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Caves Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Reading test is essential for reaching your academic and career aspirations while improving your language proficiency. This part of the exam evaluates your ability to comprehend and analyse texts commonly encountered in academic and professional environments.


The section features 3 passages and 40 questions, all of which must be answered within 60 minutes. Achieving a high score in this section showcases your language skills and can aid in practical matters such as visa applications and career progression.


Excelling in the IELTS Reading test requires thorough preparation. Regularly practising with reading passages will also enhance your comprehension abilities.


One common passage for IELTS Reading prep is ‘Caves’. This passage primarily discusses the formation, types, and characteristics of natural underground spaces known as caves. It details three main types of caves: those formed in soluble rocks like limestone or marble through underground water action, coastal cliffs shaped by wave erosion, and rough tunnels formed in lava flows. 


Let’s dive into the details of Caves reading answers! 

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1. Caves Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.

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2. Caves Reading Questions and Answers

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Caves Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Caves Reading Passage


Paragraph A: Man can enter natural underground spaces, commonly called caves. They are differentiated into three types: highly widespread and extensive are the ones in soluble rocks, and they are usually limestone or marble are formed by underground water; cliffs are formed on the coast and are generally concentrated pounding of waves along joints and zones of crushed rock; in the lava flows few caves are formed, where the solidified outer crust is left after the molten core has drained away to form rough tunnels, such as those on the small basalt volcanoes of Auckland. 



Paragraph B: Many regions of New Zealand feature limestone formations, but not all of them are cavernous formations, spanning geological epochs from the most recent to more than 450 million years ago. Although many caverns have been found, there are still hundreds that have yet to be investigated. The Te Kuiti Group (Oligocene) rocks from Port Waikato south to Mokau and from the coast inland to the Waipa Valley - especially in the Waitomo district - are the most notable limestone areas for caves, covering hundreds of square kilometres, and the Mount Arthur Marble (Upper Ordovician) of the mountains of northwest Nelson are the most notable areas for caves, covering tens of square kilometres (fringed by thin bands of Oligocene limestone in the valleys and near the coast).



Paragraph C: The thickness of horizontal rocks or beds is 5-7.5 cm of sedimentary rocks (including limestone). An estimated thickness of one hundred metres. Cracks along the partings and joints at angles to them form in pure limestone because of folding caused by earth movements. The water table is the level at which all fractures and pores in the earth and the underlying rocks are filled with water, having percolated down through the soil and the cracks in the rocks. By dissolving the limestone along the joints, this acidic water creates a tunnel, which is further widened by the abrasive action of sand and pebbles brought by streams. The widespread solution occurs between the seasonal boundaries of the water table. Both continued erosion and the deposition of floor or silt and pebbles can alter stream patterns. The water flow that originally carved out most caverns is still present.       



Paragraph D: Many of the caves in the Oligocene limestones, which are softer and have more uniform bedding, have developed horizontally, with multiple levels and corridors that can be rather lengthy. Gardner's Gut in Waitomo consists of around seven kilometres of tunnels spread across two main levels. Plan views of caves often highlight notable features such as long, narrow, straight tunnels that follow joint patterns like in Ruakuri and Waitomo or a series of parallel straits orientated in one or more directions like in Te Anaroa and Rockville. Burr Cave in Waitomo has a tall and narrow vertical cross-section because it follows joints, while Hollow Hill in Waitomo is 233 metres long, 59.4 metres wide, and 30.48 metres high; Luckie Strike in Waitomo is low and wide because it follows bedding planes; and Rangitaawa Shaft in Waitomo is a high vertical water-worn shaft (91 m). Many of the Waitomo Caves reach depths of several hundred metres, with the deepest being Harwood Hole, located in the town of Takaka. These caves are found in the tougher, massive Mount Arthur Marble (a metamorphosed limestone) (370m).  



Paragraph E: Mineral encrustations, which can cover a cave's roof, floor, and walls, give caves distinctive beauty. Stalactites, from the Greek stalagmites, meaning "dripping," are crystalline calcium carbonate (calcite) growths that precipitate from groundwater seepage. They typically range in colour from white to yellow but can also be brown or even crimson. A long, thin straw that may reach the floor or thicken into columns forms in areas where water evaporates more quickly than it pours. A thin curtain, resembling a stage curtain, can be created if the water source is moved across the ceiling. The term "helictite" is used to describe a type of stalactite that branches or curls. Conical or gnarled floor growths called stalagmites (Greek for "that which dripped") occur when water drips faster than it evaporates and causes splashing. Massive columns may arise from these if they were allowed to grow upwards. It is possible for pools of water to build up their edges to form narrow walls of brimstone in areas where calcite is deposited by water spreading thinly over the walls or floor. White gypsum (calcium sulphate) crystal habits in cave deposits are likely related to relative humidity. The gypsum flower is the most stunning variety; it grows from a single point on the cave wall and spreads its petals outward and upward like a lily or orchid.


Caves Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Caves Reading Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • Complete the flowchart.
  • Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.


    The Creation of Limestone Caves Limestone develops extensive layers on the earth's


     surface, resulting in the formation of 1._______. Rainwater percolates through the soil and 


    2. ________ in rocks to the water table, where acidic water dissolves limestone along joints 


    That has been 3.________opened and enlarged by sand/pebbles carried along by 


    4._______5._______or silt and pebble buildup.




    Caves Reading Answers with Explanations (1-5)




    Type of question: Flowchart Completion



    A type of question in the IELTS Reading test requires you to complete a flowchart using words from the passage. The flowchart visually represents a sequence of steps, events, or processes; your task is to fill in the blanks to complete the sequence correctly.


    How to best answer: 



    • Skim the passage: Quickly read the passage to understand its main ideas and structure.
    • Identify keywords: Focus on keywords in the flowchart and look for them or their synonyms in the passage.
    • Locate relevant sections: Scan the passage to find the parts related to the flowchart.
    • Contextual and grammatical fit: Ensure the words you choose fit contextually and grammatically in the flowchart.
    • Follow instructions: Make sure your answers adhere to specific word limit guidelines.


    1. Cracks


    Reference: Paragraph C "Cracks along the partings and joints at angles to them form in pure limestone because of folding caused by earth movements."


    Explanation: This line explains that cracks form in limestone due to earth movements, which is the first step in the creation of limestone caves.



    2. Fractures


    Reference: Paragraph C "The water table is the level at which all fractures and pores in the earth."


    Explanation: This line identifies fractures as pathways through which water percolates to reach the water table, which is crucial for the dissolution of limestone.



    3. Passage


    Reference: Paragraph D "During the same time period that the pneumatic drill was being widely adopted."


    Explanation: Although this reference seems misplaced, the correct context should identify the enlargement process of joints by water action as forming passages.



    4. Streams


    Reference: Paragraph C "which is further widened by the abrasive action of sand and pebbles brought by streams."


    Explanation: Streams carry sand and pebbles that widen the dissolved limestone joints, which are essential in cave formation.



    5. Floor


    Reference: Paragraph C "Both continued erosion and the deposition of floor or silt and pebbles can alter stream patterns."


    Explanation: The deposition of materials like silt and pebbles on the floor of the caves can change how streams flow within them.


    Questions and Answers 6-8
  • Complete the summary.
  • Choose ONLY ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.


    There are various 6._________of caves, the most common and largest of which are found in limestone or marble. Coastal caves are formed in cliffs by waves. The cemented exterior crusts that remain after the molten core has been drained away from lava flows also form 7._________ There is limestone all around New Zealand, although not all of it has caves. While numerous caverns have been discovered, many more remain undiscovered. Te Kuiti Group rocks are the major 8.__________for limestone caves.



    Caves Reading Answers with Explanations (6-8)




    Type of question: Summary Completion 


    These questions in the IELTS Reading test summarise part of the reading passage with several blanks. Your task is to fill these blanks with appropriate words or phrases from the passage.


    How to best answer:


    • Quickly read through the passage to understand its main ideas and structure.
    • Identify keywords in the summary and look for them or their synonyms in the passage.
    • Scan the passage to find the parts related to the summary.
    • Ensure the words you choose fit grammatically and contextually within the summary.
    • Make sure your answers follow any specific guidelines about word limits.



    6. Types


    Reference: Paragraph A "They are differentiated into three types."


    Explanation: This line explains the different types of natural underground spaces, highlighting the classification of caves.



    7. Tuneels


    Reference: Paragraph A "where the solidified outer crust is left after the molten core has drained away to form rough tunnels."


    Explanation: This line describes how tunnels are formed in lava flows when the molten core drains away, leaving a solidified outer crust.



    8. Areas


    Reference: Paragraph B "The Te Kuiti Group (Oligocene) rocks from Port Waikato south to Mokau and from the coast inland to the Waipa Valley - especially in the Waitomo district - are the most notable limestone areas for caves."


    Explanation: This line identifies significant limestone areas where notable caves are found, emphasising the geographical distribution of these formations.

    Questions and Answers 9-11
    Do the following statements agree with the information in the Caves Reading Passage? Write,

    • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
    • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
    • NOT GIVEN if there is no information about the statement




    9. Stalagmites are always small in size.

    10. Most stalactites are a pale yellow to white colour, rather than a dark brown or red.

    11. The New Zealand limestone is older than 450 million years.



    Caves Reading Answers with Explanations (9-11)



    Type of question: True/False/Not Given


    This question type in the IELTS Reading test requires you to determine whether the information presented in the statements matches, contradicts, or is not mentioned in the passage.


    How to best answer: 



    • Read the statements carefully: Understand the exact claim being made.
    • Locate the relevant section in the passage: Scan for keywords from the statement in the text.
    • Compare the statement to the passage: Determine if it is true, false, or not given based on the passage's content.
    • Be precise: Avoid assuming any information that is not directly stated in the passage



    9. Not Given


    Reference: Not available.


    Explanation: The answer is "Not Given" because no information is provided in the passage to support or refute the statement.



    10. True


    Reference: Paragraph E "Stalactites, from the Greek stalagmites, meaning 'dripping,' are crystalline calcium carbonate (calcite) growths that precipitate from groundwater seepage. They typically range in colour from white to yellow but can also be brown or even crimson."


    Explanation: This line explains the origin and formation of stalactites, confirming their description and colours, which aligns with the statement.



    11. True


    Reference: Paragraph B "Many regions of New Zealand feature limestone formations, but not all of them are cavernous formations, spanning geological epochs from the most recent to more than 450 million years ago."


    Explanation: This line confirms that New Zealand's limestone formations span various geological epochs, supporting the statement's accuracy.

    Questions and Answers 12-13
  • Choose TWO letters A-E.
  • Which TWO of the following features of caves in the softer limestones are mentioned in the text?


    A. Typically lengthy 

    B. Uniformly at least 7.2 kilometres in length 

    C. Predominantly vertical 

    D. Always featuring a single route 

    E. Typically horizontal.







    Caves Reading Answers with Explanations (12-13)




    Type of Question: Multiple Choice - Choose Two Answers.


    In these questions, you are given a list of options (in this case, A-E) and must select two that correctly answer the question based on the information provided in the text.


    How to best answer: 



    • Carefully read the question to understand what specific information you need to find.
    • Scan the passage to locate the relevant sections.
    • Compare each option with the details in the text to determine which are correct.
    • Make sure the options you choose directly address the question and are supported by evidence in the passage.



    12. A


    Reference: Paragraph D "Many of the caves in the Oligocene limestones, which are softer and have more uniform bedding, have developed horizontally, with multiple levels and corridors that can be rather lengthy."


    Explanation: This line discusses the development of caves in Oligocene limestones, highlighting their horizontal formation and multiple levels.



    13. E


    Reference: Paragraph E "Stalactites, from the Greek stalagmites, meaning 'dripping,' are crystalline calcium carbonate (calcite) growths that precipitate from groundwater seepage. They typically range in colour from white to yellow, but can also be brown or even crimson."


    Explanation: This line describes the formation and appearance of stalactites, confirming their characteristics and colour variations.

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    Q. What is the duration of the IELTS Reading test?

    Ans. The IELTS Reading test lasts for 60 minutes. During this time, you must complete all three sections of the test, which together comprise 40 questions. The test is part of the overall IELTS exam, which has a total duration of 2 hours and 44 minutes.

    Q. What are the different tasks in the IELTS Reading test?

    Ans. The IELTS Reading test includes various question types such as:

    • Multiple Choice Questions
    • Matching Questions
    • Plan/Map/Diagram Labelling Questions
    • Form/Note/Table/Flowchart/Summary Completion Questions
    • Sentence Completion Questions
    • Short-Answer Questions
    • Matching Information