

Describe An Area Of Science That You Are Interested In And Would Like To Learn More About: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:01


The IELTS Speaking cue card is a part of the IELTS exam where you are given a topic to speak about for 1-2 minutes. This assesses your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given subject. One such topic is "Describe An Area Of Science That You Are Interested In And Would Like To Learn More About"


You might choose this activity for various reasons, such as personal interest, physical health, or social interaction. This page will explore sample answers for this topic to help you prepare effectively for your IELTS Speaking test.

Sample Answer 1



  • You might find the field of environmental science fascinating, especially given India's diverse ecosystems and pressing environmental issues.
  • This area of science explores the interactions between natural and human systems.
  • It is crucial in addressing challenges like pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
  • By studying environmental science, you can contribute to sustainable development and environmental protection in India.




  • You may have noticed the increasing pollution levels in cities like Delhi and Mumbai, which can trigger your interest in learning how to tackle these problems.
  • Perhaps you enjoyed visits to nature reserves or parks as a child, sparking a desire to understand how to preserve these natural spaces.
  • You might also be concerned about the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture, a critical sector for the country's economy and food security.
  • This field allows you to combine your passion for science with a commitment to protecting the environment for future generations.


Key Highlights


  • In environmental science, you can study air and water quality management, which is essential for public health and well-being.
  • You may explore renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, vital for reducing India's reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.
  • Conservation biology is another exciting area focusing on protecting endangered species and habitats in India.
  • Environmental policy and management are also crucial for developing strategies and regulations that balance development and environmental protection.




  • In conclusion, environmental science is a vital and dynamic field, especially relevant to India's context.
  • By delving into this area, you can significantly contribute to solving some of the country's most pressing environmental issues.
  • It offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, making it a rewarding field to study and work in.
  • If you are passionate about nature and committed to sustainable development, this could be the perfect area of science for you.
Sample Answer 2



  • You might be intrigued by the field of biotechnology, which has been making significant strides in India.
  • Biotechnology combines biology and technology to develop innovative products and solutions.
  • It has applications in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental management.
  • By studying biotechnology, you can be part of a rapidly growing field that addresses critical issues and improves lives.




  • You may have observed the advancements in healthcare, such as the development of vaccines and genetic therapies, which highlight the importance of biotechnology.
  • Perhaps you are fascinated by how biotechnology can enhance crop yields and make agriculture more sustainable, crucial for India’s food security.
  • You might be inspired by success stories of Indian biotech companies making global impacts, like Bharat Biotech and Biocon.
  • This field offers you the chance to merge your interest in science with a desire to solve real-world problems.


Key Highlights


  • In biotechnology, you can delve into genetic engineering, which has revolutionised medicine and agriculture.
  • You may study biopharmaceuticals, developing drugs and vaccines that can treat diseases more effectively.
  • Bioinformatics is another key area, combining data science and biology to understand complex biological data.
  • Environmental biotechnology uses biological processes to address environmental issues, like waste management and pollution control.




  • In conclusion, biotechnology is a dynamic and impactful field, particularly relevant in India’s context.
  • You can contribute to healthcare, agriculture, and environmental management advancements by exploring this area.
  • It offers a mix of scientific research and practical applications, making it a fulfilling and versatile field.
  • If you are passionate about innovation and making a positive impact, biotechnology could be the perfect area of science for you.
Sample Answer 3



  • You might be captivated by the field of space science, especially with India’s achievements in space exploration.
  • Space science involves the study of celestial bodies and the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere.
  • It encompasses various disciplines, including astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary science.
  • By studying space science, you can contribute to understanding the universe and advancing technology.




  • You may have been inspired by ISRO’s missions, like the Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) and Chandrayaan.
  • Watching the night sky and learning about stars and planets could have sparked your curiosity about the universe.
  • You might be interested in how space technology, such as satellite communications and weather forecasting, can benefit everyday life.
  • This field allows you to explore the mysteries of the universe while contributing to scientific and technological advancements.


Key Highlights


  • In space science, you can study astronomy, observing celestial objects and phenomena to understand the universe's origins and evolution.
  • Astrophysics involves analysing the physical properties of celestial bodies and the underlying laws governing them.
  • Planetary science focuses on studying planets, moons, and other objects in our solar system, including potential life on other planets.
  • Space technology development, such as designing spacecraft and satellite systems, is another crucial aspect of this field.




  • In conclusion, space science is an exciting and evolving field relevant to India’s growing space exploration efforts.
  • You can contribute to significant discoveries and technological advancements by delving into this area.
  • It offers a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, making it a rewarding and fascinating field.
  • If you are passionate about exploring the unknown and advancing technology, space science could be the perfect area of science for you.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a card with a topic. You will have one minute to prepare your answer. During this time, you can make notes on the provided paper. After the preparation, you must speak about the topic for up to two minutes. The examiner will listen and ask a few follow-up questions once you finish.


What is the Best Way to Answer These Cue Cards?


Break your response into small, manageable pieces to give a structured, comprehensive answer.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe An Area Of Science That You Are Interested In And Would Like To Learn More About You should say
  • What is it?
  • When and where did you learn it?
  • Why are you interested in it?
  • How do you feel about it?



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  • Mention the specific area of science you are interested in.
  • Provide a general statement about why you find it intriguing.
  • Briefly mention any personal connection or relevance to your life.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Explain how you became interested in this area.
  • Describe any experiences or encounters that sparked your curiosity.
  • Share your opinion on why this field is important or exciting.


Key Highlights


  • Highlight specific aspects of the field that fascinate you (e.g., groundbreaking discoveries, applications, ongoing research).
  • Mention any well-known scientists or researchers associated with this field.
  • Discuss any interesting facts or theories that you find compelling.




  • Summarise your main points.
  • Express your eagerness to learn more about this area.
  • Mention any future plans you have related to studying or exploring this field further.

Describe An Area Of Science That You Are Interested In And Would Like To Learn More About: Follow-Up Questions

In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will be given a topic and a task card with points to cover in your talk. You have one minute to prepare and can make notes if you wish. Then, you must speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic. After your talk, the examiner will ask you one or two follow-up questions about the topic.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q. What is the best invention in the past hundred years?


Answer 1: The Internet

The Internet is one of the most transformative inventions of the past century. The Internet has revolutionised communication, accessing information, and conducting business. It has made the world smaller by connecting people from different parts of the globe, enabling instant communication and sharing ideas and knowledge.


Answer 2: The Smartphone

Smartphones have changed how we live, work, and interact with the world around us. They are not just communication devices but multifunctional tools that integrate features like cameras, GPS, internet browsers, and countless applications.

Smartphones have made connecting with family and friends easier through social media, messaging apps, and video calls. They have also transformed industries like photography, navigation, and entertainment. For instance, smartphones have replaced traditional cameras for many people, provided real-time GPS navigation, and allowed access to music, movies, and games on the go.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q. What is the influence of science on human life?


Answer 1: Technological Advancement: Science drives technological advancements that revolutionise our lives, work, and communicate. From the development of smartphones and the internet to medical breakthroughs like vaccines and antibiotics, science enhances our quality of life by providing tools and solutions that were once unimaginable. These innovations make daily tasks more efficient and improve healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.


Answer 2: Understanding and Solving Global Challenges: Science is crucial in understanding and addressing global challenges such as climate change, pollution, and pandemics. Through rigorous research and evidence-based approaches, scientists provide insights into the causes and effects of these issues. This knowledge informs policy decisions, drives innovation for sustainable practices, and develops solutions to mitigate and adapt to environmental and health threats. 

Follow-Up Question 3

Q. Do you think it is mandatory to teach science in schools?


Answer 1: Yes, it is mandatory to teach science in schools:
Science education is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it fosters critical thinking skills and promotes scientific literacy among students, enabling them to understand and evaluate the world around them. In today's society, where science and technology play integral roles in daily life, having a basic understanding of scientific principles is essential for informed decision-making and civic engagement.


Answer 2: No, it is not mandatory to teach science in schools:
While science education has benefits, mandating it for all students may not align with individual interests or career aspirations. Not all students may have a natural inclination towards science, and forcing them to study it could lead to disengagement and hinder their academic development. Recognising that students have diverse talents and interests is important, and education should cater to their unique needs and preferences.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q. What can individuals do for scientific research?


Answer 1: Many scientific projects actively involve volunteers through citizen science initiatives. Individuals can contribute by collecting data, observing natural phenomena, or even analysing data from home computers through distributed computing projects. Platforms like Zooniverse or iNaturalist allow people to participate in real scientific research, contributing valuable data that researchers can use to answer important questions across various fields, from astronomy to ecology.


Answer 2: Individuals can advocate for and support open access to scientific research. This includes promoting journals and platforms that provide free access to research articles and data, which can accelerate scientific progress by enabling broader collaboration and scrutiny. Additionally, supporting science advocacy groups or initiatives that promote evidence-based policymaking can ensure that research findings contribute positively to societal decisions and actions.


Q. How do you make notes for cue card IELTS?

Ans. When making notes for cue card IELTS, focus on jotting down keywords or phrases that represent main ideas or key points. Use abbreviations and symbols to save time, and organise your notes in a structured manner to ensure coherence during speaking. Aim to capture essential information while maintaining clarity and brevity to aid in effective recall during your speaking task.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, eye contact is important in IELTS speaking. It demonstrates confidence and engagement with the examiner, enhancing your overall communication. Effective eye contact can also help convey sincerity and clarity in your responses, key criteria for scoring well in the speaking test.

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Common mistakes in IELTS speaking include inadequate preparation, leading to hesitation or lack of fluency; overusing basic vocabulary instead of demonstrating a wider range; struggling with pronunciation, which affects clarity; and not following the question prompts accurately, which can lead to off-topic responses.

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