University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips

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If an individual is looking for higher education opportunities in Canada, Waterloo University is one of the best options. It is currently ranked in the 149th position per the QS ranking system. And offers 100+ programs for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees. The University Of Waterloo Scholarships For International Students are the main factor that attracts applicants worldwide. These are awarded based on academic and personal achievements.

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University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips

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University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips

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University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips

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Scholarships for Indian Students to Study at the Waterloo University 

Scholarships provided by Waterloo University do not generally need any application. However, if an individual chooses to avail of Scholarships from other sources, he or she will need to pass through the eligibility criteria and follow the rules for application.

None of the funding programs has any limitations on any nationality. Thus, Indian students looking for Scholarships at the University of Waterloo can refer to the list below. This table lists the most popular scholarship programs for Bachelor’s and Master’s candidates.

Scholarships for Undergraduate ProgramsScholarships for Master’s and Doctoral Programs
Merit ScholarshipInternational Masters Student Award
President’s ScholarshipInternational Doctoral Student Awards
President’s Scholarship of DistinctionWomen in Mathematics Scholarship
Computing and Financial Management Entrance ScholarshipsAlan Plumtree Graduate Scholarship
School of Accounting and Finance FellowshipsRobbert Hartog Graduate Scholarship
International Student Entrance ScholarshipsAnish Chopra Masters of Accounting
Arthur F. Church Mechanical Engineering ScholarshipsQNX Graduate Scholarship
Accenture AwardHira and Renu Ahuja International Graduate Scholarship
A.B. McKie Memorial ScholarshipWaterloo Graduate Scholarship
Waterloo International Student Entrance ScholarshipOntario Graduate Scholarship

Here are some more scholarship programs for Indian Students:

  • Bhajan Lal Scholarship
  • Saryu Doshi Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Debesh Kamal Scholarship
  • Axol Science Scholarship
  • Sandford Fleming Foundation Award for Academic Excellence 

University-Specific Scholarship Programs for Bachelors Courses 

The University Of Waterloo Scholarships For International Students are generally awarded based on the admission report. However, other aspects affect the eligibility criteria.

To guide aspiring students, here is a list of some funding programs and their necessary details.

Scholarship ProgramsDeciding Factors Grant Amount
Merit Scholarship85% - 89% score on the admission test1,000 CAD
President’s Scholarship90% - 94% in the entrance exam2,000 CAD
President’s Scholarship of Distinction95%+ in the admission test
  • 2,000 CAD
  • 1,500 CAD for International Experience
  • 1,500 CAD for Research Award
International Student Entrance Scholarships90% average in the admission 10,000 CAD

In addition to these grants provided by the university, fresher candidates will get considered for 100+ financial aid programs offered by the different faculties. 

University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips
University Of Waterloo Scholarships For Indian Students: Eligibility & Tips

Scholarships Offered by Other Sources  

Scholarship ProgramsDeciding Factors Grant Amount
Computing and Financial Management Entrance ScholarshipsA good academic performance3,000 - 4,000 CAD
School of Accounting and Finance Fellowships
  • Academic excellence
  • Performance in the Interview 
  • Assessment of the individual’s character
9,000 CAD
Accenture Award
  • 75% score in the academics
  • Admitted in any departments under the Faculty of Engineering or Co-op Mathematics
2,000 CAD
Arthur F. Church Mechanical Engineering Scholarships
  • Completion of the application form
  • Educational records 
  • Proof of citizenship- for both domestic and international students
10,000 CAD
A.B. McKie Memorial Scholarship
  • Admitted in the fourth year  of a UG program
  • Have maintained an excellent score in UG 
1,000 CAD
Waterloo International Student Entrance Scholarship
  • 90% of the academic results.
  • Must have a Student visa
10,000 CAD

Scholarship Programs for Master’s and Doctoral Studies

The University of Waterloo offers more than 180 Master's and Post Doctoral research disciplines. Those interested in pursuing a Master's or starting a research fellowship can check the following table to find the ideal scholarship.

Scholarship ProgramsDeciding FactorsGrant Amount
International Masters Student Award
  • Candidates must be registered in a full-time research programs
  • Must not possess any other external financial awards.
Women in Mathematics Graduate Scholarship
  • Good in academics
  • Must have applied for a mathematics program
3,000 CAD
Waterloo Graduate ScholarshipSecured 80% in their previous program1,000 CAD
Barbara Hayes-Roth Award for Women in Math and Computer Science
  • Enrolled on a full-time Master's or Doctoral program.
  • Applicable for students admitted in the Mathematics and  Computer science 
1,200 CAD
Robbert Hartog Graduate Scholarship
  • Must hold Ontario Graduate Scholarship 
  • Involved in a full-time research program
5,000 CAD
International Doctoral Student AwardsAdmitted to a full-time doctoral program4,930 CAD (per term)
Anish Chopra Masters of Accounting
  • Enrolled in Accounting and Taxation programs
  • Applicants of the winter semester
5,000 CAD
Alan Plumtree Graduate Scholarship
  • Must get admitted in   Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
  • Had an average of 80% in the last program
5,000 CAD
QNX Graduate Scholarship
  • Secured admission in Engineering, Sciences or Mathematics program
  • Students need to apply in the Fall term.
  • Must be a recipient of either Queen Elizabeth Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology or Ontario Graduate Scholarship
15,000 CAD
Hira and Renu Ahuja International Graduate Scholarship
  • Applicable for those entering in the fall, spring and winter season
  • Enrolled in the faculty of Engineering
20,000 CAD

Other Modes of Funding 

Apart from these Scholarships, there are other ways to obtain funding for an individual’s higher education. For example:

  • An individual can benefit from bursaries. These are like stipends that are provided to students in need. However, unlike scholarship programs, these do not focus on academic brilliance but on the practical financial condition of one.
  • Another option is to get an educational loan. This is a very common method used by most people. 
  • Some might feel these funding options are a bit difficult to manage. Hence they choose to work along with studying. Part-time employment is thus quite famous.

Pointers to Keep in Mind

If individuals are all set and determined to apply to the University of Waterloo, they must remember certain pointers. For example:

  • The Scholarships are awarded in the middle of May, only after receiving the applicant's final grades.
  • Most of these awards are given without any application. However, there are exceptions.
  • After securing a position at the University of Waterloo, it becomes easier to apply for financial aid. Moreover, in-house Scholarships are available throughout the year. 

Individuals now have all the above information on the University of Waterloo Scholarships For International Students. The vision of this university is to recognise and celebrate achievements. So, aspiring individuals can reap the benefits of these Scholarships and pursue their higher studies in a hassle-free manner. Talk to your counsellor to achieve your study abroad dream. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find and apply to the University Of Waterloo Scholarships For International Students?

The University of Waterloo offers several entrance level Scholarships for first-year students who enrol for full-time courses. Most of these Scholarships do not require any application. And these programs primarily depend on admission scores.

How much does it cost to study at the University of Waterloo?

The tuition fees at Waterloo University can range between 42,000 CAD and 63,000 CAD. Since it is a bit higher, the university offers several financial aids. It provides entrance Scholarships, bursaries, Government grants and Government student loans in the first year. And after that, individuals can avail other scholarship programs and awards.

Are there any specific requirements for Indian students to apply to the University of Waterloo? 

The University at Waterloo has no specific needs for any nationalities. Indian students can opt for numerous scholarship programs, which are the same for all international students. Moreover, there are Indian scholarship providers who help students secure admission to the University of Waterloo.

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Kanika Singh

Kanika took a detour from academics for the corporate world. Now she works as a senior editor specialising in content creation, marketing, and strategy.

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