
Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

The IELTS exam consists of four modules: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The speaking part includes three sections: an introduction round, an individual long turn, and a two-way discussion round. 


The second round (individual long turn) is called a cue card round. In this, the examiner gives you a cue card containing a topic and asks you to speak for 2-3 minutes. 

You may get topics like ‘describe a person who enjoys cooking for others’, which we will discuss in this practice test. 


Here, you will learn how to prepare for the IELTS speaking test and answer the examiner's questions. Remember, Part 3 begins right after the cue card round, during which the examiner will ask questions based on the topic. 

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1. Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: How to answer?

The best way to prepare for the topic 'Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others’ is to follow the structures correctly. 

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2. Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: Follow-Up Questions

Part 3 of the IELTS speaking section is the two-way discussion round. The examiner will ask you related questions to the topic given to you in individual long-turn tasks. 

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Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: How to answer?

As you know, the examiner will give you a cue card. The same card will contain your topic and 3-4 points you must cover in your test. 

For instance, here is how the cue card for the topic ‘Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others’ will be: 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others.
You should say

  • Who this person is?
  • What he/she likes to cook?
  • Who he/she cooks for?
  • And explain why he/she enjoys cooking



Going through the cue card, you will understand what you must discuss while speaking on the topic. 

Let us now see how we can discuss the above points with a detailed explanation and a practical example. 


  • Briefly introduce the person and their passion for cooking.
  • Mention the significance of cooking for them and how it impacts others.
  • Set the tone with enthusiasm and admiration for their cooking skills.

Example: ‘I admire my friend Shrikanth, who has an incredible passion for cooking for others. His skills in the kitchen are not mere talent but rather a beautiful way of expressing his love and care for those around him.’

Who this person is?

  • Provide details about the person's background and relationship to you.
  • Highlight the personality traits that make them a great cook.
  • Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the person.


Example‘Shrikanth, my college roommate, has a deep passion for cooking and considers it more than just a hobby. He possesses a keen eye for detail and enjoys experimenting with different flavours, making his dishes exceptional.’

What he/she like to cook?

  • Identify the types of dishes or cuisines the person excels at cooking. 
  • Mention any signature dishes or specialities they are known for. 
  • Use descriptive language to evoke the tastes and aromas of their cooking.

Example‘Shrikanth is a great cook who can easily prepare dishes from various cuisines. He is especially famous for his homemade lasagna, which all our friends love.’


Who he/she cook for?


  • Identify the people who benefit from the person's cooking.
  • Mention the occasions or events where the person showcases their culinary skills.
  • Emphasise the joy and satisfaction the person brings to those they cook for.


Example: ‘Shrikanth loves cooking and is very good at it. He often invites our friends and family over for dinner parties, whether just a casual get-together or a special occasion. Everyone is always impressed with the delicious food he makes.’


And explain why he/she enjoys cooking.


  • Explain the reasons for the person's enthusiasm for cooking for others.
  • Explain how cooking allows them to feel fulfilled and happy.
  • Use stories or quotes to demonstrate their affection for cooking.


Example‘For Shrikanth, cooking isn't just about preparing meals; it's about creating memorable experiences and bringing people together. He finds joy in seeing the smiles on her guests' faces as they savour her dishes, and nothing brings him more satisfaction than knowing he's made someone's day a little brighter.’




  • Summarise the person’s passion for cooking and how it positively impacts others.
  • Reflect on the significance of their passion in your life or community.
  • End your response positively, expressing admiration for the person and their culinary skills.

Example: I find Shrikanth's cooking passion very inspiring. He can take essential ingredients into incredible dishes that taste great and make us feel good. His food is nourishing and makes every meal a special moment to remember.


Also Read: IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024: Topics, With Sample Answers


Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: Sample Answers

We have seen how to speak on the given cue card topic. Let's explore the samples around that topic, which will help you better prepare for the given cue card topics. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


I have a friend named Harmeet, a culinary enthusiast who loves cooking for others. Whenever he prepares delicious meals for his family and friends, his kitchen is filled with warmth and laughter, and he spreads his passion for cooking to those around him.


Who this person is?

Harmeet is not just my friend but also a culinary wizard. His talent for blending flavours and trying new ingredients makes him stand out. With his charming personality and genuine love for food, he effortlessly transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary meals that leave everyone craving more.


What he/she like to cook?

Harmeet is a fantastic cook who can prepare vegetarian dishes from different cuisines. He is famous for his mouth-watering vegetable alfredo pasta, which all our friends love. His dishes are prepared with great care and love, making every meal a special moment to remember.

Who he/she cooks for?


Harmeet loves to cook for others and is always in charge of the kitchen during gatherings with friends and family. His delicious meals bring people together and leave everyone feeling happy and satisfied.


And explain why he/she enjoys cooking:


Harmeet loves cooking to show his love and care for his loved ones. He finds joy in seeing his guests relishing his food. Cooking is a creative and bonding experience for him that creates everlasting memories.


Harmeet is a kind and friendly person who brings people together over food. We are lucky to have him as a friend because he makes delicious meals that make us happy.


Describe A Person Who Enjoys Cooking For Others: Follow-Up Questions

Part 3 of the IELTS speaking section is the two-way discussion round. The examiner will ask you related questions to the topic given to you in individual long-turn tasks. 


In this section, you will discuss the topic in general, showcasing to the examiner that you can justify your opinions and your ability to discuss the topic in depth. The discussion round's duration, part 3, will be 4-5 mins.

Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

Answer 1:  We must gather all the necessary items and cooking utensils beforehand. We should list the ingredients needed for the recipe and ensure they are readily available in the kitchen. Having everything on hand will make the cooking process go more smoothly.

Answer 2: First, we need to choose a recipe. Then, we should list all the ingredients to make a good dish. We should also check whether we have all the required kitchen supplies to avoid any last-minute shopping. Lastly, we should gather the cooking tools and prepare to make something delicious. 

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. Do you agree that food is integral to Indian festivals and ceremonies?


Answer 1: Definitely! In India, festivals and ceremonies are complete with food. These events aren't just about rituals and delicious meals with loved ones. From mouthwatering snacks to delightful desserts, every dish has a story to share and brings people together to celebrate.

Answer 2: Food is immensely significant in Indian festivals and ceremonies. It pays homage to traditions and forges lasting memories. Whether an elaborate banquet or a small get-together, food unifies and spreads happiness on every occasion.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. Do you think cooking should be compulsory or elective? Why?

Answer 1: Though having a basic understanding of cooking is good, there may be more effective approaches than making it mandatory for everyone. Forcing individuals to learn may only be feasible for some. Providing cooking classes as an option allows individuals to learn at their own pace and according to their interests.


Answer 2: Cooking should be an option rather than a necessity. Although it is helpful to have cooking skills, only some take pleasure in it or have sufficient time for it. By offering cooking classes as an elective, individuals can choose to learn only if interested, leading to a more pleasurable and significant experience.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?


Answer 1: Cooking has improved more than it has in the past. We now have a wide range of ingredients and limitless options. Moreover, there is constant innovation, adding new recipes and cooking techniques. 

Answer 2: There are some differences between cooking now and in the past. Nowadays, we can access more ingredients and kitchen gadgets, making cooking more accessible and convenient. Also, our tastes and dietary habits have changed, influencing how we cook and eat.

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Q. How can I prepare for the IELTS cue card?

A. To prepare for the IELTS cue card, practice discussing common themes and stick to the time limit. Organise your ideas, use varied vocabulary, and speak fluently. Improve pronunciation and intonation by rehearsing in front of a mirror and seeking feedback from others. Keep practising until you feel confident in your skills.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

A. Improving your IELTS Speaking test skills requires regular English practice. Record yourself speaking and listen for areas to improve. Learn new words and phrases, and try to speak smoothly. Get to know the test format and question types. Speak naturally and confidently, and ask for clarification if needed. Keep practising, and you'll get better!

Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

A. In the Cue Card task, managing your time well is essential. You'll get 1 minute to prepare and 2-3 minutes to speak on the topic. Use the preparation time to write down what you want to say. Speak smoothly and clearly without going too fast or stopping too long. Try to talk about all the points on the cue card. Take your time, and remember to pace yourself.

Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

A. You can share your thoughts during the IELTS speaking test, and it's a good idea. The examiner is interested in something other than your knowledge of the topic but in how well you can speak English. Just make sure to back up your opinion with reasons and examples. It's important to express your opinion politely, even if it's different from the examiner's. Remember, the test isn't about arguing, so stay calm and avoid aggressive talk.

Q. How to make notes for cue card IELTS?

A. To make notes for an IELTS cue card, jot down keywords or phrases related to the topic. Focus on key points you want to cover in your speech. Use abbreviations and symbols to save time. Organise your notes clearly and logically. Include any specific details or examples you want to mention. Keep your notes brief to ensure you can easily refer to them during your speaking task.

Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

A. Once the examiner gives you a topic or cue card in the IELTS speaking test, you must stick to it and address the specific topic without any deviation. If you try to change the topic or talk about something irrelevant, it may have a negative impact on your score. It is crucial to concentrate on the given topic and provide a relevant response within the allotted time to score well on the speaking test.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

A. If the topic on the examiner's cue card needs to be clarified, don't worry. Take a moment to read it carefully and try to grasp the idea. Politely ask the examiner to explain or clarify if it's still unclear. But spend only a little time on this, as it could affect your performance. Stay calm and composed throughout the speaking test. It's essential to make the most of your time.

Q. What is the duration of Part 2 speaking IELTS?

A. The second part of the IELTS Speaking test lasts approximately 3-4 minutes. In this section, you will receive a cue card with a topic and have one minute to prepare your response. Then, you will speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic. After that, the examiner may ask one or two follow-up questions about the topic for approximately 1 minute. Overall, Part 2 typically takes around 3-4 minutes to finish.

Q. Are speaking tests for Academic and General the same?

A. The format of the speaking test for the Academic and General Training modules of the IELTS exam is similar, but there are some differences. In both modules, you will converse face-to-face with an examiner to evaluate your English communication skills. However, the speaking topics and tasks may differ slightly between the two modules to cater to the specific objectives and contexts of the test takers.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

A. The IELTS speaking test evaluates your performance based on four criteria: fluency, coherence, lexical resource (vocabulary), and pronunciation. Each criterion is scored from 0 to 9, which is averaged to calculate your overall speaking band score.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

A. To improve your performance in the IELTS Speaking test, it is recommended that you practice speaking English regularly with friends or family. You can also record yourself while speaking and listen to identify areas for improvement, such as pronunciation and fluency. Additionally, you can expand your vocabulary and practice using idiomatic expressions. Becoming familiar with the test format and question types is also important. Finally, try to stay calm and confident during the test and aim to express yourself clearly and coherently.