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Pine Trees Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Reading Section tests your ability to understand and interpret a wide range of texts. It is designed to evaluate how well you can read, understand, and respond to information from different sources in English.

This section comprises 40 questions and lasts for 60 minutes. The questions assess a variety of reading skills, including skimming for main ideas, reading for detail, understanding logical arguments, and recognising writers' opinions, attitudes, and purpose.

Key highlights of the Reading section:


  • The Reading Section consists of 40 questions and lasts for 60 minutes.
  • You will encounter three long texts that range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical.
  • Texts are authentic and taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers.
  • The section tests a variety of reading skills, including skimming for main ideas, reading for detail, understanding logical arguments, and recognising writers' opinions, attitudes, and purpose.

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1. Pine Trees Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13  based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.

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2. Pine Trees Reading Question & Answers

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Pine Trees Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Pine Trees Reading Passage


Paragraph A: The tree I am gazing at has a very thick, twisted trunk that rises to a medium height, where a stumpy canopy of sharp needles is visible. It's a tree, but it's a really unique one. A park ranger, Ron Simonson, clarifies. Methuselah, a bristlecone pine, is the name given to it. Ron responds, "Because like Methuselah from the Bible, this tree is very old, in fact one of the ancient forms of life on Earth," to my apparent query. Ron responds, "Basically, Methuselah has been around throughout virtually all of documented human history," to my logical next inquiry. I take another look at this plain tree and start to see it deserves a lot of attention.


Paragraph B: Bristlecone pines grow relatively slowly due to their cold environment, short summers, nutrient-poor, dry soil, exposure to strong winds, and long, dreary winters. They do, however, age as all pines do, growing slightly thicker each year when a new growth ring is added to their truck. Methuselah was 4,842 years old as of 2011, which means that it sprouted first as a seedling in 2832 BC, thousands of years earlier the ancient Egyptians started to construct their pyramids. By numbering these, we can reliably state this. And that's just one interesting fact about the Pine Trees, which is a well-known species of tree.


Paragraph C: The vast majority of the Northern Hemisphere is home to Pine Trees. Methuselah himself, which is found growing in the peaks of the White Mountains in Northern California, is one of many species that have adapted to the challenging circumstances of high elevations and latitudes.


Paragraph D: There are more than 100 different types of pines, which range in size from tiny Siberian dwarf pines to enormous Ponderosa pines in the wilds of Oregon. In the more temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere, where they have been introduced, they are now commonly planted and are a common sight in parks and gardens. It wouldn't be an overstatement to claim that practically everyone is familiar with pines.


Paragraph E: There are undoubtedly numerous distinguishing features about these trees. They typically have needle-like leaves, an evergreen appearance, and a strong, pleasant "pine smell." They frequently grow to be imposingly large trees with thick, scaly bark and consistently yield their unique pine cones. These forms are definitely not straightforward. Even when they emerge on the same tree, they can be either male (little, unnoticeable, and dropping pollen) or female (big, woody, and bearing seeds). On the female, they have several scales organised in a spiral with seeds concealed inside. The seeds eventually escape as the cone opens and are primarily carried by the wind or occasionally by birds as they are distributed. In certain species, the cones are closed until a forest fire melts the resin that holds them together.


Paragraph F: The requirement for wildfires for regeneration is the final interesting point about many pine species. Extensive forests of pines can develop in fire-prone environments; 'pine barrens' are a good example. Due to the frequent natural (typically lightning-induced) fires that weed out the less fire-tolerant plants, these ecoregions are characterised by sandy, nutrient-poor soil that is dominated by pines. It is somewhat regrettable that many pine species are no longer found in the wild as a result of current fire protection techniques, and the majority of historic pine barrens are now being overtaken by other forest plants.


Paragraph G: For residential and commercial use, where pines are now fairly widespread, the situation is completely different. These trees are popular for commercial plantations because they grow quickly, can be planted in close proximity to one another, and provide wood that is beautiful and simple to shape. Since the wood is fragrant yet prone to decay, indoor or dry carpentry is where it excels rather than outside, where more durable kinds are required. The branches of Pine Trees are prized for use as Christmas trees, and their wood is also pulped in factories for the manufacturing of paper and chipboard. As a byproduct, pine resin is gathered and utilised to make turpentine, a crucial industrial solvent.


Paragraph H: In a more domestic sense, the cones—the biggest of which are frequently used by kids and crafters—might be what people like the most. Pines are found all over the Northern Hemisphere, and as a result, cones are a common component of the diverse traditional cultures there. Cones can be utilised as decorations, fire starters, bird feeders, or even just fascinating natural toys for young children. Many people regret the displacement of cones by contemporary manufactured toys in the wealthier of these nations, however some Nordic communities still provide traditional "cone-craft" classes in high schools.


Paragraph I: I constantly go back to Methuselah for some reason. Ron shares a tale with me. A student was coring a nearby bristlecone pine in 1964 in order to collect a sample. The tree was cut down in order to allow dating by looking at a cross-section of its trunk after his coring toll broke. As a result, 4,844 rings were counted, which revealed that the tree was more ancient than Methuselah, much to everyone's surprise. Ron grinned sarcastically at the idea. "We destroyed the most ancient life on Earth on intentionally." That is one of the reasons we don't reveal Methuselah's exact location. This tree must remain untouched by humans at all costs since it is valuable.


Pine Trees Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Pine Trees

Questions and Answers 1-4
  • Complete the sentences given below.
  • For each answer, choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage.



  1. Pine Tree grow another  __________  each year.
  2. _____________ was constructed hundreds of years before the pyramids.
  3. All pines share the same  ______________.
  4. Pine wood is not particularly  ____________.


Pine Trees Reading Answers with Explanations (1-4)


Type of Question: Sentence Completion

These types of questions involve completing the sentences based on the given paragraph. 

How to best answer: 

  • Ensure you understand the word limit and specific instructions for the task.
  • Get a general idea of the passage's content and structure before focusing on the details.
  • Identify keywords in the sentence stems and scan the passage to find relevant sections.
  • Read the surrounding sentences to fully grasp the context and ensure the completion fits logically.
  • Ensure the completed sentence is grammatically correct and makes sense within the passage's context.


1. Growth ring




From Paragraph B, "growing slightly thicker each year when a new growth ring is added to their trunk."


Explanation: This line explains that each year, bristlecone pines grow a new growth ring, indicating their slow but steady growth process.


2. Methuselah sprouted




From Paragraph B, "Methuselah was 4,842 years old as of 2011, which means that it sprouted first as a seedling in 2832 BC, thousands of years earlier the ancient Egyptians started to construct their pyramids."


Explanation: The passage clearly states that Methuselah, a bristlecone pine, began its life in 2832 BC, predating the construction of the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years.


3. (Pine) Cones




From Paragraph E, "They frequently grow to be imposingly large trees with thick, scaly bark and consistently yield their unique pine cones."


Explanation: This line indicates that all pine trees produce unique pine cones, a common feature among them.


4. Durable




From Paragraph G, "Since the wood is fragrant yet prone to decay, indoor or dry carpentry is where it excels rather than outside, where more durable kinds are required."


Explanation: The passage explains that pine wood is not durable because it is prone to decay, making it suitable for indoor use rather than outdoor use where durability is needed.

Questions and Answers 5-8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage



5. The biggest trees are ponderosa pines.

6. Most people are acquainted with pines.
7. Pine seed is typically distributed by birds.

8. Pine barrens take advantage of lightning storms.


Pine Trees Reading Answers with Explanations (5-8)


Type of Question: True/False/Not Given 

These types of questions in IELTS reading involve identifying whether the sentence is  True, False, or Not Given using the given paragraph. 

How to best answer: 

  • Read the statements and paragraphs carefully to understand the context and meaning.
  • Identify keywords or key phrases in both the statements and paragraphs.
  • Look for direct matches between the statements and the content of the paragraphs.
  • Pay attention to synonyms or paraphrases that convey similar meanings.
  • Choose the paragraph that best aligns with the statement based on the information provided in the passage.


5. Not Given




Not available.


Explanation: There is no context or information in the passage that supports or refutes this statement.


6. True




From Paragraph H, "the cones—the biggest of which are frequently used by kids and crafters—might be what people like the most."


Explanation: This line indicates that cones are widely appreciated and used by people, suggesting most people are familiar with pines.


7. False




From Paragraph E, "The seeds eventually escape as the cone opens and are primarily carried by the wind or occasionally by birds as they are dispersed."


Explanation: This line clarifies that pine seeds are primarily dispersed by wind, not typically by birds, making the statement false.


8. True




From Paragraph F, "The requirement for wildfires for regeneration is the final interesting point about many pine species. Extensive forests of pines can develop in fire-prone environments; 'pine barrens' are a good example."


Explanation: This line explains that pine barrens thrive in fire-prone environments, which can be caused by lightning storms, supporting the statement as true.

Questions and Answers 9-11
  • Select THREE answers from the list, and then next to each question, write the appropriate letter A–F.
  • Which THREE of the following groups A-F, Prefer Pine Trees the most?



  1. Plantation owners
  2. outdoor carpenters
  3. craft enthusiasts
  4. members of some native communities
  5. owners of factories 
  6. who use turpentine



Pine Trees Reading Answers with Explanations 9-11

Type of Question: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Answers) question

To answer Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Answers) questions in the IELTS reading section, identify and match keywords from the options with relevant information in the passage, ensuring each selected answer is explicitly supported by the text.

How to best answer: 

  • Understand exactly what is being asked and the criteria for selecting the correct answers.
  • Quickly locate the passage's relevant sections that discuss each option.
  • Identify keywords in the question and match them with keywords in the passage.
  • Remove options that do not directly align with the information provided in the passage.
  • Double-check that each selected answer is explicitly supported by the passage.


9. A




From Paragraph G, "These trees are popular for commercial plantations because they grow quickly, can be planted in close proximity to one another, and provide wood that is beautiful and simple to shape."


Explanation: The passage highlights the advantages of pine trees for commercial plantations, indicating that plantation owners prefer them due to their suitability for quick growth, close planting, and ease of shaping.


10. C




From Paragraph H, "In a more domestic sense, the cones—the biggest of which are frequently used by kids and crafters—might be what people like the most."

Explanation: The passage suggests that craft enthusiasts are likely to prefer pine trees, particularly for their cones, which are frequently used for various purposes by kids and crafters.


11. D




From Paragraph H, "Many people regret the displacement of cones by contemporary manufactured toys in the wealthier of these nations, however some Nordic communities still provide high schools' conventional "cone-craft" courses."


Explanation: The passage mentions Nordic communities providing traditional "cone-craft" classes, indicating that members of some native communities value pine cones for cultural and traditional reasons.

Questions and Answers 12-13
  • Pick the right letter from A - D.



12. a pine cone is


  1. difficult.
  2. masculine.
  3. essentially the same size.
  4. often used as toys in developed nations.


13.  Methuselah is


  1. age of 4,842 years.
  2. record-breaking old tree.
  3. visited by tourists.
  4. is not exposed to much sunlight.



Pine Trees Reading Answers with Explanations (12-13)


Type of Question: Multiple Choice Questions

These types of questions in IELTS reading involve identifying the right choice from the given options using the given paragraph. 


How to best answer: 

  • Understand exactly what is being asked and the criteria for selecting the correct answers.
  • Quickly locate the passage's relevant sections that discuss each option.
  • Identify keywords in the question and match them with keywords in the passage.
  • Remove options that do not directly align with the information provided in the passage.
  • Double-check that each selected answer is explicitly supported by the passage.


12. A




From Paragraph E, "These forms are definitely not straightforward."


Explanation: The passage discusses the complexity of pine cones' structures, indicating that they are not easy to understand or straightforward.


13. D




From Paragraph I, "This suggests that Methuselah is not exposed to sunlight."


Explanation: The passage suggests that Methuselah's exact location is not revealed to prevent human interference, indicating that it is not exposed to sunlight.

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Q. What types of questions are included in the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test features diverse question types like multiple choice, matching headings, sentence completion, true/false/not given, and matching information. These questions gauge various reading skills, including identifying main ideas, locating specific details, and deducing implied meanings.

Q. How is the IELTS Reading test scored?

Ans. In the IELTS Reading test, scoring is based on the number of correct answers. Each correct response earns one point, and there's no penalty for wrong answers. The total score is then converted into the IELTS 9-band scale, providing an overall score for the Reading test.

Q. What are some effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective strategies for the IELTS Reading test encompass skimming and scanning to swiftly find information, previewing questions before reading to focus on relevant details, identifying keywords, and managing time efficiently to attempt all questions. Regular practice with past papers aids in familiarising test-takers with the format, enhancing speed, and ensuring accuracy.