
Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting

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Updated on May 06, 2024, 11:20

We will explore a fascinating topic about someone who inspires us with his inspiration and motivation in the IELTS speaking practice. That person has an extraordinary ability to spark passion and curiosity, leading us on a journey of exciting, life-enhancing activities. You will join us on our personal exploration and discovery journey as we examine the influence and effect of this inspiring person.

IELTS Speaking has three parts, which remain the same in both tests(academic & general). The cue card round is filled with simple topics such as personal interests, experiences, environmental and societal issues, and general knowledge. One commonly asked topic is 'Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting'. 

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1. Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: How to Answer?

The IELTS Speaking test is a one-on-one interview with a certified IELTS examiner. 

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2. Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: Sample Answer

Find the Sample Answers for Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: Follow-Up Questions

IELTS cue cards are followed by Part 3 of IELTS Speaking, where you are asked questions about your topic. These are general questions, typically probing for your opinions and thoughts on the matter. 

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Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: How to Answer?

The IELTS Speaking test is a one-on-one interview with a certified IELTS examiner. 

Once part 2 begins, you will be handed a cue card and 4 questions related to it. The cue card will look like this:


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting.
You should say

  • Who is this person?
  • For what did he/she inspire?
  • Why was he/she inspired?
  • How do you feel about it?


To answer cue card prompts effectively, break them into sections: introduction, key highlights, and conclusion. Provide context in the introduction, add specific examples in key highlights, and summarise your main points in the conclusion.

Considering that, here's how we'll break our topic down.


  • Let me introduce you to the person who inspired me. 
  • Explain your relationship with that person in more detail.


For Example“ My college professor, Dr. Patel, has given me great inspiration. When I enrolled in her psychology class during my second year, I met Dr. Patel for the first time.”

Who is this person?

  • Tell us about the person's background, role, and importance. 
  • Let them be highlighted for the qualities or characteristics that inspire them.

For Example“ Dr. Patel's an experienced psychologist with years of experience in this field. She is an incredibly inspiring figure, dedicated to her students' success and passionate about psychology.”

For what did he/she inspire?

  • Tell us how the person inspired you to take action or to try something interesting. 
  • Tell about the specific activity or project they motivated you to undertake.

For Example“ I was inspired by Dr. Patel to conduct an independent study on the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction. Her encouragement and guidance inspired me to explore the subject more deeply, writing a research proposal for study."

Why was he/she inspired?

  • Discuss the qualities or actions of the person that made them inspiring. 
  • Tell us how their support or encouragement influenced your decision to pursue this endeavour.

For Example“ I had the confidence to pursue this research project because of Dr. Patel's constant support and trust in my ability. Thanks to her passion for mindfulness and guidance during this process, I overcame obstacles and determined to keep working on my goals."

How do you feel about it?

  • Tell us what it's like to be inspired by someone like that. 
  • Take stock of their inspiration's impact on you personally or professionally.

For Example“ "I'm incredibly grateful to have Dr. Patel as a mentor and a source of inspiration." Her encouragement has fueled my passion for psychology and given me a new sense of confidence and purpose."


  • Take a look at how the person's inspiration has influenced your life. 
  • Thank them for their impact and influence.

For Example“ My academic and personal development has been greatly influenced by Dr. Patel's inspiration. "I am grateful for her guidance and support, which have enabled me to pursue my interests and seek excellence in every aspect of my life."


Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: Sample Answer

Find the Sample Answers for Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • My high school English teacher, Mrs Johnson, was the one who made me do something interesting. 
  • Her passion for literature and storytelling ignited me, leading me to write short stories.

Who is this person?

  • In my second year of high school, Mrs. Johnson taught me English. 
  • She was known for her knowledge and passion for literature and was an enthusiastic storyteller.

For what did he/she inspire?

  • I was inspired to explore my creative side and to write short stories by Mrs Johnson. 
  • I was encouraged to experiment with various writing styles and techniques by her engaging teaching and insightful feedback.

Why was he/she inspired?


  • I was inspired to pursue my creative endeavours by her devotion to her craft and ability to bring literature to life in the classroom. 
  • She had faith in my ability to write even when I wasn't sure, and her encouragement made me feel confident that I could keep writing.

How do you feel about it?

  • I'm incredibly grateful to have Mrs. Johnson as a teacher and a mentor. 
  • Her influence has ignited my love of writing, making me a storyteller in its own right. 
  • her passion and determination have inspired me, and my writing attempts to imitate its effect on others.


  • I was inspired by Mrs. Johnson's passion for literature and stories to explore my creativity and to write as a hobby. 
  • She has played an important role in shaping my love of telling stories, and I will always be grateful for the inspiration she has given me.

Describe A Person Who Inspired You To Do Something Interesting: Follow-Up Questions

Below are some sample questions and possible answers. Once again, we recommend that you only take the inspiration from the answers below and add your twist to it! 


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. What qualities or characteristics of this person do you find most inspiring?


Answer 1:  The constant passion and commitment to their cause or interest is one of this person's most inspiring qualities. They take their tasks with real enthusiasm and commitment, which spreads like a virus, inspiring others to strive for excellence and pursue their passions equally intensely. Moreover, it is truly admirable that they can endure the challenges and setbacks.

Answer 2:  This person's generosity and willingness to share their knowledge and experience with others is another inspirational feature. They're constantly looking for ways to help, support and encourage those seeking it, whether they offer advice, coaching, or just listening. It speaks volumes of their character and commitment to positively contributing to the lives of those around them and their ability to show selflessness and humility in helping others succeed.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. How do you think this person's influence has shaped your personal values or goals?

Answer 1:  The influence of this person has had a profound effect on shaping my personal values and objectives by teaching me to have purpose and direction in life. I was inspired to identify and pursue my passions with determination and enthusiasm by their passion and commitment to their endeavours. 

Answer 2:  This person's influence on my values and goals has been significant, as it drove my journey to self-discovery and growth. I have been inspired to set ambitious goals for myself and to relentlessly pursue them, even in the face of adversity, by their constant belief in the power of perseverance and determination.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. Have you had the opportunity to share your experiences or accomplishments with this person, and if so, how did they react?

Answer 1:  Yes, I was allowed to share my experiences and achievements with this person. Their response has been incredible support and encouragement. They were genuinely excited and proud of my achievements when I told them about my progress and successes, which made me very happy.

Answer 2:  It was a privilege to share my experience and achievements with this man; his reaction has been incredibly touching. They responded with genuine enthusiasm and joy when I shared my success, celebrating it as if it were theirs. Their reaction reflected their genuine investment in my growth and development and the unwavering support that has made me more confident and determined to continue striving for excellence.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. How did your relationship with this person evolve due to their inspiration?

Answer 1:  The inspiration I've received from him has improved our relationship, deepened our connection and made us feel more respected and admired. As I embarked on my journey inspired by their example, our interactions became more meaningful and purposeful, centred around shared interests and aspirations. Sharing our passion and commitment to each other's interests, we have found a basis for mutual understanding, leading to more enriching and satisfying discussions.

Answer 2:  The inspiration I've been given from this man has had an enormous impact on the evolution of our relationship, leading to a partnership based on shared values and ambitions. I was inspired by their influence to pursue my passions with renewed enthusiasm and determination, resulting in a deeper sense of connection and understanding between us.

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Q. Is it okay to use informal language when speaking in IELTS?

Ans.  While there are no strict rules against using informal language or slang during the cue card task, sticking to a more formal language and tone is advisable. This is because the IELTS is designed to evaluate your proficiency in using English in formal and academic contexts. Therefore, excessive use of casual language may not be suitable for the test.

Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. The vital language elements you should remember while attempting the cue card section are:


  1. Punctuation
  2. Fluency
  3. Language
  4. Pronunciation.
Q. What should you wear for your IELTS Speaking test?

Ans.  There is no specific dress code for the speaking test in IELTS. As such, you can wear comfortable and casual clothes to the test. There is no need to wear a suit or tie. However, it is important to dress appropriately and ensure you are well-groomed for the test.

Q. What are the most common cue cards in IELTS?

Ans.  Some of the common cue card topics are:

  1. Describe a Famous Person that you are interested in: IELTS Cue Card
  2. Describe an activity that you do after school/work cue card
  3. Describe a person who impressed you in primary school cue card
  4. Describe an invention that changed people's life IELTS cue card
  5. Describe a person who you believe dresses well.


Q. What is the difference between IELTS speaking parts 2 and 3?

Ans. The IELTS speaking parts 2 and 3 are distinctly different. IELTS part 2 is also known as the Cue card section, and part 3 is the discussion round. In part 2, the examiner gives a topic, and you are given 1 minute to prepare the answer. After completing the time, you are asked to speak about the topic for 3-4 minutes. In part 3, the examiner asks questions related to the topic given to you in part 2. 

Q. Can we retake the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. If you have failed the IELTS speaking test, you can retake it. You will need to repay the fees and then sit for the exam. But before you blindly plan to retake the exam multiple times until you don’t reach the score, you need to analyse your mistake and understand what went wrong in the exam. 

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test includes:

  1. Fluency
  2. Coherence 
  3. Lexical resource 
  4. Grammatical range 
  5. Accuracy
  6. Pronunciation.
Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

Ans.  While there are no strict rules against using informal language or slang during the cue card task, sticking to a more formal language and tone is advisable. This is because the IELTS is designed to evaluate your proficiency in using English in formal and academic contexts. Therefore, excessive use of casual language may not be suitable for the test.

Q. How can I get an 8.5 on the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. You can get an 8.5 band score in IELTS speaking with the following tips:

  1. Build up your accent. 
  2. Maintain eye contact while answering the questions.
  3. Practice previous topics that are likely to come in the IELTS exam.
  4. Practice speaking by talking to the mirror; it will build confidence.
Q. Can I exceed the time limit during the speaking test?

Ans. It is crucial to remember that the speaking test has a strict time limit. If your answer exceeds the time limit, the examiner may interrupt you and move on to the next question. However, this is a normal exam, and your scores won't be affected.

Q. What is the duration of Part 2 speaking IELTS?

Ans. The total duration of Part 2 IELTS speaking is 3-4 mins


  1. Preparation time: 1 min
  2. Speaking time: 3-4 mins.