

Describe A Difficult Decision That You Once Made: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 11, 2024, 08:33


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe a Difficult Decision That You Once Made" asks you to reflect on a challenging choice you had to make, focusing on the situation, the options you considered, and the reasons behind your final decision. When addressing this topic, consider describing the context of the decision, the factors that made it difficult, and how you felt about the outcome.

Practising this topic can enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to articulate complex thought processes, express emotions, and discuss the impact of your decisions. This exercise helps improve your ability to narrate personal experiences with clarity and detail while also expanding your vocabulary related to decision-making and problem-solving.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Difficult Decision That You Once Made

You should say

  • What was the decision?
  • When did you make the decision?
  • How long did it take you to make the decision?
  • Explain why it was a difficult decision to make.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What was the decision?/ When did you make the decision?)


  • One difficult decision I had to make was choosing between two job offers. Both opportunities were excellent, and each had its own set of advantages, making the choice extremely challenging.
  • One offer was from a well-established company with a stable career path, while the other was from a startup with immense growth potential but higher risks.
  • The decision was tough because it wasn’t just about choosing a job; it was about deciding the direction of my career and the kind of work-life balance I wanted.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long did it take you to make the decision?)


  • I weighed the pros and cons of both options carefully. The established company offered security and a clear progression path, which was appealing for long-term stability.
  • On the other hand, the startup provided an exciting, fast-paced environment where I could learn and grow quickly. However, the risks associated with it made me anxious.
  • I sought advice from mentors, family, and friends, but ultimately, I knew the decision had to be mine. It required deep introspection to understand what I truly valued in my career.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why it was a difficult decision to make.)


  • One key factor that influenced my decision was my long-term career goals. I realised that I was more interested in innovation and growth, which aligned more with the startup’s dynamic environment.
  • Another important consideration was work-life balance. Despite its challenges, the startup offered flexible working conditions, which I valued more as it allowed me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.




  • In the end, I chose the startup, and although it was a risky move, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. The experience I gained there was invaluable.
  • This decision-making process was a significant learning experience, teaching me to trust my instincts and stay true to my aspirations.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What was the decision?/ When did you make the decision?)


  • A difficult decision I once made was whether to move to a new city for higher education. It was a significant step, as it involved leaving my comfort zone and everything familiar.
  • I had been admitted to a prestigious university in another city, but moving away from my family and friends made me hesitant.
  • The decision was challenging because it meant starting anew in an unfamiliar place and offered the opportunity for personal and academic growth.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long did it take you to make the decision?)


  • I spent weeks deliberating over the decision. On one hand, staying in my hometown meant being close to my support system and continuing my education in a familiar environment.
  • On the other hand, moving to the new city promised better educational opportunities, exposure to diverse perspectives, and the chance to build independence.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why it was a difficult decision to make.)


  • One of the key highlights in making this decision was the support from my family. Despite the distance, they encouraged me to pursue the opportunity, understanding that it was crucial for my growth.
  • I also considered the university's academic reputation and the opportunities it would provide for networking and career prospects, which ultimately swayed my decision.




  • I eventually decided to move to the new city, and while the initial days were challenging, the experience proved incredibly rewarding.
  • The decision taught me resilience and adaptability, and I gained an education and a deeper understanding of myself.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What was the decision?/ When did you make the decision?)


  • A difficult decision I made was choosing to pursue my creative passion over a conventional career path. It was a tough choice because it involved significant risks and uncertainty.
  • I had always been passionate about writing, but I had also completed a degree in engineering, which promised a stable and well-paying job.
  • The decision was challenging because it meant turning away from a secure and traditional career in favour of something that was unpredictable but close to my heart.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long did it take you to make the decision?)


  • I spent months contemplating whether to follow my passion for writing or take up a conventional engineering job. The engineering path was the safer choice, with a clear career trajectory.
  • However, writing had always been my true calling. I found immense satisfaction in creating stories and content, and the idea of doing it full-time was incredibly appealing, though risky.
  • I knew that following my passion would require dedication, hard work, and the ability to handle uncertainty, but it also offered the potential for personal fulfilment and creativity.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why it was a difficult decision to make.)


  • One key factor that influenced my decision was my desire to live a life aligned with my passions and values. I didn’t want to look back and regret not giving my dreams a chance.
  • I also considered the possibility of combining both paths initially, working part-time in engineering while dedicating the rest of my time to writing to mitigate the financial risks.




  • In the end, I chose to pursue writing full-time, and while the journey has had its challenges, it has also been incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.
  • This decision taught me the importance of staying true to myself and following my passion, even when it means taking the road less travelled.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes. 


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction (Covers: What was the decision?/ When did you make the decision?)


  • Clearly state the decision you had to make.
  • Mention when you made this decision.
  • Briefly introduce the context or circumstances leading up to the decision.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long did it take you to make the decision?)


  • Describe the time frame in which you made the decision.
  • Mention any factors that caused delays or made the decision process longer.
  • Talk about any steps you took during this period, such as seeking advice or doing research.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why it was a difficult decision to make.)


  • Discuss the challenges and conflicting factors that made the decision tough.
  • Mention any personal or emotional considerations that added complexity to the decision.
  • Reflect on any doubts or fears you had while making the decision.




  • Recap the decision and the process you went through to reach it.
  • Reflect on whether you made the right choice and how it has impacted your life.
  • End with a final thought on what you learned from this difficult decision and how it has shaped your approach to future decisions.


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 


This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. Why was this decision difficult for you?

Answer 1: This decision was difficult because it involved choosing between two equally important options, each with significant consequences. I had to weigh the potential risks and benefits carefully, and the uncertainty about the outcome made it even more challenging. The emotional impact of the decision also added to its difficulty, as it affected both my future and the people around me.

Answer 2: The decision was tough because it required me to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk. I had to choose between staying in a stable situation or pursuing an uncertain but potentially rewarding new opportunity. The fear of making the wrong choice and facing regret made the decision particularly hard to make.

Q2. What factors did you consider before making your decision?

Answer 1: Before making the decision, I considered several factors, including the long-term impact on my career, personal growth, and overall well-being. I also thought about how my choice would affect my relationships with others and whether I could handle the potential challenges that might arise. Additionally, I sought advice from trusted friends and family to gain different perspectives.

Answer 2: I took into account both the practical and emotional aspects of the decision. I evaluated the pros and cons of each option, considering factors such as financial stability, personal happiness, and alignment with my long-term goals. I also reflected on my values and priorities, trying to determine which choice would bring me closer to the life I envisioned for myself.

Q3. How did you feel after making the decision?

Answer 1: After making the decision, I felt a mix of relief and anxiety. I was relieved to have finally made a choice, but I was also nervous about what the future would hold. Over time, I gained more confidence in my decision and started to feel more positive about the direction I had taken, especially as I began to see the benefits of my choice.

Answer 2: Initially, I felt uncertain and second-guessed myself, wondering if I had made the right choice. However, as time passed and I started to see the outcomes of my decision, I felt more reassured and satisfied with my choice. The experience taught me the importance of trusting my instincts and being patient with the results.

Q4. What did you learn from this decision-making experience?

Answer 1: I learned that making difficult decisions often involves embracing uncertainty and trusting oneself. The experience taught me the importance of thoroughly evaluating all options and considering short-term and long-term consequences. I also realised that it’s okay to seek advice from others, but ultimately, the decision must align with my values and goals.

Answer 2: From this experience, I learned the value of resilience and staying true to my principles. Even difficult decisions can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities. The process also helped me develop better decision-making skills, such as being more analytical and less afraid to take calculated risks.


Pace Up Your IELTS Preparation With Our Expert Masterclass!


Q. What is fluency and coherence?

Ans. Fluency refers to your ability to speak smoothly, without unnecessary pauses or repetition, while coherence relates to your ideas' logical flow and organisation. Together, they assess how effectively you can communicate your thoughts. Good fluency and coherence make your speech easier to understand and more engaging.

Q. What is the lexical resource?

Ans. Lexical resources evaluate your range of vocabulary and how effectively you use it. This includes using various words and phrases, appropriate word choices, and the ability to paraphrase when needed. A strong lexical resource score reflects your ability to express ideas clearly and precisely.

Q. How can I improve my pronunciation for IELTS Speaking?

Ans. Practice speaking with correct stress, intonation, and rhythm to improve pronunciation. Listening to native speakers and repeating their words can help you mimic natural speech patterns. Recording yourself and getting feedback from a teacher or native speaker can also be beneficial.

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