

Describe a Movie You Would Like To Watch Again: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 05:23


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe a Movie You Would Like to Watch Again" invites you to discuss a film that left a lasting impact on you, making you eager to revisit it. In your response, focus on what makes the movie special—whether it's the storyline, characters, emotional depth, or visual effects—and explain why you'd like to experience it again.


Practising this topic enhances your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to express personal preferences, describe entertainment choices, and articulate their reasons. It also helps you develop fluency, expand your vocabulary related to film and storytelling, and improve your ability to organise thoughts effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Movie You Would Like To Watch Again

You should say

  • When did you see this movie?
  • With whom did you see this movie?
  • What the movie is about?
  • Why do you want to watch this movie again?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: When did you see this movie? /With whom did you see this movie?)


  • A movie I would love to watch again is 3 Idiots. It’s a Bollywood classic that resonates with so many aspects of student life in India.
  • This film left a deep impression on me because it beautifully portrays the pressures of academic life while highlighting the importance of following one’s passion.
  • I first watched 3 Idiots during my college days, and it struck a chord with me as I was also grappling with similar issues at the time.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What is the movie about?)


  • The movie’s storyline is both entertaining and thought-provoking. It’s filled with humour, emotion, and life lessons that make you reflect on the education system and personal choices.
  • I was particularly moved by the friendship between the three main characters. Their bond reminded me of my own friends and the memories we created during our college years.
  • What I love about 3 Idiots is how it balances comedy with serious messages. It’s a film that makes you laugh, cry, and think, all at the same time.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you want to watch this movie again?)


  • One of the most memorable scenes is when Rancho, the protagonist, simplifies complex engineering concepts for his friends, proving that true learning goes beyond textbooks.
  • The film’s climax, where the characters reunite after several years and reflect on their journey, is both heartwarming and inspiring. It’s a reminder that success is not just about grades.
  • The music of 3 Idiots is also noteworthy. Songs like “All Is Well” and “Give Me Some Sunshine” have become anthems for students, symbolising hope and resilience.




  • I would love to watch 3 Idiots again because it’s a film that never gets old. Each viewing offers new insights and a renewed appreciation for its message.
  • This movie has had a lasting impact on me, reminding me to stay true to my passions and not get overwhelmed by societal expectations.
  • In conclusion, 3 Idiots is a movie that combines entertainment with powerful life lessons, making it a film worth revisiting time and again.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: When did you see this movie? /With whom did you see this movie?)


  • A movie I would like to watch again is Lagaan. This epic sports drama set in colonial India is a masterpiece that blends history, culture, and cricket.
  • Lagaan impressed me deeply because of its unique storyline and the way it portrays the resilience of ordinary people against injustice.
  • I first watched Lagaan with my family when it was released, and it has since become one of my all-time favourite films.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What is the movie about?)


  • The film’s plot revolves around villagers who challenge British officers to a game of cricket to avoid paying oppressive taxes. This unusual premise is both engaging and inspiring.
  • What makes Lagaan special for me is the portrayal of teamwork and determination. The villagers, who initially know nothing about cricket, come together to fight for their freedom.
  • Aamir Khan's character, Bhuvan, is particularly inspiring. His leadership, courage, and unwavering belief in justice make him a memorable protagonist.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you want to watch this movie again?)


  • One of the key highlights of Lagaan is the climactic cricket match, which is filled with tension, excitement, and unexpected twists. It keeps you on the edge of your seat till the very end.
  • The film’s cinematography is breathtaking, capturing the rural landscape of India in all its beauty. The period costumes and settings also add authenticity to the historical backdrop.
  • Another standout feature is the music by A.R. Rahman. Songs like “Mitwa” and “Chale Chalo” are soulful and motivating, enhancing the emotional impact of the film.




  • I would love to watch Lagaan again because it’s not just a movie but an experience. Its story, characters, and music stay with you long after the credits roll.
  • This film has had a lasting influence on me, reminding me of the power of unity and the importance of standing up for what is right.
  • In conclusion, Lagaan is a timeless classic that combines entertainment with a powerful message, making it a film I would gladly revisit.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: When did you see this movie? /With whom did you see this movie?)


  • A movie I would like to watch again is Taare Zameen Par. This touching film highlights the struggles of a child with dyslexia and the importance of understanding and nurturing children’s unique abilities.
  • Taare Zameen Par deeply moved me because of its sensitive portrayal of childhood challenges and the pressures of the Indian education system.
  • I first watched this film during my early years of teaching, and it gave me a new perspective on how to approach and support students with learning difficulties.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What is the movie about?)


  • The movie’s storyline is both heart-wrenching and hopeful. It tells the story of Ishaan, a young boy who struggles in school but discovers his talent for art with the help of an understanding teacher.
  • I was particularly touched by the character of Ishaan’s teacher, played by Aamir Khan. His empathy and dedication towards helping Ishaan realise his potential left a lasting impression on me.
  • Taare Zameen Par also illuminates the flaws in the traditional education system, which often overlooks creativity in favour of rote learning and high grades.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you want to watch this movie again?)


  • One of the most powerful scenes is when Ishaan’s teacher visits his home and shows his parents how their son sees the world differently due to his dyslexia. This scene is both emotional and enlightening.
  • The film’s depiction of Ishaan’s transformation from a withdrawn, unhappy child to a confident, joyful artist is incredibly inspiring. It’s a reminder of the impact a supportive mentor can have.
  • The movie’s soundtrack, particularly the song “Maa,” beautifully captures the characters' emotional journey. The music adds depth to the narrative and resonates with the audience.




  • I would love to watch Taare Zameen Par again because it’s a film that touches your heart and leaves you with important lessons about empathy and understanding.
  • This movie has profoundly influenced my approach to education, reminding me to value each student’s individuality and potential.
  • In conclusion, Taare Zameen Par is a deeply impactful film that combines a powerful story with a meaningful message, making it a movie I would gladly watch again.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes. 


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction: (Covers: When did you see this movie? /With whom did you see this movie?)


  • Mention the title of the movie and the first time you watched it (e.g., last year, during a weekend).
  • State who you watched the movie with (e.g., friends, family, or alone).
  • Briefly introduce the general setting or situation when you first watched it.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: What is the movie about?)


  • Provide a summary of the movie's plot, mentioning its genre (e.g., drama, comedy, thriller).
  • Highlight the main characters and the central conflict or theme of the movie.
  • Share what initially drew you to the movie and your overall experience.


Key Highlights: (Covers: Why do you want to watch this movie again?)


  • Discuss any memorable scenes, powerful performances, or emotional moments that left a strong impact on you.
  • Mention the film's direction, cinematography, or music that contributed to its lasting impression.
  • Talk about how the movie's themes or messages resonate with you, making it worth re-watching.




  • Reflect on how the movie influenced your thoughts, emotions, or perspective.
  • Mention if the movie has become a favourite of yours or holds special significance.
  • End with a final thought on what you hope to gain or re-experience by watching it again.

Following this structure will ensure you cover all the essential points while providing a clear and engaging response to the cue card topic.


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 

This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. Why do you think some movies are worth watching more than once?

Answer 1: I believe some movies are worth watching multiple times because they have layers of meaning that aren't fully understood in just one viewing. For instance, the movie I described has a complex storyline with subtle details that I noticed only on my second watch. Additionally, watching a favourite film again can bring comfort and nostalgia, making it a worthwhile experience.


Answer 2: Some movies offer such rich storytelling and character development that you discover something new each time you watch them. The movie I mentioned has a plot that unfolds in a way that reveals new insights on subsequent viewings. Re-watching also allows you to appreciate the craftsmanship, like the cinematography or musical score, which you might not fully grasp the first time.

Q2. What elements make a movie memorable for you?

Answer 1: A movie becomes memorable for me when it combines a gripping storyline with strong character development. The movie I talked about had both, which is why it left such a lasting impression on me. The emotional depth of the characters and the unexpected plot twists kept me engaged throughout, making it a film I’ll always remember.

Answer 2: For me, a memorable movie is one that evokes strong emotions and makes me think long after the credits roll. The movie I described did just that with its thought-provoking themes and powerful performances. The way it portrayed real-life situations in a relatable manner made it resonate with me on a personal level, ensuring it stayed with me.

Q3. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the cinema? Why?

Answer 1: I generally prefer watching movies at home because it’s more comfortable, and I can pause or rewind if I miss something. However, for a movie like the one I described, I’d choose the cinema. The immersive experience of the big screen and surround sound enhances the film's impact, making it more enjoyable and memorable.

Answer 2: I enjoy watching movies in the cinema because the atmosphere and the quality of sound and visuals make the experience more immersive. The movie I mentioned would be even more impressive on the big screen. However, watching at home also has advantages, like watching at my own pace and in a more relaxed environment.

Q4. What role do movies play in your life?

Answer 1: Movies play a significant role in my life as a source of entertainment and inspiration. The movie I discussed entertained me and made me reflect on certain aspects of life. Watching films is a way for me to relax and escape into different worlds, but it also helps me learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ideas.


Answer 2: Movies are an important part of my life because they offer relaxation and intellectual stimulation. The film I’d like to watch again profoundly impacted me, influencing how I think about certain issues. Movies often serve as a means to unwind after a long day, but they can also inspire me to see things from new angles and spark meaningful conversations.


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Q. What is IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. IELTS Speaking Part 2 is the cue card section where test takers are given a specific topic to speak about for up to two minutes. It assesses the ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic.

Q. How long do I have to prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking?

Ans. For IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will be given 1 minute to prepare before you have to speak about the given topic for up to two minutes. This preparation time allows you to gather your thoughts and structure your response.

Q. What type of topics can I expect in IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you can expect to receive a cue card with a specific topic or task to speak about. These topics can range from personal experiences to abstract ideas, allowing you to demonstrate your speaking skills effectively.

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