
Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Sep 03, 2024, 18:35

This passage ‘hybrid solar lighting’ discusses the hybrid solar lighting system, which uses rooftop solar collectors and optical fibres to bring sunlight indoors. Developed by the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and licensed to Sunlight Direct, the system has been used in various US buildings and shows significant benefits, such as increasing retail sales by 40% and improving students' academic performance. It highlights the potential energy savings, reduced carbon emissions, and health benefits of hybrid solar lighting, which combines natural and artificial light. The technology's current limitation is the short range of plastic optical fibres, but it is expected to become more affordable over time.


Reading passages like this one can enhance your comprehension skills, helping you to identify key points, understand detailed information, and make inferences. Practising with such texts is essential for improving your IELTS Reading section skills, ultimately boosting your IELTS reading score.


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1. Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.

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2. Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Questions and Answers

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Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Passage



Paragraph A: A hybrid solar lighting system collects sunlight on a rooftop and directs it into a building via optical fibres. It runs on a 9-volt battery, and the energy savings, worker productivity, and health benefits are enormous.


Paragraph B: A room lit entirely by fluorescence has an unnatural orange hue. Changing the lighting to be 80 percent solar and 20 percent fluorescent improves the ambiance significantly. It is expected that hybrid solar lighting will reduce the majority of shops' energy costs by 60%, and retailers have been among the first to adopt the new technology due to the health benefits of natural lighting. According to studies, 20% of employees exposed to artificial light experience depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms (SAD). Furthermore, retailers with natural lighting sold 40% more merchandise than those with artificial lighting. According to research, biological rhythms and circadian rhythms are the key to having successful and productive employees. The introduction of natural light aids in the regulation of these biological processes.


Paragraph C: A solar collector made up of a 1.2 metre parabolic primary mirror concentrates light onto a secondary mirror with a unique multilayer coating that reflects only visible wavelengths, effectively removing ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths from the reflected light. This is necessary for reducing heat in the fibre optics, which would otherwise melt. The secondary mirror concentrates visible light onto a receiver module, where it is homogenised to ensure homogeneity before entering the fibre optic cable, which then illuminates the structure's interior. In contrast to fluorescent lights, which require electricity, the hybrid solar system requires only one 9-volt battery to power the solar tracking system for one week.


Paragraph D: It is estimated that 30% of the electricity consumed in the United States is used solely for lighting, and this figure rises to 45% for retailers. Obviously, if sunlight could be brought indoors, this figure could be drastically reduced. It is expected that hybrid solar lighting will not only save millions of dollars in energy costs, but will also be appealing due to its near-identical quality to daylight.


Paragraph E: It was developed initially by the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and licensed to Sunlight Direct. It has already been used in a wide range of buildings in the United States, including universities, museums, department stores, and other specialised facilities. According to preliminary findings, replacing fluorescent lighting with hybrid solar can increase retail sales by up to 40%. Furthermore, undergraduates' attention spans and academic achievement improve significantly in classrooms or lecture halls lit by hybrid solar. The technique is expected to become economically viable for both residential and commercial buildings in the near future.


Paragraph F: Other scientists are so intrigued by the technology that they are looking into different applications, such as using UV light energy to heat water. However, there is one limitation to the technology: while plastic optical fibres are inexpensive, they have low transmittance and only extend about 15 metres from the solar collector. This is why solar hybrid lighting is now concentrated primarily on a structure's top and main floors.


Paragraph G: The potential savings in electricity and carbon dioxide emissions are significant. The units are designed to last twenty years, and as sales volume increases, the price should fall significantly. Individual households may have to wait a while before they can enjoy hybrid solar lighting, but in the meantime, there is a significant benefit in making natural and human-friendly environments for work and education.


Paragraph H: Two motors are controlled by a GPS (global positioning system) microprocessor beneath the solar tracker mechanism. This pinpoints the sun's exact position (based on latitude, longitude, date, and time) to one degree accuracy. The light that has accumulated shines brightly. Two of these fibres produce the same amount of light as a 60-watt light bulb, and a single bundle contains 127 fibres. What if the weather is threatening?


Paragraph I: This is where hybrids enter the picture. By combining natural light with artificial light from fluorescent or incandescent lamps, the lighting fixtures create a hybrid luminaire. A photosensor in the room monitors the lighting intensity and makes automatic adjustments to keep the illumination constant.



Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Hybrid Solar Lighting

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • Complete the diagram below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN MORE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your
  • answers for the questions 1-5 on your answer sheet.





Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers with Explanations (1-5)


Type of Question: Multiple Choice Questions


These types of questions in IELTS reading involve identifying the right choice from the given options using the given paragraph. 


How to best answer: 

  • Understand the Context: Read the entire passage carefully to grasp the overall context and main ideas before answering questions.
  • Identify Keywords: Focus on keywords in the question and options. Match these keywords with specific information in the passage.
  • Eliminate Wrong Choices: Use the process of elimination to rule out clearly incorrect options, narrowing down your choices.
  • Look for Synonyms: Be aware of synonyms or paraphrased terms in the passage that may differ from those in the question or answer choices.
  • Double-Check Your Answers: Ensure that your selected answer fits grammatically and logically within the context of the passage.



1. Primary mirror


Reference: From Paragraph C, "A solar collector made up of a 1.2 metre parabolic primary mirror concentrates light"


Explanation: The primary mirror is the first component of the solar collector mentioned. Its function is to gather and focus sunlight onto a secondary mirror. The specificity of its size (1.2 meters) and its parabolic shape are critical for efficiently concentrating light, which is essential for the hybrid solar lighting system's operation.


2. Secondary mirror


Reference: From Paragraph C, "onto a secondary mirror with a unique multilayer coating that reflects only visible wavelengths"


Explanation: The secondary mirror's unique coating is designed to filter out ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, allowing only visible light to be reflected. This is crucial for preventing heat build-up in the fiber optics and ensuring that the light directed into the building is safe and effective. The description emphasizes the mirror's specialized role in the system.


3. Receiver module


Reference: From Paragraph C, "receiver module, where it is homogenised to ensure homogeneity before entering the fibre"


Explanation: The receiver module receives the concentrated light from the secondary mirror. Its function is to homogenize the light, ensuring that it is evenly distributed before entering the fiber optic cables. This step is important to maintain consistent lighting quality throughout the system.


4. Solar tracker


Reference: From Paragraph H, "Two motors are controlled by a GPS (global positioning system) microprocessor beneath the solar tracker mechanism"


Explanation: The solar tracker mechanism, guided by a GPS microprocessor, uses two motors to precisely follow the sun's movement. This ensures that the solar collector is always optimally positioned to capture sunlight, which maximizes the efficiency of the hybrid solar lighting system.


5. Exact position


Reference: From Paragraph H, "This pinpoints the sun's exact position (based on latitude, longitude, date, and time) to one-degree accuracy"


Explanation: The GPS microprocessor's ability to pinpoint the sun's exact position with high accuracy is vital for the solar tracker. This precision ensures that the system can consistently capture the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day, regardless of the time or geographical location.


A Guide on Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life!


Questions and Answers 6-10
  • Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your
  • answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.


127 fibres = 1 bundle
2 fibres = 60 Watt bulb


A 6._________measures the amount of light and a 7.__________mixes light from various sources to maintain consistent levels. Higher percentage of natural light, more appealing and biologically advantageous—fluorescence contributes to feelings of 8.___________, whereas natural or hybrid light increases productivity (and the sale of more 9.__________ in stores) by helping workers (and shoppers) feel good and maintain biological rhythms.
Plastic fibres are inexpensive, but the length from the 10.__________is a constraint.

 Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers with Explanations (6-10)


Type of Question: Sentence Completion


To answer Sentence Completion questions in IELTS reading, carefully read the given sentence or incomplete statement, identify the missing information or word, and then locate the relevant information in the passage that completes or fills in the blank accurately.

How to best answer: 

  • Read Instructions Carefully: Note the word limit and specific instructions given for the task.
  • Identify Keywords: Highlight keywords in the incomplete sentences and locate corresponding information in the passage.
  • Understand Context: Read around the keywords in the text to fully grasp the context and ensure the correct completion.
  • Use Synonyms and Paraphrasing: Look out for synonyms and paraphrases that might be used in the passage relative to the question.
  • Check Grammar and Fit: Ensure the completed sentence is grammatically correct and logically fits with the rest of the text.


6. Photo sensor


Reference: From Paragraph I, "A photosensor in the room monitors the lighting intensity and makes automatic adjustments to keep the illumination constant"


Explanation: The photosensor's role is to monitor the lighting intensity in the room continuously. It automatically adjusts the light levels by blending natural and artificial light to maintain consistent illumination, which is crucial for the system's efficiency and the occupants' comfort.


7. Hybrid luminaire


Reference: From Paragraph I, "from fluorescent or incandescent lamps, the lighting fixtures create a hybrid luminaire"


Explanation: The hybrid luminaire combines natural light from the solar system with artificial light from fluorescent or incandescent lamps. This integration ensures that even when natural light is insufficient, the lighting remains at a desirable level, enhancing both energy efficiency and lighting quality.


8. Depression


Reference: From Paragraph B, "employees exposed to artificial light experience depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms (SAD)"


Explanation: The passage explains that artificial light exposure can lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) symptoms, such as depression. The hybrid lighting system's use of natural light helps mitigate these effects, improving overall mood and health.


9. Merchandise


Reference: From Paragraph B, "retailers with natural lighting sold 40% more merchandise than those with artificial lighting"


Explanation: The statement highlights that natural lighting significantly boosts retail sales compared to artificial lighting. The hybrid solar lighting system's ability to provide natural light thus directly contributes to increased merchandise sales in stores.


10. Solar collectors


Reference: From Paragraph F, "transmittance and only extend about 15 metres from the solar collector"


Explanation: The passage notes that the plastic optical fibers used in the system have a limitation in their transmittance and can only extend about 15 meters from the solar collector. This constraint affects the placement and effectiveness of the hybrid lighting system within a building.


Also See: IELTS Academic 2024 Reading Resources

Questions and Answers 11-13
  • Complete the summary below with words taken from Reading Passage 1.
  • Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
  • Write your answers in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.


A hybrid solar lighting system that uses 11._________ to illuminate buildings has been developed. Numerous advantages have been mentioned, such as an increase in 12. _____________and increased 13.__________ and educational achievement among students.


Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers with Explanations  (11-13)


Type of Question: Summary Completion 


Carefully read the summary and identify keywords, then scan the passage to locate the relevant information, ensuring the words you choose to complete the summary accurately reflect the content and context of the passage.


How to best answer: 

  • Identify Key Information: Focus on understanding the main ideas and essential details of the passage that need to be summarised.
  • Match with Passage: Find phrases or keywords in the passage that align with the summary gaps, ensuring they convey the same meaning.
  • Use Context Clues: Pay attention to the surrounding text in the passage for context, which can help in selecting the appropriate words or phrases.
  • Be Concise: Choose words that are concise and directly relevant to the context, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Check Grammar: Ensure the completed summary fits grammatically and logically with the rest of the summary text.


11. Sunlight


Reference: From Paragraph A, "A hybrid solar lighting system collects sunlight on a rooftop and directs it into a building via optical fibres"


Explanation: This line directly states that the system collects sunlight on a rooftop, making sunlight the primary source of illumination that is directed into buildings using optical fibers.


12. Retail sales


Reference: From Paragraph E, "replacing fluorescent lighting with hybrid solar can increase retail sales by up to 40%"


Explanation: The passage provides evidence that switching to hybrid solar lighting can significantly boost retail sales, highlighting the economic benefit of this technology for businesses.


13. Attention spans


Reference: From Paragraph E, "undergraduates' attention spans and academic achievement improve significantly in classrooms or lecture halls lit by hybrid solar"


Explanation: The passage explains that hybrid solar lighting improves students' attention spans and academic performance, indicating the positive impact of natural light on educational environments.


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Q. What are some effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective strategies include skimming the passage for a general understanding, scanning for specific information, and focusing on keywords. Pay attention to headings and subheadings, which provide clues about the content. Practice summarizing paragraphs to grasp main ideas. Answer easier questions first to build confidence, and manage your time efficiently to ensure you can address all questions.


Q. What are some good sources for practice materials for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Good sources for practice materials include official IELTS preparation books and websites, such as the British Council and IDP websites. Online platforms like IELTS Liz and Road to IELTS offer practice tests and tips. Additionally, using academic journals, newspapers, and magazines can help improve reading skills and expose you to diverse topics and question formats similar to those in the test.


Q. How can I improve my comprehension skills for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To improve comprehension skills, practice active reading by summarizing paragraphs and identifying main ideas. Expand your vocabulary to better understand diverse texts. Engage in regular reading of varied materials like newspapers, academic journals, and books. Take timed practice tests to get accustomed to the exam's format and time constraints. Review your answers and understand the explanations for any mistakes to enhance your understanding.