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Rising Sea Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test with Answers

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:43

The IELTS Reading section assesses your ability to comprehend written English using passages from books, journals, and newspapers. You will have a crucial 60 minutes to answer 40 questions. 



Our helpful resources can help you effectively prepare for and improve your reading skills so that you can excel in the IELTS Reading test.



One highly beneficial resource for IELTS Reading prep is the passage called ‘Rising Sea.’ This passage, which delves into the complexities of predicting sea level rise due to global warming, is a popular choice among test-takers. It sheds light on challenges such as the interaction of ocean currents, the impact of heat absorption by oceans, and the role of atmospheric conditions, all of which are crucial for the test. 



Let’s dive into the passage further! You will also find Rising Sea Reading answers below. 

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1. Rising Sea Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.


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2. Rising Sea Reading Questions and Answers

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Rising Sea Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Rising Sea Reading Passage





The average air weather condition in the outside part of the world has originated a hundredfold as the weather condition of the outside part of sea waters. Because water amplifies as it heats, a warmer sea means higher ocean levels. We cannot say for certain that the weather conditions arise because of the plant house effect; the warm-up may be a bit of a “ natural” mercurialness over a long period that we have not so far acknowledged in the short century of registration. However, presume that the expansion of plant house gasses is in charge and that the warming will continue. Analysts and residents of low-lying seaside areas would like to know the size of the future sea level rise.





Computing this is not easy. Replica is used for the motive to treat the sea as inactive, static and shallow. Analysts have presumed that heat directly spread into the ocean from the airspace. Using fundamental physical laws, they then forecast how much a known capacity of water would enlarge for a given rise in weather conditions. But the sea is not shallow, and the latest toil by oceanologists, using the latest replica, takes into account a numeral of fine surfaces of the ocean as well as the huge and complicated sea ongoing that the increase in ocean level may be lower than some before time estimation had forecast.  





An intercontinental gathering on weather swap in 1986 made figures for a probable ocean-level increase of 20 cm and 1.4 m, communicated to aerial weather condition growth of 1.5 and 4.5c appropriately. Some analysts forecast that the sea warming consequences from those weather conditions grown by the year 2050 will increase the ocean level by in the middle of 10 cm and 40 cm. This replica only considers the effects of weather conditions on the sea; it does not contemplate a swap in ocean level taken about by the liquefy of ice linen and iceberg and replacement in free aquifer stockpile. When we add on the estimation of these, we see figures for the entire ocean-level increase of 15 cm and 70 cm proportionately.





It’s not an uncomplicated attempt to replicate exactly the huge complication of the unpredictable sea, with its considerable volume, huge currents and responsiveness to the impact of land masses and the airspace. For illustration, examine how heat enters the sea. Does it just “spread” from the warmer air unsloped into the aqua and heat only the surface coating of the ocean? (warm water is less thick than cold, so it would not diffuse downwards). Regular copies of ocean-level increase have contemplated that this is the only procedure, but the motion has shown that the rate of heat carried into the sea by unsloped spread is distantly lower in exercise than the figures that many copies have embraced.




Most of the earlier toil, for clarity, disregards the reality that water in the sea goes in three proportions. By motion, naturally, analysts don’t mean waves, which are too small in particular to examine, but preferably motion of huge volumes of aqua in enormous currents. To realise the significance of this, we now need to examine another procedure -convection. Assume smog increased from a chimney. On a still day, it will leisurely lay out in all directions by means of spreading. With a powerful directional breeze, although it will all move leeward, this procedure is convection- the convey of belongings(notably heat and brininess in the sea) by the motion of bodies of air or water, preferably by absorption or spreading. 




Enormous seas are ongoing and known as gyres in motion. These presents have immeasurably more volume to save heat than does the airspace. To be sure, just the top 3 m of the sea has maximum heat than the entire of airspace. The source of the gyres reclines in the reality that maximum heat from the sun extends the celestial equator and then the poles, and naturally, heat shifts to move from the previous to the end. Warm air increases at the celestial equator and pulls out maximum air below in the form of a breeze(the “ easterlies”) that, jointly with other air motions, give the important strength driving the sea at present.




Aqua by itself is warmed up at the celestial equator and motion, warped by the Earth’s revolving and afflicted by the location of the continents. The aftereffect, in general, is a ring-shaped motion between about 10 and 40’ North and South, which is dextrorotatory in the Southern Hemisphere. They move to the east at mid-latitudes in the equatorial region. They then move to the poles, beside the eastern sides of continents, as warm currents. When two dissimilar masses of aqua meet at one point, they will flow below the other, controlled by their relative solidity in the subordinate procedure. The solidity is determined by the weather conditions and saltiness. The intersection of aqua of various solidities from the celestial equators and the poles deep in the sea causes continual subordinates. This means that aqua moves unsloped as well as straight. Cold water from the poles moves as deep is thicker than warm water- till it appears at the surface in the other place of the earth in the form of a cold current. 






Sea currents are in three proportions, from a huge “transporter” giving out heat from the thin surface coating into the inside of the sea and all over the world. Water may take ten years to go around in these 3-D gyres in the less kilometre of the sea and centennial in the cavernous water. With the grown atmospheric weather conditions due to the plant house effect, the sea bearer belt will convey more heat into the inside. This subordinates flow heat all over far more successfully than simple spread. Since warm water amplifies more than cold when it is heated, analysts have assumed that the ocean level will increase, changing worldwide. It is now trusted that these disproportions cannot continue, as winds will behave to consistently lay out the water growth. If earth warming swaps the force and allotments of the winds, then this “evening-out” procedure may not appear, and the ocean level could increase more in some places than others. 



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Rising Sea Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Rising Sea

Questions and Answers 1-6

  • Please select the appropriate heading from the list provided (A-I) for each of the remaining 6 paragraphs in the Rising Sea Reading Passage, numbered 1 through 8.
  • Use each heading only once and ensure it accurately reflects the content of the respective paragraph.


 List of Headings
AThe gyre principle
BThe Greenhouse Effect
CHow ocean waters move
DStatistical evidence
EThe advection principle
FDiffusion versus advection
GFiguring the sea level changes
HEstimated figures
IThe diffusion model



  1. Paragraph 2        
  2. Paragraph 3
  3. Paragraph 4
  4. Paragraph 5
  5. Paragraph 6
  6. Paragraph 7



Rising Sea Reading Answers 1-6



Question Type: Matching Headings


In this question type, match a list of headings to the corresponding paragraph or section of the reading passage.


How to Best Answer:

  • Read Thoroughly: Ensure you understand the overall content of the passage.
  • Identify Main Ideas: Capture the main idea or theme of each paragraph.
  • Scan for Details: Look for specific details that align with the headings.
  • Eliminate Irrelevant Options: Cross out headings that don't match the paragraphs.
  • Follow Logical Order: Ensure the headings reflect the organization of the text.
  • Use Elimination: Narrow down possibilities by eliminating clearly incorrect options.


1. Figuring the sea level changes (G)




Paragraph 2 "Analysts have presumed that heat directly spread into the ocean from the airspace."


Explanation: This heading is appropriate because paragraph 2 discusses how analysts calculate and predict sea level changes based on atmospheric heat input into the ocean.


2. Estimated figures (H)




Paragraph 3 "Some analysts forecast that the sea warming consequences from those weather conditions grown by the year 2050 will increase the ocean level by in the middle of 10 cm and 40 cm."


Explanation: This heading fits as paragraph 3 provides estimates and projections regarding future ocean level rises based on climate conditions.


3. The diffusion model (I)




Paragraph 4 "Regular copies of ocean-level increase have contemplated that this is the only procedure..."



Explanation: This heading suits paragraph 4, which discusses heat diffusion and how it spreads over the ocean and land masses.


4. The advection principle (E)





Paragraph 5 "This procedure is convection- the convey of belongings(notably heat and brininess in the sea) by the motion of bodies of air or water..."





Paragraph 5 explains the concept of convection and how it influences the movement of heat and salt in the ocean, aligning with the advection principle.


5. The gyre principle (A)





Paragraph 6 "Here this passage says the gyre principles, how the gyre lines heat from the sun reaching the equators and poles."



Explanation: Paragraph 6 discusses gyres and their role in redistributing heat across the oceans, fitting with the gyre principle.


6. How ocean waters move (C)





Paragraph 7 "Here this passage says how the ocean waves are moved also it says about the sides how it moves."





 Paragraph 7 explains the movement and dynamics of ocean waves, addressing how ocean waters move, thus fitting with this heading.


Questions and Answers 7-8

  • Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
  • Write the correct letter in boxes 7-8 on your answer sheet.



7. Scientists do not know for sure why the air and surface of oceans temperatures are rising because 


A. there is too much variability 

B. there is not enough variability

C. they have not been recording these temperatures for enough time

D. the changes have only been noticed for 100 years




8. A new search leads scientists to believe that 


A. the oceans are less complex 

B. the oceans are more complex 

C. the oceans will rise more than expected 

D. the oceans will rise less than expected



Rising Sea Reading Answers 7-8



Question Type: Multiple Choice


In this question type, you are provided with a question and several answer choices, and you need to select the correct answer based on the information in the passage.


How to Best Answer:


  • Read the Question Carefully: Ensure you understand what the question is asking.
  • Locate Relevant Information: Scan the passage to find the section that relates to the question.
  • Analyze the Choices: Read all answer choices thoroughly and compare them to the passage.
  • Eliminate Incorrect Options: Cross out any choices that are clearly incorrect.
  • Choose the Best Answer: Select the option that most accurately reflects the information in the passage.



7. (A) There is too much variability




Paragraph 1 "We are unable to say for certain that the weather conditions arise because of the planthouse effect..."



Explanation: The passage indicates uncertainty due to the complexity and variability of factors contributing to ocean and air temperature changes.


8. (D) the oceans will rise less than expected





Paragraph 3 "latest toil by oceanologist...advise that the increase in ocean level may be lower than some before time estimation had forecast."



Explanation: Recent research suggests that previous estimates of ocean level rise may have been too high.

Questions and Answers 9

  • Review the following list of factors A-F and choose THREE that are cited in Reading Passage as possible contributors to the rising ocean levels.


9. Write the correct THREE letters A-F in box 9 on your answer sheet.


A. thermal expansion

B. melting ice

C. increased air temperature

D. higher rainfall 

E. changes in the water table 

F. increased ocean movement



Rising Sea Reading Answer 9


Question Type: Multiple Choice (More Than One Answer)


In this question type, you are provided with a question and multiple answer choices, and you need to select all correct answers based on the information in the passage.


How to Best Answer:

  • Read the Question Carefully: Understand what the question is asking and note that there may be more than one correct answer.
  • Locate Relevant Information: Scan the passage to find the sections that relate to the question.
  • Analyze All Choices: Read all answer choices thoroughly and compare them to the passage.
  • Eliminate Clearly Incorrect Options: Cross out choices that are clearly incorrect.
  • Select All Correct Answers: Choose all options that accurately reflect the information in the passage.


9. B, C, D




Paragraph 3 "When we add on estimation of these, we appear at figures for the entire ocean-level increase of 15 cm and 70 cm proportionately."



Explanation: Melting ice, increased air temperature, and changes in the water tables are all explicitly mentioned as contributors to rising ocean levels in this paragraph.

Questions and Answers 10-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 10-14 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage



How to Best Answer:


  • Read the Statement Carefully: Understand what each statement is asserting.
  • Locate Relevant Information: Scan the passage to find the section that relates to the statement.
  • Compare the Statement to the Passage: Determine if the statement matches the information (True), contradicts the information (False), or is not mentioned at all (Not Given).
  • Be Precise: Ensure you accurately interpret the passage to avoid misjudging the statement.
  • Use Elimination: If unsure, eliminate options that are clearly incorrect to narrow down the possibilities.


10. Not Given


Reference: None


Explanation: There is no information provided in the passage about the surface layer of the oceans being warmed by the atmosphere.


11. True




Paragraph 5 "This procedure is convection - the convey of belongings (notably heat and brininess in the sea) by the motion of bodies of air or water."




The statement is true because the passage explains that convection involves the transfer of heat and salt levels through the movement of water.


12. False




Paragraph 6 "To be sure, just the top 3 m of the sea has maximum heat than the entire of the airspace."


Explanation: The statement is false because the passage clearly states that a gyre holds more heat than the atmosphere.


13. True




Paragraph 7 "The intersection of aqua of various solidity from the celestial equators and the poles deep in the sea causes continual subordinates."


Explanation: The statement is true because the process of subduction is dependent on water density, as described in the passage.


14. False




Paragraph 8 "Obviously, if earth warming swaps the force and allotments of the winds, then this “evening-out” procedure may not appear and the ocean level could increase more in some places than others."


Explanation: The statement is false because the passage indicates that sea levels will not rise evenly across the Earth's surface.

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Q. Where can I find resources for IELTS Reading test preparation?

Ans.  Numerous resources are available for IELTS Reading test preparation. Start by visiting the official IELTS website, which provides various free resources, including practice tests and sample questions. Additionally, many books and online courses are designed to help you prepare for the test.


Q. How many questions are on the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test contains 40 questions, making it a vital exam part. Familiarising yourself with the number and types of questions you'll encounter is crucial for effective preparation and maximising your chances of success.

Q. How should I approach multiple choice questions on the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To tackle multiple choice questions in the IELTS Reading test, first read the questions and underline any keywords. Then, find the corresponding section in the passage and read it thoroughly for clues. Eliminate the incorrect options and make an educated guess if you're uncertain. Manage your time wisely and avoid spending too much time on a single question.