Hobbies IELTS Speaking Part 1: Questions, Answers, Vocabulary

13 min read

Did you know that 13.2 lakh Indian students are currently studying abroad, with most of them spread across the USA, Canada, Gulf Countries, the UK, and Australia? That’s a massive number, right? And guess what? Every one of them had the same journey you’re on now of preparing for the IELTS exam.  

One of the key sections to prepare for is the hobbies in IELTS speaking. It may seem like a breeze, but when you’re in that exam room, suddenly talking about your favourite pastime feels more daunting than packing your bags for a new country.

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But don’t worry! This article will make sure that when it comes to discussing hobbies in IELTS speaking, you’ll be ready to impress. 

Dive right in! 

Key Highlights 

Key HighlightsOverview
What is IELTS Speaking Part 1?Introduction to everyday conversation topics
Duration 4-5 minutes
Importance of Hobbies in IELTS SpeakingShowcase fluency, personality, and skills
Types of Hobbies in IELTS Speaking Questions Personality Impact | Challenges | Cultural Reflection
Top Topics for Hobbies in IELTS SpeakingSports and Fitness | Reading and Writing | Music and Art
Tips for a Higher ScoreExpand Answers | Use Varied Vocabulary | Do not Byheart

What is IELTS Speaking Part 1? 

When you’re preparing for the IELTS speaking test, one of the first things you’ll encounter is Part 1, the icebreaker. Every year, over 5 million people apply to take the IELTS test, and many of them find themselves talking about their favourite pastimes in this very section. 

Now, it might sound simple, but this is your moment to ease into the conversation, showcase your fluency, and set a positive tone for the rest of the test. 

Here are the key aspects of IELTS Speaking Part 1 that you need to keep in mind. 

Duration4-5 minutes
No. of QuestionsUsually 12 
PurposeAssess everyday communication skills.
FormatGeneral questions on familiar topics.
Topics CoveredHome, family, work, hobbies.
What the Examiner Wants to KnowFluency, pronunciation, accuracy.
Level of DifficultyEasy, comfortable start.

Sample IELTS Questions and Answers on Hobbies

Did you know that the average IELTS band score for Indians typically falls between 6.5 and 8? Achieving a good score like this is not that difficult. However, it is not enough to just speak fluently. You also need to engage in meaningful discussions when describing hobbies’ speaking topics. 

When you discuss your hobbies in IELTS speaking, you’re not just sharing what you do in your free time but showcasing your personality, critical thinking, and communication skills. 

So how can you be prepared? Here are some sample questions and answers to help you excel in this crucial part of the test.  

Note that these answers are based on different topics. Please adapt them to fit the specific topic you are going to discuss.

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1. How Has This Hobby Influenced Your Personality?

Answer: My hobby of painting has significantly influenced my personality by making me more patient and detail-oriented. I’ve learned to appreciate the process rather than just focusing on the outcome, which has made me more relaxed in other areas of my life as well. 

Additionally, painting has helped me develop a greater sense of self-expression, allowing me to convey emotions and ideas through art, which has enhanced my overall emotional intelligence.

2. What Are the Biggest Challenges You Face With This Hobby?

Answer: The biggest challenge I face with my hobby of playing the guitar is finding uninterrupted time to practice. With a busy schedule, it’s difficult to dedicate consistent time, but I manage by setting small, achievable goals each week. 

I’ve also learned to incorporate short practice sessions into my daily routine, which helps me stay consistent and gradually improve my skills without overwhelming myself.

3. What Ethical Issues Do You Consider in This Hobby?

Answer: As a photographer, I often consider the ethical implications of taking photos in public places. I always ask for permission before photographing people and try to ensure that my work respects their privacy and dignity. 

Moreover, I make a conscious effort to avoid exploiting vulnerable subjects and aim to present my work in a way that tells an honest and respectful story, which aligns with my values.

4. How Does This Hobby Reflect Your Cultural Background?

Answer: My hobby of traditional dancing is deeply connected to my cultural background. It allows me to express and preserve the traditions of my ancestors, and every time I dance, I feel a strong connection to my heritage. 

Participating in cultural events and festivals through this hobby has also helped me strengthen my ties with the community, creating a deeper understanding and appreciation of my cultural roots.

5. How Has This Hobby Contributed to Your Personal Growth?

Answer: My hobby of reading has greatly contributed to my personal growth by broadening my perspective and improving my critical thinking skills. Through various books, I’ve gained insights into different cultures and ideas, which has made me more open-minded and empathetic. 

This hobby has also encouraged me to engage in thoughtful discussions with others, enhancing my communication skills and enriching my personal and intellectual life.

6. How Does This Hobby Affect Your Relationships With Others?

Answer: My hobby of cooking has positively impacted my relationships, especially with my family. It has become a way for us to bond, as we often cook and share meals, strengthening our connections and creating lasting memories. 

Additionally, cooking for friends and hosting gatherings have helped me build and maintain strong social connections, creating a sense of community and belonging.

7. How Do You See This Hobby Influencing Your Future?

Answer: I believe my hobby of writing will play a significant role in my future career. It has already improved my communication skills, and I hope to use this talent in a professional capacity, possibly in a role that involves content creation or storytelling. 

Moreover, writing has become a therapeutic outlet for me, and I see it going on to help me process emotions and experiences, contributing to my well-being and growth.

8. How Do You Manage Your Time for This Hobby?

Answer: I manage my time for gardening by setting aside specific hours on weekends. This allows me to maintain a balance between my work and personal life, ensuring that I can enjoy my hobby without neglecting other responsibilities. 

I’ve also developed a routine that incorporates small gardening tasks throughout the week, which helps me stay engaged with my plants and reduces stress. 

9. What Skills Have You Developed Through This Hobby?

Answer: Through my hobby of playing chess, I’ve developed strong analytical and strategic thinking skills. These abilities have not only improved my game but have also been beneficial in my academic and professional life, where critical thinking is essential. 

Chess has also taught me patience and resilience, as the game often requires enduring long periods of intense concentration, which has translated into better focus and persistence in other areas of my life.

10. How Do You Manage the Costs Associated With This Hobby?

Answer: My hobby of travelling can be expensive, so I manage the costs by budgeting carefully and prioritising destinations. I often look for deals and travel during off-peak seasons to reduce expenses, allowing me to continue pursuing this passion without financial strain. 

Additionally, I’ve learned to save on costs by staying in budget accommodations, planning trips well in advance, and sometimes opting for local experiences that are both enriching and affordable.

While you prepare for hobbies in IELTS speaking questions, why not also plan your study destination in top countries like the USA, Germany, Australia, and more? 

Top 7 Topics to Talk About for Hobbies in IELTS Speaking

Did you know that 21.5% of students seeking university admissions scored a 6, 9% managed a 7, and only 3% achieved the coveted 8? 

What’s the difference? Often, it comes down to how effectively they handled their favourite hobby in IELTS speaking.  

If you want to be in that 3% of students, then you need to start prepping your hobbies in IELTS speaking answers with the right topics! 

Here are some of the common topics for hobbies in IELTS speaking you can discuss: 

hobbies in IELTS speaking
  1. Sports and Fitness

Whether you’re into football, yoga, or jogging, sports are a common topic. If you decide to talk about sports and fitness, here are some common questions asked. 

  • What sports do you like to play?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • Do you prefer watching or playing sports?
  1. Reading and Writing

If you love books or enjoy writing, this topic allows you to explore your creative side. If you choose this topic, here are some common questions asked. 

  • What types of books do you enjoy reading?
  • How often do you write, and what do you usually write about?
  • Do you prefer reading books or writing stories?
  1. Music and Art

If you have a passion for music or a love for art, this topic lets you share your creative interests. Here are some typical questions you might encounter. 

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
  • Do you play any musical instruments or create art?
  • How often do you visit art galleries or attend concerts?
  1. Travel and Adventure

If you love exploring new places and seeking adventures, this topic is perfect for sharing your experiences. Here are some common questions you might be asked.

  • What’s your favourite place you’ve travelled to?
  • Do you prefer travelling alone or with others?
  • What type of adventure activities do you enjoy?
  1. Cooking and Baking

If you have a passion for food and enjoy creating dishes, this topic allows you to share your culinary experiences. Here are some questions you might get. 

  • What types of food do you enjoy cooking or baking?
  • How often do you try new recipes?
  • Do you prefer cooking alone or with others?
  1. Technology and Gaming

If you’re tech-savvy or enjoy playing games, this topic gives you a chance to talk about your interests. Here are some common questions you might be asked.

  • What types of games do you like to play?
  • How often do you use technology in your daily life?
  • Do you prefer online gaming or offline gaming?
  1. Gardening and Nature

If you enjoy spending time outdoors and have a green thumb, this topic lets you discuss your connection with nature. Here are some typical questions you could be asked. 

  • What types of plants do you enjoy growing?
  • How often do you spend time gardening?
  • Do you prefer spending time in nature or urban settings?

Best Hobbies Vocabulary for IELTS 

When discussing your hobbies in the IELTS Speaking test, the right vocabulary can make all the difference in conveying your thoughts clearly and impressively. Using varied and precise words not only helps you avoid repetition but also allows you to express the depth of your experiences and insights.

Here are some key vocabulary tailored to common topics related to hobbies in IELTS speaking.

What to Talk AboutVocabulary
Impact on PersonalityTransformative, Empowering, Insightful
Challenges FacedObstacles, Hurdles, Setbacks
Personal GrowthDevelopment, Maturity, Evolution
Cultural ConnectionHeritage, Tradition, Identity
Skill DevelopmentProficiency, Expertise, Competence
Social InteractionNetworking, Bonding, Collaboration
Time ManagementPrioritisation, Scheduling, Balance
Future AspirationsAmbitions, Goals, Prospects
Emotional BenefitsTherapeutic, Fulfilling, Relaxing
Ethical ConsiderationsResponsibility, Integrity, Fairness

Also Read: IELTS Practice Test 2024: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing

Tips to Get a Higher Score in Hobbies in IELTS Speaking

When it comes to discussing your hobbies in IELTS speaking, how you express yourself is just as important as what you say. 

To help you achieve a higher score, here are some common mistakes to avoid and the solutions to ensure your responses are detailed, engaging, and well-structured. 

  1. Giving Short, Simple Answers

When you give short, simple answers, you miss the opportunity to showcase your language skills and depth of thought. 

To avoid this, always expand your answers with relevant details and examples. This approach not only demonstrates fluency but also provides the examiner with a richer understanding of your perspective.

  1. Using Repetitive Vocabulary

Relying on the same words repeatedly can make your speech sound monotonous. 

Instead, use varied and descriptive vocabulary related to your hobby. This will make your responses more engaging and show that you have a broad vocabulary range, which is crucial for achieving a higher score.

  1. Speaking Too Quickly or Too Slowly

Speaking too quickly can make it hard to understand while speaking too slowly might suggest a lack of confidence. 

Aim to maintain a steady, natural pace in your speech. This ensures that your ideas are conveyed clearly and makes your speaking more pleasant to listen to.

  1. Focusing Only on the Hobby

While describing your hobby is important, focusing solely on it can limit your response. 

Discuss how your hobby has impacted your life and personality. This adds depth to your answer and shows that you can reflect on how your interests influence your personal development.

  1. Not Answering the Question Fully

Sometimes, you may miss important parts of a question, which can lead to an incomplete answer. 

Make sure to address all parts of the question and elaborate when necessary. This thoroughness demonstrates that you understand the question fully and can provide a well-rounded response.

  1. Memorising or Byhearting Responses

Memorised responses often sound robotic and lack the natural flow of spontaneous speech. 

Instead of memorising answers, practice speaking naturally about your hobbies. This allows for spontaneity, making your responses sound more genuine and engaging, which can impress the examiner.

If you need further assistance with your IELTS prep, connect with India’s top counsellors for personalised advice with LeapScholar! Get expert tips through our chat and video call support at every step.  

To Conclude

Did you know that IELTS examiners don’t look for accents while discussing hobbies in IELTS speaking? Instead, they judge you based on your ability to use error-free English.

So, focus more on the content of the hobbies and interests for IELTS speaking, and aim for the highest score.   Ready to take your preparation to the next level? Get 7+ Band with Leap’s Free IELTS Masterclass. Start today and master the skills you need to succeed!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. What are some common hobbies in IELTS speaking questions?

    A. In the IELTS Speaking test, questions about hobbies are quite common, particularly in Part 1. You may be asked to describe your favourite hobby, how often you engage in it, and why you enjoy it. These questions help assess your ability to discuss everyday activities fluently and naturally.

  • Q. How can I best prepare for hobbies in IELTS speaking part 1?

    A. Prepare for hobbies in IELTS speaking part 1 by practising talking about your hobbies in detail. Use varied vocabulary and ensure that you can discuss different aspects of your hobbies, such as the benefits they bring, the challenges you face, and how they reflect your personality. This preparation will help you deliver more comprehensive and fluent responses during the test.

  • Q. What vocabulary should I use when talking about hobbies in IELTS speaking?

    A. Using a rich and varied vocabulary is crucial when discussing hobbies in IELTS speaking. Include descriptive words that capture the essence of your hobbies, such as “therapeutic” for calming activities or “challenging” for those that require effort. This will make your responses more engaging and demonstrate your language proficiency.

  • Q. How should I answer questions about my favourite hobby in IELTS speaking?

    A. When answering questions about your favourite hobby in IELTS speaking, be sure to elaborate on why you enjoy this activity, how it fits into your daily life, and the impact it has on you. Use descriptive language to convey your passion, and link the hobby to your personal growth or cultural background to give a more rounded response.

  • Q. What are some effective strategies for discussing hobbies and interests for IELTS speaking?

    A. To effectively discuss hobbies and interests for IELTS speaking:
    Focus on expanding your answers with relevant details
    Use a wide range of vocabulary
    Maintaining a natural flow in your speech. 
    Practice speaking about various hobbies to ensure you’re prepared for any topic, and remember to reflect on how these hobbies influence your life.

  • Q. What should I avoid when answering hobbies in IELTS speaking questions?

    A. Avoid giving short, simplistic answers when discussing hobbies in IELTS speaking questions. Instead, provide detailed explanations and examples to show depth in your responses. Also, steer clear of using repetitive vocabulary, and make sure you answer all parts of the question thoroughly to demonstrate your full understanding.

  • Q. How can I incorporate hobbies vocabulary for IELTS effectively?

    A. Incorporating hobbies vocabulary for IELTS effectively involves using specific and varied terms that accurately describe your activities. For example, if discussing a creative hobby, words like “innovative” or “expressive” can enhance your response.

  • Q. How do I handle time management when talking about hobbies in IELTS speaking?

    A. When discussing hobbies in IELTS speaking, managing your time effectively is key. Aim to give answers that are detailed yet to the point, ensuring you cover all necessary information without beating around the bush. Practice pacing your speech to make sure your response is clear, comprehensive, and fits within the allotted time.

  • Q. How can I avoid memorising or byhearting responses for bobbies speaking topics?

    A. Memorising or byhearting responses can make your speech sound unnatural. Instead, practise speaking spontaneously about your hobbies by focusing on the ideas and emotions behind your answers. This approach helps you stay flexible and adapt to different questions, making your speech more genuine and engaging.

  • Q. Why is it important to discuss the impact of hobbies in IELTS speaking answers?

    A. Discussing the impact of hobbies in IELTS speaking answers allows you to demonstrate deeper insights into how they shape your personality, skills, and life experiences. This not only enriches your responses but also shows the examiner that you can reflect on and articulate the significance of your interests.

  • Q. How can I link my hobbies to my cultural background in IELTS speaking?

    A. Linking your hobbies to your cultural background in IELTS speaking adds depth to your answers and showcases your cultural awareness. For instance, if your hobby is traditional dancing, explain how it connects you to your heritage and community. This provides a richer narrative and highlights your ability to discuss broader cultural contexts.

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