IELTS Writing Task 1

Leisure Activities By Visitors

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10 unique answers with expert feedback


Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below depicts the average number of hours per day that visitors from Australia, India, Canada, and Germany spent doing leisure activities while vacationing in Italy in December 2021.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

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Here are the 5 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 1 Table topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 hours ago

Italy is among the most visited countries in the world. Millions of tourists visit annually, especially during the winter months from November to January. The table emphasises the leisure activities done by travellers in term of hours spent in December 2021. The countries that are a part of this statistic are Australia, India, Canada and Germany. On viewing the table, it is evident that most of the travellers have spent a majority of their time visiting historical monuments given the country's rich history dating back centuries. On the contrary, Travellers from all nations have spent the least amount of time at any of the museums in Italy. Tourists from these nation have also spent a decent amount of time at beaches and national parks Australians have spent a maximum of their time at historical monuments with 8 hours on average followed by national parks with 6 hours. On the other hand they have spent the least amount of time at beaches and museums with 2 and 1 hour on average, respectively. Next on the list, we have tourists from India who have strategically divided their time to cover all destinations with a majority time given to visiting historical monuments followed by, national parks and a decent amount of time spent at the beach and museum. We now move on to the Canadian who like the Indians have planned their trip wisely. Travellers from Canada have utilised most of their time at historical monuments and national parks with approximately 6 and 5 hours respectively. The have also spent the same amount of time at the beach at 4 hours when compared to Indian travellers and have spent the least amount of time at the beach, similar to the Australians. Lastly, we have the Germans, who have spent their at historical monuments at 7 hours, followed by, national parks at 5 hours and beaches and museums at 3 and 2 hours respectively.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

22 hours ago

The table presents data on the average hours tourists from Australia, India, Canada, and Germany engaged in various leisure activities during their December 2021 vacations in Italy. By examining the different activities and nationalities, we can gain insights into the diverse recreational preferences of international visitors. An overview of the data reveals notable variations across nationalities and activities. The most significant differences are observed in beach activities and museum visits, while the national park and historical monument exploration show more consistent patterns across the four nationalities. Beach activities demonstrate the most striking disparity, with Indian and Canadian tourists spending the most time (4 hours daily), followed by Germans (3 hours), and Australians showing the least interest (2 hours). This variation might reflect differences in cultural preferences, travel motivations, or the specific appeal of coastal destinations during the winter month. Historical monuments and national parks are more uniformly enjoyed activities. For historical monuments, Germans spend the most time (7 hours), while Australians are the most enthusiastic (8 hours). National park visits are remarkably consistent, ranging between 5 and 6 hours across all nationalities. Museum visits show the most variation, with Indians spending the most time (3 hours) compared to minimal engagement from Australians and Canadians (1 hour each).

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

23 hours ago

The table below displays the number of hours of a day where visitors spend their time in doing leisure activities in Italy for December 2021. From the table, it is clear that maximum amount of time by all the nations is spent on watching historical monuments, and less on visiting museum. The Indian and Canadian tourists have exactly matched their timing on the beach, going to the national park and sightseing some historical monuments by spending 4, 5 and 6 hours. The Australians and Germans have utlied their maximum amount of time in obesrving the historical monuments by sitting 8 and 7 hours per day. The Australian and Canadian tourist have spent very less time in visiting museum by devoting 1 hour per day. Germans have matched the same time with Indian and Canadian tourist by visiting national park for 5 hours. Very less amount of time is observed by all the tourist on their visit to museum.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 day ago

The data illustrates the informatin about the time spent by the tourists from India, Canada and Germany spending their holiday doing various things at different places in Italy. The most of the Australians and Germans like to visit and give maximum time to the ancient monuments of Italy whereas, the time spent in museum is less when compared in all. The Indians show a moderate interest in every place.They like to spend major time in monuments like Australians.Then, the national park is given preference of five hours by Indians, Canadians and Germans, but Australia shows just a one hour more from them. The museums have tourist for only three hour or less than three hour. The beach has moderate number of people visiting it but it is also less than five hours. It looks like only the Indians and Canadians were more interested for the seashore. Australians showed least interest in beaches and museums.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 day ago

The tabulated data provides information on visitors from Australia, India, Canadaa and Germany spent an average number of hours per day doing some leisure activities while on vacation in Italy in december 2021. Overall, the data set in the table highlights the most spent hours are in Historical Monuments, unless the Museum was the least preffered activities in Italy vovation in december 2021. According to the table given, Australians are most instrested in historical monuments with 8 citizens ,whereas indians are 6. At the beach indians are more with 4 compared to the australians are with 2. While visting national park Australians are higher in number as 6 where as indians are with a slight less with number 5. As it presents museum was the least preferred activity by Australians with 1 ,Indians are undoubtedly shown intrest with number 3 . Likewise, Canadians are decreased with number 1 in museum activity which was held in Italy in december 2021.Germans are with a slight higher in number of nationalities with 2. On the other hand national park activity remains constant with both Germans and Canadians with 5. At the beach canadians are with 4 whereas , Germans are with number 3. In historical monuments Germans have shown more intrest with higher number 7 than Canadians are with 6.

All Answers

Here are all the answers by real-users practicing writing for IELTS writing Task 1 Table on our IELTS Prep App.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 7 days ago

Indians and Canadians, while vacationing in Italy in December 2021, spent an average of 6 hours each visiting historical monuments, while Australians and Germans spent 8 and 7 hours, respectively. After visiting historical monuments, visiting national parks seems to be the favourite activity for all nationalities, with Australians spending 6 hours and the others spending 5 hours each. Visiting the beach seems to be the next favourite leisure activity, with Indians and Canadians spending 4 hours each, while Germans spent 3 hours and Australians 2 hours. Visiting Museums appears to be the least favourite leisure activity, with Indians spending 3 hours, the Germans spending 2 hours, and the Australians and Canadians spending an hour each. This report shows that visiting Italian Historical Monuments and National Parks was at the top of the list of Australian, Indian, Canadian, and German tourists in Italy, while visiting Museums was at the bottom in December 2021. We can also find that Indians spent, on average, around 18 hours doing leisure activities while vacationing in Italy, while the Australians and Germans spent 17 hours each. The Canadians spent the least time, only 16 hours, during their vacation.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 7 days ago

The table showcases the average number of hours per day that visitors from countries such as Australia, India, Canada, and Germany participate in various fun activities while enjoying a vacation in Italy in December 2021. As activity includes beaches, historial monuments, national park, and museums. This essay will elaborate specifying the key objectives of the table. Firstly, Nationalities that are associated by taking visitors to the beach, Australian guests were counted to be two hours while other foreigners such as Indians, Canadians were spending four hours. However, Germans prefered to stay three hours per day. Secondly, exploring the Historical Monuments were prefered the highest among all the countries resulting in the most visited place to spend leisure time with the family in Italy by tourists. In other words, Australian tourists were enjoying taking part in learning about the Historical Monuments eight hours on average per day while the least hours was spent by Indians and Canadians which was only six hours in a day. Areas such as National Park and Museum were also considered to be a place for leisure play times, However Australians picked to spend their time near National Park rather than Museum.While on the one hand, they advantaged to prefer staying for 6 hours at the National Park, On the other hand, guests spent only an hour at the Museum. Addtionally, Canadians also followed to settle upon visiting the National park than spending their time at the Museum which resulted into 5 hours at the National park and only an hour at the Museum. In conclusion, Activities that were conducted at the tourist places such as Historical Monuments and National Park were favoured by travellers instead of beach or museum.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 7 days ago

The provided chart represents the daily mean duration for the recreational activities done by tourists from Australia, India, Canada and Germany during their holidays in Italy in the month of December, 2021. The unit of measure is number of hours. Overall, spending time visiting the historical monuments was having the highest duration for tourists of each country. India and canadian visitors were enjoying at the beach and at the historical monuments for the same duration of 4 hours and 6 hours per day each respectively. The maximum time spent among the voyagers from the four nations in roaming the historical monuments was 8 hours by the Australians. Exploring the museum, was the activity requiring the least number of hours from travellers of each nation. While travelling in the national park the travellers from India , Canada and Germany spent the same average duration of 5 hours per day. Australian and Canadian tourists spend the least duration of 1 hour per day visiting the museum.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 8 days ago

The given table illustrates the number of hours per day spent doing leisure activities that visitors from four different that are Australia, India, Canada and Germany while vacationing in Italy. In 2021, the graphs shows , among all the four countries,Australia has the 8 hours per day visitors visiting Historical monuments and Canadia has the lowest number of visitors visiting Museum. Australian visitors spend 2 hours per day at beach, 6 hours at National Park and 1 Hour at Museum repespectively. Indian and Canadian visitors graph is almost same, as both the countries visitors spend 4 hours at beach ,6 hours at Historical Monuments and 5 hours at National Park, However as compared to Canadians, Indian visitors spend 3 hours at Museum, whereas Canadian visitors only spend 1 hour. German visitors spend 3 hours at the beach, 7 hours at the Historical Monuments, 5 hours at National Park and only 2 hours in Museum.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 8 days ago

The table illustrates the time spent by tourists from Australia, India, Canada and Germany doing leisure activities on their Italian vacation in December 2021. The unit for measuring the time spent is average number of hours per day. At an overall level tourists from all countries spent the most time exploring Historical Monuments. On an average tourists from all countries spent 17 hours per day on leisure activities during their vacation in Italy. Australian tourists spent 8 hours per day exploring historical monumnets followed by 6 hours per day in walking around the National Park, these were their top two activities. Following suite were the German tourists who spent 7 hours and 5 hour per day respectively. Tourists from both these countries spent the least time At the beach In contrast Indian and Canadian tourists divided their day equally between spending time At the beach, exploring Historical Monuments and walking around in the National Park spending approximately 5hours per day combined. Mueseum was a not a major chunk of the tourists itenarary as a place to spent a lot of time, they devoted on an average an hour per day on the activity.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 10 days ago

The table given here illustrates the time spent by the visitors from different parts of the globe like Australia, India, Canada, and Germany while attending various activities on a vacation in Italy in December 2021 on average. Overall, a large span of time spent on the visit would be the Historical Monument as compared to the other activities. Comparatively, the Museum bounds to be the least visited place for any leisure activity followed by the other ones. Particularly, the time spent at the beach would be 4 hours by the Canadians and the Indians, reducing the hours by 3 and 2 by the Germans and Australians respectively. The same pattern goes on for the Historical Monuments given 6 hours of the time by the Indians and Canadians followed by 7 and 8 hours by the Germans and Australians. Considering this to be the place having the highest time spent. In Contrast, the National park to be observed having equal amount of time spent by the Indians, Canadians and Germans, which is 5 hours. The Museum having the least amount of time being spent is 1 hour by the Australian and Canadian Visitors. Followed by 3 and 2 hours by the Indians and Germans Respectively.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 10 days ago

The table illustrates the time spent by people of various nationalities such as Australians, Indians, Canadians and Germans performing on recreational activites while on a tour to Italy in December 2021. The unit of measurement is hours. Overall, it is clear that people from different countries enjoyed visiting historical monuments the most, whereas Museum remained the least preferred choice. From the trend, particularly, Australian citizens spent 8 hours at historical monuments in contrast to just 1 hour at the museum. A similar pattern has been observed for Germans with 7 hours and 2 hours respectively. Furthermore, Australians and Germans spent the least time on beach with 2 hours and 3 hours respectively in comparison to their Indian and Canadian counterparts. Indians enjoyed the most at the museum than any other countries' citizens. All the nationalities took similar time at national park. Same time of 6 hours were spent by Indians and Canadians at historical monuments.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

3 months 6 days ago

The table provides information about the activites citizens from Australia, India, Canada and Germany carry out while enjoying their vacation in Italy in the last month of the year 2021. The table illustrates the data about number of people from the four countries spending their time in different places. Firstly, historical monuments and national park is the major attraction where tourist have explored for most of their time from the four countries. Moreover, australians have spent 8 hours which is the highest amount of time visiting historical monuments followed by the germans who are just left behind with 1 hour. In addition to that, indians and canadians spending equal amount of time which is 6 hours. However, beach and museum could not catch the attention as they are the least visited places where tourist have spent the least amount of time with museum on the top of the chart with lowest number of visitors. Particularly, indians have spent 3 hours which in the museum which is the highest followed by germans whereas australians and canadians have spend as less as an hour in the museum.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

3 months 6 days ago

The table given illustrates the average number of hours per day that visitors from Australia, India, Canada, and Germany spent doing leisure activities while vacationing in Italy in December 2021. Based on the data given, all of them have more interest towards the historical monuments. Each has spent 8, 6, 6, and 7 hours respectively on average here.The least number of hours spent by all the 4 country visitors was the Museum. It is barely 1, 3,1, and 2 hours each. The next most visited place after the historical monuments is the National Park. People have spent 5 hours each day on an average. Followed by the National Park,beach is the third most visited place out of all these 4 places in Italy by the outsiders listed here. Adding the total number of hours spent on a day by each country, Indians hold the first place for spending 18 hours totally in Italy during vacations where the maximum amount of hours spent at the Historical monuments, followed by the national park and beach . Least amount of hours were spent in the museum. The second place is given to two countries nameky Australia and Germany for spending 17 hours each in totally for a day. Australians are highly interested in spending time at historical monuments than any other countries. Germany's most preferred place is also the historical monuments. The last country which has 16 hours of total visiting time in a day is Canada. Canadian people visited the historical monuments more followed by national part and the beach. This data clearly shows how the Italian government and organizations can work on the development of each activity areas to attract more foreigners and also maintain these places much more better for more profit and popularity for the country.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

3 months 6 days ago

The table illustrates the average number of hours per day that tourists from Australia, India, Canada and Germany spent on various leisure activities. Such as, at beach, historical monuments, national park and museum in Italy in December 2021. Overall, vistors from all four countries allocated the highest number of hours to historical monuments, followed by national park, while least amount was the museum. Tourists from India dedicated significantly more time to all activities, yet Canadians spent the least. To begin with Indian and Canadian tourists spent similar amount of time averaging 4 hours per day, the rest were Germans and Australians by 3 and 2 hours respectively. Moreover, Australian tourists allocated most of time on historical monuments by 8 hours which is further followed by the Germans by 7 hours. However, Indian and Canadian tourists utlilized same time by only 6 hours which made them least in this cataegory. Furthermore, Australian tourists dedicated the most in national park by 6 hours, while rest of the toursists from three different nataionalities occupied only 5 hours. Although, Indian tourists explored museum the most by 3 hours, then Germans by 2 hours and the lowest were Australians and Canadians by optimising only an hour.

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