
Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt card used in the speaking section of the IELTS exam to stimulate discussion and elicit extended responses from candidates. 

Cue cards are an integral part of the speaking test, providing candidates with a specific topic to talk about for a designated period of time.


Imagine eagerly planning a long-awaited trip, only to encounter unexpected delays that disrupt your travel plans. This is the scenario we'll be delving into today. You'll reflect on a travel experience that you were excited about but faced delays, exploring how it impacted you and what you did during the wait.

Throughout this discussion, we'll look into sample answers to illustrate various ways candidates can effectively communicate their experiences and emotions related to delayed travel.

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1. Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: How to Answer?

Understanding how to respond effectively to cue card topics such as ‘Describe a trip you were looking forward to but was delayed’ is essential for excelling in the IELTS test.

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2. Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

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3. Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic discussed in the cue card. This phase allows the examiner to assess your ability to provide extended answers and engage in a more in-depth conversation. 

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Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: How to Answer?

Understanding how to respond effectively to cue card topics such as ‘Describe a trip you were looking forward to but was delayed’ is essential for excelling in the IELTS test. 


Mastering this skill not only showcases your fluency but also demonstrates your ability to organise your thoughts within a tight time frame.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed You should say
  • Where were you going?
  • Why was it important for you?
  • Why was it delayed?
  • What happened in the end?



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 Here's how to approach answering this cue card:




  • Begin by introducing the travel plan you were excited about.
  • Clearly state that the trip was delayed and briefly mention the reasons for the delay.
  • Express your anticipation for the trip and your disappointment when it was delayed.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Share details about the destination you were planning to visit and why it was significant to you.
  • Discuss your preparations for the trip, including any bookings or arrangements made.
  • Express your feelings upon learning about the delay, such as frustration, disappointment, or understanding.


Key Highlights:


  • Highlight the impact of the delay on your plans and emotions.
  • Discuss any alternative arrangements you considered or actions you took due to the delay.
  • Describe how you managed your expectations and stayed positive despite the setback.




  • Summarise your experience of eagerly anticipating a trip only to have it delayed.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned from this experience, such as patience or adaptability.
  • End on a hopeful note by expressing your determination to eventually make the trip and the excitement that still lingers despite the delay.

Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



  • Last summer, anticipation was high for a trip to Venice, Italy.
  • Detailed planning included exploring canals, landmarks, and local cuisine.
  • Disappointment struck a week prior when the trip had to be postponed.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Excitement was tangible, especially for experiences like gondola rides and visiting St. Mark's Square.
  • The delay felt like a setback after meticulous planning.
  • Emotions ranged from frustration to understanding the necessity of the delay.


Key Highlights:


  • The delay prompted reconsideration of travel plans and exploration of alternative destinations.
  • Despite initial disappointment, optimism prevailed, leading to the discovery of new possibilities.
  • The experience underscored the importance of adaptability and resilience in unforeseen circumstances.




  • While the delay was disheartening, enthusiasm for travel remained undiminished.
  • Valuable lessons in flexibility and determination were learned.
  • Looking forward to rescheduling the trip and making the most of the experience when the time is right.

Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will delve deeper into the topic discussed in the cue card. This phase allows the examiner to assess your ability to provide extended answers and engage in a more in-depth conversation. 


Expect questions related to the theme of your cue card topic, as well as broader questions about travel experiences and opinions.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q. Which transportation mode is the safest, according to you?


Answer 1: Personally, I believe that air travel is the safest mode of transportation. The stringent safety regulations, advanced technology, and highly trained professionals contribute to its reputation for safety.


Answer 2: In my opinion, trains are the safest mode of transportation. Their fixed tracks and extensive safety measures make them a reliable choice for travel, especially for shorter distances.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q. Which things should you keep in mind before travelling?


Answer 1: Before travelling, it's essential to ensure you have all necessary documents, such as passports and visas. Additionally, research your destination's culture, customs, and any travel advisories. Packing essentials like clothing appropriate for the climate and any required medications is crucial.


Answer 2: One should always check for travel restrictions, health advisories, and weather forecasts. It's wise to inform family or friends about your itinerary and keep emergency contacts handy. Lastly, have a flexible mindset to adapt to unexpected situations during the journey.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q. How can travelling be useful to people?


Answer 1: Travelling broadens one's horizons by exposing them to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. It fosters personal growth, enhances cultural understanding, and promotes tolerance and empathy.


Answer 2: Travelling offers opportunities for relaxation, rejuvenation, and stress relief. It allows people to break out of their routines, discover new interests, and create lasting memories with loved ones.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q. How do you think commercial flights will improve?


Answer 1: I believe commercial flights will continue to improve in terms of efficiency and sustainability. Advancements in aircraft technology, such as fuel-efficient engines and eco-friendly designs, will reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact.


Answer 2: With the advent of digital technologies, commercial flights will enhance passenger experience through seamless booking processes, personalised services, and enhanced in-flight entertainment options. Additionally, efforts to improve safety measures and streamline airport procedures will contribute to overall improvements in air travel.

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Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

Ans. During the Cue Card task, you'll get 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to speak. Efficient time management is crucial for optimal performance. Use the minute to jot down and organise your ideas. During the 2-minute speaking time, elaborate and cover all key points from the cue card. Pace yourself and avoid rushing. Use transition words to connect your ideas smoothly.

Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

Ans. To effectively frame your answer within 1 minute, begin by outlining and arranging key points logically. Commence with a brief introduction to set the context, elaborate on the main points concisely, and conclude with a succinct summary or closing statement. Practising this structured approach can help ensure clarity and coherence within the given time constraint.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test, a vital exam component, typically spans 11-14 minutes. This comprehensive assessment consists of three distinct sections: firstly, an introductory phase and interview, which typically consumes 4-5 minutes. Subsequently, candidates take a long turn where they express their views on a given topic, typically lasting 3-4 minutes. Lastly, participants partake in a discussion about the topic for another 4-5 minutes.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test is evaluated across four key criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Each aspect holds equal importance in determining proficiency. Examiners meticulously follow a comprehensive marking scheme to assess candidates' performance accurately. This systematic approach ensures a fair and thorough evaluation of candidates' speaking abilities, ultimately reflecting their overall language proficiency.