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Fatal Attraction Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:24

In the IELTS Reading section, your reading comprehension skills are rigorously tested. Lasting for 60 minutes, this segment comprises three passages, each accompanied by a series of questions in various formats like multiple choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given. Success in this section hinges on your ability to grasp key information, discern main ideas, and infer meaning from context.


To ace the IELTS Reading section, adopt effective reading strategies such as skimming for main ideas and scanning for specific details. Regular practice with sample questions and exposure to different question types will sharpen your skills for test day.


Prepare for an intriguing exploration of "Fatal Attraction Reading Answers," an insightful look into the complex dynamics of predator-prey relationships in the natural world. Delve into various species' behaviours, adaptations, and survival strategies through engaging passages and accompanying questions, enriching your understanding of how these fascinating interactions shape the ecosystem.

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1. Fatal Attraction Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. Fatal Attraction Reading Answers Question & Answers

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Fatal Attraction Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Fatal Attraction Reading Passage 



Paragraph A 


The venus flytrap plant’s leaves are covered in hairs. Their main function is to trigger a tiny electric charge, which travels down tunnels in the leaf and opens up pores in the leaf’s cell membranes. This process takes place when an insect brushes against them. The leaf rapidly flips in the shape from convex to concave, like a soft lens as water surges from the cells on the inside of the leaf to those on the outside. They snap together as the leaves flip, and trap the insect using its sharp-toothed jaws. 


Paragraph B


The setting of an underwater trap is a sophisticated method for bladderwort. It functions similarly to a tiny bag-like bladder, pumping water out while creating a vacuum within. When small creatures swim by, they bend their hairs on the bladder, causing a flap to open. The low pressure draws in water, dragging the animal along with it. The door swings shut again in one five-hundredth of a second. Meanwhile, the Drosera sundew has a thin, sweet liquid oozing from its leaves that attracts insects and then holds them fast before the leaves snap shut. Pitcher plants employ yet another strategy to entrap their prey, growing long tube-shaped leaves. Raffles pitcher plant, native to Borneo's jungles, produces nectar that both attracts insects and forms a slick surface on which they cannot get a grip. Insects that land on the pitcher's rim slide on the liquid and fall in.


Paragraph C


The majority of carnivorous plants secrete enzymes in order to penetrate the hard exoskeleton of insects and absorb nutrients from within their prey. However, the purple pitcher plant, which lives in North American sides and infertile study soils, relies on other organisms to process its food. It supports an intricate food web of mosquito larvae, midges, and bacteria, many of which can only survive in this one-of-a-kind environment. The prey that falls into the pitcher is shredded by these animals, and the smaller organisms feed on the debris. Finally, the plant absorbs the nutrients that have been released.


Paragraph D


Due to the fact that these plants thrive on being carnivorous, the benefits of consuming flesh are not what you might assume. Meat-eating animals, such as humans, utilise the carbon found in meat's protein and fat to create muscle and store energy. In order to manufacture light-harvesting enzymes, carnivorous plants obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and other essential elements from their prey. In other words, eating animals enables carnivorous plants to carry out photosynthesis, i.e., develop by directly absorbing energy from the sun.


Paragraph E


In fact, carnivorous plants are extremely inefficient at converting sunlight into tissue. This is due to the amount of energy used to create the equipment used to catch animals, enzymes, pumps, and so on. A pitcher or a flytrap cannot do much photosynthesis because, unlike plants with ordinary leaves, they lack flat solar panels that can absorb a lot of sunlight. However, there are some circumstances in which the advantages of being carnivorous outweigh the disadvantages. Bog soil, for example, contains little nitrogen and phosphorus, giving carnivorous plants an advantage over plants that obtain these nutrients through more traditional means. Bogs are also flooded with sunlight, allowing even the most inefficient carnivorous plant to photosynthesise enough light to survive.


Paragraph F


Evolution has made this trade-off numerous times. Certain scientists claim that when the DNA of carnivorous plants and other species is compared, they evolved independently on at least three separate occasions. Certain carnivorous plants appear to be the same but are only distantly related. The tropical genus Nepenthes and the North American genus Sarracenia are two types of pitcher plants that surprisingly evolved from different ancestors, despite the fact that both have deep pitcher-shaped leaves and use the same strategy for prey capture.


Paragraph G

Scientists can see the evolution of complex carnivorous plants from simpler ones in a variety of cases. Venus flytraps, for example, are related to Portuguese sundews, which catch prey passively through 'flypaper' glands on their stems. They are related to Drosera sundews, which can also curl their leaves over their prey. The Venus flytrap appears to have evolved a more complex version of this type of trap, complete with jaw-like leaves.


Paragraph H


Unfortunately, the adaptations that allow carnivorous plants to thrive in arid environments also make them exceptionally sensitive. Agricultural runoff and pollution from power plants are increasing nitrogen levels in many North American bogs. Carnivorous plants are so finely tuned to low levels of nitrogen that the extra fertiliser overloads their systems, causing them to burn out and die.


Paragraph I


Humans endanger carnivorous plants in other ways as well. Botanists are keeping the location of some rare species hidden because the black market trade in exotic carnivorous plants is so active. Even if poaching of carnivorous plants is stopped, they will continue to face other threats. The increased suppression of fires in North Carolina's savannah is allowing other plants to grow too quickly and outcompete the flytraps in their native environment. Perhaps this is good news for flies. But it's a loss for others who enjoy the sheer inventiveness of evolution, as Darwin did.


Fatal Attraction Reading Answers Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Fatal Attraction

Questions and Answers 1-4
  • Fatal Attraction Reading Questions (1-4)

    • Look at the following statements and the list of plants.

    • Match each statement with the correct plant, A, B, C, D OR E.
    • Write the correct letter A, B, C, D, or E in boxes 1-4on your answer sheet.


    1. It uses other creatures to help it digest insects.
    2. It produces a slippery substance to make insects fall inside it. 
    3. It creates an empty space into which insects are stuck.
    4. It produces a sticky substance which traps insects on its surface. 


    List of plants


    1. Venus flytrap
    2. Bladderwort
    3. Drosera sundew
    4. Raffles pitcher plant
    5. purple pitcher plant 



    Fatal Attraction Reading Answers with Explanations (1-4)



    Question Type:  Matching Information


    Matching Information questions in the IELTS Reading test require you to find specific details within a passage and match them to the appropriate paragraph. These questions test your ability to locate and understand specific information quickly. You will be given a list of statements and asked to identify the paragraph (labeled A, B, C, etc.) in which each piece of information is found.


    How to best answer the question:


    • Quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea of the content and structure. 
    • Read the statements carefully. Underline or highlight key terms or phrases that will help you identify the relevant information in the passage.
    • Go through each paragraph systematically and match it with the statement that best fits the content. 


    1. E.




    Paragraph C 

    However, the purple pitcher plant, which lives in North American sides and infertile study soils, relies on other organisms to process its food.




    This line explains that the purple pitcher plant depends on other organisms to break down its prey, making it the right answer.


    2. D.



    Paragraph B

    Raffles pitcher plant, native to Borneo's jungles, produces nectar that both attracts insects and forms a slick surface on which they cannot get a grip.



    This line describes how the Raffles pitcher plant uses a slippery substance to trap insects, making it the correct answer.


    3. B.




    Paragraph B

    It functions similarly to a tiny bag-like bladder, pumping water out while creating a vacuum within.




    This line details how the bladderwort creates a vacuum to trap insects, making it the right answer.

    4. C.




    Paragraph B

    Meanwhile, the Drosera sundew has a thin, sweet liquid oozing from its leaves that attracts insects and then holds them fast before the leaves snap shut. 



    This line explains how the Drosera sundew uses a sticky substance to trap insects, making it the correct answer.

    Read more about Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation!

    Questions and Answers 5-8

    • Reading passage 2 has nine paragraphs, A-I.
    • Which paragraph contains the following information?


    5. A disadvantage of some carnivorous plants with leaf shapes is mentioned.
    6. An example of a conservation effort for carnivorous plants.
    7. The unexpected origin of some carnivorous plant information.
    8. In the form of an example, changes in the environment shorten the life cycles of carnivorous plants.



    Fatal Attraction Reading Answers with Explanations (5-8)


    Question Type:  Matching Headings


    In this question type, you are provided with a list of headings, usually in the form of short phrases or sentences, and you need to match each heading to the corresponding paragraph or section of the reading passage.


    How to best answer the question:


    • Before attempting to match the headings, it's essential to read the passage thoroughly. 
    • The headings should capture the main idea or theme of each paragraph or section.
    • Once you understand the main ideas of the passage, scan each paragraph for specific details that align with the headings. 
    • Cross out any options that don't match the content of the paragraphs, even if they seem somewhat related.
    • The headings should follow a coherent order that reflects the organisation of the text.
    • If you're unsure about a particular match, try to eliminate options that clearly don't fit. 


    5. E




    Paragraph E 


    A pitcher or a flytrap cannot do much photosynthesis because, unlike plants with ordinary leaves, they lack flat solar panels that can absorb a lot of sunlight.




    This line describes the disadvantage that pitcher and flytrap plants face due to their specialised leaf shapes, making it the correct answer.



    6. I




    Paragraph I


    Botanists are keeping the location of some rare species hidden because the black market trade in exotic carnivorous plants is so active.




    These lines explain how botanists are trying to conserve rare species by hiding their locations from poachers, making it the correct answer.


    7. F




    Paragraph F


    Certain carnivorous plants appear to be the same but are only distantly related. The tropical genus Nepenthes and the North American genus Sarracenia are two types of pitcher plants that surprisingly evolved from different ancestors.




    This line highlights the unexpected origin of some carnivorous plants, showing that they evolved from different ancestors despite their similarities, making it the correct answer.



    8. H




    Paragraph H 

    Agricultural runoff and pollution from power plants are increasing nitrogen levels in many North American bogs. Carnivorous plants are so finely tuned to low levels of nitrogen that the extra fertiliser overloads their systems, causing them to burn out and die.



    These lines provide an example of how environmental changes, such as increased nitrogen levels, negatively impact the life cycles of carnivorous plants, making it the correct answer.


    Read more about A Guide on Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life!

    Questions and Answers 9-13

    • Complete the notes below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.


    How a Venus flytrap traps an insect


    A plant leaf is touched by an insect(9)___________.
    small(10)_____________passes through leaf 
    (11)_____________ in the cell membrane open.
    Outside leaf cells are filled with (12)___________.
    The leaves change into a (13)________________ shape and snap nut.


    Fatal Attraction Reading Answers with Explanations (9-13)



    Type of question: Note Completion


    In note completion questions, you are required to fill in the gaps in notes or summaries using information from the reading passage. This task assesses your ability to find specific details within the passage and requires you to understand and identify the main points. 


    How to best answer the question


    • Understand what specific information you need to fill in the blanks.
    • Quickly read through the passage to get a general understanding of its main ideas, key points, and the context surrounding the information you need to complete.
    • Pay attention to keywords or phrases in the notes provided. 
    • Once you've identified the keywords, scan the passage to locate the section that contains the information needed to complete the notes. 
    • Be prepared for the information in the passage to be paraphrased or expressed using synonyms. 
    • Ensure that the completed notes fit logically within the context of the passage. 


    9. Hairs




    Paragraph  A 


    The venus flytrap plant’s leaves are covered in hairs.



    The correct answer is 'hairs' because the passage specifies that the leaves are covered in hairs which trigger the process when an insect touches them.


    10. (electric) Charge




    Paragraph A 


    Their main function is to trigger a tiny electric charge, which travels down tunnels in the leaf.




    The passage explains that the hairs trigger a tiny electric charge, which is why 'charge' is the correct answer.


    11. Pores




    Paragraph  A 


    opens up pores in the leaf’s cell membranes. 


    The passage states that the electric charge opens up pores in the cell membranes, making 'pores' the correct answer.


    12. Water




    Paragraph A 


    like a soft lens as water surges from the cells on the inside of the leaf to those on the outside.




    The passage describes that water surges from the cells, indicating that 'water' is the correct answer.


    13. Concave




    Paragraph A 


    The leaf rapidly flips in the shape from convex to concave.




    The passage details how the leaf flips from convex to concave, so 'concave' is the correct answer.


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    Q. What types of questions are asked in the IELTS Reading test?

    Ans. The test includes various question types such as multiple choice, True/False/Not Given, matching headings, matching information, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, diagram label completion, and short-answer questions.

    Q. Is there a difference between the Academic and General Training Reading tests?

    Ans. Yes, the Academic Reading test contains texts that are more complex and geared towards university-level education, while the General Training Reading test includes texts from everyday sources such as advertisements, manuals, and newspapers.

    Q. Can I switch between sections during the test?

    Ans. Yes, you can switch between sections during the test. The IELTS Reading test is divided into three sections, and you are allowed to move back and forth between the sections at your convenience. Managing your time effectively and answering all the questions within the given time frame is essential.