

Describe a Time of the Day You Like: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 10:56


In the IELTS Speaking Test, the topic "Describe a Time of the Day You Like" is part of Round 2, also known as the Individual Long Turn. This section requires you to speak for 1-2 minutes on a specific topic provided by the examiner. The focus here is to describe a particular time of day that you enjoy, including details about what makes it special and how you spend it. Important factors to consider include personal experiences, the reasons behind your preference, and how this time fits into your daily routine.


Practising this topic helps improve your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to organise your thoughts coherently and speak fluently about personal experiences. It allows you to showcase your ability to provide detailed descriptions and reflections, which are key components of a strong speaking performance.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Time of the Day You Like

You should say

  • What time of day is it?
  • What you do at that time?
  • How is it different from other parts of the day?
  • Why do you like that part of the day?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What time of day is it?)


  • The time of day I enjoy most is the early morning, around 6 a.m. This is when the day starts to wake up, and the atmosphere feels fresh and new.
  • I particularly like the morning hours because they set a positive tone for the rest of my day. The quietness at this time is calming and helps me focus.
  • Early mornings are special to me as they offer a peaceful environment before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. It’s a time when I can collect my thoughts and plan my day.
  • I find this time ideal for starting my daily routines and getting a head start on tasks. It’s when I feel most productive and motivated.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What you do at that time?)


  • During the early morning, I usually go for a jog in the park near my home. This exercise helps me feel energised and ready for the day.
  • I also use this time to enjoy a hot cup of chai while reading the newspaper. It’s a moment of relaxation before my work begins.
  • Often, I take advantage of the quiet morning hours to meditate and centre myself. This practice brings clarity and calmness to my mind.
  • I like to prepare a healthy breakfast during this time, which sets a positive tone for my day. It’s a time when I can focus on nourishing myself.


Key Highlights (Covers: How is it different from other parts of the day?)


  • Unlike other parts of the day, the early morning is free from distractions and noise. This makes it easier to concentrate and be productive.
  • The calm and solitude of the morning hours contrast sharply with the busy afternoons and evenings filled with meetings and social commitments.
  • Early mornings provide a sense of achievement, as I can complete tasks before the day gets hectic. This early start helps me stay ahead.
  • This time allows me to connect with nature and enjoy a moment of peace, which is often missing during the rush of the day.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you like that part of the day?)


  • I like the early morning because it offers a chance for peace and productivity before the day’s activities take over.
  • It’s a time when I feel most in control of my schedule and can enjoy a sense of accomplishment.
  • The morning hours provide a perfect balance between tranquillity and productivity, making them my favourite part of the day.
  • Overall, the early morning is a cherished part of my day as it helps me start fresh and stay focused.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What time of day is it?)


  • The time of day I find most enjoyable is late evening, around 8 p.m. This is when the day starts winding down, and there’s a sense of relaxation in the air.
  • I particularly appreciate the evening hours because they offer a peaceful end to a busy day. It’s a time when I can unwind and reflect on the day’s events.
  • The late evening is special for me as it allows me to spend quality time with my family without the interruptions of daily work.
  • This time of day is ideal for me to engage in leisure activities or pursue hobbies that I enjoy, which helps me relax and recharge.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What you do at that time?)

  • In the late evening, I often watch television or read a book. This helps me relax and escape from the day’s stresses.
  • I also use this time to have dinner with my family. It’s a great opportunity for us to catch up and enjoy each other’s company.
  • Sometimes, I go for a walk in the local park, which is a peaceful way to end the day and clear my mind.
  • I enjoy preparing a light snack or a cup of herbal tea during this time, which makes the evening feel more comforting and enjoyable.


Key Highlights (Covers: How is it different from other parts of the day?)

  • Unlike other times of the day, the late evening is quieter and less hectic, allowing for a peaceful atmosphere.
  • The calmness of the evening contrasts with the busyness of the day, providing a much-needed break from the constant activity.
  • This time allows me to focus on personal interests and family time, which can be hard to find during the day.
  • The evening hours are perfect for winding down and reflecting on the day, making them a cherished part of my daily routine.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you like that part of the day?)


  • I enjoy the late evening because it offers a chance to relax and spend quality time with loved ones after a busy day.
  • It’s a time when I can unwind and engage in activities that bring me comfort and joy.
  • The peaceful nature of the evening helps me reflect on my day and prepare for the next, making it an important part of my routine.
  • Overall, the late evening is my favourite time of day as it provides a perfect balance of relaxation and connection.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What time of day is it?)


  • The time of day I enjoy most is early afternoon, around 2 p.m. This is when I have a break from my daily responsibilities and can enjoy a moment of calm.
  • I find the early afternoon particularly pleasant because it’s a time when I can relax and take a pause from work or study.
  • This period of the day is special to me as it offers a chance to recharge before diving back into my tasks.
  • It’s an ideal time for me to catch up on personal interests or simply enjoy a peaceful break.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What you do at that time?)


  • During the early afternoon, I usually take a short nap or read a book. This helps me refresh and boosts my energy levels for the rest of the day.
  • I often use this time to enjoy a light meal or snack, which provides a pleasant break from the morning routine.
  • It’s also a good time for me to catch up on hobbies or watch a favourite TV show, giving me a moment of relaxation.
  • Sometimes, I like to take a walk in a nearby park, which helps me clear my mind and appreciate the quietness of the afternoon.


Key Highlights (Covers: How is it different from other parts of the day?)

  • The early afternoon stands out because it’s quieter and less busy compared to the rush of the morning or evening.
  • This time allows me to take a break and enjoy some personal downtime, which is often missing during the more hectic parts of the day.
  • Unlike other parts of the day, the early afternoon provides a chance for a refreshing pause and personal enjoyment.
  • The calm and slower pace of this time helps me reset and stay focused, making it a valued part of my routine.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you like that part of the day?)

  • I like the early afternoon because it offers a much-needed break and a chance to relax and recharge.
  • It’s a time when I can enjoy personal activities and prepare for the rest of the day.
  • The peaceful nature of the early afternoon helps me feel balanced and productive.
  • Overall, the early afternoon is my favourite part of the day as it provides a perfect blend of relaxation and refreshment.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a cue card titled "Describe a Time of the Day You Like." 

You will have one minute to prepare your response. During this time, you can make notes and plan what you want to say. After the preparation time is over, you'll need to speak for up to two minutes about the topic.

The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. To structure your response effectively, you can explore various tips and tricks for the IELTS Speaking test.


Introduction (Covers: What time of day is it?)


  • Clearly state the specific time of day you enjoy.
  • Briefly mention the general significance of this time to you.
  • Provide a simple context or setting for your preferred time of day.
  • Indicate why this time is a notable part of your daily routine.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What you do at that time?)


  • Detail the activities or routines you engage in during this time.
  • Explain what emotions or feelings this time evokes for you.
  • Discuss any special habits or practices you follow at this time.
  • Mention any specific elements or aspects of this time that enhance your experience.


Key Highlights (Covers: How is it different from other parts of the day?)


  • Compare this time with other parts of the day to emphasise its uniqueness.
  • Highlight any particular benefits or advantages of this time.
  • Discuss how this time contributes to your overall well-being or productivity.
  • Mention any distinctive features or routines that set this time apart from others.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you like that part of the day?)


  • Summarise the main reasons why this time of day is your favourite.
  • Reflect on how this time positively impacts your daily life.
  • Reiterate the significance of this time in your routine.
  • Conclude with a personal note on why you cherish this part of the day.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and within the two-minute limit.


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Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after the cue card section, you will face round 3 of follow-up questions. These questions aim to explore your responses in more depth and assess your ability to discuss topics more broadly. The follow-up questions will relate to the topic of the cue card but require you to provide additional information and personal insights. 


You should expect to discuss your views, experiences, and opinions related to the cue card topic. This round helps demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and think critically about the subject.

Q1. How does your preferred time of day impact your daily productivity?

Answer 1: I find that my productivity is highest in the morning. I prefer to tackle complex tasks early in the day when I’m fresh and focused. As the day progresses, I tend to lose concentration, so I reserve simpler tasks for the afternoon or evening. This approach helps me complete my work efficiently and maintain a high level of performance throughout the day.


Answer 2: My preferred time of day is late afternoon when I feel most alert and creative. I use this time to work on projects that require deep thinking and problem-solving. In contrast, mornings are often spent on routine tasks. By aligning my workload with my peak productivity periods, I can manage my time better and achieve more throughout the day.

Q2. Do you think people’s preferences for certain times of the day vary based on their lifestyles?

Answer 1: Yes, people’s preferences for times of the day often depend on their lifestyles. For instance, those who work night shifts may be more productive in the late evening or early morning. Conversely, individuals with traditional office jobs might prefer working during regular daytime hours. Lifestyle factors, including work schedules and personal habits, significantly influence when people feel most productive.


Answer 2: Definitely, lifestyle plays a key role in determining people’s preferred times of day. For example, students might prefer studying late into the night, while early risers often accomplish more in the morning. Factors like job requirements, family responsibilities, and personal routines shape these preferences and affect how people structure their daily activities.

Q3. How does the time of day you prefer compare to other times in terms of social interactions?

Answer 1: I prefer late afternoons for social interactions because it’s when I feel most energetic and engaged. During the morning, I’m usually focused on work, and by the evening, I’m often winding down. Late afternoons strike a good balance, allowing me to enjoy social activities without feeling rushed or exhausted.


Answer 2: My preferred time of day for socialising is early evening, as it’s when I’m relaxed and more open to conversations. In contrast, early mornings are less ideal for socialising due to my busy schedule and lower energy levels. Evening interactions are more enjoyable and provide a better chance for meaningful conversations.

Q4. Do you believe cultural factors influence people’s preferences for different times of the day?

Answer 1: Yes, cultural factors can significantly influence people’s time preferences. For instance, in some cultures, late-night socialising is common, while in others, early mornings are emphasised. Cultural practices and norms shape daily routines and impact when people prefer to work, eat, and socialise.


Answer 2: Absolutely, cultural influences play a major role in determining time preferences. In countries with a strong tradition of afternoon siestas, people might prefer later work hours. In contrast, cultures that value early starts might have a different daily rhythm. These cultural habits help shape how people structure their days and prioritise their activities.


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Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, eye contact is important in the IELTS Speaking test as it helps establish a connection with the examiner and demonstrates confidence. Maintaining eye contact makes your communication more engaging and natural. It also shows that you are attentive and interested in the conversation. Good eye contact contributes positively to your overall speaking score.

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Common mistakes in IELTS Speaking include speaking too briefly or not addressing all points on the cue card. Other issues include frequent grammatical errors, limited vocabulary, and lack of coherence in responses. Overuse of fillers or excessive hesitation can also negatively impact your score. To avoid these mistakes, practice speaking clearly and confidently while covering all aspects of the prompt.

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Each part of the IELTS Speaking test is important, but part 2, the cue card task, often requires more preparation as it involves speaking for 1-2 minutes on a specific topic. This part assesses your ability to organise and express your thoughts clearly and coherently. A strong performance in part 2 can significantly impact your overall speaking score, so it’s crucial to practise and prepare thoroughly.

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