
Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: IELTS Writing Task 2

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Updated on Jul 19, 2024, 06:21

The IELTS Writing module is crucial for assessing your ability to articulate ideas in English. It consists of two parts: Task 1 and Task 2. In Task 1, you describe visual information, like graphs or charts, for the Academic test or write a letter for the General test. Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a prompt. This task is the same for both versions and tests your ability to present arguments, provide solutions, and express opinions. Mastering the Writing section is essential for achieving a high overall score on the IELTS exam.


The essay topic "Violence in the media promotes violence in society" explores the impact of media content on societal behaviour, specifically questioning whether exposure to media violence leads to increased violence in real life. This falls under the "opinion" category in the IELTS Writing section, requiring you to present and justify your viewpoint.


Practising with such topics helps you develop skills in constructing coherent arguments, expressing clear opinions, and providing relevant examples—key aspects of achieving a high IELTS score. Regular practice ensures you are well-prepared to tackle similar prompts effectively, enhancing your writing performance.

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1. Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: How to Answer?

Essays must always start with a clear introduction that restates the question and states your opinion.

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2. Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: Sample Essay

Let's explore essay samples for Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society.

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Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: How to Answer?

In IELTS Writing Task 2, it is crucial to structure your essay clearly and coherently. Start with an engaging introduction that paraphrases the given prompt and presents your thesis statement, outlining your main argument. Develop your ideas in the body paragraphs, ensuring each paragraph has a clear topic sentence followed by supporting details and examples. 

Use cohesive devices to link your ideas smoothly and maintain a logical flow. Address all parts of the question and avoid deviating from the topic. Conclude your essay by summarising your main points and restating your opinion or the key findings. Use grammar, vocabulary, and sentence variety to enhance your writing quality. Practising these guidelines will help you achieve a higher score in the IELTS Writing section.


The topic will look like this: 

Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree?

Give explanations and examples from your own knowledge and experience to support your response.

Word limit: Make sure you keep it in 250 words!


Here's how you can structure and answer the essay on the topic “Violence in the media promotes violence in society”: 




Begin by paraphrasing the given statement to introduce the topic. Briefly mention the two viewpoints: one that media violence influences societal violence and another that it does not. End the introduction with your thesis statement, clearly stating your opinion on the issue.




Paragraph 1: Argument Supporting Media Violence Influences Society


Start with a topic sentence summarising the view that media violence leads to societal violence. Discuss points supporting this perspective, such as psychological effects, social learning theories, or statistical data linking media exposure to aggressive behaviour.


Paragraph 2: Argument Against Media Violence Influencing Society


Begin with a topic sentence summarising the opposing view that media violence does not significantly impact societal violence. Present arguments for this perspective, such as the role of personal choice, other contributing factors to violence, or studies disproving a direct link between media content and real-life aggression.


Paragraph 3: Your Opinion


State your own opinion clearly. Explain why you agree or disagree with the initial statement, and provide your reasoning. Discuss which arguments you find more compelling and why, ensuring you maintain a balanced view while justifying your stance.




Summarise the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Restate your opinion and briefly explain why you hold this view. Conclude by emphasizing the importance of considering multiple factors when evaluating the impact of media violence on society.


Leap to Learn: Word of the Moment!

  • Desensitization: process of reducing sensitivity


Read more about IELTS vocabulary here!


Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: Sample Essay

Let's explore essay samples for Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society.

Sample Essay 1
Sample Essay 2
Sample Essay 3



The impact of media violence on societal aggression has long been debated. Some argue that exposure to violence in the media encourages violent behaviour, while others believe that media content has little to no effect on real-world actions. I believe that although media violence can influence some individuals, it is not the sole factor in promoting societal violence.




The primary reason for the argument that media violence promotes societal violence is based on social learning theory. This theory suggests that individuals, especially children, learn and imitate behaviours they observe in the media. When they repeatedly see violent actions in movies, or shows, they may come to view such behaviour as acceptable or normal. This can lead to an increase in aggressive behaviour, as individuals may mimic the actions they have seen portrayed.


However, it is also important to consider other factors contributing to societal violence. Many studies indicate that personal circumstances, such as family environment and education, play a significant role in shaping behaviour. For instance, individuals raised in violent households are more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour, regardless of their media consumption. 


I believe, on the other hand, that while media violence can have an impact, it is not the primary cause of societal violence. People have the ability to distinguish between fiction and reality, and many viewers of violent media do not become violent themselves. 




In conclusion, while media violence can influence certain individuals, it is not the main driver of societal violence. Other factors, such as family environment and socio-economic conditions, play a more substantial role. Therefore, it is essential to consider these elements when addressing the issue of violence in society rather than placing sole blame on the media.


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Q. What are some common IELTS essay topics?

Ans. Common IELTS essay topics include education, health, technology, environment, and society. Specific topics might cover the impact of social media, the benefits and drawbacks of globalisation, the importance of sustainable living, and the role of education in society. These topics require you to present arguments, discuss advantages and disadvantages, or express your opinion on various issues.

Q. What types of essays are common in IELTS Writing Task 2?

Ans. Common types of essays in IELTS Writing Task 2 include opinion essays, discussion essays, problem-solution essays, and advantage-disadvantage essays. Opinion essays ask you to agree or disagree with a statement. Discussion essays require you to explore multiple viewpoints. Problem-solution essays focus on identifying problems and proposing solutions. Advantage-disadvantage essays ask you to discuss the pros and cons of a given topic.

Q. How do I structure my essay in IELTS Writing Task 2?

Ans. Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Begin with an introduction that paraphrases the topic and states your thesis. Develop your arguments in the body paragraphs, each starting with a topic sentence followed by supporting details and examples. Use cohesive devices to ensure a logical flow. Conclude by summarising your main points and restating your thesis or opinion. This clear structure will help you present your ideas effectively and improve your overall score.