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Science In Space Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test with Answers

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:30

The IELTS Reading section evaluates your ability to understand written English through passages from books, journals, and newspapers. You'll need to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes. With our helpful resources, you can prepare effectively to improve your reading skills and ace the IELTS Reading test.


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Today, we're delving into a crucial topic for IELTS Preparation: 'Science in Space.' The passage examines the International Space Station (ISS) as an innovative yet expensive research facility in orbit. It addresses the hurdles in fully utilising its scientific capabilities and securing adequate research funding.


Join us as we explore this compelling passage. We’ve also provided Science in Space Reading Answers below! 


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1. Science in Space Reading Passage

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Science in Space Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Science in Space Reading Passage


Paragraph A. 


A top-notch, top-notch laboratory in low-Earth orbit. In 2001, the US Congress was persuaded to approve the construction of the International Space Station (ISS) by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency (NASA). No one today questions the agency's technological aspirations. The largest collection of interconnected modules ever built orbits the planet at a speed of more than 27,000 km/h thanks to the most difficult engineering feat ever attempted. Critics claim that while it may be moving quickly, as a lab it is standing still. It has spent $150 billion so far.


Paragraph B. 


So, what should be its top priorities moving forward? The first annual ISS research and development conference, which recently took place in Colorado, addressed this issue. One of the speakers was Satoshi Iwase of the Japanese university Aichi Medical, who has spent years developing an experiment that may help address one of the major issues that spaceflight will present for humans: maintaining physical health. Physiologists have discovered that, in the absence of gravity, our bodies start to deteriorate, leaving astronauts with frail bones, muscles, and cardiovascular systems. Astronauts will almost certainly need to create their own artificial gravity to counteract these effects on a long-duration mission to, say, Mars. Iwase steps in at this point. He is the team leader creating a centrifuge for people. An astronaut is fastened into the seat of a device that resembles an exercise bike in its initial design. While exercising while experiencing artificial gravity, pedalling works the astronaut's muscles and cardiovascular system. It also causes the seat to rotate vertically around a central axis.


Paragraph C. 


The project to build a centrifuge demonstrates the station's potential as a research lab. Similar devices have been carried into space by NASA's shuttles, but they couldn't be tested for an extended period of time to determine their efficacy. Astronauts would need to ride in a centrifuge for 30 minutes a day for at least two months to adequately evaluate how it affects human physiology, according to calculations. The only way to test this is in zero gravity, and the only place we can do that is on the space station, claims Laurence Young, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology expert in space medicine.


Paragraph D. 


There are undoubtedly many options for new experiments, but not all of them have taken off. The crew of the space station won't be able to spin the centrifuge until another five years have passed, even if the project is approved. According to a US National Academy of Sciences report from April 2011, lengthy delays like this are one of NASA's main challenges. The report's authors expressed their "deep concern" about the state of NASA's scientific research and offered a number of suggestions. The agency was advised to establish clearer research priorities in addition to shortening the time between experiment approval and launch.


Paragraph E. 


By hiring management consultants, ProOrbis created a strategy to get around the red tape, and NASA has already started to act. Additionally, Congress instructed NASA to work with the Centre for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), a private company, to help oversee the US lab facilities on the station. One of CASIS's responsibilities is to persuade public and private investors that science on the station is worthwhile investing in, as the ISS certainly appears to be a poor value when measured solely by the number of papers published; since 1998, station research has produced about 3,100 papers. In contrast, the Hubble Space Telescope has generated more than 1,300 papers in a little more than 20 years while costing less than a tenth of the price of the space station.


Paragraph F. 


However, Mark Uhran, the ISS's assistant associate administrator, disputes the claim that the station hasn't conducted any worthwhile research. He cites achievements, such as those made with the salmonella vaccine. CASIS has looked at more than 100 prior microgravity experiments to find promising research themes that will put the ISS research back on track. It has chosen to concentrate on life science and medical research as a result, and it recently requested proposals for studies on the immune system, osteoporosis, and muscle atrophy. The organisation further asserts that the ISS should be used to test products that are either about to hit the market or have already done so as well as to develop products with commercial applications. According to Uhran, attracting investment from outside organisations is essential, and a balance between academic and commercial research will facilitate this.


Paragraph G. 


Even though the station needs to draw cutting-edge research, many scientists appear to be unaware of what takes place there. More than 200 interviews with individuals from organisations that might be interested in low-gravity studies were conducted by Jeanne DiFrancesco at ProOrbis. According to her, some people were aware of the ISS but were unaware of what was happening there. Others are aware of science, but they are unsure of what kind it is.


Paragraph H. 


The privately funded space flight industry may provide the ISS with its biggest public relations boost, according to planetary scientist Alan Stern. Given that it can slash launch costs by two-thirds, businesses like SpaceX could support NASA and its partners in their efforts to resupply the International Space Station. The high-altitude balloon from Zero2lnfinity or Virgin Atlantic's Spaceship Two may also help the space station's prospects. Even though they won't be in the same orbit as the ISS, Stern thinks they will fundamentally alter how the general public views space. He predicts that soon, everyone will be daydreaming about visiting other planets once more. The fact that scientists are already waiting in line for seats on these low-gravity spaceflight services is more important because they want to use the time in weightlessness to gather data. This demand for inexpensive space travel could eventually result in a service that operates more frequently, allowing researchers to test their hypotheses before submitting a proposal for experiments on the ISS. According to Stern, gaining flight experience should help them land a spot at the station.



Science in Space Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about science in space

Questions and Answers 1-4
  • Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.


1. The author makes use of the Hubble Space Telescope to

        A. justify how long it takes a space project to yield results

        B. Describe the types of projects that are more likely to be funded

        C. underline the significance of ISS's positive promotion

        D. cite the reasons behind the drop in space technology investment

2. The sixth paragraph informs us that CASIS has

       A. invited scientists to recommend specific health-related initiatives

       B. questioned the value of some of the ISS's ongoing projects

       C. expressed worry over testing goods that are sold for profit

       D. rejected a few requests for ISS experimentation

3. What does the author say in the opening paragraph about the ISS?

A. NASA ought to have been more specific in its mission statement

B. The speed it has attained has been questioned

C. It is an excellent illustration of technological innovation

D. The cost of manufacturing stayed within the allocated amount

4. What is known about the experimental device created by Satoshi Iwase?

A. Iwase had no idea that it would have advantages

B. It is only intended to function in environments with little gravity

C. Originally, NASA had ordered it

D. It is based on a common exercise apparatus


Science in Space Reading Answers (1-4)


Type of Question: Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in the IELTS Reading section require you to choose the correct answer from a list of options (A, B, C, or D). They test your ability to understand specific details, main ideas, and implications in the text.

How to best answer: 


  • Understand the questions and options thoroughly before reading the passage.
  • Efficiently skim and scan the passage for keywords related to the question.
  • Use elimination to discard incorrect answers.
  • Verify your selected answer by checking it against the relevant part of the passage for accuracy.


1. C




Paragraph E. "the ISS certainly appears to be a poor value when measured solely by the number of papers published."



The answer is found in paragraph E, which discusses CASIS's role in promoting the value of ISS research to investors by comparing its publication output unfavourably to the Hubble Space Telescope.


2. A



Paragraph F. "It has chosen to concentrate on life science and medical research."



This answer is supported by paragraph F, which mentions CASIS focusing on life science and medical research, evidenced by recent requests for proposals in these areas.


3. C




Paragraph A. "A top-notch, top-notch laboratory in low-Earth orbit."



Paragraph A describes the ISS as a technological marvel and an advanced laboratory in orbit, emphasising its engineering feats and purpose despite criticisms.


4. D




Paragraph B. "He is the team leader creating a centrifuge for people."



Paragraph B details Satoshi Iwase's development of a centrifuge for astronauts, likened to an exercise bike, to counteract the physiological effects of space travel, demonstrating its functionality and purpose.

Questions and Answers 5-9
  • Look at the following opinions (Questions 5-9) and the list of people below.
  • Match each opinion with the correct person, A, B, C, or D.
Note: You may use a letter more than once.


5. It is necessary to expedite the process of adding approved projects to the ISS.

6. There needs to be no gravity for new space technology to be evaluated properly.

7. The ISS should be accessible for commercial endeavours.

8. Some of the ISS's accomplishments are overlooked.

9. What kinds of projects are feasible on the ISS are generally unknown.


List of people

  1. Mark Uhran
  2. Jeanne Di Francesco
  3. Laurence Young
  4. Authors of the US National Academy of Sciences report


Science of Space Reading Answers (5-9)


Type of Questions: Matching Information


Matching Questions typically require connecting items from one list (in this case, opinions) with items from another (here, people or sources). They assess your ability to understand specific viewpoints or opinions expressed in the passage and match them accurately with the individuals or sources associated with those viewpoints.

How to best answer:

  • Read the opinions or viewpoints carefully.
  • Skim the passage to locate information about the individuals or sources listed.
  • Match each opinion with the correct person or source based on the information provided in the passage.


5. D




Paragraph D, "According to a US National Academy of Sciences report from April 2011, lengthy delays like this are one of NASA's main challenges."


Explanation: The report highlights NASA's need to shorten the time between experiment approval and launch.


6. C




Paragraph C, "The only way to test this is in zero gravity, and the only place we can do that is on the space station, claims Laurence Young, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology expert in space medicine."


Explanation: Laurence Young explains the necessity of zero gravity for proper evaluation of new space technology.


7. A




Paragraph F, "According to Uhran, attracting investment from outside organisations is essential, and a balance between academic and commercial research will facilitate this."

Explanation: Mark Uhran emphasises the importance of making the ISS accessible for commercial endeavours.


8. A




Paragraph F, "However, Mark Uhran, the ISS's assistant associate administrator, disputes the claim that the station hasn't conducted any worthwhile research."



Mark Uhran argues against the perception that some of the ISS's accomplishments are overlooked.


9. B




Paragraph G, "Some people were aware of the ISS but were unaware of what was happening there, according to her. Others are aware of science, but they are unsure of what kind it is."



 Jeanne Di Francesco notes the general lack of clarity regarding feasible projects on the ISS among scientists.


Questions and Answers 10-13
  • Complete the summary using the lists of words, A-H, below.


The influence of commercial space flight on the ISS

He thinks they could alter public perception for two reasons: first, using a commercial craft would 10. _______________ the cost of sending supplies there; second, it might make space exploration seem 11. _______________ appealing to the general public. Another consideration is that there is a chance that space flights will become more 12. __________ as demand rises. Additionally, by focusing on a commercial flight first, researchers would be 13. _____________ if an ISS position opened up.


  1. Suitable
  2. Rapid
  3. Economical
  4. Regular
  5. Competitive
  6. Real
  7. Safe
  8. Flexible


Science in Space Reading Answers (10-13)



Type of question: Summary completion


Summary Completion questions in the IELTS Reading section require you to fill in missing information in a passage using the options provided. These questions test your ability to comprehend key points, relationships between ideas, and overall themes in the text.

How to best answer:


  • Carefully read the instructions and understand what information needs to be completed in the summary.
  • Skim the passage quickly to locate where the missing information might be found.
  • Focus on identifying keywords or phrases that match the options given.
  • Use the context of the passage to ensure the completed summary maintains logical coherence.



10. C




Paragraph H "Given that it can slash launch costs by two-thirds, businesses like SpaceX could support NASA and its partners in their efforts to resupply the International Space Station." 




Commercial space flights, such as those offered by SpaceX, significantly reduce the cost of sending supplies to the ISS, making them economical.


11. F




Paragraph H "Even though they won't be in the same orbit as the ISS, Stern thinks they will fundamentally alter how the general public views space." 


Explanation: Commercial space flights could make space exploration more real and tangible to the general public, potentially inspiring interest in space travel.


12. D




Paragraph H "This demand for inexpensive space travel could eventually result in a service that operates more frequently, allowing researchers to test their hypotheses before submitting a proposal for experiments on the ISS." 


Explanation: With increasing demand, commercial space flights could become more regular, providing more opportunities for researchers to conduct experiments in space.


13. A




Paragraph H "According to Stern, gaining flight experience should help them land a spot at the station." 




Gaining experience through commercial flights could make researchers suitable candidates for positions on the ISS.

Questions and Answers 14
  • Complete the summary using the lists of words, A-H, below.


14. In Writing this article, the author hopes to


A. Compare worthwhile and useless space projects

B. Criticize the ISS for having a closed mind

C. Show how the ISS could be made more efficient

D. Promote the general benefits of space travel


Science in Space Reading Answers (14)



Type of question: Multiple Choice Questions 


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in the IELTS Reading section ask you to select the correct answer from choices labelled A, B, C, or D. These questions assess your skill in comprehending specific details, main concepts, and implications presented in the text.

How to best answer:


  • Before reading the passage, ensure you fully grasp the questions and all available options.
  • Quickly skim and scan the text to identify keywords related to the question.
  • Use the process of elimination to rule out incorrect answers.
  • Confirm your chosen answer by cross-referencing it with the relevant section of the passage to ensure accuracy.



14. C




Passage B "The first annual ISS research and development conference, which recently took place in Colorado, addressed this issue."


Explanation: The author hopes to C. show how the ISS could be made more efficient, as the passage discusses addressing major issues in spaceflight and improving physical health for astronauts.

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Q: What are some recommended books for studying for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans: Here are some highly recommended books for preparing for the IELTS Reading test:


  • Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic" by Cambridge University Press
  • Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills" by Sam McCarter & Norman Whitby
  • Focus on the IELTS Foundation"
  • Collins Reading For IELTS" by Els Van Geyte (Ebook)
  • IELTS Superpack" by Barron's Educational Series
Q: Am I allowed to skip questions in my IELTS Reading test?

Ans: Yes, you can skip questions in your IELTS Reading test. While it's not mandatory to answer every question, IELTS trainers recommend attempting all questions to maximise your scoring potential. Since there is no penalty for incorrect answers, answering more questions can improve your overall score.

Q: Can I reschedule or cancel my IELTS Reading test?

Ans: You can reschedule or cancel your IELTS test, including the Reading module. Please note that you cannot reschedule the Reading module alone; if necessary, you must reschedule your IELTS exam. Rescheduling can be done through the official website of IELTS IDP India.