
Describe A Website: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt card used to stimulate discussion in the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It typically contains a topic or task for the test taker to discuss for 1-2 minutes.


In this context, cue cards are vital in assessing candidates' ability to express themselves fluently and coherently. Today, we'll explore the topic ‘Describe a website’ and examine sample answers to help you prepare effectively for this task.


Websites have become integral to our lives, serving various purposes, from information gathering to entertainment and online shopping. When describing a website, you must consider its design, content, functionality, and overall user experience. 


Whether it's a social media platform, an e-commerce site, or a news portal, each website has unique features that make it distinctive.

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1. Describe a Website: How to Answer?

Understanding how to effectively answer cue card topics such as ‘Describe a Website’ is crucial for success in the IELTS test. Knowing the answer writing technique not only helps you organise your thoughts but also enables you to convey your ideas clearly within the given time frame.

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2. Describe a Website: Sample Answers

Understanding how to provide a sample answer for ‘Describe a Website’ is crucial for your IELTS preparation.


Sample answers offer valuable insights into structuring your response effectively within the allotted time frame. They can help you develop your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the exam.

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3. Describe a Website: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic you've just discussed on the cue card. Expect questions related to the broader theme of the cue card topic, inviting you to express your opinions, elaborate on your ideas, and provide further examples or explanations.

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Describe a Website: How to Answer?

Understanding how to effectively answer cue card topics such as ‘Describe a Website’ is crucial for success in the IELTS test. Knowing the answer writing technique not only helps you organise your thoughts but also enables you to convey your ideas clearly within the given time frame.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will present a cue card containing a topic or task. You'll have one minute to prepare your response before speaking for up to two minutes on the given topic.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Website You should say
  • What is the website?
  • How often do you use the website?
  • What information does the website give you?



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To answer cue cards efficiently, follow these steps:


Introduction (Covers: What is the website?): 


  • Start by introducing the website you've chosen to describe.
  • Mention its name and the purpose it serves.
  • Provide a brief overview of what users can expect from the website.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How often do you use the website?):


  • Share your personal experience with the website, if applicable.
  • Express your opinion on its design, content, and usability.
  • Discuss your interest in the website's subject matter or features.


Key Highlights (Covers: What information does the website give you?): 


  • Highlight specific aspects of the website that stand out to you. 
  • Describe its layout, navigation, and visual appeal. 
  • Discuss any unique features or services it offers compared to similar websites.




  • Summarise your overall impression of the website.
  • Mention any improvements or changes you would suggest.
  • End on a positive note, reaffirming the significance of the website in its respective domain.


Following this structured approach can deliver a coherent and comprehensive response within the allotted time. Remember to maintain a clear and confident delivery while showcasing your language proficiency and communication skills to the examiner.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


Describe a Website: Sample Answers

Understanding how to provide a sample answer for ‘Describe a Website’ is crucial for your IELTS preparation. 

Sample answers offer valuable insights into structuring your response effectively within the allotted time frame. They can help you develop your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the exam.


Here's a sample answer divided into four parts:


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is the website?):


  • I'm eager to describe TED.com, a website that offers a treasure trove of enlightening talks and presentations on a myriad of topics.
  • TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, hosts talks by experts and innovators from around the globe, offering insights into diverse fields such as science, business, arts, and technology.
  • As a platform renowned for its thought-provoking content and inspirational speakers, TED.com has become an indispensable source of knowledge and inspiration for millions worldwide, including myself.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How often do you use the website?):


  • Personally, I find TED talks incredibly enriching and engaging. Each talk is meticulously curated to offer valuable insights, explore groundbreaking scientific discoveries, or delve into thought-provoking philosophical concepts.
  • I visit TED.com regularly, often spending hours exploring the platform's vast array of talks. Whether I am seeking inspiration, broadening my knowledge, or simply wanting to unwind, TED.com never fails to captivate me with its compelling content.
  • The accessibility and convenience of TED.com allow me to integrate it seamlessly into my daily routine, whether commuting to work, taking a break during the day, or winding down in the evening. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive search functionality make discovering talks that align with my interests and preferences effortless.


Key Highlights (Covers: What information does the website give you?):


  • One of the standout features of TED.com is its vast library of talks, which are conveniently categorised based on themes ranging from innovation and creativity to global issues and personal development.
  • Additionally, TED offers translated subtitles for its talks in multiple languages, making the content accessible to a global audience. This inclusivity underscores TED's commitment to fostering cross-cultural dialogue and knowledge exchange.
  • Furthermore, TED.com encourages community engagement through features such as TED Circles, where individuals can host discussions based on TED talks, fostering meaningful connections and dialogue among viewers worldwide.




  • TED.com's website spreads the power of ideas to inspire, educate, and transform lives. Its diverse array of talks, user-friendly interface and commitment to inclusivity make it a beacon of knowledge in the digital age.
  • Whether you're seeking intellectual stimulation, inspiration, or simply a way to expand your horizons, TED.com offers a wealth of resources to satisfy your curiosity and ignite your passion for learning.
  • Thus, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring TED.com to anyone eager to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Describe a Website: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic you've just discussed on the cue card. Expect questions related to the broader theme of the cue card topic, inviting you to express your opinions, elaborate on your ideas, and provide further examples or explanations. 

This round lets you showcase your ability to engage in meaningful conversation and articulate your thoughts coherently.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Can the Internet help children in their studies?


Answer 1: The Internet can be a valuable tool for children's education. With access to online resources such as educational websites, e-books, and interactive learning platforms, children can supplement their classroom learning and explore subjects in greater depth. For example, websites like Khan Academy offer tutorials and exercises covering various subjects, making learning engaging and accessible outside the classroom.


Answer 2: Indeed, the Internet has the potential to enhance children's learning experiences. Through online research, students can access a wealth of information on different topics, helping them broaden their knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. Moreover, educational apps and platforms offer interactive learning activities tailored to children's individual learning styles and preferences, making learning more engaging and enjoyable.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: Will the Internet replace the teacher?


Answer 1: While the Internet provides access to a vast amount of information, it cannot replace the role of a teacher entirely. Teachers offer guidance, support, and personalised instruction tailored to individual students' needs, fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and social skills. While the Internet can supplement traditional teaching methods, the human element of teaching, including empathy and emotional support, cannot be replicated by technology alone.

Answer 2: While the Internet offers a wealth of educational resources, it cannot fully replace the invaluable role of a teacher. Teachers provide mentorship, guidance, and personalised feedback, nurturing students' intellectual and emotional growth in ways that technology cannot replicate. While the Internet can enhance the learning experience, fostering self-directed learning and exploration, teachers' human connection and interaction remain irreplaceable in education.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?


Answer 1: Downloading music or movies for free can potentially cause various issues, such as copyright infringement and loss of revenue for artists and creators. Illegal downloading undermines the efforts of content creators and deprives them of fair compensation for their work. Additionally, it can contribute to the spread of malware and viruses, posing security risks to users' devices and compromising their privacy.


Answer 2: Downloading music or movies for free without proper authorisation can negatively affect content creators and consumers. It violates copyright laws and deprives artists and filmmakers of rightful compensation for their work. Moreover, it undermines the sustainability of the entertainment industry and discourages investment in creating quality content. Respecting intellectual property rights and supporting legal avenues for accessing and enjoying music and movies is essential.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: What influence can (or does) the internet have on children?


Answer 1: The Internet can profoundly influence children's attitudes, behaviours, and world perceptions. It offers access to a vast array of information and resources, facilitating learning, exploration, and creativity. However, excessive screen time and exposure to inappropriate content can also negatively affect children's social, emotional, and cognitive development. Parents and educators must promote responsible Internet use and teach children how to navigate online spaces safely and ethically.


Answer 2: The Internet significantly influences children's learning, communication, and social interactions. While it offers unparalleled opportunities for learning and discovery, it also poses risks such as exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. Parents and educators must educate children about online safety, critical thinking, and digital citizenship, empowering them to navigate the digital world responsibly and confidently.

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Q. How to make notes for cue card IELTS?

Ans. To craft practical notes for an IELTS cue card, begin by thoroughly understanding the task. Then, brainstorm relevant ideas, organise them logically using bullet points or mind maps, and include key details. Simplify your notes with keywords or short phrases to aid recall during the speaking test. Practice speaking aloud using your notes to ensure fluency and coherence.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, maintaining consistent eye contact during the IELTS speaking test is crucial. While it's not directly scored, it enhances your communication by demonstrating confidence, engagement, and attentiveness to the examiner. Good eye contact helps establish rapport and connection with the listener, contributing to a more effective and impactful delivery of your responses.

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Common errors in the IELTS speaking test include failing to address the question directly, using limited vocabulary, making grammatical mistakes, lacking fluency with frequent pauses or hesitations, struggling with pronunciation, and overusing filler words like "um" and "uh." Being aware of these pitfalls and practising effectively can significantly improve your performance and score in the speaking section.