
Describe A Natural Place: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jun 19, 2024, 19:04

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt card designed to stimulate conversation and assess your speaking skills in the IELTS exam. Cue cards feature a specific topic or question, prompting you to speak for 1-2 minutes. They are an integral part of the speaking test, allowing candidates to demonstrate their ability to express themselves fluently and coherently.

Imagine standing amidst the serenity of a natural place, surrounded by towering trees, singing birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves. Such environments profoundly impact, stirring a sense of tranquillity and awe within you. The beauty and majesty of natural landscapes often leave an indelible mark on our hearts and minds, shaping our memories and nurturing our connection with the natural world.


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1. Describe A Natural Place: How To Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will provide a cue card containing the topic 'Describe A Natural Place.' You will have one minute to prepare your response. During this time, you should carefully read the cue card, brainstorm key points, and plan your answer.

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2. Describe A Natural Place: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Natural Place’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

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3. Describe A Natural Place: Follow-Up Questions

Now that you've shared your description of a natural place let's delve deeper into your experience and insights with some follow-up questions. 

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Describe A Natural Place: How To Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will provide a cue card containing the topic 'Describe A Natural Place.' You will have one minute to prepare your response. During this time, you should carefully read the cue card, brainstorm key points, and plan your answer.

The best way to answer this cue card is to structure your response into small, manageable pieces. Begin with a brief introduction where you introduce the natural place you have chosen and set the context for your answer. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Natural Place
You should say
  • What is it?
  • Where is it, and when did you see it?
  • Did you go with someone?
  • How did you feel after visiting that place?




  • Introduce the natural place you have chosen, providing a brief overview to set the context for your answer. 
  • Mention its location, significance, and any personal connection with it.

Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:

  • Share your personal experience or opinion about the natural place. 
  • Talk about why you find it fascinating, inspiring, or meaningful. 
  • Describe any memorable moments you've had while visiting or exploring the place.

Key Highlights: 

  • Highlight key features, attractions, or characteristics of the natural place. 
  • Discuss its natural beauty, biodiversity, unique geological formations, or cultural significance. 
  • Mention any activities or experiences that make it stand out.


  • Summarise your main points and reflect on the significance of the natural place. 
  • Discuss its importance in promoting environmental awareness, conservation efforts, or personal well-being. 
  • End positively, perhaps expressing your desire to revisit the place or encouraging others to explore it.

Describe A Natural Place: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Natural Place’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • Well, let me tell you about Dudhsagar Falls, a breathtaking natural wonder in Goa, India. 
  • This majestic waterfall, with its milky-white cascade of water plunging down from a height of over 300 meters, is a sight to behold. 
  • Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Western Ghats, Dudhsagar Falls is a popular tourist destination and a haven for nature lovers.

Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:

  • Visiting Dudhsagar Falls was an unforgettable experience for me. The sheer force and beauty of the waterfall left me spellbound. 
  • Standing at the base of the falls, feeling the cool mist on my face and hearing the roar of the water, I was in awe of nature's power and grandeur. 
  • It's not just about the spectacle of the waterfall; the surrounding forests teeming with wildlife add to the place's allure.

Key Highlights:

  • One of the highlights of Dudhsagar Falls is its mesmerising beauty, especially during the monsoon season when the waterfall is in full flow. 
  • The sight of millions of gallons of water cascading down the rocky cliffs is awe-inspiring. 
  • Another highlight is the opportunity to trek through the dense forests of the Western Ghats to reach the base of the falls, offering breathtaking views along the way. 



  • In conclusion, Dudhsagar Falls is not just a waterfall; it's a testament to nature's raw beauty and power. 
  • Visiting this natural wonder was a humbling experience that reminded me of the importance of preserving our natural heritage. 
  • Dudhsagar Falls is a treasure of India, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to witness its splendour firsthand.

Describe A Natural Place: Follow-Up Questions

Now that you've shared your description of a natural place let's delve deeper into your experience and insights with some follow-up questions. These questions explore your connection to the natural environment, personal experiences, and thoughts on conservation and sustainability. 

Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. What activities did you engage in during your visit to this natural place?

Answer 1: During my visit to the Sundarbans, I had the opportunity to engage in several exciting activities. One of the highlights was embarking on a thrilling boat safari through the mangrove forests. We navigated through narrow channels and waterways, immersing ourselves in the tranquillity of the surroundings while watching for wildlife. 

Answer 2: Exploring Dudhsagar Falls offered many activities to indulge in. Apart from marvelling at the majestic waterfall from a distance, I also ventured closer to experience its grandeur firsthand. Taking a refreshing dip in the natural pools formed by the cascading water was an exhilarating experience. These activities allowed me to immerse myself fully in the natural wonders of Dudhsagar Falls and create unforgettable memories.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. Can you describe any specific wildlife or plant species you encountered there?

Answer 1: Yes, during my visit to [natural place], I was fortunate enough to encounter a diverse range of wildlife species. One of the most memorable sightings was that of the majestic Indian elephant. These gentle giants roamed freely through the dense forests, their large ears flapping gracefully as they moved. The melodious calls of various bird species filled the air, with colourful inhabitants like the Indian roller and the Malabar pied hornbill gracing the treetops.

Answer 2: Exploring [natural place] allowed me to witness various plant and animal life. One of the most fascinating encounters was with the vibrant flora of the region, particularly the endemic species found nowhere else. The dense forests were adorned with towering trees like the ancient banyan and the towering teak, providing shade and shelter to many creatures. Among the undergrowth, I spotted delicate orchids, exotic ferns, and intricate mosses, adding to the enchanting beauty of the landscape.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. How did being in this natural environment make you feel emotionally?


Answer 1: Being in this natural environment evoked a sense of peace within me. Surrounded by the serene beauty of lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature, I felt a profound sense of calm wash over me. The experience was rejuvenating, allowing me to escape from the stresses of daily life and connect with the beauty of the natural world. It was truly a soul-nourishing experience that left me feeling refreshed and inspired.


Answer 2: This natural environment stirred emotions, from awe and wonder to humility and gratitude. Witnessing the majestic landscapes and the intricate beauty of nature reminded me of the magnificence of our world. It was a humbling experience, making me appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of preserving our planet's natural resources. Overall, being in this natural environment filled me with a profound reverence and appreciation for the wonders of nature.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. Did you face any challenges or obstacles while visiting this natural place? How did you overcome them?

Answer 1: Yes, during my visit to the natural place, I encountered some challenges. One significant challenge was navigating through the dense foliage and uneven terrain, especially during trekking. The dense vegetation made it difficult to see the path clearly, and the rugged terrain posed risks of slips and falls. However, I overcame these challenges by staying alert and following the guidance of experienced guides.

Answer 2: My visit to the natural place gave me a few obstacles to overcome. One notable challenge was unpredictable weather conditions, particularly sudden rain showers and gusty winds. These weather changes could disrupt outdoor activities and make exploration more challenging. To address this, I carried waterproof clothing and protective gear to shield myself from the elements. 

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Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

Ans. If you find yourself struggling to understand the cue card topic, don't panic. Take a deep breath and read the cue card again carefully. Identify keywords or phrases that give you clues about the topic. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify the question. You can say, "I'm sorry, could you please explain the topic again?" Remember, it's important to fully understand the cue card topic before you begin speaking to ensure you provide a relevant and coherent response.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

Ans. It's advisable to avoid using informal language during your cue card task in the IELTS Speaking test. While you want to speak naturally and fluently, it's essential to maintain a semi-formal tone and use appropriate language. Using slang, colloquial expressions, or overly casual language may affect the examiner's perception of your speaking abilities. Therefore, aim to balance being conversational and maintaining the required level of formality expected in the test.

Q. What are some of the common cue card topics?

Ans. Common cue card topics in the IELTS Speaking test include describing a person you admire, talking about your favourite holiday destination, discussing a memorable event in your life, and describing a place you would like to visit. These topics cover various themes, allowing candidates to showcase their language skills and fluency in diverse contexts.