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The Persuaders Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Sep 03, 2024, 18:41

This passage, ‘the persuaders’ explores various strategies used by advertisers and salespeople to influence consumer behaviour. It covers how persuasive techniques, such as appealing to emotions, using celebrities, and creating appealing store environments, are employed to increase sales. The passage also discusses the psychology behind consumer decisions and how professionals tailor their approaches to maximise effectiveness.


Understanding these strategies can enhance your performance in the IELTS Reading section by improving your ability to identify main ideas and specific details. Recognising these techniques can also help you better comprehend passages related to marketing and psychology, boosting your IELTS reading score.


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1. The Persuaders Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.

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The Persuaders Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.


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The Persuaders Reading Passage



Paragraph A:

We have long lived in an age where powerful images, catchy soundbites and too-good-to miss offers bombard us from every quarter. All around us the persuaders are at work. Occasionally their methods are unsubtle -the planting kiss on a baby’s head by a wannabe political leader, or a liquidation sale in a shop that has been “closing down” for well over a year, but generally the persuaders know what they are about and are highly capable. Be they politicians, supermarket chains, salespeople or advertisers, they know exactly what to do to sell us their images, ideas or produce. When it comes to persuasion, these giants rule supreme. They employ the most skilled image-makers and use the best psychological tricks to guarantee that even the most cautious among us are open to manipulation.


Paragraph B:

We spend more time in them than we mean to, we buy 75 percent of our food from them and end up with products that we did not realize we wanted. Right from the start, supermarkets have been ahead of the game. For example, when Sainsbury introduced shopping baskets into its 1950s stores, it was a stroke of marketing genius. Now shoppers could browse and pick up items they previously would have ignored. Soon after came trolleys, and just as new roads attract more traffic, the same applied to trolley space. Professor Merlin Stone, IBM Professor of Relationship Marketing at Bristol Business School, says aisles are laid out to maximize profits. Stores pander to our money-rich, time-poor lifestyle. Low turnover products — clothes and electrical goods—are stocked at the back while high turnover items command position at the front.


Paragraph C:

Stone believes supermarkets work hard to “stall” us because the more time we spend in them, the more we buy. Thus, great efforts are made to make the environment pleasant. Stores play music to relax us and some even pipe air from the in-store bakery around the shop. In the USA, fake aromas are sometimes used. The smell is both the most evocative and subliminal sense. In experiments, pleasant smells are effective in increasing our spending. A casino that fragranced only half its premises saw profit soar in the aroma-filled areas. The other success story from the supermarkets’ perspective is the loyalty card. Punters may assume that they are being rewarded for their fidelity, but all the while they are trading information about their shopping habits. Loyal shoppers could be paying 30% more by sticking to their favourite shops for essential cosmetics.


Paragraph D:

Research has shown that 75 percent of profit comes from just 30 percent of customers. Ultimately, reward cards could be used to identify and better accommodate these “elite” shoppers. It could also be used to make adverts more relevant to individual consumers – rather like Spielberg’s futuristic thriller Minority Report, in which Tom Cruise’s character is bombarded with interactive personalized ads. If this sounds far-fetched, the data-gathering revolution has already seen the introduction of radio-frequency identification to electronically tag products to see who is buying what. RFID means they can follow the product into people’s homes.


Paragraph E:

No matter how savvy we think we are to their ploys, the ad industry still wins. Adverts focus on what products do or on how they make us feel. Researcher Laurette Dube, in the Journal of Advertising Research, says when attitudes are based on “cognitive foundations” (logical reasoning), advertisers use informative appeals. This works for products with a little emotional draw but high functionality, such as bleach. Where attitude is based on effect (i.e., emotions), ad teams try to tap into our feelings. Researchers at the University of Florida recently concluded that our emotional responses to adverts dominate over “cognition”.


Paragraph F:

Advertisers play on our need to be safe (commercials for insurance), to belong (make a customer feel they are in the group fashion ads) and for self-esteem (aspirational adverts). With time and space at a premium, celebrities are often used as a quick way of meeting these needs – either because the celeb epitomizes success or because they seem familiar and so make the product seem “safe”. A survey of 4,000 campaigns found ads with celebs were 10 percent more effective than without. Humour also stimulates a rapid emotional response. Heiman Chung, writing in the International Journal of Advertising, found that funny ads were remembered for longer than straight ones. Combine humour with sexual imagery – as in Wonderbra’s “Hello Boys” ads – and you are on to a winner.


Paragraph G:

Slice-of-life ads are another tried and tested method—they paint a picture of life as you would like it, but still, one that feels familiar. Abhilasha Mehta, in the Journal of Advertising Research, noted that the more one’s self-image tallies with the brand being advertised, the stronger the commercial. Ad makers also use behaviorist theories, recognizing that the more sensation we receive from an object, the better we know it. If an advert for a chocolate bar fails to cause salivation, it has probably failed. No wonder advertisements have been dubbed the “nervous system of the business world”.


Paragraph H:

Probably all of us could make a sale if the product was something we truly believed in, but professional salespeople are in a different league—the best of them can always sell different items to suitable customers in the best time. They do this by using very basic psychological techniques. Stripped to its simplest level, selling works by heightening the buyer’s perception of how much they need a product or service. Buyers normally have certain requirements by which they will judge the suitability of a product. The seller, therefore, attempts to tease out what these conditions are and then explains how their product’s benefit can meet these requirements.


Paragraph I:

Richard Hession, author of Be a Great Salesperson, says it is human nature to prefer to speak rather than listen, and good salespeople pander to this. They ask punters about their needs and offer to work with them to achieve their objectives. As a result, the buyer feels they are receiving a “consultation” rather than a sales pitch. All the while, the salesperson presents with a demeanour that takes it for granted that the sale will be made. Never will the words “if you buy” be used, but rather “when you buy”.


Paragraph J:

Dr Rob Yeung, a senior consultant at business psychologists Kiddy and Partner, says most salespeople will build up a level of rapport by asking questions about hobbies, family, and lifestyle. This has the double benefit of making the salesperson likeable while furnishing him or her with more information about the client’s wants. Yeung says effective salespeople try as far as possible to match their style of presenting themselves to how the buyer comes across. If the buyer cracks jokes, the salespeople will respond in kind. If the buyer wants detail, the seller provides it; if they are more interested in the feel of the product, the seller will focus on this. At its most extreme, appearing empathetic can even include the salesperson attempting to “mirror” the hobby language of the buyer.


Paragraph K:

Whatever the method used, all salespeople work towards one aim: “closing the deal”. In fact, they will be looking for “closing signals” through their dealings with potential clients. Once again the process works by assuming success. The buyer is not asked “are you interested?” as this can invite a negative response. Instead, the seller takes it for granted that the deal is effectively done: when the salesman asks you for a convenient delivery date or asks what colour you want, you will probably respond accordingly. Only afterwards might you wonder why you proved such a pushover.


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The Persuaders Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about The Persuaders

Questions and Answers 1-3
  • Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
  • Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.


1. What is the supermarket’s purpose of using “basket” in paragraph B?


A Create a convenient atmosphere of supermarket
B Make customers spend more time on shopping
C Relieve pressure on the supermarket’s traffic
D More than half items bought need to be carried


2. What is the quality of the best salesman possessed according to this passage?


A Sell the right product to the right person
B Clearly state the instruction of one product
C Show professional background
D Persuade customers to buy the product they sell


3. What’s the opinion of Richard Hession?


A Pretend to be nice instead of selling goods
B Prefer to speak a lot to customers
C Help buyers to conclude their demands for ideal items
D Show great interpersonal skill


The Persuaders Reading Answers with Explanations (1-3)


Type of Question: Multiple Choice Questions


These types of questions in IELTS reading involve identifying the right choice from the given options using the given paragraph. 


How to best answer: 

  • Understand the Context: Read the entire passage carefully to grasp the overall context and main ideas before answering questions.
  • Identify Keywords: Focus on keywords in the question and options. Match these keywords with specific information in the passage.
  • Eliminate Wrong Choices: Use the process of elimination to rule out clearly incorrect options, narrowing down your choices.
  • Look for Synonyms: Be aware of synonyms or paraphrased terms in the passage that may differ from those in the question or answer choices.
  • Double-Check Your Answers: Ensure that your selected answer fits grammatically and logically within the context of the passage.


1. B


Reference: From Paragraph B, "For example, when Sainsbury introduced shopping baskets into its 1950s stores, it was a stroke of marketing genius. Now shoppers could browse and pick up items they previously would have ignored." 


Explanation: The introduction of shopping baskets allowed customers to pick up and carry more items comfortably as they browsed, which increased the likelihood of purchasing additional products. This tactic encouraged shoppers to spend more time in the store, thereby increasing their total expenditure.


2. A


Reference: From Paragraph H, "Probably all of us could make a sale if the product was something we truly believed in, but professional salespeople are in a different league—the best of them can always sell different items to suitable customers in the best time." 


Explanation: Effective salespeople excel at matching the right product with the right customer by understanding their needs and preferences. This ability to tailor their sales pitch ensures that customers find the products relevant and desirable, leading to successful sales.


3. D


Reference: From Paragraph I, "Richard Hession, author of Be a Great Salesperson, says it is human nature to prefer to speak rather than listen, and good salespeople pander to this. They ask punters about their needs and offer to work with them to achieve their objectives." 


Explanation: Good salespeople understand the importance of active listening and engagement. By focusing on the customer's needs and objectives, they create a collaborative atmosphere that builds trust and increases the likelihood of a sale. This approach makes the customer feel valued and understood.


Questions and Answers 4-9
  • The reading passage has 7 paragraphs A-K.
  • Which paragraph contains the following information?
  • Write your answers in boxes 4-9 on your answer sheet.


NB You may use any letter more than once. n


4. How do supermarkets distract consumers

5. How to build a close relationship between salespeople and buyer

6. People would be impressed by the humour advertisement

7. Methods for salespeople to get the order

8. How question work for salespeople

9. Different customer groups bring different profits


Also See: IELTS Academic 2024 Reading Resources


 The Persuaders Reading Answers with Explanations (4-9)


Type of Question: Matching Information


These types of questions involve reading the descriptions or statements provided, identifying key details or keywords, and matching them to corresponding information in the passage by comparing and contrasting the options until you find the best fit.


How to best answer: 

  • Skim the Passage: Quickly read through the entire passage to get a general idea of the content and structure.
  • Identify Keywords: Look for keywords or phrases in the questions that are easy to locate in the passage.
  • Scan for Keywords: Scan the paragraphs for the keywords or synonyms, and focus on those sections.
  • Read in Detail: Once you find a potential match, read that section carefully to ensure it contains the specific information needed for the question.
  • Check All Options: Make sure to check all relevant paragraphs, as the correct information might be mentioned in more than one place.


4. C


Reference: From Paragraph C, "Stone believes supermarkets work hard to 'stall' us because the more time we spend in them, the more we buy. Thus, great efforts are made to make the environment pleasant. Stores play music to relax us and some even pipe air from the in-store bakery around the shop." 


Explanation: Supermarkets use various tactics to create a pleasant shopping environment, such as playing relaxing music and dispersing pleasant scents. These methods encourage customers to spend more time in the store, which increases the likelihood of purchasing more products.


5. J


Reference: From Paragraph J, "Dr. Rob Yeung, a senior consultant at business psychologists Kiddy and Partner, says most salespeople will build up a level of rapport by asking questions about hobbies, family, and lifestyle." 


Explanation: Building rapport through personal questions helps salespeople establish a connection with their customers. This strategy makes customers feel more comfortable and understood, which enhances trust and can lead to more successful sales interactions.


6. F


Reference: From Paragraph F, "Humour also stimulates a rapid emotional response. Heiman Chung, writing in the International Journal of Advertising, found that funny ads were remembered for longer than straight ones. Combine humour with sexual imagery – as in Wonderbra’s 'Hello Boys' ads—and you are on to a winner." 


Explanation: Humorous advertisements are more memorable and can create a strong emotional connection with the audience. This increased recall and positive association can enhance the effectiveness of the advertisement, leading to better brand recognition and customer engagement.


7. K


Reference: From Paragraph K, "Whatever the method used, all salespeople work towards one aim: 'closing the deal'. In fact, they will be looking for 'closing signals' through their dealings with potential clients. Once again the process works by assuming success." 


Explanation: Salespeople focus on recognizing closing signals, such as customer interest in delivery dates or product specifics, to finalize the sale. By assuming success and steering the conversation toward closing details, they increase the likelihood of completing the transaction.


8. K


Reference: From Paragraph K, "The buyer is not asked 'are you interested?' as this can invite a negative response. Instead, the seller takes it for granted that the deal is effectively done: when the salesman asks you for a convenient delivery date or asks what colour you want, you will probably respond accordingly." 


Explanation: Effective sales techniques involve assuming the sale is already decided. By asking specific questions about delivery or product options, salespeople subtly guide customers toward a commitment, reducing the chances of objections and increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.


9. D


Reference: From Paragraph D, "Research has shown that 75 percent of profit comes from just 30 percent of customers." 


Explanation: This statement highlights the importance of identifying and catering to the most profitable customer segments. By focusing on the needs and preferences of this top 30% of customers, businesses can maximize their profits and create more effective marketing strategies.

Questions and Answers 10-14
  • Complete the summary below.
  • Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
  • Write your answers in boxes 10-14 on your answer sheet


Trolleys are born for the increasing traffic in the supermarket. The width of 10.  __________ in supermarkets is broadened in order to generate the most profits. Research from 11.  ___________ satisfying aromas can motivate people to buy more products. Except for the effort of creating a comfortable surrounding, 12.  ___________ is another card that supermarkets play to reward their regular customers. For example, loyal customers spend 30% more in their loved shops for everyday necessary 13. ___________ . Clothes shops use advertisements to make the buyer think they are belonging to part of a 14.  ___________ research from 4,000 campaigns reflect that humour advertisements received more emotional respect.


The Persuaders Reading Answers with Explanations  (10-14)


Type of Question: Choose no more than 2 words 

To answer "Choose no more than two words or a number" questions, identify the specific information needed, locate it in the passage, and write the exact words or number as found in the text, ensuring not to exceed the word limit.


How to best answer: 


  • Read the instructions carefully: Ensure you understand the word limit and specific requirements.
  • Identify keywords: Focus on keywords in the question to locate the relevant part of the passage quickly.
  • Scan the passage: Use skimming and scanning techniques to find the exact sentence or phrase that contains the answer.
  • Write exactly: Use the exact words from the passage without altering them, keeping within the two-word limit.
  • Double-check: Verify that your answer fits grammatically and contextually within the sentence.


10. Aisles


Reference: From Paragraph B, "Professor Merlin Stone, IBM Professor of Relationship Marketing at Bristol Business School, says aisles are laid out to maximise profits." 


Explanation: The strategic layout of aisles is designed to enhance customer flow and expose shoppers to more products, thereby increasing the chances of impulse purchases and overall sales.


11. Experiments


Reference: From Paragraph C, "In experiments, pleasant smells are effective in increasing our spending." 


Explanation: Research shows that pleasant aromas can positively influence consumer behaviour, leading to increased spending. Supermarkets leverage this by creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages shoppers to buy more.


12. Loyalty card


Reference: From Paragraph C, "The other success story from the supermarkets’ perspective is the loyalty card. Punters may assume that they are being rewarded for their fidelity, but all the while they are trading information about their shopping habits." 


Explanation: Loyalty cards provide supermarkets with valuable data on shopping habits, which they use to tailor marketing strategies and promotions, ultimately boosting sales and customer retention.


13. Cosmetics


Reference: From Paragraph C, "Loyal shoppers could be paying 30% more by sticking to their favourite shops for essential cosmetics." 


Explanation: Loyal customers often spend more on essential items at their preferred stores, indicating the effectiveness of loyalty programs in driving consistent revenue from regular shoppers.


14. Group


Reference: From Paragraph F, "Advertisers play on our need to be safe (commercials for insurance), to belong (make a customer feel they are in the group fashion ads) and for self-esteem (aspirational adverts)." 


Explanation: Advertisements that create a sense of belonging resonate with consumers by tapping into their social needs, making them feel connected to a desirable group, which can drive engagement and sales.


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Q. How can I improve my comprehension skills for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To improve comprehension skills, practice regularly with diverse reading materials like newspapers, journals, and books. Focus on understanding the main ideas, arguments, and details. Summarise paragraphs in your own words and expand your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases. Engage in timed practice tests to simulate exam conditions, enhancing your ability to read and comprehend quickly under time constraints.


Q. How can I pass the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To pass the IELTS Reading test, develop a strategy that includes skimming passages for the main idea and scanning for specific information. Practice answering different question types, like multiple-choice and true/false/not given. Manage your time effectively by allocating time to each passage and question. Enhance your vocabulary and reading speed through regular practice, and review past papers to familiarise yourself with the test format.


Q. Can I use a highlighter or take notes during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. No, you cannot use a highlighter during the IELTS Reading test. However, you can write notes or underline key points on the question paper. This can help you track important information and answer questions more effectively. Develop a method for marking significant details and references, which will aid in locating answers quickly and accurately during the test.