
Describe A Speech You Gave: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

speaking cue card is a prompt given during the IELTS speaking test during the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to speak fluently, coherently, and confidently on a given topic within a limited time frame. 


We will practice the topic of describing a speech you gave and explore how to tackle this cue card effectively in your IELTS Speaking test.

Speaking about a speech you gave allows you to reflect on a significant moment of communication. Whether it was a presentation at work, a speech at an event, or an address at a gathering, it allows you to recount an experience where you engaged an audience with your words.

Throughout this guide, we'll provide sample answers and essential tips to help you craft a compelling response for this cue card, enhancing your chances of success in the IELTS Speaking test. Let's dive in and explore how to describe a speech you gave effectively.

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1. Describe A Speech You Gave: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you the cue card containing a topic related to "Describe A Speech You Gave." You'll have one minute to prepare your response before speaking.

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2. Describe A Speech You Gave: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe a sports program you like to watch’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test.

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3. Describe A Speech You Gave: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round, facing follow-up questions in the IELTS speaking test is common. These questions allow the examiner to further evaluate your ability to coherently express ideas and opinions.

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Describe A Speech You Gave: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you the cue card containing a topic related to "Describe A Speech You Gave." You'll have one minute to prepare your response before speaking.

Here is how the cue card for the topic ‘Describe yourself in an interview’ will look like:


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Speech You Gave
You should say
  • When and to whom you gave the speech?
  • What was the speech about?
  • Why did you give the speech?
  • How did you feel about it?



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To tackle this cue card effectively within the time limit, it's crucial to structure your answer into small, manageable pieces. Begin with a brief introduction, then delve into describing your experience giving the speech, highlighting key moments, and concluding succinctly.




  • Introduce the speech: Mention the occasion and the audience.
  • Share your feelings: Briefly express your emotions about giving the speech.
  • Preview the main points: Outline the key aspects you'll discuss, such as the topic and purpose of the speech.


When and to whom you gave the speech?


  • Specify the time and audience: Describe the event and who was present.
  • Highlight any significance: Mention if the audience was special or if the occasion was memorable.
  • Explain the context: Provide background information on why the speech was given and its relevance to the audience.


What was the speech about?


  • Provide a brief overview of the subject matter.
  • Highlight key points: Mention the main ideas or themes covered in the speech.
  • Explain its importance: Discuss why the topic was relevant and why it mattered to you or the audience.


Why did you give the speech?


  • State the purpose: Clearly outline the reason behind giving the speech.
  • Discuss motivations: Share what inspired you to speak on this particular topic.
  • Highlight goals: Explain what you hoped to achieve by delivering the speech, such as educating, inspiring, or persuading the audience.


How did you feel about it?


  • Express emotions: Describe how you felt before, during, and after giving the speech.
  • Reflect on the experience: Share any challenges you faced or moments of success.
  • Discuss feedback: Mention any reactions or responses you received from the audience.




  • Recap the key points discussed in the speech.
  • Reflect on its impact: Share any lasting impressions or lessons learned from giving the speech.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the audience for their attention and support, if applicable.

Describe A Speech You Gave: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe a sports program you like to watch’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


During my college graduation ceremony, I had the honour of delivering a speech to my fellow graduates, faculty members, and families. It was a momentous occasion filled with excitement and anticipation, and I was both nervous and excited to address such a large audience.


When and to whom you gave the speech?


I gave the speech during my college graduation ceremony, which took place in June last year. The audience comprised my fellow graduates, esteemed faculty members, and proud families who had gathered to celebrate this significant milestone in our lives. It was a memorable event that marked the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.


What was the speech about?


My speech focused on the theme of resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges. I shared personal anecdotes and experiences to inspire my peers to embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and to never lose sight of their dreams and aspirations. I spoke about the importance of resilience in navigating the uncertainties of life and pursuing our passions with unwavering determination.


Why did you give the speech?


I was chosen to deliver the speech because of my active involvement in campus activities and my reputation for being a passionate advocate for positive change. I wanted to use this platform to uplift and motivate my fellow graduates as we embarked on our respective journeys beyond college. It was an opportunity for me to share words of encouragement and wisdom that I had gained throughout my academic journey.


How did you feel about it?


I felt a mix of nerves and excitement leading up to the speech, but once I stepped onto the stage and began speaking, I felt a sense of confidence and purpose wash over me. Seeing the attentive faces of my peers and feeling their support gave me the strength to deliver my message with conviction and sincerity. After the speech, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to address such an esteemed audience and for the positive feedback I received from my peers and faculty members.




In conclusion, delivering the graduation speech was a humbling and empowering experience that I will cherish forever. It was an honour to stand before my fellow graduates and offer words of inspiration and encouragement as we embarked on the next chapter of our lives. I am grateful for the opportunity to have shared my thoughts and experiences and hope that my words resonated with my peers as we ventured forth into the world beyond college.


Describe A Speech You Gave: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round, facing follow-up questions in the IELTS speaking test is common. These questions allow the examiner to further evaluate your ability to coherently express ideas and opinions. 

Expect inquiries about the topic you just discussed, requiring you to offer more detailed responses.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?


Answer 1: People often feel nervous in public speaking situations due to fear of judgment or making mistakes. The pressure to perform perfectly can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety.


Answer 2: Public speaking triggers our innate fear of rejection or embarrassment. A lack of confidence in our speaking abilities can amplify this nervousness.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. How can they improve their public speaking skills?


Answer 1: Practice is key to improving public speaking skills. By rehearsing speeches and presentations, individuals can build confidence and refine their delivery.


Answer 2: Seeking feedback from peers or joining public speaking clubs can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth. Learning effective communication techniques also helps in overcoming nervousness.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life?


Answer 1: I've attended various types of speeches, ranging from motivational talks to academic lectures. Each offered unique insights and learning experiences.


Answer 2: From business presentations to political rallies, I've had the chance to witness a diverse range of speeches, each tailored to its specific audience and purpose.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have?


Answer 1: Visiting speakers should possess strong communication skills, engaging their audience effectively. Charisma and enthusiasm help in captivating listeners' attention and conveying their message persuasively.


Answer 2: It's important for visiting speakers to be knowledgeable about their topic, inspiring trust and credibility. Adaptability to different audience demographics and responsiveness to questions also enhance their effectiveness.

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Q. How do I improve my speaking skills?

Ans. Improving speaking skills involves regular practice and seeking feedback. Engage in conversations with friends, watch English-language videos, and read aloud to enhance pronunciation and fluency. Additionally, consider joining speaking clubs or taking language courses for structured guidance and support.

Q. Is the IELTS speaking test easy?

Ans. The difficulty of the IELTS speaking test varies for each individual. While some may find it challenging due to nerves or language proficiency, others may feel more confident. Preparation and familiarity with the test format can alleviate anxiety and improve performance. Practice speaking English regularly to build confidence and fluency.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. To enhance performance in the IELTS Speaking test, practice speaking English in various contexts. Familiarise yourself with common topics and practise expressing your opinions clearly and coherently. Focus on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Additionally, simulate test conditions by timing your responses and seeking feedback from teachers or language partners to identify areas for improvement.