Study in Spain for Indian Students: Universities, Cost & Courses

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Have you always dreamt of studying in Europe? Imagine yourself surrounded by the grandeur of Gothic cathedrals, the electrifying roar of Barcelona’s legendary football fans, and the turquoise bliss of the Mediterranean coastline. 

Studying abroad in Spain isn’t just about academics – it’s a cultural odyssey. That’s not to say that Spain doesn’t do a great job prioritising education because it certainly does – spending USD 11,123 per student each year and allocating 29% of their economic resources to education. This commitment makes Spanish universities quite affordable, showing how much they value education and are committed to investing in their students’ futures. 

You’ll experience the passion of flamenco, savour the regional flavours of tapas, and get a chance to learn the language spoken by Cervantes himself. Spain’s beauty inspires at every turn, a muse itself that whispered secrets of inspiration to artistic souls like Picasso and Dalí. Then, isn’t this the ideal place to embark on a journey towards your own artistic triumph?

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Key Highlights

Did you know that 45% of entrepreneurs in Spain are women? Beyond scoring high in the Gender Equality Index, there are countless reasons Spain has become a top choice for international students. With affordable education, a versatile economy, and impressive strides in renewable energy, Spain is truly ahead of its time.

Here’s a summary of the key elements covered in this blog.

Why study in Spain?Safe and High-quality lifestyle 
Degree recognized throughout Europe Chance to learn a widely spoken language (Spanish)
Top Universities in SpainComplutense University of Madrid Universitat de Barcelona Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Masters Courses to Study in SpainData Science
Cognitive Psychology
Business Administration & Management
Bachelor’s Courses to Study in SpainDentistry
International LawArtificial Intelligence
Computer Science & Software Engineering
Scholarships to Reduce the Cost of Studying in Spain for Indian StudentsSafe and High-quality lifestyle Degree recognized throughout Europe Chance to learn a widely spoken language (Spanish)
Approximate Annual Cost of Living in Spain for Indian StudentsINR 12.83L 
In-takes in Spain in 2024Fall Intake: June/July
Spring Intake: January/Feb

Why Study in Spain?

Study in Spain for Indian Students: Universities, Cost & Courses

Spain’s appeal goes beyond its captivating culture. Students worldwide are choosing to study in Spain because of the unique combination of academic excellence, affordability, and an unforgettable lifestyle.  

As the 15th largest global economy and 6th largest in Europe, Spain provides a stimulating environment for your education. Plus, with an incredibly diverse population – over 11% hail from abroad – you’ll join a thriving international community, proving Spain’s reputation as a welcoming destination.

So, what are the top 3 reasons why so many international students study in Spain? Let’s dive in!

  1. A Safe High-Quality Lifestyle

Spain welcomes you with open arms, fostering a safe and inclusive environment. Other than the fact that more than 11% of the population has been born outside Spain, the Spanish Constitution guarantees equality and non-discrimination based on origin, race, sex, religion, or views.

This welcoming atmosphere translates to a high quality of life. Spain boasts a remarkable life expectancy of 84 years, ranking 10th globally according to the World Population Review 2024. 

Spain’s sunshine-soaked climate, abundance of fresh produce central to the famed Mediterranean diet, and the cherished tradition of afternoon siestas (short naps) are likely the key ingredients to the Spanish secret to a long life.

Perhaps the most telling indicator of lifestyle is the feeling of security itself. According to the OECD, an astounding 80% of the population feels safe walking at night, surpassing the OECD average of 74%. With its commitment to inclusivity and focus on a healthy way of life, Spain provides the perfect environment to feel secure, supported, and ready to thrive.

  1. A Degree Applicable Throughout Europe

One primary reason for choosing Spain universities for international students has been the validity of the degree all across Europe.

Universities in Spain participate in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a network of 49 countries (including the UK) dedicated to standardised qualifications. This means your Spanish degree is recognised and valued throughout Europe.

The EHEA was created with a clear mission: to enhance the employability of European graduates and strengthen the international competitiveness of European higher education. By earning a degree in Spain, you’ll gain valuable skills and qualifications that are relevant across Europe, giving you a considerable advantage in the job market.

  1. Learn Spanish While You Earn Your Degree

With more than 500 million speakers globally, Spanish is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to enhance their career prospects. It is projected that by 2030, 7.5% of the world’s population will be Spanish speakers

If these impressive statistics don’t fully capture the language’s growing influence, consider this: Spanish is also the second most spoken language on the internet, further demonstrating its widespread use and importance. Think about the competitive edge this will give you in the job market.

Learning Spanish in Spain offers unique benefits not just in Spain, but also in the United States. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States, with over 13% of the population speaking it. This widespread use of Spanish is notable in the world’s largest economy. Thus, mastering this language can significantly enhance your job prospects in Spain and the United States.

Additionally, Spain’s deep historical and cultural connections with Latin America provide access to a dynamic trade market. Proficiency in Spanish makes you an appealing candidate for businesses engaged within this region. 

Therefore, fluency in Spanish enhances your communication skills and dramatically increases your value in the global job market.

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Study in Spain for Indian Students: Universities, Cost & Courses

Top 5 Universities to Study in Spain for Indian Students

Given Spain’s rich artistic heritage, it’s no surprise that eight of its universities are ranked among the top 200 globally in the Arts and Humanities field, according to the QS rankings. With only 1,500 universities making it onto this prestigious list, pursuing an arts or humanities degree at any Spanish university below places you within the top 13% of the best Art and Humanities universities worldwide.

Here are the names of the top 5 universities in Spain ranked among the top 200 globally.

UniversityYearly Tuition for Bachelor’s program (INR)Yearly Tuition for Master’s Program (INR)
Complutense University of Madrid6.13L – 7.38L3.13 – 4.90L
Universitat de Barcelona4.46 – 5L5.97 – 7L
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Madrid3.55 – 4.77L4.1 – 4.7L
University of Granada80 – 90k80 – 90k
University of Salamanca65k – 1.62L87k – 2.44L

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

This European institution, ranked #109 in Arts and Humanities by the global QS ranking, is renowned for its research excellence and high-quality teaching. The university is conveniently located just a 25-minute public transport ride from the centre of Barcelona city. 

With nearly 50,000 people, including students and faculty, among which 5,000 are international members from all over the globe, UAB feels like a city of knowledge itself. And the best part? UAB offers a selection of 12 courses entirely in English, the most popular of which are listed below.

Popular CoursesDuration
Bachelor’s in Artificial Intelligence 4 years
Master’s Degree in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience1 year
Master’s in Data Science(inter-university course)1 year
Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism4 years

Notable Alumni:

Carles Francino Murgades, a Spanish journalist, launched his TV career in 1990 and quickly made a name for himself, leading several shows including Catalonia’s top news bulletin. He was honoured with the City of Barcelona Award in 1999 and later transitioned to radio, continuing his impactful career in broadcasting.

Complutense University of Madrid

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) isn’t just a place to learn; it’s a step back in time. Founded in 1293, UCM is one of the oldest-standing universities in the world. Located in the heart of Madrid, the name is reminiscent of the ancient Roman settlement of Complutum. 

Their Dentistry program is ranked #38 globally according to QS rankings, the same as their Master’s programs in Management. UCM is also best known for its programs in English Language and Literature, History, Modern Language, Odontology, Legal Studies and International Policy studies program. 

Here are the popular courses at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Popular CoursesDuration
International Degree in Law5 years
Integrated Bachelors and Master’s Degree program in Political Science with a Concentration in Human Rights and Social and Political Innovation5 years
Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry5 years

Notable Alumni:

Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, a graduate of the Complutense University of Madrid, made a groundbreaking discovery in how RNA is synthesised from DNA, essentially how cells replicate genetic instructions for use throughout the body. This fundamental insight enabled profound advancements in medicine and science, earning him the Nobel Prize in 1959 for its historical significance and transformative impact.

Universitat de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona (UB), founded in 1450, is one of Spain’s oldest and most prestigious universities, consistently ranked as the country’s best by US News & World Report and Times Higher Education.

 Located in the heart of Barcelona, UB is a top public research university known for its vibrant energy and beautiful campus. It features two porticoed courtyards inspired by Romanesque cloisters — one housing the Science Faculty and the other the Arts Faculty. 

Tranquil gardens and magnificent rooms such as the main lecture hall, the historic auditorium, and the library complement these courtyards. Notably, the library is one of the largest in Catalonia.

UB’s reputation for academic excellence is recognized globally. According to the QS rankings 2024, its medical program ranks #48 globally and #2 among European universities. 

Mentioned below are the popular courses offered by the Universitat de Barcelona.

Popular CoursesDuration
Double degree in Mathematics and Computer Science and Software Engineering5 years
Double Degree in Business Administration & Management + Sociology6 years 
Bachelor’s degree in Nursing4 years

Notable Alumni:

Oriol Mitjà i Villar, a Catalan-born Spanish physician specialising in infectious diseases, has researched “Yaws” in Papua New Guinea since 2010 and also studied COVID-19 at the German Trias i Pujol Research Institute. In 2013, he won the Princess of Girona Award for scientific research.

University of Granada

The University of Granada, one of the most affordable options on this list of top universities to study in Spain, has a unique geographical element. Ranked #171 for the subject of Arts & Humanities in the World QS Ranking, this public university is located in the historical city of Granada, just 35 km from the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range and 65 km from the lively Mediterranean coast.

Granada hosts five of the university’s seven campuses, creating a traditional university environment. But that’s not all; UGR also extends its reach across continents with campuses in the North African cities of Ceuta and Melilla, marking it as one of the rare truly intercontinental universities. While it maintains historical links with Latin American institutions, it also connects Europe and North Africa.

Mentioned below are the most popular courses offered by the University of Granada:

Popular CoursesDuration
Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity & Sports Science4 years
Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing 4 years
Master’s Degree in Psychology & Social Intervention1 year
Master’s Degree in Architecture1 year

Notable Alumni:

María José Rienda Contreras, a retired World Cup alpine ski racer, served as the Consejo Superior de Deportes President and Secretary of State for Sports in Spain from June 2018 to January 2020. Currently, she works at the Sierra Nevada mountain resort, collaborating with Eduardo Valenzuela, the Chief Operating Officer and member of the International Ski Federation (FIS) Council.

University of Salamanca

Another university that’ll be easier on your pocket is the University of Salamanca, which holds the #178 spot for Arts and Humanities in the World QS Ranking. Founded in 1218 as the scholas Salamanticae, this university supported and encouraged Columbus’s voyage to the West as it believed territories existed there, even though geographers were sceptical of it at the time. This is the same Columbus who discovered the land we call “America” now. 

The university encouraged research then as it does now. Continuing its rich tradition, the University of Salamanca remains a beacon of research and academic excellence today.

Here are the most popular courses offered by the University of Salamanca:

Popular CoursesDuration
Bachelors in Psychology 4 years
Bachelors in Business Administration & Management4 years
Masters in English, Languages & Culture1 year

Notable Alumni:

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is often hailed as the greatest Spanish writer of all time, and he’s a giant in the world of novels, too. 

He wrote “Don Quixote,” which is not just any book—it’s considered the very first modern novel. Imagine that! In 2002, a group of famous authors worldwide participated in a survey organised by the Norwegian Book Clubs and the Nobel Institute. They voted “Don Quixote” the “most meaningful book of all time” from a list of the most significant works in world literature. Quite the endorsement, wouldn’t you say?

Intakes for Studying in Spain in 2024

In Spain, universities operate on an academic schedule that begins in September and concludes in June of the next year. While specific deadlines for applications can vary across institutions, the typical periods for university intake in Spain are as follows:

  • Early June for the commencement of the fall semester
  • Early September for late submissions for the fall semester
  • Early December for enrollment in the spring semester

However, it’s important to remember that there’s more to keep track of than university intake dates. If you plan to study a Spanish course, you should take the PCE test. International students will also need to consider scheduling an IELTS or TOEFL test. To help you stay organised, look at the comprehensive timeline checklist below.

  1. Proficiency Test Preparation:
  • UNEDassis Accreditation Online applications are open annually from February 6 to December. Students seeking admission in Spanish-taught courses must take this test.
  • Consider Specific Competency Test dates (PCE) and university enrolment deadlines.
  • This will also be an excellent time to enrol in formal courses for your IELTS/TOEFL exam.
  1. University Application Advice:
  •  Complete applications at least six weeks before university deadlines. The application process typically starts in February, though it will be different for all universities.
  •  Applications must include academic documents.
  1. Specific Competency Test Registration: 
  • For people enrolling in Spanish-taught courses, PCE registrations are from February 26th to May 2nd for the May/June 2024 session and from July 1st to July 22nd for the September 2024 session.
  • This is also a good time for those seeking English proficiency certificates to take the IELTS/TOEFL mock exams.
  1. Specific Competency Test Exam:
  • The PCE will occur between 20 and 24 May in Spain for THE May/June 2024 session and from 3rd to June 8th abroad. For the September 2024 session, it will be held between 2 and 7 September.
  • Meanwhile, IELTS/TOEFL applicants can schedule their English proficiency test during the same period.
  1. University Enrollment Deadline: 
  • Varies by university; state universities typically end early July, as does the first application period, while they give you time to arrange full documents until July 31st.
  1. Document Submission/Delivery Time: 
  • You must submit a legalised copy of the latest academic transcript. It would help if you aimed to submit legal documents by October 31st.
  • Remember: An electronic registry will take 3 business days, while regular mail can take up to 15 business days.

Flexibility in European Higher Education

European academic culture often embraces flexibility in student enrollment, allowing for late starts or changes in university programs. Thanks to the credit system, students have the option to complete their courses either in the following semester or at a different university entirely, facilitating a tailored educational experience.

Credits of Spain Universities for International Students: Explained

Once you’ve decided to study in Spain, one of the most confusing things you’ll encounter is the credit system used for different courses in Spain and throughout Europe. ECTS, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, is a standardised system across Europe that measures and compares students’ learning achievements and performance in higher education. 

As previously mentioned, thanks to the EHEA, education across Europe is standardised. This means credits can be transferred between European institutions, making it easier for students to move between schools or switch institutions mid-way through their studies.

Here’s more precise information about the ECTS:

Study in Spain for Indian Students: Universities, Cost & Courses
  • Credit System: ECTS credits reflect the workload required to complete course units. One ECTS credit typically represents 25 to 30 work hours, including class time, assignments, and independent study.
  • Standardisation: The ECTS ensures that students’ credits can be transferred between European institutions, facilitating student mobility and the recognition of academic qualifications.
  • Degree Requirements: Students generally need to complete 180 to 240 ECTS credits over three to four years to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Similarly, a master’s degree typically requires 60 to 120 ECTS credits over one to two years.
  • Annual Requirement: Bachelor’s degrees in Spain usually cost 60 ECTS per year.

Admission Requirements to Study in Spain

Over the past seven years, the number of international students at Spanish universities has increased by about 46%. In this context, an international student is anyone who completed their previous studies outside of Spain and does not belong to an EU country. The following requirements are necessary for all international students.

  1. Educational Degrees and Certificates: You must provide your High School Certificate and transcripts for a Bachelor’s degree. For master’s programs, you must show your Bachelor’s degree certificate or diploma as proof that you’ve completed your undergraduate studies.
  1. Passport: A valid passport is essential for studying abroad. Ensure your passport is valid for the entire duration of the program in Spain.
  1. Language Proficiency: You must demonstrate proficiency in both English and Spanish. You usually achieve this through standard international English tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Below, you will find the requirements for some top universities.

These are the TOEFL and IELTS requirements for international students to study in Spain.

UniversityTOEFL ScoreIELTS Score
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona785.5+
Universitat de Barcelona805.5+
Complutense University of Madrid906.5+
  1. Proof of Financial Means: You must show you have the financial resources to support yourself for at least the first year in Spain. You can do this through bank statements or other financial documents.

Student Visa Requirements for Indian Students

Currently, Spain is home to 224,000 international students. They’ve embraced the Spanish way of life, and maybe you’re considering doing the same. If you, too, want to study in Spain, there’s one critical step: securing your student visa.

The process is long but so worth it. Here’s why: A Spanish student visa issued by a Spanish Consulate unlocks a hidden perk: access to all 24 Schengen countries! With one visa, you can explore not just Spain but also amazing destinations like Germany, Austria, Belgium, and many more.

Ready to turn your Spanish dream into reality? Check out the easy steps below to apply for your student visa.

Study in Spain for Indian Students: Universities, Cost & Courses

1. Application Form: Complete and sign the visa application form.

2. Photograph: Provide a recent passport-size colour photo with a light background. Do not wear dark/reflective glasses or face-covering garments in the photo.

3. Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for the entire stay and have at least two blank pages. Passports older than ten years are not accepted.

4. Passport Photocopy: Include photocopies of the passport pages with biometric data, previous visas, and migration stamps.

5. Proof of Acceptance: Submit proof of acceptance for your study, training, volunteer activity, or internship. The document must state the program’s start and end dates and the total cost. 

This can be:

  • Acceptance at an authorised teaching centre for a full-time study program.
  • Acceptance at a research or training centre.
  • Acceptance into a student mobility program with proof of accommodation and cost coverage.
  • Acceptance for a non-remunerated internship.
  • Agreement with a volunteer program organisation.

6. Proof of Financial Means: Show proof that you or your sponsor can cover your expenses in Spain. This includes:

  • Original documents proving sufficient financial means (equivalent to 100% of Spain’s IPREM).
  • Letter of sponsorship and, if available, the sponsor’s passport copy and PAN card.
  • Sponsor’s bank statements for the last six months.

7. Health Insurance: Provide the original and a copy of your health insurance certificate, covering all risks insured by Spain’s public health system. For volunteer programs, include the civil liability insurance policy.

8. Criminal Record Check: For stays over 180 days, submit the original and a copy of your criminal record check for the past five years. Indian applicants need a Police Clearance Certificate from the Regional Passport Office, apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs.

9. Medical Certificate: For stays over 180 days, provide the original and a copy of a medical certificate stating that you don’t have any serious public health diseases. A legal medical practitioner must issue the certificate, and the Ministry of External Affairs must apostille it.

10. Proof of Residence: Show proof of residence in the consular district. You must provide evidence that you live in the area served by the consulate or embassy where you apply for your visa. Such evidence includes recent utility bills, lease agreements, house deeds, etc.

Other Important Student Visa Information

Visa Processing Time: The Consular Office typically makes decisions within one month of the application submission date. They may extend this period if they require an interview or additional documents.

Collecting the Visa: You or your representative (if you are a minor) must collect the visa in person within two months after the approval notification. The Consular Office will guide you in collecting your passport and other original documents.

Visa Validity Period:

  • For study stays up to 6 months, the visa covers the entire stay, and no Foreigner Identity Card is needed.
  • For study stays over 6 months, you will receive a visa valid for only 90 days. Within one month of entering Spain, you must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card at the Foreign Nationals’ Office or the Police Station that processed your permit.

Cost of Living in Spain

When considering the cost of living, Spain stands out as one of the most affordable destinations for students in Europe, mainly due to its low tuition fees. To put this into perspective, let’s compare it to the UK. 

The average yearly tuition fee in the UK is around INR 18.51 lakhs. Meanwhile, in Spain, for just INR 12.82 lakhs, you can cover your tuition fees and your entire cost of living. You can manage all your expenses comfortably for roughly two-thirds of the same price. Here’s the detailed breakdown.

Here’s the breakdown of the average yearly cost of living in Spain for Indian Students.

Expense (Yearly)Cost (INR)
Cost of Food1.36L
Tuition Fee1.80L
Health Insurance1.08L
Annual Cost of Studying in Spain12.83L

Also Read: Cost of Living & Studying In The UK In 2024: Fees and Salary

Cost of Studying in Spain

Several factors will influence your university costs in Spain, including the type of institution (public vs. private), your program, course credits, location, and nationality. Below is an estimated range of tuition costs listed according to the credit system of undergraduate courses, followed by an estimated calculation.  

  • First Enrollment: INR 1085 – INR 2713 per credit
  • Second Enrollment: INR 2261 – INR 4523 per credit
  • Third Enrollment: INR 4523 – INR 9046 per credit

Here is the average cost of studying an Undergraduate course in Spain.

DurationCredits RequiredCost Range (INR)
3-Year Course1801.95 – 4.88L
4-Year Course2402.60 – 6.51L

Please remember that these are estimated costs for studying at a public university.  The cost of studying in a private university will be much higher, approximately INR 4.52 to 16.28L for entire courses. 

Cost of Masters in Spain for Indian Students

The cost of a master’s degree in Spain is generally higher yearly than that of a bachelor’s degree. However, Master’s programs usually take one to two years to complete, whereas Bachelor’s programs can take up to four years.

At a public university, the cost of a Master in Spain for Indian students ranges from INR 2,607 to INR 4,170 per credit. 

For international students who are neither residents of Spain nor nationals of EU/EEA member states, tuition starts at INR 5,955 per credit for humanities degrees, INR 6,421 per credit for master’s programs that lead to professional qualifications, and INR 9,035 per credit for master’s programs in economics. 

Here are the average estimates for one and two-year Master’s courses calculated below.

Category1-Year Master Degree in Spain (INR)2-Year Master Degree in Spain (INR)
Professional Courses3.85L7.7L

Scholarships to Study in Spain for Indian Students

Did you know that nearly 60% of international students in Spain are female? This reflects the country’s welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Imagine yourself joining a diverse and dynamic community, learning alongside people from all over the world.

Are you eager to join this international community but need help figuring out financial means? We understand that affording universities in Spain can be a limiting factor. The following top scholarships may help you out.

Here are the top scholarships to study in Spain for international students.

ScholarshipApproximate Grant (INR)
Global Experiences Generation Study AbroadINR 1.25 – 2.08L per semester
Spanish Studies Abroad Merit-basedINR 1.25L per semester
UIC Barcelona20% financial aid of annual fee
  1. Global Experiences Generation Study Abroad Scholarship

AIFS Abroad and Global Experiences are committed to access, inclusion, diversity, and equity. In addition to sponsoring several internship programs, they also provide grants to students already studying abroad. 

To secure your sport, you must:

  • Fill out a form on their website.
  • submit an initial deposit of INR 8k  as they have limited grants. 

The scholarship offers INR 2.08L for a semester study abroad program or INR 1.25L for a summer, J-term, or internship program.

  1. Spanish Studies Abroad Merit-based Scholarship

This scholarship targets students passionate about Spanish and Latin American cultures. It prioritises students who demonstrate outstanding dedication to their study of these cultures both in and out of the classroom. 

To be eligible, you must:

  • Write an essay explaining your commitment to learning about Spanish and Latin American cultures.
  • Hold a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above.

The scholarship offers awards of up to INR 1.25L per semester.

  1. UIC Barcelona Scholarship

The International University of Catalonia (UIC) is a reputable institution ranked #46 in the QS rankings for dentistry and #92 among the best universities in Europe overall. 

To secure the scholarship, you must:

  • Take the UIC Barcelona-specific exam.
  • Score eight or higher in previous education (upper secondary school or Bachelor’s degree).

The scholarship has a limit on grants, but if you secure one, UIC will cover 20% of your tuition fee every year, provided you qualify for the grant each year. This scholarship is not available for dentistry but for degree programs in journalism, psychology, physiotherapy, biomedicine, law, education, and more.

Job Opportunities in Spain

Did you know that Zara, Mango, Bershka, and Balenciaga all have something in common? They’re all renowned fashion brands headquartered in Spain. The owner of Zara, Amancio Ortega, is not only the wealthiest man in Spain but also the third richest in Europe. This makes Spain a key player in fashion, design, and merchandising, offering numerous opportunities in these fields.

But it’s not just about fashion. Spain’s economy is thriving in many other sectors as well. For example, the country is a leader in renewable energy. 

According to Rystad Energy forecasts, Spain reached a significant decarbonization milestone in 2023, with renewable-sourced generation surpassing the 50% average, beating France, Germany, Italy, and the UK to this record. The Spanish automotive industry is also booming, with significant players like SEAT and Renault producing innovative vehicles.

The Spanish market is versatile, making it a top choice for people with varied interests to study in Spain. Here are Spain’s highest-paying professions and industries.

Here’s a snapshot of the highest-paying jobs in Spain.

ProfessionAverage Annual Salary (INR)
Business Administration Manager36.25 – 64.37L
Marketing Director70.51L
Information Technology (IT) Manager45.5L

You can use these figures to help you decide which course to choose and study in Spain.

For those seeking to study in Spain while working part-time, Spain’s minimum wage per hour is €8.87, which is approximately INR 802.55.

For those receiving wages over 14 payments, the minimum monthly salary amounts to €1,134, or about INR 1.02L. Many international students find part-time jobs to help cover their living and study expenses, making it a practical way to manage costs.


As you wrap up your exploration of studying in Spain, it’s clear this picturesque country offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modern innovation. With Romanesque architecture and legendary artists like Picasso and Salvador Dalí, Spain is home to some of the world’s best art universities. Global fashion brands like Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Balenciaga, and Mango originate here.

Spain’s appeal extends beyond the arts, with automotive giants like Renault and SEAT and a strong focus on renewable energy. The relaxed Spanish lifestyle attracts international students, and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) ensures your education is recognised across Europe. Plus, Spain is more affordable than many other European countries.

Needless to say, choosing to study in Spain means immersing yourself in rich culture, benefiting from a versatile economy, and enjoying a high-quality education that opens doors across Europe—all without breaking the bank. Plus, you get the invaluable opportunity to learn Spanish in the most immersive way possible—by living and breathing the culture every day.

But before you get ahead of yourself, don’t forget to promptly apply for your IELTS certification to secure proof of your English proficiency required to study in Spain. Leap Scholar can help you prepare to score a high IELTS score in as little as four weeks thanks to its top trainers, extensive range of mock tests and personalised guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can International students work part-time in Spain?

    A: As an international student, you can work part-time while you study in Spain, earning some extra income. With a student visa, you can work up to 20 hours per week. However, if your job is likely to interfere with your studies, you might not be permitted to work. 

    If you’re a non-EU/EEA student, you can only work part-time until your student visa expires. Your employer needs permission from the Foreign Nationals Office to hire you, which involves applying for a work permit.

  • Q: Can international students receive any financial aid to study in Spain?

    A: Yes, here are the Top Scholarship Programs for international students you can check out:
    Global Experiences Generation Study Abroad Scholarship
    Grants up to INR 2.08L for a semester or INR 1.25L for a summer, J-term, or internship program.
    Spanish Studies Abroad Merit-based Scholarship
    Provides up to INR 1.25L per semester for students who have a keen interest in Spanish or Latin American culture.
    UIC Barcelona Scholarship
    Offers 20% financial aid for students studying at UIC, given they meet the eligibility requirements and pass the exam.

  • Q: What are the necessary documents to apply for a student visa in Spain?

    A: To study in Spain, you’ll need the following documents to apply for a visa:
    Application form
    Recent passport-size colour photo
    Valid passport with at least two blank pages
    Photocopies of passport pages with biometric data and visas
    Proof of acceptance
    Proof of financial means
    Health insurance certificate,
    Criminal record check for the past five years
    Medical certificate
    Proof of residence

  • Q: What are the best art colleges in Spain?

    A: Here are the best-rated universities listed next to their QS Ranking in the subject of Arts and Humanities:

    Complutense University of Madrid: #72
    Universitat de Barcelona: #94
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: #109
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: #148

  • Q: Is opening a Spanish bank account necessary to study in Spain?

    A: It depends on how long you’ll be in Spain. Opening a Spanish bank account is a good idea if you plan to pursue a full-time degree. It’s more accessible and affordable for paying rent and utilities or buying electronics and other items. 

    While you can use your home bank account, having a local account will save you money and make things more convenient.

  • Q: Do I Need TOEFL or IELTS for an English-Taught Program?

    A: If you’re from a non-English speaking country and want to enrol in an English-taught program in Spain, you’ll likely need to prove your English proficiency. Most universities will ask for TOEFL or IELTS scores as part of your application. 

    However, if you’ve received considerable education in English-speaking countries or world-renowned institutions, you can skip these tests. And, if you’re from an English-speaking country or enrolling in a Spanish-taught program, you won’t need to prove your English proficiency at all.

  • Q: Is Public Transportation Available in Spain?

    A: Yes, public transportation in Spain is extensive and convenient. You can easily get around using trains, buses, and taxis. Cities like Barcelona, Madrid, and Bilbao have their metro systems, and many other cities have street-level trams. Buses are a standard and affordable option, with each city offering its own routes. On average, a trip costs about 2 euros (approximately INR 180), making public transport an economical choice for getting around.

  • Q: Which Are the Cheapest and Most Expensive Cities in Spain?

    A: Some of the most expensive cities in Spain include Barcelona, Madrid, and Zaragoza. Here’s what you can expect to pay for rent:

    1-bedroom flat in the city centre: Around INR 84k
    1-bedroom flat outside the city centre: Around INR 65k
    1-bedroom flat in the periphery: Around INR 29k

  • Q: How do I open a Spanish bank account as an international student, and what documents are required?

    A: Here’s what you’ll need to open a bank account as an international student:

    Your passport
    Your national identity card (for EU citizens)
    Proof of address in Spain, like a recent utility bill (less than three months old)
    Your Spanish NIE number
    Proof of employment status (such as an employment contract, student card, or unemployment papers)

  • Q: Can I Stay in Spain After I Finish my Studies?

    A: Yes, you can stay in Spain for up to 12 months after finishing your studies with a ‘job search visa.’ This visa lets graduates from non-EU countries stay in Spain for a year to look for a job. 

    Once you find a job and secure a work contract, you can then apply for a work permit. Remember that during these 12 months, you are not allowed to work. You should apply for the ‘job search visa’ either 60 days before your Foreigners Identity Number (NIE) expires or within 90 days after it expires.

  • Q: What is the credit system in Spain, and How does it work?

    A: The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) measures and compares students’ learning achievements across Europe. 

    Here’s a quick rundown on ECTS:

    Credit System: One ECTS credit equals 25 to 30 work hours, including class time, assignments, and independent study.
    Degree Requirements: A Bachelor’s degree requires 180 to 240 ECTS credits (3-4 years), while a Master’s degree requires 60 to 120 ECTS credits (1-2 years).

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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