific preferences for specific film genres. However, it's important to recognise that these preferences are not fixed and can evolve over time, influenced by personal experiences, social factors, and changing cultural trends. Ultimately, both men and women enjoy a diverse range of films, reflecting the rich tapestry of human storytelling.


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Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. Regular practice and preparation are vital to improving your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. Focus on developing fluency by speaking in English daily and expanding your vocabulary and grammar skills. Familiarise yourself with the test format and practice answering sample questions to build confidence and reduce anxiety. Seeking feedback from tutors or participating in conversation groups can also be beneficial.

Q. Do IELTS cue cards repeat?

Ans. The specific cue cards used in the IELTS Speaking test may not repeat verbatim, but they often cover similar topics. Therefore, it's essential to familiarise yourself with various topics and practice answering questions on various themes. By practising with different cue card topics, you'll be better prepared to handle any question during the Speaking test.

Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

Ans. During the Cue Card task, effective time management is crucial to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic within two minutes. Start by carefully reading the cue card prompt and planning your response, jotting down key points if needed. Speak clearly and confidently, dividing your response into an introduction, main points, and conclusion. Pace yourself to avoid rushing or leaving long pauses, and maintain eye contact with the examiner to showcase your speaking skills effectively.