
Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to test-takers during the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to speak fluently, coherently, and confidently on a topic within a specific timeframe. 

Today, we delve into "Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did". Perhaps you engaged in this activity to unwind, connect with nature, or simply for the thrill of adventure. Let's explore various sample answers to this topic on this page, shedding light on different outdoor experiences and the reasons behind them.

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1. Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: How To Answers?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a cue card with a topic written on it. They will then instruct you to discuss the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You will have one minute to prepare before you start speaking.

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2. Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

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3. Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test, you'll have one minute to prepare your response, after which you must speak for 1-2 minutes on the given topic. Following your initial response, the examiner may pose follow-up questions to delve deeper into the topic or gather more detailed information. 

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Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: How To Answers?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a cue card with a topic written on it. They will then instruct you to discuss the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You will have one minute to prepare before you start speaking.


The best way to tackle these cue cards is by breaking your response into small, manageable pieces. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did
You should say
  • What was the activity?
  • When and where did you do it?
  • Who was with you?
  • How did you feel after doing it?




  • Introduce the activity briefly, stating what it is and when you did it.
  • Provide some context or background information to set the scene.
  • Mention why you chose this activity or why it's significant to you.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:

  • Describe your personal involvement in the activity. What role did you play?
  • Share your thoughts and feelings about the activity. What do you enjoy about it?
  • Discuss any challenges you faced or interesting aspects you encountered.


Key Highlights:

  • Highlight memorable moments or experiences during the activity.
  • Describe any specific locations or details that stood out to you.
  • Discuss any interactions with others or lessons learned.



  • Summarise your overall experience or feelings about the activity.
  • Reflect on what you gained from participating in it.
  • End with a closing statement or reflection, tying back to your introduction if possible.

Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • One outdoor activity I enjoyed was trekking to Triund Hill in Himachal Pradesh. 
  • It was such an exhilarating experience!

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • The journey began early morning, and as you started the trek, the fresh mountain air filled your lungs, awakening your senses. 
  • The lush greenery and occasional sightings of native wildlife added to the excitement. 
  • You felt a sense of freedom and adventure as you navigated through the rugged terrain.
  • As you ascended higher, the panoramic views became more breathtaking. 
  • The sight of the snow-capped Dhauladhar range against the azure sky was absolutely mesmerising. 


Key highlights:


  • Reaching the summit of Triund Hill was undoubtedly the highlight of the trek. 
  • Standing at an altitude of 2,875 meters, the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. 
  • Camping under the starlit sky was an unforgettable experience. 
  • Sitting around the campfire, exchanging anecdotes, and indulging in delicious local cuisine created memories that will last a lifetime.




  • In conclusion, trekking to Triund Hill was an unforgettable outdoor adventure. 
  • The stunning natural beauty, exhilarating trekking experience, and camaraderie with fellow trekkers made it a journey worth cherishing. 
  • You returned home with a renewed appreciation for nature and a desire to embark on more outdoor adventures.

Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test, you'll have one minute to prepare your response, after which you must speak for 1-2 minutes on the given topic. Following your initial response, the examiner may pose follow-up questions to delve deeper into the topic or gather more detailed information. 

These follow-up inquiries aim to assess your ability to sustain a conversation, offer further relevant details, and articulate opinions or thoughts cohesively.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q. Why do you think outdoor activities are important?

Answer 1: Outdoor activities are important because they help improve physical health. Activities like hiking, cycling, or playing sports can enhance cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength, and reduce stress levels.

Answer 2: They also promote mental well-being by providing a break from daily routines and reducing anxiety. Being in nature can improve mood and increase feelings of relaxation and happiness, contributing to overall life satisfaction.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q. What outdoor activity would you like to try in the future and why?

Answer 1: I would like to try scuba diving in the future because it offers a unique opportunity to explore underwater ecosystems. Swimming with colourful fish and seeing coral reefs up close is fascinating and would be an unforgettable experience.

Answer 2: I am also interested in rock climbing, which challenges physical strength and mental focus. The thrill of reaching the top of a climb and the sense of achievement it brings are appealing, along with the stunning views often found at higher elevations.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q. How do outdoor activities impact social relationships?

Answer 1:  Outdoor activities can strengthen social relationships by encouraging teamwork and communication. Group activities like hiking or playing team sports require coordination and cooperation, which can build trust and camaraderie among participants.

Answer 2:  They also provide opportunities for quality time with friends and family, creating shared experiences and memories. Participating in outdoor adventures can deepen bonds and foster a sense of connection and belonging.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q. What challenges might people face when participating in outdoor activities?

Answer 1:  One challenge is dealing with unpredictable weather conditions, which can affect safety and enjoyment. Rain, extreme heat, or cold can make activities difficult or dangerous, requiring proper preparation and gear.

Answer 2: Another challenge is accessibility, as some outdoor activities may require specific locations or equipment that are not readily available to everyone. Cost and time constraints can also limit people’s ability to engage in certain outdoor pursuits.

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Q. What if I fail my IELTS speaking test?

Ans. If you don't achieve your desired score on the IELTS speaking test, it's essential to remain positive and view it as an opportunity for improvement. Consider seeking feedback from your examiner or a language instructor to identify areas for development. With dedicated practice and targeted study, you can enhance your speaking skills and aim for success in future attempts.

Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. When attempting the cue card section of the IELTS speaking test, remember to utilise a diverse range of vocabulary to express your ideas clearly and accurately. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation to ensure your speech is easily understandable. Additionally, incorporate varied sentence structures and cohesive devices like conjunctions and transitional phrases to connect your thoughts smoothly. Finally, strive for grammatical accuracy and coherence throughout your response to convey your message effectively.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

Ans. If you encounter a cue card topic you don't understand, staying calm and composed is essential. Take a moment to carefully read the cue card and identify keywords or phrases you recognise. Then, relate the topic to your personal experiences or general knowledge. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask the examiner for clarification. They are there to help ensure you can effectively respond to the task.