

Describe a Habit Your Friend Has and You Want To Develop: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 06:36


The IELTS Speaking Test topic "Describe a Habit Your Friend Has and You Want to Develop" invites you to discuss a particular behaviour or routine of a friend that you admire and wish to incorporate into your own life. This topic requires you to describe the habit clearly, explain why it appeals to you, and discuss how it might benefit you if adopted. It’s important to consider the specific details of the habit, its impact on your friend’s life, and your motivation to develop it.


Practising this topic enhances your IELTS Speaking skills by improving your ability to provide detailed descriptions and express personal opinions. It encourages you to articulate the significance of the habit, use relevant vocabulary, and structure your response logically. This helps showcase your speaking fluency and prepares you to handle similar topics that require personal reflection and detailed explanations.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Habit Your Friend Has and You Want To Develop

You should say

  • Who is your friend?
  • What habit does he/she have?
  • When did you notice this habit?
  • Explain why you want to develop this habit.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is your friend?)


  • My friend Anjali has a habit of practising yoga daily. 
  • I met Anjali during college, and we’ve been close friends ever since. 
  • She’s always been someone I admire for her disciplined lifestyle and positive attitude, which is why I pay close attention to her habits.


Describing the Habit (Covers: What habit does he/she have?)


  • Anjali consistently does yoga every morning. 
  • She follows a structured routine with various asanas, meditation, and breathing exercises. 
  • I’ve seen her start her day with yoga for the past couple of years, and it’s become an integral part of her daily routine. 
  • Her commitment to this practice is evident in her calm demeanour and physical fitness.


Leap to Learn: Word of the Moment

Demeanour: outward behaviour or bearing.


Key Highlights (Covers: When did you notice this habit? Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • I first noticed Anjali’s dedication to yoga in her final year of college. 
  • I was impressed by how it positively impacted her energy levels and stress management. 
  • Seeing her benefits, such as increased flexibility, improved focus, and a more relaxed attitude, made me realise how valuable this habit could be. 
  • I want to develop this habit myself because I believe it will help me manage stress better and improve my overall well-being, much like it has for Anjali.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • In conclusion, I genuinely admire Anjali’s daily yoga practice and aspire to adopt it in my own life. 
  • The positive changes I’ve observed in her—both physically and mentally—motivate me to integrate yoga into my routine. 
  • I’m confident that developing this habit will greatly enhance my health and overall quality of life.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is your friend?)


  • My friend Ravi is someone I’ve always looked up to, especially for his habit of reading every night before bed. 
  • Ravi and I have been friends since childhood, and over the years, I’ve noticed how this habit has shaped his personality and knowledge.


Describing the Habit (Covers: What habit does he/she have?)


  • Ravi dedicates at least an hour to reading before going to sleep every night. 
  • He reads many books, from fiction to self-development, and never misses his nightly reading session, regardless of how busy his day has been. 
  • This habit has made him well-informed and helped him maintain a calm and reflective mindset.


Key Highlights (Covers: When did you notice this habit? Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • I first noticed Ravi’s reading habit during our high school years when he would often share interesting insights from the books he read. 
  • His ability to articulate ideas and engage in meaningful conversations has always impressed me. 
  • I realised that this habit contributes significantly to his intellectual growth and stress relief. 
  • I want to develop this habit because I believe it will enhance my knowledge, improve my focus, and provide a relaxing end to my day.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • In conclusion, Ravi’s habit of reading every night is something I deeply admire and wish to incorporate into my routine. 
  • I’ve seen how it has enriched his life intellectually and emotionally, and I’m convinced that adopting this habit will help me grow similarly. 
  • By making time for reading each night, I hope to broaden my perspectives and find a peaceful way to unwind at the end of the day.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is your friend?)


  • My friend Priya is someone I’ve always admired, particularly for her habit of maintaining a gratitude journal. 
  • We met during our university days and quickly became close friends. 
  • Over the years, I’ve noticed how this simple habit has profoundly impacted her outlook on life.


Describing the Habit (Covers: What habit does he/she have?)


  • Priya has developed a habit of writing in her gratitude journal every night before bed. 
  • She takes a few minutes to jot down three things she is thankful for that day, no matter how small. 
  • This practice helps her focus on the positive aspects of her life, even during challenging times, and she has been doing it consistently for the past few years.


Key Highlights (Covers: When did you notice this habit? Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • I first noticed Priya’s gratitude journaling habit when she shared how it helped her stay positive during our stressful final exams. 
  • I was struck by how calm and centred she remained despite the pressure we were all under. 
  • This habit has helped her cultivate a more optimistic and resilient mindset. 
  • I want to develop this habit because I believe it will help me appreciate the small joys in life, reduce stress, and maintain a more positive attitude.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you want to develop this habit.)


  • In conclusion, I truly admire Priya’s habit of maintaining a gratitude journal and aspire to adopt it in my own life. 
  • It has enhanced her emotional well-being and kept her grounded during tough times, which is inspiring. 
  • By incorporating this habit into my routine, I hope to develop a more grateful and positive mindset, improving my overall happiness and resilience.

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a specific topic and some prompts. You will then have one minute to prepare your response. During this time, you can make notes to organise your thoughts and plan how to address each prompt. After the preparation time, you'll need to speak about the topic for 1-2 minutes. 


To effectively answer a cue card topic like "Describe a Habit Your Friend Has and You Want to Develop," break your response into clear sections: Introduction, describing your experience or opinion, highlighting key aspects of the habit, and concluding your answer. 


This approach helps you organise your thoughts and present a well-structured response.




  • Begin by introducing the habit your friend has that you admire.
  • Mention who your friend is and briefly describe the habit.
  • Set the context for why this habit is important to you and why you want to develop it.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • Explain in detail how this habit is beneficial or impressive.
  • Share your personal feelings about why you find it appealing.
  • Discuss any specific instances or examples that illustrate the habit’s positive impact.


Key Highlights:


  • Focus on the key aspects of the habit, such as its effectiveness or the discipline involved.
  • Mention how this habit has positively influenced your friend’s life or how it could benefit you.
  • Use descriptive language to explain why this habit stands out to you.




  • Summarise why you want to develop this habit and how you plan to do so.
  • Reflect on how adopting this habit might improve your own life or routines.
  • Provide a final thought on the overall importance of this habit in your personal growth.


By structuring your response this way, you ensure you comprehensively cover all aspects of the topic and present your ideas clearly and organizedly.


Also Read: IELTS Speaking Vocabulary

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking Test, the follow-up question or the two-way discussion round comes after you have delivered your response to the cue card topic. This part of the test involves the examiner asking additional questions about the topic you just discussed. These questions are designed to explore your ideas more deeply, assess your ability to express opinions and evaluate how well you can handle more complex language. 

The questions might require you to explain your thoughts, compare different perspectives, or discuss related issues in greater detail. 

Below are some commonly asked questions.

Q1. What habits should children have?

Answer 1: Children should cultivate various beneficial habits early on, as these will impact their lives. For instance, developing the habit of waking up early and eating balanced meals sets the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity and brushing their teeth twice daily are also crucial for their well-being. Additionally, planning out their academic activities helps them become organised and disciplined. Respecting their elders, parents, and teachers is another vital habit that fosters positive relationships and moral values. While these habits are essential, parents should also guide their children in adopting other positive behaviours that will benefit them in the long run.


Answer 2: Children should develop healthy and constructive habits that contribute to their growth. Starting the day early and maintaining a nutritious diet are key to staying healthy and focused. Daily exercise keeps them active, and brushing their teeth twice a day helps maintain good oral hygiene. Beyond these, children need to plan their academic activities to build discipline. Showing respect to their elders, parents, and teachers is another habit that instils strong moral values. While these are foundational habits, parents play a crucial role in helping their children cultivate additional positive behaviours that will serve them well throughout life.

Q2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?

Answer 1: Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children's habits by setting a positive example. Parents can encourage their children to adopt similar behaviours by leading an active and healthy lifestyle. Since children often imitate their parents, parents must embody the habits they wish to instil in their children, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and maintaining good hygiene. Additionally, parents should teach their children strong moral principles, as these will guide them throughout life. By integrating these habits into their own routines, parents can naturally influence their children to follow suit.


Answer 2: To instil good habits in their children, parents should be role models, demonstrating the behaviours they want their children to adopt. Children are highly observant and tend to mimic their parents, so when parents engage in regular exercise, healthy eating, and disciplined routines, their children are more likely to do the same. Furthermore, parents should actively teach moral values, such as honesty and respect, which are crucial for their children's personal development. By incorporating these positive habits into their daily lives, parents can effectively guide their children in developing good habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Q3. What influences do children with bad habits have on other children?

Answer 1: Children with bad habits can significantly negatively influence their peers. When a child is exposed to unhealthy behaviours, such as a lack of discipline or substance abuse, they may inadvertently encourage other children to adopt similar habits. This is especially true in social settings where peer pressure is strong. Parents need to be vigilant about the company their children keep, as negative influences can easily lead to the development of undesirable behaviours. It's important for parents to guide their children in choosing friends who have positive habits and to create an environment that encourages good behaviour.


Answer 2: Children with bad habits can negatively impact other children, especially in environments where peer influence is strong. Suppose a child is surrounded by peers who engage in undesirable behaviours, such as disobedience or lack of respect. In that case, they may start mimicking these actions, believing them acceptable. This can lead to a cycle where bad habits spread among children. Parents should closely monitor their children's friendships and activities to prevent them from adopting negative behaviours. By fostering positive environments and relationships, parents can help protect their children from the influence of bad habits.

Q4. Why do some habits change when people get older?

Answer 1: As people age, their perspectives and priorities often shift, leading to changes in their habits. With maturity comes a better understanding of life, and individuals may become more aware of their actions and impact on others. This self-awareness often prompts people to abandon negative habits and adopt more positive behaviours that align with their goals and values. Additionally, life experiences teach valuable lessons that influence the development of new, healthier habits. People tend to seek out habits that benefit themselves and positively affect their families and communities.


Answer 2: Habits often change as people grow older because their life experiences and increasing responsibilities prompt them to reassess their behaviours. With age, individuals typically gain a deeper understanding of what is important in life, leading them to prioritise positive habits that contribute to their well-being and those around them. For example, they might focus on healthier living, financial responsibility, or spending more time with loved ones. The wisdom gained from past experiences also significantly motivates people to make positive changes in their habits to improve their quality of life.

Q5. Which kind of habit are you proud of?

Answer 1: One habit that I am particularly proud of is my commitment to continuous learning. Whether reading books, taking online courses, or staying informed about current events, I make it a point to expand my knowledge regularly. This habit has not only helped me grow personally and professionally, but it has also allowed me to stay adaptable in a constantly changing world. It’s a habit that I believe will serve me well throughout my life, as it keeps my mind active and engaged.


Answer 2: I take great pride in my regular exercise habits. Over the years, I have prioritised physical fitness in my life, and it has significantly improved my physical and mental well-being. This habit has taught me discipline, perseverance, and the importance of self-care. The sense of accomplishment I feel after a good workout is incredibly rewarding, and it motivates me to maintain this habit as an integral part of my daily routine.


Q. How should I prepare for the IELTS Speaking Test?

Ans. Effective preparation for the IELTS Speaking Test involves regular practice in conversing in English. Engage in discussions with friends, language partners, or instructors to build fluency. Recording yourself while speaking on various topics can be beneficial, as it allows you to identify areas for improvement. Seek feedback from native speakers or qualified instructors. Familiarise yourself with common IELTS topics such as travel, hobbies, and daily experiences, and practice articulating your thoughts on these subjects clearly and coherently.

Q. What is the format for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test (Cue Card)?

Ans. Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test has a specific format. You will be given a cue card with a topic and three to four related prompts. You’ll have one minute to prepare, during which you can jot down notes. Following this, you are expected to speak for 1-2 minutes, addressing the prompts and adding any relevant information.

Q. How is Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test structured?

Ans. The structure of Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test is designed to ease you into the conversation. It typically consists of introductory questions on familiar topics, such as your background, home, studies or work, and hobbies. This section is a comfortable starting point, helping you and the examiner establish a natural flow of conversation while assessing your ability to engage in basic dialogue.

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