Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

14 min read

The number of Indian students heading overseas has nearly doubled in the past six years, and by 2025, it’s expected that 2 million of them will be studying abroad. That’s a huge leap! 

But whether you’re eyeing the US, UK, Australia or others, your academic performance (yes, those grades) plays a key role in getting accepted. And understanding how SGPA and CGPA work could make all the difference between an acceptance letter and a “we regret to inform you” email.

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You need to understand how they connect because universities look at your overall academic performance like a hawk watching its prey. Knowing the difference between SGPA and CGPA might just give you the clarity you need when filling out those endless applications!

So, grab your calculators and dive into knowing the difference between SGPA and CGPA! 

Key Highlights 

The table below outlines the key highlights of the difference between SGPA and CGPA, which you will learn about in greater detail in this blog.

DefinitionRepresents your grade for a single semester.Cumulative average of all your SGPAs across semesters.
UsageSemester-based evaluationsScholarships Performance tracking.Overall academic evaluation of higher education Job applications
Graduation eligibility
CalculationTotal grade points in a semester divided by total credit points.The average of all SGPAs across semesters is weighted by credit points.

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: Definition 

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average, and CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.

Now, to make sense of these. SGPA is your grade for a single semester, a snapshot of your performance in that specific term. It reflects how you did in all the courses you took during that semester.

On the other hand, CGPA is the big picture. It’s the average of all your SGPAs combined, showing your overall academic performance throughout your entire course. While SGPA tells you how well you did in one semester, CGPA shows how consistent you’ve been over the years. Both matter, but CGPA often takes centre stage when universities or employers assess your academic track record.

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: Calculation

Ever wondered how some students ace every semester while others maintain a steady pace? The secret lies in understanding the difference between SGPA and CGPA, especially when it comes to calculating your academic performance. 

If you dream of following successful Indian students like Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, nailing your grades is key.

SGPA and CGPA might sound like confusing terms at first, but once you get the hang of their calculations, it’s as easy as pie (or at least as easy as figuring out your favourite dish abroad!). 

Read on to see how the two differ when it comes to calculating your academic progress.  

  1. Calculating SGPA

SGPA reflects a student’s performance during a specific semester. Here’s how you can calculate it. 

  1. List all the subjects taken in the semester, along with their respective credit points.
  2. Multiply the grade points earned in each subject by the corresponding credit points.
  3. Sum up the results from step 2 to get the total grade points.
  4. Divide the total grade points by the total credit points for that semester.

Here is the formula. 

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

Assume you have the following grades and credits. 

SubjectCreditsGrade Points

Here is the calculation with the formula. 

  • Total Grade Points = (4×8) + (3×7) + (3×9) + (2×6) = 32 + 21 + 27 + 12 = 92
  • Total Credit Points = 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12
Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

Thus, your SGPA is 7.67.

  1. Calculating CGPA

CGPA provides a comprehensive view of a student’s academic performance across multiple semesters. Here’s how to calculate it. 

  1. List all the SGPAs obtained across semesters.
  2. Multiply each SGPA by the total credits for that semester.
  3. Sum the weighted SGPAs (results from step 2).
  4. Divide the total of weighted SGPAs by the total credits from all semesters.

Here is the formula. 

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

Assume you have completed four semesters with the following SGPAs and credits. 


Here is the calculation with the formula. 

  • Weighted SGPA = (7.5×20) + (8.0×20) + (8.5×20) + (9.0×20)  = 150 + 160 + 170 + 180 = 660
  • Total Credits = 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80
Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

Thus, the CGPA is 8.25.

Also Read: Check How to Convert SGPA to CGPA? Calculator & Formula. 

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: Usage

The difference between SGPA and CGPA goes beyond the numbers. They shape how universities and employers perceive your academic journey. Whether you’re applying for a course, a scholarship, or even a job, understanding how each is used can impact your next steps.

Take a look at their specific usages below to see how they influence different aspects of your academic and professional life.

Application ProcessRequired for particular course admissions.Needed for overall admission evaluation.
Scholarship EligibilityAssesses eligibility for single-semester scholarships.Determines long-term scholarship eligibility.
Job ApplicationsConsidered for internships and entry-level jobs.Required by employers for academic success evaluation.
Performance MonitoringIdentifies strengths/weaknesses in specific subjects.Provides a holistic view of academic performance.
International RecognitionRecognised for specific course applications.Globally accepted for overall academic performance.
Academic ProgressionAssesses readiness for advanced courses.Critical for graduation and academic standing.

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SGPA vs CGPA: Understanding Their Significance 

There’s a lot more to student life than just grades, right? Between binge-watching your favourite series, balancing assignments, and trying to remember what “study break” actually means, keeping track of your SGPA and CGPA might seem like one of those “later” problems. 

But here’s the thing. SGPA and CGPA aren’t just academic jargon. They’re actually pretty important for your future.

Here is a breakdown of why both of these matter in different ways. 

  1. Importance of SGPA for Students

SGPA is your semester-by-semester report card. Think of it as getting feedback on each chapter of your favourite novel. Are you excelling this semester, or is there room for improvement next time? It’s especially useful for the following reasons. 

  • Tracking Progress: This helps you monitor your performance each semester.
  • Eligibility for Short-Term Scholarships: If you’re vying for a semester-based award, your SGPA is the go-to score. 

For example, if your SGPA in Semester 2 was a solid 8.5 but dipped to 7.0 in Semester 3, you can easily spot the subjects where you need to improve. It’s like having checkpoints along the way to ensure you’re on track. 

  1. Importance of CGPA for Students

CGPA, on the other hand, is like the grand finale. It gives a cumulative view of all your hard work over the years. Universities, employers, and scholarship committees often look at CGPA to assess your consistency and dedication over time. CGPA is especially significant for the following. 

  • Applying for Higher Education: Most institutions require your overall academic performance, which CGPA reflects.
  • Job Applications: Employers tend to focus on CGPA to gauge your academic commitment.

For instance, if you’re applying to a top university for a master’s degree, they’ll want to see your CGPA, not just how you performed in one or two semesters. It shows your academic journey as a whole and how consistent you’ve been across the board. 

Conversion: Key Differences

Alright, you’ve got the basics down. You know what CGPA and SGPA are, but now time to dive into the real fun part. Converting them! Think of it like trying to figure out how many slices of pizza you’ve had out of the whole pie. Sure, you’ve eaten a lot, but how much did you really consume in that one sitting (or semester)? 

That’s basically the difference between converting SGPA to CGPA and CGPA to SGPA. It’s all about how you break down the overall slice vs. your slices.

And just like when you’re deciding how much pizza each friend is allowed, conversions require a little math but nothing too complex.

Get to it!

  1. How to Convert SGPA to CGPA?

The process to convert SGPA to CGPA is simple. CGPA is essentially the average of all your SGPAs across semesters. 

Here’s how you do it. 

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA
  1. Calculate SGPA for Each Semester: First, you need your SGPA from each semester. These values represent your performance for each term.
  2. Multiply Each SGPA by Total Credits for That Semester: Take the SGPA for each semester and multiply it by the total number of credits for that semester. This gives you the weighted score for each term.
  3. Sum the Weighted Scores: Add the weighted scores of all semesters together.
  4. Divide by Total Credits of All Semesters: Finally, divide the sum of your weighted scores by the total credits from all semesters. This gives you your CGPA.

Example of SGPA to CGPA Conversion

Say you have the following SGPAs and credits. 

  1. Multiply each SGPA by the credits:
    • Semester 1: 7.5 × 20 = 150
    • Semester 2: 8.0 × 18 = 144
    • Semester 3: 8.5 × 22 = 187
    • Semester 4: 9.0 × 20 = 180
  2. Sum the weighted scores:
    150 + 144 + 187 + 180 = 661
  3. Add the total credits:
    20 + 18 + 22 + 20 = 80
  4. Divide the total weighted score by the total credits:
    661 ÷ 80 = 8.26 CGPA
  5. How to Convert CGPA to SGPA?

Converting CGPA to SGPA requires looking at your total performance and then narrowing it down to the specific semester you are interested in. 

Here’s how you can do it. 

  1. First, you need to know your total credits earned across all semesters and your CGPA.
  2. Multiply your CGPA by the total number of credits to get your total grade points across all semesters.
  3. If you are looking for the SGPA of a specific semester, subtract the total grade points of the other semesters from the overall grade points.
  4. Finally, divide the remaining grade points by the total credits for that semester to find the SGPA.

Example of CGPA to SGPA Conversion

Assume you have a CGPA of 8.25 and you’ve completed four semesters with a total of 80 credits.

  1. Multiply CGPA by Total Credits: 8.25 × 80 = 660 (total grade points).
  2. Subtract Grade Points of Other Semesters: If you know that the total grade points of Semesters 1, 2, and 3 are 500, subtract that.
    • 660 – 500 = 160 (grade points for Semester 4).
  3. Divide by Semester 4 Credits: If Semester 4 has 20 credits.
    • 160 ÷ 20 = 8.0 SGPA for Semester 4.

SGPA and CGPA in Different Educational Systems

From tossing graduation caps in the U.S. to students in Germany hosting “Kneipenbummel” (a pub crawl), student life worldwide is full of unique customs and experiences. However, one thing all students have in common, no matter where they study, is the focus on grades, whether that’s SGPA or CGPA. 

As an Indian student aiming to study abroad, understanding how different countries assess academic performance is crucial for your success.

Check out the grading systems of the top five countries and how they interpret SGPA and CGPA differently.

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA: How to convert SGPA and CGPA

1. United States

In the U.S., GPA (Grade Point Average) is primarily used. It can act like your SGPA for a single semester or CGPA for your entire course, usually on a 4.0 scale. You’ll need to convert your CGPA into the U.S. GPA scale. Many universities offer tools for this, but be sure to follow their specific requirements.

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2. United Kingdom

The UK doesn’t use SGPA or CGPA like we do. Instead, they classify results as First Class, Upper Second (2:1), Lower Second (2:2), and Third Class, depending on your percentage.

Your CGPA won’t directly translate here, so be ready to provide detailed transcripts. You might need to explain your grades in percentages or request that your university give a breakdown.

Also Read: UK Intakes 2025: September, January and May Intakes

3. Australia

In Australia, they use WAM (Weighted Average Mark) or GPA. WAM functions like SGPA, showing how you did in each semester, while GPA covers your overall performance. You’ll likely need to convert your SGPA or CGPA to fit their WAM or GPA system. 

Also Read: Universities in Australia with High Acceptance Rate for International Students. 

4. Canada

Like the U.S., Canada uses a GPA system, usually on a 4.0 or 4.3 scale. SGPA shows how you did in a single semester, while CGPA shows your overall performance. Similar to the U.S., you’ll need to convert your CGPA into their GPA system. 

Also Read: Universities in Canada with High Acceptance Rate in 2024: All you Need to Know! 

5. Germany

Germany uses a 5-point grading scale, where 1.0 is the highest grade. They don’t have a direct SGPA or CGPA equivalent but focus on individual course grades. You’ll need to convert your CGPA to the German system, and many universities provide a formula for this. 

Top Tips for Converting Your SGPA or CGPA for International Universities

You don’t want to leave admissions committees scratching their heads over your transcripts, so it’s time to break down a few tips to ensure your grades are presented in the best possible light. 

Here’s how you can seamlessly convert your SGPA or CGPA for international universities.

  • Master the Conversion: Convert your grades as required by each university (e.g., 4.0 GPA scale or percentage). Check each institution’s specific method, as they may vary.
  • Follow Instructions: Some universities provide conversion tools or formulas. Always follow the specific guidelines for each application.
  • Be Ready to Explain: In countries where GPA isn’t standard (e.g., UK, Germany), provide detailed transcripts or an official grade breakdown to clarify your grading system.
  • Use a Professional Transcript Evaluation: Some universities require or suggest using third-party evaluation services (like WES or ECE) to validate your grades and convert them into their local grading system. These services ensure that your transcript is evaluated fairly and accurately.
  • Know the Difference: Depending on the country, GPA may refer to semester-based or cumulative performance, while CGPA reflects overall academic performance. Clarify these terms when converting your grades to avoid confusion.
  • Provide Context: If your university uses a unique grading system, explain it in your application and include relevant documents to clarify how your grades reflect your performance.
  • Check Requirements: Some institutions may ask for more than a converted GPA, like class rank or honours. Confirm all required details for submission.
  • Be Transparent: If your CGPA is slightly lower than required, highlight your overall profile, including challenges or achievements, to provide context. Many universities are flexible.

To Sum Up

Understanding the difference between SGPA and CGPA is crucial for getting through the admissions process and maximising your chances of studying abroad. 

In fact, employers increasingly value international experience, with 64% considering it important for recruitment and 67% of study abroad alumni finding jobs within six months of graduation. 

So whether you’re planning your next academic move or preparing your application, Leap Scholar is here to guide you every step of the way! From selecting the right university, reviewing your SOP, and even securing your visa. Get expert help today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. What is the difference between SGPA and CGPA?

    A. The main difference between SGPA and CGPA lies in what they represent. SGPA is the grade point average for a specific semester, while CGPA is the cumulative average of all semesters, reflecting your overall academic performance across your entire course. Both are important, but CGPA often holds more significance in the long run.

  • Q. How do universities use SGPA and CGPA during admissions?

    A. Universities often look at both SGPA and CGPA to assess your academic performance. SGPA shows how well you did in individual semesters, while CGPA reflects your overall consistency, which tends to carry more weight during admissions. A strong CGPA can greatly improve your chances of admission to competitive programs.

  • Q. How can I convert SGPA to CGPA?

    A. To convert SGPA to CGPA, you take the average of all your SGPAs across semesters. Multiply each SGPA by its semester’s total credits, sum them up, and divide by the total number of credits earned across all semesters. This method provides a clear view of your academic progress over time.

  • Q. What is the difference between GPA and CGPA in university?

    A. The difference between GPA and CGPA in university is subtle. GPA can refer to either a single semester’s performance (like SGPA) or the cumulative performance (like CGPA), depending on the system used by the institution. Understanding both is key to assessing your overall academic standing.

  • Q. Is SGPA more important than CGPA?

    A. While SGPA helps track your semester-wise progress, CGPA is typically more important because it gives a complete view of your academic performance over the entire course, which is often what universities and employers prioritise. However, a strong SGPA can still make a difference in specific semester-based evaluations.

  • Q. How to convert SGPA to CGPA easily?

    A. To easily convert SGPA to CGPA, add up all your SGPAs across semesters and then divide the total by the number of semesters. This will give you your overall CGPA, which reflects your cumulative performance. It’s a straightforward calculation that helps simplify your academic tracking.

  • Q. Can I improve my CGPA if my SGPA is low in some semesters?

    A. Yes, even if you have a lower SGPA in a few semesters, improving your performance in subsequent terms can still boost your CGPA since it’s an average of all your semester grades. Consistent improvement over time can outweigh earlier lower scores.

  • Q. What’s a good CGPA for studying abroad?

    A. A CGPA of 7.5 or above is generally considered competitive for studying abroad, though the specific requirement varies by university. Many programs also set minimum GPA or CGPA requirements for admission. It’s essential to check each institution’s guidelines for specific benchmarks.

  • Q. How is CGPA calculated differently from SGPA?

    A. SGPA is calculated for individual semesters by dividing total grade points by total credits. In contrast, CGPA is calculated as an average of all SGPAs across semesters, giving a cumulative score that reflects your overall academic progress. CGPA provides a broader view of your academic journey over multiple semesters.

  • Q. What is the difference between GPA and CGPA in university admissions?

    A. The difference between GPA and CGPA in university admissions is that CGPA generally represents your total academic performance, while GPA may be used semester-wise or for overall assessment, depending on the country or institution. Both are used to gauge your readiness for higher education or job applications.

  • Q. Do international universities prefer CGPA or SGPA?

    A. Most international universities prefer CGPA over SGPA as it reflects your cumulative academic performance across all semesters. However, strong SGPAs in individual semesters can still boost your profile. Demonstrating consistent performance across semesters is key for a strong application.

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