

Describe A Successful Businessperson You Know: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:01


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a component of the speaking test in which you're given a prompt on a specific topic and asked to speak about it for a designated time. Today, we're focusing on “Describing a successful businessperson you know”


Businesspeople play pivotal roles in driving economies, creating jobs, and inspiring others with their achievements. 


Throughout this page, we'll explore sample answers to help you effectively describe a successful businessperson in preparation for your IELTS Speaking test.

Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is the successful businessperson you admire?) 


  • Let me introduce you to an exceptional businessperson I've known, Mr. James Smith.
  • James is successful not only because of his wealth but also because of his positive impact on his employees and the community.
  • His journey from a small start-up to a renowned entrepreneur is truly inspiring.
  • So, let me share why James Smith stands out as a successful businessperson.


Describe your experience/opinion/interest (Covers: Describe the successful businessperson. How do you know them?)


  • I've had the opportunity to work closely with James during my time at his company.
  • His unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation struck me the most.
  • His passion for his work is infectious, motivating everyone around him to strive for greatness.
  • James always encourages new ideas and fosters a culture of creativity and collaboration.


Key highlights (Covers: Describe the successful businessperson. How do you know them?)

  • One of the key highlights of James's success is his ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.
  • He has a keen eye for spotting opportunities and isn't afraid to take calculated risks.
  • Under his leadership, the company has grown exponentially and expanded into new markets.
  • Moreover, James's philanthropic efforts, such as supporting local charities and initiatives, further illustrate his commitment to giving back.



  • In conclusion, James Smith exemplifies the qualities of a successful businessperson – vision, determination, and integrity.
  • His journey is a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders.
  • I feel privileged to have witnessed his success firsthand and am confident that his legacy will continue to inspire future generations.
  • That's why I believe James Smith deserves recognition as a successful businessperson.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is the successful businessperson you admire?) 

  • I know Mr. James Parker, a prominent businessperson in our community.
  • He is the CEO of a successful tech company specialising in innovative software solutions.
  • I have known him for several years and have admired his work ethic and achievements.
  • He is a successful entrepreneur and a mentor to many aspiring businesspeople.


Describing My Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Describe the successful businessperson. How do you know them?)

  • I first met Mr. Parker at a local business seminar, where he was the keynote speaker.
  • His speech on the importance of perseverance and innovation in business deeply impressed me.
  • I have followed his career since then, often attending his talks and reading his articles.
  • His insights and experiences have greatly influenced my perspective on business and leadership.


Key Highlights (Covers: Describe the successful businessman. How do I know him?)


  • Mr. Parker founded his company with a small team in his garage, now employing over 500 people.
  • He launched a groundbreaking software product that revolutionised how businesses manage their data.
  • Under his leadership, the company has won several prestigious awards for innovation and excellence.
  • He is also known for his philanthropic efforts, regularly donating to educational and environmental causes.



  • Mr. Parker’s journey from a small startup to a leading tech company is truly inspiring.
  • His dedication, innovative mindset, and willingness to help others are key to his success.
  • I believe he embodies the qualities of a successful businessperson – vision, hard work, and generosity.
  • Reflecting on his achievements motivates me to pursue my goals with passion and determination.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is the successful businessperson you admire?) 


  • A remarkable woman named Priya Sharma immediately comes to mind when I think of successful businesspeople. 
  • Priya runs a thriving organic clothing store in my hometown, Mysuru, called ‘Kala Weaves.’
  • It's become a popular spot for people seeking beautiful, sustainable clothing, and her journey to building this store is truly inspiring.


Describe your experience/opinion/interest (Covers: Describe the successful businessperson. How do you know them?)


  • What fascinates me about Priya is her commitment to social responsibility and high-quality products. 
  • She previously worked as a textile engineer, but her passion for ethical fashion and supporting local artisans led her to take a risk and open Kala Weaves.


Key Highlights (Covers: Describe the successful businessman. How do I know him?)


  • Priya is deeply committed to sustainable practices. She sources organic cotton and dyes from local farmers and artisans, ensuring minimal environmental impact. 
  • Additionally, she employs traditional weaving techniques, preserving India's rich textile heritage.
  • Priya doesn't just sell clothes; she empowers local communities. She works directly with weavers and craftspeople, giving them fair wages and a platform to showcase their skills. 




  • Priya's story exemplifies the power of combining passion with purpose. 
  • She's not just a successful entrepreneur; she's a role model for sustainable and socially conscious business practices. 
  • I truly admire her dedication to preserving tradition and creating a thriving business.

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will provide a cue card containing the topic "Describe A Successful Businessperson You Know" and 4 related questions. 



Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Successful Businessperson You Know You should say
  • Who is a successful businessperson that you admire?
  • Describe the successful businessperson.
  • How do you know them?



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You'll have one minute to prepare your response before speaking for up to two minutes. To effectively answer this cue card topic, break your response into four key sections:




  • Begin by briefly introducing the successful businessperson you have chosen.
  • State your relationship with the individual and why you consider them successful.
  • Provide a concise overview to set the context for your response.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Share specific experiences or interactions you've had with the businessperson.
  • Describe their journey to success, including their background, achievements, and contributions to the business world.
  • Express your admiration for their accomplishments and explain how they have inspired you or others.


Key highlights:


  • Highlight the key characteristics or traits that contribute to the businessperson's success.
  • Discuss notable achievements, innovations, or strategies that have propelled their career or business forward.
  • Illustrate how their actions have significantly impacted their industry or community.



  • Summarise the main points of your description, emphasising the significance of the businessperson's success.
  • Reiterate your admiration for their achievements and the inspiration they provide.
  • End with a strong concluding statement that leaves a lasting impression on the examiner.

Describe A Successful Businessperson You Know: Follow-Up Questions

So, you've delivered your two-minute answer about a successful businessperson you know. Great job! Now, the examiner will likely ask you some follow-up questions to delve deeper into your response and explore your thoughts on business in general. 


In the follow-up question or the two-way discussion round of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner seeks to deepen your discussion on the topic introduced in the cue card. Expect questions that require you to elaborate further on your initial response, share additional insights, or provide examples to support your points. 

These questions assess your ability to communicate fluently, coherently, and with lexical and grammatical accuracy.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1. What specific qualities do you think contribute to the success of this businessperson?


Answer 1: I believe his/her visionary leadership and ability to take calculated risks have been crucial. His/her commitment to innovation and willingness to learn from failures have propelled him forward.

Answer 2: His/her strong work ethic and determination to overcome challenges have undoubtedly played a significant role. Moreover, his/her ability to inspire and motivate others has fostered a culture of excellence within his organisation.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2. How do you think this successful businessperson has influenced the local community?


Answer 1: His/her philanthropic efforts, such as sponsoring local events and supporting educational initiatives, have had a positive impact. Furthermore, his/her business practices have set high standards, encouraging other businesses to contribute to community development.


Answer 2: Through his/her business ventures, he/she has created numerous job opportunities and contributed to the local economy. Additionally, his involvement in community projects has helped address social issues and improve the quality of life for many residents.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3. Do you think food can influence relationships? How?


Answer 1: Yes, food can significantly influence relationships. Sharing meals fosters a sense of community and bonding. Cooking for someone is an act of care and love, which can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.


Answer 2: Food brings people together, whether at family gatherings, celebrations, or casual get-togethers. The shared experience of enjoying a meal can facilitate conversation, understanding, and emotional connections, strengthening relationships.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4. How has technology influenced the success of this businessperson?


Answer 1: Technological advancements have enabled him to streamline operations and reach a wider audience through online platforms. Moreover, he/she has leveraged digital marketing strategies to stay relevant in today's digital age.

Answer 2: Using cutting-edge technologies has allowed him to innovate his/her products and services, providing unique solutions to customer needs. Furthermore, technology has facilitated communication and collaboration within his team, driving productivity and innovation.

Follow-Up Question 5

Question 5: What are the future prospects for this successful businessperson and their business?


Answer 1: Given his track record of success and ability to adapt to changing market trends, I believe his/her future looks promising. With his innovative mindset and strategic vision, I'm confident he/she will continue to thrive and expand.


Answer 2: Considering his/her commitment to continuous growth and innovation, I see a bright future for his/her business. As he/she continues exploring new opportunities and markets, I believe he/she will achieve even greater success.


Q. What are cue cards in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Cue cards are prompts given to you during the second part of the IELTS speaking test.  Each card has a specific topic you need to talk about for around two minutes.  The examiner will then ask you follow-up questions to delve deeper into your response.

Q. How do you prepare for IELTS speaking part 2?

Ans. Here are two ways to prepare for cue cards:


  • Familiarise yourself with common topics: Explore online resources that list past IELTS speaking cue card topics. This gives you an idea of the range of themes you might encounter.
  • Practice speaking on various topics: Choose a cue card topic, set a two-minute timer, and speak aloud. Record yourself and listen back to identify areas for improvement, like fluency, vocabulary, or organisation.
Q. How do you give good answers in IELTS speaking part 2?

Ans. Here are some tips:


  • Structure your answer: Briefly introduce yourself and the person you'll talk about, then elaborate on the key points mentioned in the cue card. Conclude by summarising your thoughts.
  • Use relevant vocabulary: Show off your English skills by using various words and expressions related to the topic.
  • Speak confidently and fluently: Take a deep breath before you begin, and speak at a moderate pace. Don't worry about minor stumbles; just keep going.

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