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Describe Your Favourite Weather

Updated on Oct 08, 2024, 14:42


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a task designed to assess your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic. In this part of the exam, you will be presented with a cue card that contains the topic "Describe Your Favourite Weather”. Your task is to talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes, addressing the prompts provided.

Your favourite weather refers to the type of weather conditions you particularly enjoy. It could be sunny, rainy, snowy, or any other type that you find most pleasant. You'll discuss what you typically do during this weather, how it affects you personally, and your feelings towards it.


Throughout this page, we will delve into sample answers for this topic to provide you with insights on how to structure your response effectively. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Your Favourite Weather

You should say

  • What kind of weather it is?
  • What do you usually do during this weather?
  • Explain how this weather affects you.
  • How do you feel about this weather?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What kind of weather it is?)


  • One of my favourite types of weather is the monsoon season in India. 
  • It’s a time when the air is cool and refreshing, and the skies are often filled with dark, dramatic clouds.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest  (Covers: What do you usually do during this weather?)


  • During the monsoon, I enjoy taking long walks in the rain. 
  • There’s something calming about the sound of raindrops falling on leaves and rooftops.
  • I also love indulging in hot chai and pakoras, which are traditional snacks enjoyed during this season. 
  • It’s a time when people come together to celebrate festivals like Eid and Raksha Bandhan, adding to the festive atmosphere.


Key Highlights (Covers: Explain how this weather affects you?)


  • The monsoon affects me positively as it brings relief from the sweltering heat of summer. 
  • The cool breeze and occasional showers make everything feel rejuvenated. 
  • The lush greenery that follows the rain showers is particularly beautiful, transforming the landscape into a vibrant canvas of colours.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about this weather?)


  • Overall, I feel a deep sense of joy and connection with nature during the monsoon. 
  • It’s a season that fills me with happiness and nostalgia, reminding me of childhood memories spent splashing in puddles and enjoying family gatherings. 
  • The monsoon in India is truly a special time that I eagerly look forward to every year.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction  (Covers: What kind of weather is it?)


  • One of the weather types I adore is the pleasant winter season in India. 
  • It's a time when the air becomes crisp and clear, with mild sunshine and cool breezes.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What do you usually do during this weather?)


  • During winter, I love spending time outdoors, especially in the mornings. 
  • I enjoy brisk walks in the park, surrounded by dewy grass and the gentle warmth of the rising sun. 
  • It's a perfect time for activities like cycling or simply sitting in a cosy spot with a hot cup of masala chai, watching the world wake up.


Key Highlights (Covers: Explain how this weather affects you?)

  • Winter affects me positively as it brings a sense of invigoration and clarity. 
  • The cooler temperatures make me feel more energetic and focused. 
  • It's also a season of celebrations like Diwali and Christmas, filled with joyous festivities and delicious traditional sweets.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about this weather?)


  • Overall, I have a deep appreciation for the winter season. 
  • It's a time that fills me with happiness and a renewed sense of optimism. 
  • The clear skies, comfortable temperatures, and festive spirit make it a cherished part of the year. 
  • Winter in India truly holds a special place in my heart.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What kind of weather is it?)


  • One of the weather conditions that I absolutely love is the spring season in India. 
  • It's a time when nature comes alive with vibrant colours and pleasant temperatures.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What do you usually do during this weather?)


  • During spring, I often find myself outdoors, enjoying the blooming flowers and gentle sunshine. 
  • I like to take leisurely walks in botanical gardens or nearby parks, soaking in the beauty of blossoming cherry and gulmohar trees. 
  • It’s also a perfect season for picnics with friends and family, surrounded by the sweet fragrance of jasmine and mango blossoms.


Key Highlights  (Covers: Explain how this weather affects you?)

  • Spring weather affects me positively as it lifts my spirits and fills me with enthusiasm. 
  • The mild temperatures and clear skies make every day feel like a new beginning. 
  • It's a time when I feel most creative and inspired, whether I'm writing, painting, or simply appreciating the natural beauty around me.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about this weather?)


  • In conclusion, spring weather in India holds a special place in my heart. 
  • It’s a season of renewal and joy, where every day brings a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of nature. 
  • I look forward to this time of year eagerly, knowing it will bring warmth, colour, and a sense of optimism to my life.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some guiding points. You’ll have one minute to prepare your response and then speak for up to two minutes.


The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. To structure your response effectively, you can explore various tips and tricks for the IELTS speaking test.


Here’s how you can approach the topic "Describe Your Favourite Weather:




  • Begin with your favourite weather type, such as sunny, rainy, or snowy.
  • Explain briefly why this weather appeals to you, focusing on its positive impact on your mood or activities.
  • Express enthusiasm for discussing this topic and setting a positive tone.


Describing Your Experience:


  • Describe activities you do during this weather, like hiking or relaxing outdoors.
  • Explain why these activities are meaningful, such as feeling energised or connected to nature.
  • Discuss how this weather makes you feel rejuvenated or peaceful.


Key Highlights:


  • Provide vivid sensory details, such as the warmth of the sun or the freshness of the air.
  • Share specific moments related to this weather, like a memorable hike or a joyful beach day.
  • Explain what sets this weather apart for you compared to other types.




  • Conclude by summarising why this weather is your favourite and how it positively impacts your mood and activities.
  • Reflect briefly on why you find this weather enjoyable compared to others.
  • End positively, reinforcing your preference and enthusiasm for this weather.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and within the two-minute limit.


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Follow-Up Questions

In the  IELTS Speaking test, after you finish speaking about your cue card topic, the examiner will ask follow-up questions.  These questions are designed to further explore your opinions and experiences related to the initial topic. 


They aim to assess your ability to discuss broader issues and express your thoughts in a clear and coherent manner.

Q1. Is the weather a factor in the economy?

Answer 1: Yes, weather plays a significant role in sectors like agriculture and tourism. For example, a good monsoon season can boost crop yields, benefiting farmers and the economy. Conversely, extreme weather events can disrupt travel and outdoor activities, impacting tourism revenues.


Answer 2: Certainly. Weather conditions influence consumer behaviour and affect industries such as retail and energy. For instance, prolonged heat waves can increase energy demand for cooling systems, impacting utility costs and economic productivity.

Q2. Do you often pay attention to the weather forecast? Why?/Why not?

Answer 1: Yes, I do pay attention to the weather forecast regularly. It helps me plan outdoor activities and decide on appropriate clothing. Being aware of weather conditions ensures I can stay prepared for any changes throughout the day.


Answer 2: Not really. I usually check the weather forecast when planning trips or outdoor events. Otherwise, I rely on my observations to judge the weather for daily activities. I find it practical to adapt to weather changes as they occur.

Q3. Why do some people dislike certain types of weather?

Answer 1: Some individuals may dislike extreme weather conditions due to their discomfort or inconvenience. For example, excessive heat can cause health issues like dehydration, making it unpleasant for many. Similarly, prolonged rainy periods may disrupt daily routines and outdoor plans, leading to frustration.


Answer 2: It varies as people's preferences differ based on personal experiences and activities. For instance, those involved in outdoor professions may find rainy weather disruptive, while others enjoy the cooling effect it brings during hot seasons.

Q4. How do you feel about the climate in recent years?

Answer 1: I've noticed changes in climate patterns, such as unpredictable weather events and varying seasonal temperatures. These changes have prompted me to be more mindful of environmental issues and to consider sustainable practices in daily life.


Answer 2: The climate has become more unpredictable, affecting agriculture and daily life. I believe it's essential for individuals and communities to adapt to these changes by promoting environmental awareness and adopting sustainable practices.


Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

Ans. If you don’t understand the cue card topic, politely ask the examiner to clarify any unfamiliar words or phrases before you start your response. Use your 1-minute preparation time to brainstorm ideas and plan your answer. Focus on the key points you want to cover and organise your thoughts to ensure a coherent response.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

Ans. It's best to use semi-formal or formal language during the IELTS speaking test. Avoid slang and overly informal expressions to ensure your language is appropriate for the test context. Use clear and precise language to convey your ideas effectively while maintaining a conversational tone.

Q. What are some of the common cue card topics?

Ans. Common cue card topics include describing a person, place, event, object, or experience. Topics might also cover hobbies, interests, future plans, and memorable moments. Being familiar with these themes can help you prepare better and respond confidently during the test.

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