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The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Aug 16, 2024, 18:18

The topic "The Pursuit of Happiness" is a common passage in the  IELTS reading test and explores the complexities of seeking and understanding happiness. It examines how the quest for constant joy can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations and dissatisfaction. 


The passage focuses on finding a balance between seeking happiness and dealing with life’s difficulties. It emphasises the importance of setting meaningful goals, managing expectations, and making choices that align with personal values. The discussion also addresses the limitations of popular happiness strategies and the benefits of a more nuanced approach to emotional well-being.


This practice test is designed to evaluate your reading skills by focussing on essential concepts, making it a crucial tool for achieving success in the IELTS Reading section.


Let’s look at the “The Pursuit Of Happiness” Reading passage along with questions and answers with explanations.



In the IELTS Reading test, you’ll have only 60 minutes to tackle 3 passages that get harder as you go. You’ll face different question types, such as multiple-choice, matching information, true/false/not given, and identifying the writer's views.


It’s crucial to manage your time well so that you can read the passages and answer the questions accurately within the time limit.


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1. The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.

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2. The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Questions and Answers

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The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.

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The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Passage 


Paragraph A


We would never understand the full range of human capabilities only if we knew as much about mental wellness as we do about mental illness; as per the University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman, encouraged peers to research optimal moods with the identical enthusiasm they had for so long examined pathologies. A new generation of psychologists accumulated a considerable collection of data on virtues and activities that increase pleasure. Meanwhile, advances in neuroscience gave us fresh insights into what makes us joyful and how it manifests in the brain. Self-proclaimed experts profited from the fad by promising to get rid of anxiety, stress, dejection, and even dullness. Psychologists have voiced strong opposition to the happiness movement because they believe that people's attempts to exclude sorrow, an important emotion, from their emotional repertoire have been unsuccessful. Young people who are naturally teary following breakups are frequently encouraged to medicate themselves rather than working through their pain, argues Allan Horwitz of Rutgers. The desire for happiness, according to Eric Wilson of Wake Forest University, also says that “A joyful person is a hollow person”, which leads to a "craven disregard" for the melancholy viewpoint that has inspired the finest works of art.


Paragraph B


Humans are, admittedly, extremely adaptable. No matter what occurs to us, we always return to our prior level of happiness after a varied adaptation period. (There are few exceptions that have been scientifically verified, such as losing a spouse or a job unexpectedly. Both incidents frequently cause people to take a lasting step back.) Our capacity for adaptation has two sides. We quickly adjust to a lot of the life achievements we aspire for, such as gaining a big job or getting married, according to Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California. We begin to feel as though something is missing shortly after reaching a milestone. We start eyeing a social breakthrough or wanting a new material object. However, this method keeps us bound to a treadmill where happiness is always just a gadget or a step away. By concentrating on tasks that are dynamic, surprising, and attention-consuming, which are less likely to dull us than, for example, collecting flashy new gadgets, it is possible to completely exit the treadmill.


Paragraph C


Therefore, happiness is not a prize for avoiding suffering. Popular ideas about happiness are harmful, according to The Happy Trap author Russ Harris, since they prepare individuals for a "battle against reality." They refuse to realise that real life is filled with setbacks, grief, and hardships. According to Harris, "You're going to feel a whole spectrum of emotions if you're going to have a rich and meaningful life." People become happy when they work towards objectives other than happiness. The most satisfying part of a task is not finishing it but rather anticipating success. Richard Davidson, a neurologist at the University of Wisconsin, discovered that setting goals and working hard to achieve them not only triggers happy emotions but also diminishes negativity like anxiety and depression.


Paragraph D


We make decisions all the time about things like what to wear, who to marry, and which ice cream flavour to indulge in. Much of our choices are based on whether we believe they will improve our well-being. We appear to be convinced irrationally that the more options we have, the better equipped we will be in the long run. However, our environment of limitless opportunity more often bounds us than liberates us. Barry Schwartz, a psychologist at Swarthmore, coined the phrase "the paradox of choice," which describes how being presented with several options makes us anxious and far less delighted with our choices. Too many options keep us thinking about all the chances we've lost.


Paragraph E


In addition, not everyone is able to fake happiness. Professor of Psychology Barbara Held at Bowdoin College resents "the tyranny of the positive mindset." She maintains that for certain people, it is impossible and even destructive to take a positive approach.“The existing bitter feelings of making them feel like failure can be amplified by pressuring people to thrive in ways that aren't appropriate for them, which also doesn't help the author write. Professor Julie Norem, author of The Positive Power of Negative Thought, states that the one-size-fits-all strategy for handling emotional life is wrong. According to her research, anxious people can use their defensive optimism to their advantage by using it to get things done, which, in fact, makes them joyful. For instance, a typically pessimistic architect can lower her expectations for a forthcoming presentation and consider every potential failure so that she can plan properly and improve her chances of success.


Paragraph F


A person who is not living in accordance with their principles, however, will not be happy, regardless of how much they accomplish. Nonetheless, some individuals are unsure of what their values are. Harris asks an excellent question in this situation: "If I could wave a magic wand and make sure you would have the respect and adoration of everyone on the earth, everlasting. What would you decide to do with your life in that circumstance? Once you've answered this question truthfully, you can start moving in the direction of the ideal version of yourself. The correct response is irrelevant as long as you're leading an aware life. Happiness itself isn't an emotion whatsoever. This continuous personal experiment continues.  



The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about The Pursuit Of Happiness

Questions and Answers 1-6
  • Six paragraphs (A–F) comprise the Reading Passage.
  • Which passage makes reference to the following?
  • On the answer sheet, fill in boxes 1-6 using the appropriate letter (A–F).
  • Each letter may appear more than once.


1. The requirement that people comprehend what is truly important to them.

2. Tension brought on by a large number of choices.

3. The use of success as a technique of coping with negative emotions.

4. Those who identify as specialists.

5. Humans' capacity to adapt to change

6. Doing activities that are fascinating in and of themselves.


The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)


Type of question: Matching information


In this question type, you will be asked to match specific pieces of information, often dates, names, or events, from the reading passage with corresponding options provided in the question.


How to best answer: 


  • Read each statement carefully to understand the specific information being asked for.
  • Scan the passage for relevant dates or events in the reading passage that corresponds to each statement.
  • Eliminate incorrect options that do not match the information found in the passage.
  • Match the remaining options based on the information provided in the passage.
  • Verify your answers to ensure they match the information in the passage before finalising them.


1. F




From paragraph F:  “A person who is not living in accordance with their principles, however, will not be happy, regardless of how much they accomplish.”


Explanation: The line emphasises that understanding what truly matters to individuals is crucial for their happiness. This explains why people need to comprehend what is truly important to them, as referenced in Paragraph F.


2. D



From paragraph D: “We appear to be convinced irrationally that the more options we have, the better equipped we will be in the long run. However, our environment of limitless opportunity more often bound us than liberates us.”



Explanation: The phrase “the paradox of choice” describes how having too many options can cause anxiety and reduce satisfaction with decisions. This line highlights the tension caused by a large number of choices, making paragraph D the right answer for this reference.



3. C




From paragraph C: “Richard Davidson, a neurologist at the University of Wisconsin, discovered that setting goals and working hard to achieve them not only triggers happy emotions but also diminishes negativity like anxiety and depression.”


Explanation: The statement “setting goals and working hard to achieve them not only triggers happy emotions but also diminishes negativity” indicates that achieving success can be an effective method for managing negative emotions. This line supports the idea of using success as a technique for coping with negativity. This makes paragraph C the correct answer.


4. A



From paragraph A: “Self-proclaimed experts profited on the fad by promising to get rid of anxiety, stress, dejection, and even dullness.”


Explanation: The line “self-proclaimed experts profited on the fad” points to individuals who present themselves as specialists in happiness and well-being. This identifies those who claim expertise in solving emotional issues, fitting the description of specialists in Paragraph A, making it the correct answer.


5. B



From paragraph C:  "Humans are, admittedly, extremely adaptable. No matter what occurs to us, we always return to our prior level of happiness after a varied adaptation period. (There are few exceptions that have been scientifically verified, such as losing a spouse or a job unexpectedly. Both incidents frequently cause people to take a lasting step back.)"


Explanation: The statement “humans are, admittedly, extremely adaptable” explains that people generally return to their baseline level of happiness after various changes. This demonstrates humans' capacity to adapt to change, as discussed in Paragraph B, making it the correct answer.


6. B



From paragraph B:  “By concentrating on tasks that are dynamic, surprising, and attention-consuming, which are less likely to dull us than, for example, collecting flashy new gadgets, it is possible to completely exit the treadmill.”


Explanation: The suggestion to engage in “tasks that are dynamic, surprising, and attention-consuming” highlights the importance of activities that remain interesting and engaging. This indicates how doing fascinating activities can help avoid the monotony described in Paragraph B, making it the correct answer.


Also read: IELTS General Reading Test


Questions and Answers 7-8
  • Pick TWO letters from A-E.
  • Fill in boxes 7 and 8 on the answer sheet with the appropriate letters.



Which TWO of the following individuals are opposed to pursuing continuous happiness?


  1. Martin Seligman
  2. Eric Wilson
  3. Sonja Lyubomirsky
  4. Russ Harris
  5. Barry Schwartz


The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Answers with Explanations  (7-8)


Type of question: Multiple choice questions


In this question type, you are asked to answer the question followed by several options, typically lettered A, B, C, or D. The task is to select the correct answer from the given choices based on the information provided in the reading passage.


How to best answer: 


  • Read the question carefully and understand what it asks.
  • Pay attention to the keywords in the question.
  • Skim the passage quickly to locate relevant information.
  • Eliminate the clearly incorrect options.


5. B



From paragraph A and Paragraph C: "The desire for happiness, according to Eric Wilson of Wake Forest University, also says that “A joyful person is a hollow person”, which leads to a "craven disregard" for the melancholy viewpoint that has inspired the finest works of art."

“Therefore, happiness is not a prize for avoiding suffering. Popular ideas about happiness are harmful, according to The Happy Trap author Russ Harris, since they prepare individuals for a "battle against reality."


Explanation:  Eric Wilson criticises the relentless pursuit of happiness for disregarding the value of deeper emotional experiences. Russ Harris argues that popular happiness ideas create unrealistic expectations, setting up a struggle with reality. This makes “B/D” the correct answer.


8. D/B



From paragraph A and Paragraph C:  "The desire for happiness, according to Eric Wilson of Wake Forest University, also says that “A joyful person is a hollow person”, which leads to a "craven disregard" for the melancholy viewpoint that has inspired the finest works of art."

“Popular ideas about happiness are harmful, according to The Happy Trap author Russ Harris, since they prepare individuals for a "battle against reality."


Explanation: Russ Harris and Eric Wilson both oppose the pursuit of constant happiness, with Harris claiming it leads to a conflict with real-life challenges, and Wilson arguing it undermines the richness of emotional depth and creativity. This makes “D/B” the correct answer.



Read more about Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation!


Questions and Answers 9-10
  • Pick TWO letters from A-E.
  • Fill in boxes 9 and 10 on the answer sheet with the appropriate letters.


  Which TWO of the following beliefs are pointed out in the text as being false?


  1. Wealth that is inherited is less happy-making than wealth that is earned.
  2. Our assessment of our level of happiness is influenced by our social standing.
  3. An optimistic mindset guarantees success.
  4. Unhappiness is avoidable and ought to be.
  5. Emotional extremes are common among young people.



The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Answers with Explanations (9-10)


Refer to question type 7-8 for more information.


9. C/D




From paragraph A and paragraph E: “Psychologists have voiced strong opposition to the happiness movement because they believe that people's attempts to exclude sorrow, an important emotion, from their emotional repertoire have been unsuccessful.”

“For instance, a typically pessimistic architect can lower her expectations for a forthcoming presentation and consider every potential failure so that she can plan properly and improve her chances of success.”


Explanation: This line suggests that the belief in avoiding unhappiness through enforced positivity is false. It shows that pressuring individuals to maintain a positive mindset can actually worsen their feelings of failure, countering the idea that unhappiness is simply avoidable. This makes “C/D” the correct answer.


10. D/C



From paragraph A and paragraph E: “Psychologists have voiced strong opposition to the happiness movement because they believe that people's attempts to exclude sorrow, an important emotion, from their emotional repertoire have been unsuccessful.”

“For instance, a typically pessimistic architect can lower her expectations for a forthcoming presentation and consider every potential failure so that she can plan properly and improve her chances of success.”


Explanation: This line illustrates that the belief that an optimistic mindset guarantees success is incorrect. It criticises the happiness movement's attempt to exclude sorrow, showing that such an approach is ineffective and does not ensure success. This makes “D/C” the correct answer.


Learn about IELTS Reading Vocabulary here! 


Questions and Answers 11-13
  • Complete the sentences listed below
  • For each response, pick NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage.
  • Fill in the blanks on your answer sheet, 11-13, with your responses.


  Martin Seligman proposed that science should closely investigate our most 11. __________ as it does our psychological issues in order to get a complete grasp of how people's minds operate.

Soon after reaching a 12. ___________ in their lives, people grow habituated to what they have accomplished and feel as though something is missing.
People who are 13. ___________ by instinct are more inclined to succeed if they put a lot of thought into their presentation.


The Pursuit Of Happiness Reading Answers with Explanations 11-13 


Type of question: Sentence Completion


In this question type, you are required to fill in the blanks in a given sentence with words or phrases taken directly from the passage. These questions test your ability to understand specific details and information presented in the text.


How to best answer: 


  • Read the sentence carefully to understand the context.
  • Identify keywords or clues that can help you find the answer in the passage.
  • Scan the passage for relevant information, focusing on the area around the blank.
  • Choose the answer that fits grammatically and contextually.
  • Verify your answers and finalise them.



11. Moods




From paragraph A:  "We would never understand the full range of human capabilities only if we knew as much about mental wellness as we do about mental illness, as per the University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman, he encouraged peers to research optimal moods with the identical enthusiasm they had for so long examined pathologies."


Explanation: This line highlights Martin Seligman's suggestion that science should explore "optimal moods" with the same enthusiasm used for studying psychological pathologies. Therefore, "moods" is the correct answer as it aligns with the idea of understanding human capabilities through the study of positive mental states.


12. Milestone



From paragraph B:  “We begin to feel as though something is missing shortly after reaching a milestone.”



Explanation: This line indicates that people begin to feel as though something is missing soon after reaching a significant "milestone" in their lives. Hence, "milestone" is the right answer, as it reflects the point at which people start to grow accustomed to their achievements and seek new goals.


13. Pessimistic




From paragraph E: “For instance, a typically pessimistic architect can lower her expectations for a forthcoming presentation and consider every potential failure so that she can plan properly and improve her chances of success.”


Explanation: This line explains that a "pessimistic" architect can improve her chances of success by preparing for potential failures and adjusting her expectations. Thus, "pessimistic" is the correct answer, as it describes individuals who benefit from a cautious approach to preparation and planning.


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Q. What types of texts can I expect in the Academic Reading test?

Ans. In the Academic Reading test, you can expect to encounter texts from books, journals, and articles on academic subjects. These texts are often complex and may include detailed information, arguments, and opinions on various topics such as science, history, or culture. The test  is designed to test your ability to understand and interpret detailed academic material.

Q. How can I improve my reading speed for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To improve your reading speed, practice reading a variety of texts regularly and focus on skimming and scanning techniques. Try setting time limits for each practice passage to simulate test conditions. Additionally, expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension skills to enhance speed and accuracy.

Q. Can I use a dictionary during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. No, you cannot use a dictionary during the IELTS Reading test. The test assesses your ability to understand and interpret texts as they are presented. If you encounter unfamiliar words, you need to rely on context clues and your existing knowledge to understand their meaning.