
Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you 1 minute to prepare. It is the 2nd Part of the IELTS Speaking section. You will then speak on the topic for up to two minutes. 


It's important to remember that the IELTS Speaking test is a one-on-one interview with a certified IELTS examiner. The total duration of the IELTS speaking section is 11-14 minutes.


Today, we delve into the topic “Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You”. Personal possessions hold significant meaning in our lives, often reflecting our values, memories, and aspirations. They can inspire us and serve as a source of comfort or motivation. 

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1. Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: How to Answer?

To answer the cue card "Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You," start with a brief introduction, describing the item and why it holds significance for you. 

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2. Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also curate answers wisely according to the questions given in the cue card under the categories Introduction, Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest, Key Highlights, and Conclusion.

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3. Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner aims to deepen the discussion on the topic introduced in the cue card round. This section is also known as part 3 in the IELTS Speaking section. Expect inquiries that seek elaboration on your previous responses or explore related aspects of the topic.

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Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: How to Answer?

To answer the cue card "Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You," start with a brief introduction, describing the item and why it holds significance for you. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You You should say
  • Where did you get it from?
  • How long have you had it?
  • What do you use it for?
  • And explain why it is so important to you.



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Then, delve into details about your experience, opinion, or interest related to the possession. Highlight key aspects or memories associated with it, ensuring that your response is concise and focused. 


Conclude by summarising the item's importance in your life and any additional reflections you may have.




  • Briefly introduce the item you own that is important to you.
  • Explain why it holds significance for you personally.
  • Provide a hint about the journey or story behind acquiring or owning it.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • Share personal anecdotes or experiences related to the possession.
  • Express your emotional attachment or sentiment towards it.
  • Discuss how it has impacted your life or shaped your values and beliefs.
  • Offer insights into why this possession is unique or irreplaceable to you.


Key Highlights:


  • Focus on specific features or attributes of the possession that make it important.
  • Highlight memorable moments or events associated with it.
  • Emphasise any symbolic or sentimental value it holds for you.
  • Describe how it contributes to your daily life or reminds you of cherished memories.




  • Summarise the main points you've discussed about the possession.
  • Reiterate its significance in your life and why it is important to you.
  • Reflect on the emotional or practical impact it has had on you.
  • End with a thoughtful statement or reflection tying everything together.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also curate answers wisely according to the questions given in the cue card under the categories Introduction, Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest, Key Highlights, and Conclusion.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction: (Covers-Where did you get it from?)


  • The possession I hold dear is a hand-carved wooden photo frame gifted to me by my late father on my 21st birthday. 
  • This frame holds cherished memories and is a constant reminder of my father's love and wisdom.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers- How long have you had it? What do you use it for?)


  • I received this photo frame from my father during a heartfelt birthday celebration at our family home in Mumbai.
  • Having it for over seven years now, it has become an integral part of my daily life, adorning my bedside table.
  • I often use it to display a photograph of my family, capturing a moment of togetherness that brings me immense joy and comfort.


Key Highlights: (Covers- Explain why it is so important to you.)


  • The intricate carvings on the frame, depicting traditional Indian motifs, reflect the craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  • Every time I glance at it, I am reminded of my father's unwavering support and encouragement, motivating me to strive for excellence.
  • Its presence in my room serves as a source of solace during challenging times, grounding me and filling me with a sense of belonging.



  • This photo frame symbolises a physical object and the love, guidance, and memories associated with my father.
  • Its significance transcends its material value, serving as a tangible link to my past and a beacon of hope for the future.
  • Thus, it holds a special place in my heart and will forever remain an irreplaceable part of my life.

Describe Something You Own Which Is Very Important To You: Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up question round of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner aims to deepen the discussion on the topic introduced in the cue card round. This section is also known as part 3 in the IELTS Speaking section. Expect inquiries that seek elaboration on your previous responses or explore related aspects of the topic.


This round provides an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to articulate ideas fluently and express opinions with clarity.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Can you explain how this possession came into your possession? 


Answer 1: Certainly, my grandmother passed this possession down to me on my 18th birthday. It holds immense sentimental value as a family heirloom.


Answer 2: I acquired this possession during a trip to my hometown, where I stumbled upon it in an antique shop. Its unique design immediately caught my eye, and I knew I had to have it.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: How often do you use or interact with this possession? 


Answer 1: I use this possession daily, as it sits prominently on my desk and serves as a constant source of inspiration. Its presence grounds me and reminds me of my goals.


Answer 2: While I don't interact with this possession on a daily basis, I make it a point to engage with it during special occasions or whenever I need a boost of motivation.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: Have you ever considered passing down this possession to future generations? 


Answer 1: Yes, I definitely plan to pass down this possession to my children one day. It carries significant sentimental value and embodies important family traditions.


Answer 2: While I haven't thought about it extensively, I can see myself passing down this possession if it continues to hold the same importance for me in the future.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: How does this possess contribute to your identity or self-expression? 


Answer 1: This possession serves as an extension of my identity, reflecting my cultural heritage and personal values. It allows me to express myself authentically and connect with my roots.


Answer 2: The concept of possession, whether material possessions or more abstract ones like beliefs or emotions, can contribute significantly to one's identity and self-expression. Possessions often serve as outward expressions of our tastes, values, and personality traits.

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Q. Can I exceed the time limit during the speaking test?

Ans. You cannot exceed the time limit during the speaking test. If your answer is too long the examiner can stop you from answering and move on to the next question. It is the natural process of the exam and your marks won’t be deducted. 

Q. Can I disagree with the examiner's opinion?

Ans. Yes, you can disagree with the examiner’s opinion. You should know that your opinions are not considered in the evaluation. The examiner evaluates on the factors such as:


  • Fluency 
  • Pronunciation
  • Accuracy of grammar
Q. What is the duration of the speaking test?

Ans. The total duration of the speaking test is 11 to 14 minutes. The speaking test is divided into three parts.


  • Part 1: the introduction round (4-5 minutes) 
  • Part 2: the cue card section (3-4 minutes) 
  • Part 3: the discussion round (4-5 minutes).