SAT Format 2022: Breakdown of Exam Sections & Question Types

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SAT exam is a standardised test undertaken by high school students for college admissions in the United States. The College Board has designed the SAT format in such a way that it tests different abilities of the individuals taking the test. In this article, we will look into the format of SAT exams, different SAT sections, the number of questions, type of questions, time limit, how the answers are assessed, and so much more!

SAT Format 2022: Breakdown of Exam Sections & Question Types

SAT Exam Format

The SAT format comprises three sections:

  • Evidence-based reading section
  • Writing section
  • Mathematics section

Previously the SAT exam consisted of a mandatory SAT essay section. As of 2016, the College Board has made the essay section analysis optional, and you can choose to take it if you want to. Some colleges require the applicants to write the essay section mandatorily to gain admission into specific courses.

SAT Test Breakdown

The SAT exam structure consists of 154 multiple choice questions in total. The following is the general breakdown of the structure of SAT exam based on the type of content covered and the number of questions for each section:

SAT Format 2022: Breakdown of Exam Sections & Question Types

Evidence-based Reading Section

The reading test makes up 50% of your test scores in the Evidence-based Reading and Writing section. It comprises 52 multiple-choice questions. The total time limit for this section is 65 minutes. The section consists of 5 passages from topics such as world literature, social science, history, natural science, etc. The questions may ask you to do any of the following:

  • Determine the meaning of a word in the context
  • Decide why an author has included a particular detail in the passage
  • Find the main idea of the passage
  • Compare the two passage pair given
  • Pinpoint the information given on a graph

Writing and Language Section

The writing and language test section form the second half of the Evidence-based Reading and Writing Section. This section consists of 4 passages, and each passage consists of 11 questions under it which makes it a total of 44 multiple-choice questions. The time limit for this section is 35 minutes. The section focuses on testing your grammar, punctuation, vocabulary in context, and editing skills.

Maths Section

The Mathematics section comprises 58 questions. The questions are broken down into two sections:

No Calculator Section This section consists of 20 questions. Calculators are not to be used to find answers to these questions. The 20 questions are further broken down into 15 multiple choice questions and 5 grid-in questions.

Calculator Allowed Section This section consists of 38 questions. The use of a calculator is allowed to find answers to these questions. The 38 questions are further broken down into 30 multiple choice questions and 8 grid-in questions.

Grid Vs Multiple Choice Questions The weightage given to multiple-choice questions (45) is more than the weightage given to grid-in questions (13). Multiple choice questions for maths have options for the answers in a bubble, and you will need to fill in the bubble with the correct answer. Grid-in questions, on the other hand, have a grid printed on your answer sheet. You need to calculate the answer and write it inside the grid. This is the only difference between the two types of questions. The mathematical concepts used in both types of questions are the same.

Mathematical Concepts in SAT Exam

The following are some of the maths concepts included in the exam:

  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Arithmetic
  • Probability
  • Data Analysis
  • Plane Geometry
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Trigonometry

Algebra  Algebra forms the largest part of the questions. 19 of the questions will be from algebra concepts, and hence more focus should be given to it. The questions involve analysing and solving linear equations, understanding and using the relationship between linear equations and their inequalities, etc.

Problem-solving and Data Analysis 17 questions are from this concept and include concepts such as ratios, proportional relationships, percentages, analysing quantitative data, etc.

Passport to Advanced Maths 16 questions are from advanced mathematical concepts such as creating equivalent algebraic expressions, solving quadratic and nonlinear equations, graphing exponential, quadratic and nonlinear functions.

Other Maths Concepts This section involves 6 questions and includes topics such as solving area and volume problems, definitions, and theorems related to lines, angles, triangles, circles, etc. Plane geometry and trigonometry are the concepts with the least number of questions.

Essay Section

Although the essay sectional is optional, many students choose to write it to demonstrate their writing skills. The time limit for this section is 50 minutes, and it usually involves 700 words long or a one-page long essay prompt. The test takers are usually asked how the author builds the argument in the essay and requires them to have sound knowledge of specific rhetorical devices.

Assessing SAT Scores

The total score range for the SAT exam is between 400 and 1600. The total score consists of the cumulative scores from both EBRW and Math sections. Each section has a possible score range of 200 to 800. Raw scores are given to each question for every correct answer. The raw scores are then scaled to 800 for each section to know the scaled score.


Taking up the SAT exam can be daunting, especially for first-time test takers. With the right test preparation and strategy, acing the SAT exam becomes a piece of cake. Check out this Leap Scholar blog to know more about the SAT exam, including important registration and test dates!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need to take up SAT exam subject tests in 2022?

As of June 2021, the College Board has discontinued the SAT Subject Tests, and students are only required to take the general SAT exam.

Can you take the SAT exam digitally?

As of 2022, the SAT exam is conducted on paper, where the students need to fill in the bubbles of multiple-choice questions using a pencil. From early 2023, the College Board plans to take SAT exams to go digital for international students, which would be quite helpful in the COVID-19 situation. The new SAT digital exam will be available for high school students in the USA from 2024. Additionally, the length of time for the exam is also reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours.

Does the SAT exam provide any accommodations for disabled students?

Test takers who may have any documented disabilities may need to apply for testing accommodations a few days before the test day. Some of the accommodations offered by the College Board include Braille and large-print exam booklets, speech-to-text technology, longer breaks, extended time, etc.

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My 8-year long journey as a SAT trainer has been paved with considerable success, excellent feedback, and extremely satisfactory learning outcomes.

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