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Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:39

In the IELTS Reading section, three passages are accompanied by 40 questions in multiple-choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given. Lasting 60 minutes, this segment challenges you to grasp critical information, discern main ideas, and infer implications effectively.


To excel in the IELTS Reading section, employ effective strategies such as skimming to identify key themes, such as the principles and applications of foot pedal irrigation in sustainable agriculture, and scanning for specific details, such as innovative designs inspired by traditional methods or research findings on foot pedal irrigation systems. Regular practice with sample questions and exposure to diverse question types will refine your skills for test day.


Prepare for an insightful exploration of "Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Answers," which delves into the intricate ways human ingenuity adapts to water conservation challenges. Explore how the study of traditional irrigation systems can lead to innovative solutions in modern agriculture. Understand the scientific theories behind foot pedal irrigation and the practical applications in various fields, from enhancing crop yields in arid regions to developing sustainable farming practices that minimise water waste and maximise efficiency.


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1. Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Answers & Questions

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Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Foot Pedal Irrigation  Reading Passage 



Paragraph A 

Until now, governments and development agencies have tried to tackle the problem through large-scale projects: gigantic dams, sprawling, irrigation canals and vast new fields of high-yield crops introduced during the Green Revolution, the famous campaign to increase grain harvests in developing nations. Traditional irrigation, however, has degraded the soil in many areas, and the reservoirs behind dams can quickly fill up with silt, reducing their storage capacity and depriving downstream farmers of fertile sediments. Furthermore, although the Green Revolution has greatly expanded worldwide farm production since 1950, poverty stubbornly persists in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Continued improvements in the productivity of large farms may play the main role in boosting food supply, but local efforts to provide cheap, individual irrigation systems to small farms may offer a better way to lift people out of poverty.


Paragraph B


The Green Revolution was designed to increase the overall food supply, not to raise the incomes of the rural poor, so it should be no surprise that it did not eradicate poverty or hunger. India, for example, has been self-sufficient in food for 15 years, and its granaries are full, but more than 200 million Indians – one-fifth of the country’s population – are malnourished because they cannot afford the food they need and because the country’s safety nets are deficient. In 2000, 189 nations committed to the Millennium Development Goals, which called for cutting world poverty in half by 2015. With business as usual, however, we have little hope of achieving most of the Millennium goals, no matter how much money rich countries contribute to poor ones.


Paragraph C


The supply-driven strategies of the Green Revolution, however, may not help subsistence farmers, who must play to their strengths to compete in the global marketplace. The average size of a family farm is less than four acres in India, 1.8 acres in Bangladesh and about half an acre in China. Combines and other modern farming tools are too expensive to be used in such small areas. An Indian farmer selling surplus wheat grown on his one-acre plot could not possibly compete with the highly efficient and subsidised Canadian wheat farms that typically stretch over thousands of acres. Instead, subsistence farmers should exploit the fact that their labour costs are the lowest in the world, giving them a comparative advantage in growing and selling high-value, intensely farmed crops.


Paragraph D


Paul Polak saw firsthand the need for a small-scale strategy in 1981 when he met Abdul Rahman, a farmer in the Noakhali district of Bangladesh. From his three-quarter-acre plots of rain-fed rice fields, Abdul could grow only 700 kilograms of rice each year – 300 kilograms less than what he needed to feed his family. During the three months before the October rice harvest came in, Abdul and his wife had to watch silently while their three children survived on one meal a day or less. As Polak walked with him through the scattered fields he had inherited from his father, Polak asked what he needed to move out of poverty. “Control of water for my crops,” he said, “at a price, I can afford.”


Paragraph E

Soon Polak learned about a simple device that could help Abdul achieve his goal: the treadle pump. Developed in the late 1970s by Norwegian engineer Gunnar Barnes, the pump is operated by a person walking in place on a pair of treadles and two handle arms made of bamboo. Properly adjusted and maintained, it can be operated several hours a day without tiring the users. Each treadle pump has two cylinders which are made of engineering plastic. The diameter of a cylinder is 100.5mm and the height is 280mm. The pump is capable of working up to a maximum depth of 7 meters. Operation beyond 7 meters is not recommended to preserve the integrity of the rubber components. The pump mechanism has piston and foot valve assemblies. The treadle action creates alternate strokes in the two pistons that lift the water in pulses.


The human-powered pump can irrigate half an acre of vegetables and costs only $25 (including the expense of drilling a tube well down to the groundwater). Abdul heard about the treadle pump from a cousin and was one of the first farmers in Bangladesh to buy one. He borrowed the $25 from an uncle and easily repaid the loan four months later. During the five-month dry season, when Bangladeshis typically farm very little, Abdul used the treadle pump to grow a quarter-acre of chilli peppers, tomatoes, cabbage and eggplants. He also improved the yield of one of his rice plots by irrigating it. His family ate some of the vegetables and sold the rest at the village market, earning a net profit of $100. With his new income, Abdul was able to buy rice for his family to eat, keep his two sons in school until they were 16 and set aside a little money for his daughter’s dowry. When Polak visited him again in 1984, he had doubled the size of his vegetable plot and replaced the thatched roof on his house with corrugated tin. His family was raising a calf and some chickens. He told me that the treadle pump was a gift from God.


Paragraph F

Bangladesh is particularly well suited for the treadle pump because a huge reservoir of groundwater lies just a few meters below the farmers’ feet. In the early 1980s, IDE initiated a campaign to market the pump, encouraging 75 small private-sector companies to manufacture the devices and several thousand village dealers and tube-well drillers to sell and install them. Over the next 12 years, one and a half million farm families purchased treadle pumps, which increased the farmers’ net income by a total of $150 million a year. The cost of IDE’s market-creation activities was only $12 million, leveraged by the investment of $37.5 million from the farmers themselves. In contrast, the expense of building a conventional dam and canal system to irrigate an equivalent area of farmland would be in the range of $2,000 per acre, or $1.5 billion.



Foot Pedal Irrigation Reading Answers & Questions

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Foot Pedal Irrigation

Questions and Answers 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?
In boxes 1 – 6 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the view of the writer
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the view of the writer
  • NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


1. It is more effective to resolve poverty or food problem in large scale rather than in small scale.

2. Construction of gigantic dams costs more time in developing countries.

3. Green revolution foiled to increase global crop p roduction from the mid of 20th century.

4. Agricultural production in Bangladesh declined in last decade.

5. Farmer Abdul Rahman knew how to increase production himself.

6. Small pump spread into big project in Bangladesh in the past decade.


Foot Pedal Irrigation  Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)



Question Type:  True/False/Not Given


In this task, you are presented with a statement, and your task is to determine if it agrees with the information in the passage (True), contradicts the information in the passage (False), or if there is insufficient information in the passage to decide (not given).


How to best answer the question:


  • Read the statement carefully to ensure you understand exactly what it is saying. 
  • Pay attention to details such as dates, numbers, and specific information.
  • Scan the passage to find the section where the relevant information is likely to be located. 
  • Focus on finding evidence that either supports or contradicts the statement.
  • True: If the statement agrees with the information in the passage.
  • False: If the statement contradicts the information in the passage.
  • Not Given: If there is no information in the passage that confirms or contradicts the statement.


1. False



Paragraph A


Until now, governments and development agencies have tried to tackle the problem through large-scale projects: gigantic dams, sprawling, irrigation canals...




The passage states that large-scale projects like dams and irrigation canals have not effectively tackled poverty, whereas local efforts with small-scale irrigation systems have shown promise in lifting people out of poverty.


2. Not Given









The passage discusses the drawbacks of large-scale projects like dams but does not explicitly mention the time costs associated with their construction in developing countries.


3. False



Paragraph B


The Green Revolution has greatly expanded worldwide farm production since 1950...



The Green Revolution did increase global farm production since the mid-20th century, contrary to the statement that it failed to do so.


4. Not Given









The passage does not provide information about recent trends in agricultural production in Bangladesh over the last decade.


5. True




Paragraph D

Paul Polak saw firsthand the need for a small-scale strategy in 1981 when he met Abdul Rahman...




Abdul Rahman expressed his need for water control to improve his crop yield, which led him to adopt the treadle pump for irrigation, demonstrating his understanding of how to increase production.


6. True




Paragraph F


Over the next 12 years, one and a half million farm families purchased treadle pumps...




The passage describes how the treadle pump initiative grew into a significant project in Bangladesh over the years, involving millions of farm families, indicating its expansion from a small-scale device to a large-scale project.


Read more about Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation!


Questions and Answers 7-10
  • Filling the blanks in diagram of treadle pump’s each parts.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.






Foot Pedal Irrigation  Reading Answers with Explanations (7-10)



Question Type: Diagram Labelling


In this type of question, you are presented with a diagram, chart, graph, or illustration, often related to a specific topic or subject area. The diagram is typically accompanied by a list of labels or terms that are missing from the diagram. You are required to match the correct labels to the corresponding parts of the diagram. 


How to best answer this question:


  • Carefully read the instructions and study the diagram provided. 
  • You should then analyse the diagram and the labels provided to determine which label corresponds to each part of the diagram. 
  • It's essential to pay attention to any specific details or features of the diagram that may help identify the correct labels.
  • You should also ensure that the labels they choose fit logically and accurately with the information presented in the diagram. 


7. Bamboo




Paragraph E


the pump is operated by a person walking in place on a pair of treadles and two handle arms made of bamboo.



The handle arms of the treadle pump are made of bamboo, providing a lightweight and durable material for operation.


8. Cylinders



Paragraph E


Each treadle pump has two cylinders which are made of engineering plastic.




The pump includes two cylinders made of engineering plastic, which are essential components for the functioning of the pump mechanism.


9. Piston




Paragraph E

The pump mechanism has piston and foot valve assemblies.




The piston is part of the pump mechanism and contributes to lifting water in pulses through its alternate strokes.


10. 7




Paragraph E


The pump is capable of working up to a maximum depth of 7 meters.



This indicates the maximum depth to which the treadle pump can effectively lift water, ensuring optimal usage and longevity of the device.

Read more about A Guide on Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life!


Questions and Answers 11-13
  • Answer the questions below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.


11. How large area can a treadle pump irrigate the field at a low level of expense?   

12. What is Abdul’s new roof made of?

13. How much did Bangladesh farmers invest by IDE’s stimulation?


Foot Pedal Irrigation  Reading Answers with Explanations (11-13)


Type of Question: Short Answer


Short answer questions in the IELTS Reading section require you to read a passage and answer questions using a limited number of words, typically no more than two or three. These questions test your ability to locate specific information within the text and understand detailed facts.


How to best answer this question:


  • Identify keywords in the question and scan the passage to locate the relevant section.
  • Once you find the keywords, read the surrounding sentences to grasp the context and find the precise answer.
  • Ensure your answers adhere to the word limit specified in the instructions.
  • Regular practice with past IELTS reading materials will improve your ability to locate and identify relevant information quickly.


11. ½ an acre/ Half an acre




Paragraph E 


The human-powered pump can irrigate half an acre of vegetables...



The reference directly states that the treadle pump can irrigate half an acre of vegetables, highlighting its effectiveness in irrigating a substantial area at a low cost.


12. Corrugated Tin




Paragraph E


When Polak visited him again in 1984, he had doubled the size of his vegetable plot and replaced the thatched roof on his house with corrugated tin.




Abdul's new roof was made of corrugated tin, symbolising an improvement in his living conditions as a result of the increased income generated by using the treadle pump.


13. $37.5 Million/37.5 Million Dollars




Paragraph F 


The cost of IDE’s market-creation activities was only $12 million, leveraged by the investment of $37.5 million from the farmers themselves.




IDE's efforts to promote treadle pumps were supported by a significant investment of $37.5 million from the farmers, demonstrating their financial commitment to adopting this technology.


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Q. Are there any common traps in the Reading test?

Ans. Yes, there are some common traps in the Reading test. One common trap is the use of distractors - these are designed to confuse test-takers by including information that is not directly related to the main idea of the passage. Another trap is the use of similar-sounding words or phrases that can lead to misinterpretation. Additionally, questions that require careful attention to detail can also be tricky. 

Q. What should I do if I finish the Reading test early?

Ans. If you finish the Reading test early, you can use the remaining time to review your answers. It's always beneficial to double-check your work to catch any potential mistakes or overlooked questions. Alternatively, you can take a moment to relax and mentally prepare for the next section of the test. 

Q. Is there a penalty for wrong answers in the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. In the IELTS Reading test, there is no penalty for wrong answers. This means that test takers are encouraged to attempt all the questions, even if they are unsure of the answers. The final score is based on the number of correct answers, so it's better to make an educated guess than to leave any questions unanswered.