

Describe an Activity That Waste Your Time: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 13, 2024, 05:37


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe an Activity That Wastes Your Time" asks you to talk about an activity that you find unproductive or a poor use of time. To answer this effectively, describe the activity, explain why you believe it is a waste of time, and discuss its impact on your daily life or productivity. Consider reflecting on why it feels unfulfilling and any steps you’ve taken to minimise or avoid it.

Practising this topic can improve your IELTS Speaking skills by helping you articulate opinions about time management, use evaluative language, and express how certain activities affect your efficiency and well-being. This exercise also aids in developing your ability to discuss personal habits and make judgments about productivity.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe an Activity That Waste Your Time

You should say

  • What is that activity?
  • When do you usually do it?
  • What makes you do it?
  • And explain why you feel it wastes your time.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • An activity that often wastes my time is scrolling through social media. It’s something that I do almost automatically, especially when I’m looking for a quick break.
  • I initially open apps like Instagram or Facebook with the intention of spending just a few minutes, but it usually turns into an hour or more.
  • Although social media is entertaining, I often feel like I’ve wasted valuable time that could have been spent more productively.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What makes you do it?)


  • When I start scrolling through my social media feeds, I get caught up in endless posts, stories, and videos. It’s easy to lose track of time when there’s so much content to consume.
  • I’ve noticed that this habit doesn’t add much value to my day. While I do stay updated with what’s happening in my friends and the world's lives, most of the time, I’m just mindlessly consuming content.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • One key aspect of this time-wasting activity is social media's addictive nature. The platforms are designed to keep users engaged, making it difficult to put the phone down once you’ve started scrolling.
  • Another highlight is how social media can create a false sense of productivity. I sometimes convince myself that I’m being informed or inspired, but I’m just wasting time on trivial content.
  • Additionally, social media can often lead to unnecessary comparisons and distractions, wasting time and affecting my mood and focus.




  • While social media has its benefits, I’ve realised that spending too much time on it is counterproductive. It’s an activity that can easily waste hours without me even realising it.
  • To avoid wasting time, I’ve started setting limits on my social media usage and finding more meaningful ways to take breaks, such as reading or walking.
  • In conclusion, while scrolling through social media is entertaining, it’s an activity that often leads to wasted time, and I’m trying to manage it better.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • An activity that tends to waste my time is watching television without any specific purpose. Sometimes, I turn on the TV just to relax, but I end up spending hours flipping through channels.
  • This usually happens during the weekends or after a long day when I’m too tired to do anything else but still want to unwind.
  • While watching TV can be enjoyable, doing it aimlessly often results in wasted time that could have been used for more productive activities.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What makes you do it?)


  • When I watch TV aimlessly, I often start with the intention of watching just one episode of a show, but then I get caught up in channel surfing or binge-watching, which extends far beyond what I planned.
  • I’ve noticed that this habit doesn’t really help me relax or feel refreshed. Instead, I end up feeling guilty for wasting time that I could have used for something more fulfilling.
  • Watching TV this way also prevents me from engaging in other activities I enjoy, like reading or spending time with family, making it a less rewarding way to spend my time.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • One key aspect of this time-wasting activity is the endless variety of content available on TV. With so many channels and streaming services, it’s easy to get sucked into watching things that don’t really interest me.
  • Another highlight is the passive nature of television watching. Unlike other forms of entertainment or relaxation, TV doesn’t require much engagement, which can make it feel like I’m just passing the time rather than enjoying it.




  • Watching television can be a great way to relax, but when done without a purpose, it often leads to wasted time and a sense of regret afterwards.
  • To avoid this, I’ve started being more intentional about what I watch and setting time limits to ensure that I’m not just aimlessly flipping through channels.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • An activity that frequently wastes my time is playing mobile games. I usually turn to games like Candy Crush or PUBG when I’m looking for a quick break or some mindless fun.
  • While playing these games can be enjoyable and a good way to unwind, I often spend much more time on them than I initially intended.
  • This is especially true when I get caught up in trying to beat a level or achieve a higher score, leading to hours of wasted time.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What makes you do it?)


  • Playing mobile games is something I find both relaxing and frustrating at the same time. The games are designed to be addictive, and I often lose track of time while playing.
  • I’ve noticed that spending too much time on these games doesn’t really give me a sense of accomplishment. Instead, it feels like I’ve just wasted time that could have been used for more productive or meaningful activities.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • One key aspect of this time-wasting activity is the addictive nature of mobile games. The constant challenges, rewards, and levels make it hard to stop playing once you’ve started.
  • Another highlight is the convenience of mobile games. Since they’re always available on my phone, it’s tempting to play them whenever I have a few minutes, which often turns into much longer sessions.




  • While mobile games can be fun, I’ve realised that they often end up wasting a lot of my time, leaving me with little to show for it.
  • To avoid this, I’ve started setting limits on how much time I spend playing these games and focusing on other activities that are more fulfilling.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes. 


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • Clearly state the activity that you feel wastes your time.
  • Mention when you typically engage in this activity


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What makes you do it?)


  • Explain the reasons or triggers that lead you to start the activity.
  • Share your thoughts on the activity and how it affects your daily routine.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you feel it wastes your time.)


  • Reflect on the negative effects of the activity, such as how it takes away time from more productive tasks. 
  • Mention any specific instances where you realised the activity was consuming too much of your time. 
  • Discuss any standout pieces or exhibits that left a strong impression on you.
  • Reflect on the overall curation, layout, and presentation of the exhibition.




  • Recap why you consider this activity a waste of time and how it impacts you negatively.
  • Mention if you’ve taken any steps to reduce or avoid this activity (e.g., "I’m now trying to limit my social media use by setting time restrictions on my apps").


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 


This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. What aspects of the art exhibition impressed you the most?

Answer 1: I was particularly impressed by the diversity of artworks on display, ranging from contemporary pieces to classical paintings. The way the exhibition was curated, with each section telling a different story, made the experience even more engaging. The artist’s creativity and the use of various mediums to express complex ideas left a lasting impression on me.

Answer 2: The most impressive aspect was the exhibition’s theme, which focused on social issues. The artworks showcased technical skills and conveyed powerful messages that resonated deeply with me. The interactive installations were especially captivating, as they allowed visitors to engage with the art more personally and meaningfully.

Q2. How did this exhibition compare to others you’ve visited?

Answer 1: This exhibition stood out from others I’ve visited because of its immersive approach. Unlike traditional exhibitions, where you simply observe the art, this one encouraged active participation, making the experience more dynamic. The attention to detail in the presentation and the thought-provoking content made it a memorable visit compared to more conventional exhibitions.

Answer 2: This one was more emotionally impactful than other exhibitions. The artworks weren’t just visually appealing; they provoked deep reflection and discussion. While I’ve seen many technically brilliant exhibitions, this one was unique in its ability to connect with the audience personally and inspire meaningful conversations about the themes it explored.

Q3. Did the exhibition change your perspective on art or a particular issue?

Answer 1: Yes, the exhibition changed my perspective on how art can be used as a tool for social commentary. Before this, I mostly appreciated art for its aesthetic value, but the exhibition showed me how powerful it can be in raising awareness and sparking dialogue on important issues. It made me realise that art is not just about beauty but also about challenging perceptions and inspiring change.

Answer 2: The exhibition broadened my understanding of abstract art. I used to find abstract pieces difficult to interpret, but seeing how the artists explained their work and the emotions behind it gave me a new appreciation for this style. It taught me to look beyond the surface and consider the deeper meaning and intent behind the artwork.

Q4. Would you recommend this art exhibition to others? Why or why not?

Answer 1: I would recommend this art exhibition to others, especially to those interested in contemporary art. The exhibition was visually stunning and intellectually stimulating, offering a fresh perspective on current social and cultural issues. It’s an experience that stays with you, prompting further thought long after you’ve left the gallery.

Answer 2: I recommend this exhibition, particularly to anyone who enjoys exploring new ideas through art. It was an eye-opening experience that combined creativity with profound messages. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or just curious, the exhibition offers something for everyone, making it a worthwhile visit that’s both enjoyable and thought-provoking.


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Q. How long should I speak in Part 2?

Ans. You should aim to speak for the full 2 minutes in Part 2. If you finish early, the examiner might ask follow-up questions, but it’s best to keep talking until they stop you. Speaking for full-time allows you to demonstrate your ability to maintain a conversation on a single topic.

Q. Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question?

Ans. Yes, if you don’t understand a question, you can politely ask the examiner to repeat or rephrase it. This won’t affect your score, as the test assesses your ability to respond to questions, not your ability to understand them the first time. It's better to ask than to answer incorrectly.

Q. Can I take notes during Part 2?

Ans. Yes, during the 1-minute preparation time in Part 2, you can take notes on the paper provided. You can use these notes to guide your speech but don't read directly from them. Notes can help you stay organised and ensure you cover all the points on the cue card.

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