UK Minimum Wage Per Hour 2024: Latest Updates for Indian Students

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The UK minimum wage per hour is a law that tells businesses in the UK how much they must pay their workers per hour at the very least. It ensures that workers get a good wage for their work, giving them a primary way to live. 

The government made this policy to deal with income imbalance, improve social justice, and protect workers’ health and safety.

The UK minimum wage per hour is looked at and changed every so often to keep it fair and in line with the cost of living changes. It lets the minimum wage adjust to changes in the economy and keeps doing its job of protecting workers’ rights.

What is the UK Minimum Wage Per Hour?

The UK minimum wage per hour varies depending on the age and employment status of the worker. It is different as compared to the Indian minimum wage per hour. The different rates are as follows:

Age Group (yrs)UK Minimum Wage Per Hour (INR)Indian Minimum Wage Per Hour (INR)
23 and above1086111
Source: National Minimum Wage & National Living Wage Rates

Current UK Minimum Wage Per Hour

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UK Minimum Wage Per Hour 2024: Latest Updates for Indian Students
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1. The National Living Wage is INR 1086 per hour for people over 23.

2. The standard adult rate for workers ages 21 to 22 is INR 1061 per hour. Even though it is a little less than the National Living Wage, it still ensures that young adults are paid fairly for their jobs.

3. The Development Rate is INR 780 per hour for workers between 18 and 20. This rate shows that young workers starting their careers are valuable and give them a fair wage.

4. The rate for 16- to 17-year-old workers is INR 550 per hour. This rate is for people just starting the job and must work and go to school simultaneously.

5. The Apprentice Rate is INR 550 per hour for trainees under 19 or in their first year as an apprentice. This rate shows that internships are an excellent way to learn and help people transition between school and work.

Note: The National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) determine the UK minimum wage per hour annually. It remains the same across all the states/regions of the UK, such as England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Impact on Indian Students of the UK Minimum Wage Per Hour Change

The new change in UK minimum wage per hour is significant for Indian students studying there. International students face unique financial problems, like paying for tuition, living costs, and money to send home to help their families. 

The change in the UK minimum wage per hour has a direct effect on how much Indian students who work part-time jobs while they are in school make.

  • By ensuring a fair minimum wage, the UK government makes it possible for Indian students to make a good living and pay their bills, which can help them financially. 
  • It improves their general experience as international students, so they can focus on their studies and enjoy their time in the UK.

Also, the new UK minimum wage per hour law protects Indian students from unfair job practices by raising the minimum wage. 

  • Students may be underpaid or work in terrible conditions without a set minimum wage. 
  • By setting and changing the minimum wage, the UK government protects the rights of Indian students and makes sure they are not taken advantage of in the job market.

Work Eligibility for Indian Students in the UK

If they meet specific requirements, Indian students in the UK can get paid the UK minimum wage per hour. The UK minimum wage per hour is a law that companies have to follow. It makes sure that workers get fair compensation for their work. 

If you are an Indian student over 16 working officially in the UK, you can get the minimum wage. Indian students must be allowed to work in the UK to get the minimum wage per hour there. It works with a Tier 4 student visa, which lets students work part-time while studying. 

It’s important to know that working without the correct permit or for more hours than allowed can lead to significant problems, like being kicked out of the UK or not being able to come back.

Work Restrictions and Regulations for Indian Students

UK Indian students must know employment limits and laws to comply with the law and receive the minimum wage per hour. Tier 4 student visas allow part-time work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time jobs during holidays.

You must realize that there are constraints and regulations. First, you need a signed work contract with your hourly wage and other stipulations. Only work what is allowed, as this can jeopardize your visa.

uk minimum wage per hour
FACT: The current UK minimum wage per hour is 1086 INR for workers aged 23 and over.

Full-time Jobs

We will explore the definition of full-time employment and the UK minimum wage per hour rates applicable to full-time workers. 

Full-time employment in the UK usually means working a defined number of hours weekly. The UK government defines full-time employment as 35 hours per week, which might vary by industry and job requirements.

Minimum Wage for Full-time Workers

The UK government has rules to guarantee workers get fair pay. The UK minimum wage per hour ensures workers get fair wages, at least a set amount per hour.

UK Minimum Wage Per Hour for different age groups

The UK minimum wage per hour varies by age. Between 18 and 20, the minimum salary is slightly lower than for older workers. The government set a different minimum pay rate for younger workers because they may have less experience and skills. 

Workers aged 21–24 have a higher minimum salary due to their experience and maturity. For workers 25 and older, the National Living Wage is the highest minimum wage. This rate recognizes that people in this age bracket often support families or run their households.

Full-time Job Title UK Minimum Wage Per Hour (INR)
Engineering 2,088
Sales & Marketing1,566
Admin & Office1,044
Source: National Minimum Wage & National Living Wage Rates

Part-time Jobs

Part-time work in the UK involves working fewer hours per week than full-time work. At the same time, there is no set amount of hours. A part-time job usually involves working fewer than 35 hours each week. 

Minimum Wage for Part-time Workers

Part-time workers, like full-timers, must earn at least the UK minimum wage per hour. Minimum wage rates vary by age and are often revised to keep up with economic realities and offer workers a decent quality of living.

UK Minimum Wage Per Hour for different age groups

Workers aged 18-20, who are young adults transitioning from schooling to a job, get a slightly lower minimum salary than older workers. It recognizes their insufficient experience and skills yet requires a reasonable wage.

The 21-24 minimum wage is slightly higher than the younger age group. It acknowledges that people in this age group may have employment experience, skills, and financial responsibilities.

Adult workers 25 and older receive the highest minimum pay. It recognizes their maturity, potential years of experience, and probability of having mortgages or supporting a family.

Part-time Job TitleUK Minimum Wage Per Hour(INR) (Approx.)
Retail Assistant 835
Customer service representative 835
Library assistant1,086
Data entry clerk1,566
Food delivery driver1,061
Dog Walker835
Grocery store clerk750
Source: National Minimum Wage & National Living Wage Rates

UK Minimum Wage per Hour in 2024

It is an integral part of the country’s labour laws and ensures that all fields pay workers fairly. The government sets the minimum wage, which businesses use as a starting point to determine how much they need to pay their workers. 

The UK minimum wage per hour law aims to stop workers from being taken advantage of and ensure they have enough money to meet their basic wants.

Anticipated Changes for 2024

In anticipation of 2024, there have been various projections about UK minimum wage per hour revisions. 

1. Economic growth and inflation

According to economic developments, the UK government may adjust the hourly minimum wage to reflect inflation and economic growth. This adjustment is necessary to ensure that workers are paid appropriately, given the rising cost of living and possible economic growth. 

2. UK Living Wage Rise

Another possibility for 2024 is an increase in the UK Living Wage, an independently estimated hourly rate designed to give workers a fair quality of living. 

Unlike the UK minimum wage per hour, the Living Wage Foundation reviews and adjusts its speed annually, indicating a 2024 hike. The government may explore connecting the minimum wage per hour with the Living Wage to ensure workers obtain a basic income. 

This reform would boost workers and reduce sector-wide income disparity.

3. Industry-Specific Changes

Due to operational obstacles, skill requirements, or working conditions, some sectors may necessitate differing wage norms. This method recognizes that not all work is equal and seeks to compensate for harder-to-fill or specialized positions. 

The government can promote industry growth and preserve workers’ rights by customizing the minimum wage for individual industries.

What is Not Included in Minimum Wage per Hour in the UK?

It discusses UK minimum wage per hour exclusions. You must understand these criteria to comply with the law and grasp the minimum wage.

Tips and Service Charges

Tips and service charges are not part of the UK minimum wage per hour. It means they should get paid over the minimum wage—the UK minimum wage per hour guarantees fair wages. However, tips and service charges are not regulated.

Employees are usually allowed to keep them. Employers cannot use gratuities and service charges to raise workers’ minimum wage. It means that even if employees earn bonuses, their hourly compensation must meet UK government minimum wage criteria.

Accommodation provided by the employer

The fact that a company provides housing is another thing that needs to come to light when figuring out the minimum wage per hour in the UK. If a company gives an employee a place to live as part of their job, the cost of the area to live should be considered.

Expenses related to employment

Work-related costs are also not considered when figuring out the minimum wage per hour in the UK. It indicates an employee’s job-related charges or fees include no deduction to determine the minimum wage.

Final Thoughts

By 2024, the UK minimum wage is likely to change in ways that could help you if you are an Indian student looking for work in the UK.

Knowing the UK minimum wage is important as a student because it tells you the least amount of money you can make whether you work full-time or part-time. 

So, start preparing by researching and making a budget, and be ready to take advantage of the coming changes. Your future in the UK is looking better now.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. How does the UK decide what the minimum pay is?

    A. The independent Low Pay Commission provides recommendations to the government of the UK, which then uses those recommendations to determine the minimum wage. To select an appropriate rate, this commission considers various factors, including the state of the economy, the rate of inflation, and the requirements posed by both workers and businesses.

  • Q. Do different age groups have different minimum pay rates?

    A. Yes. There are, in fact, variations in the minimum wage that take into account factors such as age and employment status. It features varying prices for adults (those aged 25 and older), young employees (those under 25), students, and persons currently receiving the National Living Wage.

  • Q. What’s the National Living Wage?

    A. The National Living rate is the hourly rate that is the bare minimum for workers over the age of 25. This amount is typically more than the federally mandated minimum wage for adults and enables the recipient to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

  • Q. Should the minimum wage be higher for people who work in London?

    A. Yes. The London Living Pay is an additional minimum pay rate because London’s living cost is often more significant than the national average. The city’s high cost of living reflects that many local businesses have decided to pay their employees more.

  • Q. Does the minimum wage change based on the type of job or industry?

    A. No. The term “minimum wage” refers to all workers, regardless of what they do for a livelihood or the sector of the economy in which they work. On the other hand, certain companies may have policies that, in addition to the mandatory minimum wage standards, include provisions for additional perks or pay increases.

  • Q. During training, can a company pay less than the minimum wage?

    A. Employers must pay their workers at least the state-mandated minimum wage, even if they are in training. There are, however, some notable outliers, such as specific educational programs in which the rates may be lower. You should read the terms and conditions before signing the job contract.

  • Q. Does the minimum wage for part-time jobs stay the same?

    A. Yes. It does not matter how many hours a week a person works in part-time employment; they are bound to pay you the minimum wage. The wage you receive per hour does not change, but the total amount you earn is proportional to the number of hours you work.

  • Q. Are there any people who don’t have to pay the minimum wage?

    A. Most workers are qualified for the minimum wage, but those who are self-employed, who volunteer their services, and certain members of families who work in family companies are not. Additionally, employees residing in their employers’ homes are held to a particular set of guidelines.

  • Q. Do you have to pay more than the minimum rate for overtime?

    A. No. The only amount that the minimum wage can recover is the starting hourly rate. Although laws do not mandate additional pay for working more hours, specific employment contracts and industry agreements may include extra money for additional work hours.

  • Q. Can tips be added to the figure for the minimum wage?

    A. The owners are not allowed to employ gratuities or service charges to satisfy the minimum wage requirements. The government instructs that minimum wage is paid to workers and whatever tips or incentives they get from their employers.

  • Q. How often does the minimum pay go up or down?

    A. The minimum wage rates are often reviewed and adjusted once per year as a matter of routine. It is crucial to stay current on government announcements and policy changes, especially regarding the minimum wage, which typically goes into effect in April.

  • Q. If a company doesn’t pay the minimum wage, what happens?

    A. If an employer doesn’t pay the minimum wage, workers can tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about it. HMRC can look into companies that don’t follow the rules and take legal action against them, such as making them pay back wages and fines.

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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