
Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

The IELTS Speaking test, a crucial component of the IELTS exam, evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in English through a series of speaking tasks. This section covers your language skills and how well you can express your thoughts and ideas. 


IELTS Speaking cue cards, the heart of the Speaking test, are prompts containing various topics. These topics are designed to elicit a wide range of responses, from personal experiences to general topics. You will be given 2 minutes to speak about a topic, allowing examiners to assess your speaking abilities across various contexts.


One such topic you may encounter is "Describe someone you follow on social media." This topic requires you to discuss an individual you engage with online, detailing why you follow them, what content they share, and their impact on your online experience. 


On this page, we'll explore a sample answer for this topic, outlining each aspect of the test to assist you in crafting a well-structured response.

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1. Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will provide a card containing a topic and some guiding points.

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2. Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: Sample Answers

Here are some examples to help you understand how to frame your answers to the cue card perfectly! Try not to memorise these answers. Find inspiration and form your own response. 

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3. Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner will dive deeper into the topic you discussed earlier. Expect questions that ask for more details, opinions, or explanations. 

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Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will provide a card containing a topic and some guiding points. Your cue card will look something like this: 



Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media You should say
  • Who is the person you follow?
  • How do you know them?
  • What sort of content do they post on social media?
  • What inspired you to follow this person on social media?



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You will have one minute to prepare your response before speaking for up to two minutes. It’s easier to respond if you break the topic down into smaller sections. Here’s how you can do that for the cue card: ‘Describe a person you follow on social media.’




  • Begin by introducing the topic and the person you follow on social media. 
  • Mention why you find them interesting or inspiring.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest: 


  • Provide details about why you started following this person, what content they share, and how it resonates with you.


Key highlights: 


  • Highlight specific qualities or aspects of their content that make them stand out to you. 
  • Discuss any notable achievements, insights, or values they embody.



  • Summarise why you believe this person is worth following on social media and how they have enriched your online experience. 
  • Offer any final thoughts or recommendations for others interested in following them.

Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: Sample Answers

Here are some examples to help you understand how to frame your answers to the cue card perfectly! Try not to memorise these answers. Find inspiration and form your own response. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is the person you follow?)


  • The individual I religiously follow on social media is Aarav Sharma, a renowned fitness enthusiast and wellness coach. 
  • His engaging posts on fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being have made him a significant influencer in my online circle.


Describing my experience/opinion/interest (Covers: How do you know them?)


  • I stumbled upon Aarav's profile around six months ago while searching for credible sources of fitness advice. 
  • Although I have not met him in person, Aarav's expertise in the field and relatable approach to wellness instantly caught my attention. 
  • His content resonates with me as he effortlessly blends traditional Indian wellness practices with modern fitness techniques.


Key highlights (Covers: What content do they post on social media?)


  • Aarav's social media feed contains informative posts on yoga, Ayurveda, healthy recipes, and mindfulness techniques. 
  • He shares practical workout routines, meditation tips, and motivational quotes that inspire his followers to prioritise their health and well-being. 
  • Additionally, his transparency about his own fitness journey and struggles adds authenticity to his content.


Conclusion (Covers: What inspired you to follow this person on social media?)


  • His genuine commitment to promoting holistic wellness drew me to follow Aarav on social media. 
  • His dedication to helping others lead healthier lifestyles is evident through the positive impact he has on his followers. 
  • Aarav Sharma's presence on social media is a guiding light on my journey towards achieving physical and mental well-being.

Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner will dive deeper into the topic you discussed earlier. Expect questions that ask for more details, opinions, or explanations. 


This part is crucial as it demonstrates your ability to maintain a conversation, use a wide range of vocabulary, and communicate effectively. 


Moreover, it provides an opportunity for a two-way discussion, allowing you to engage with the examiner and showcase your speaking skills comprehensively.


Below are the follow-up questions for the ‘Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media’ IELTS cue card.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: How has following this person on social media influenced your interests or hobbies?


Answer 1: Following this person has broadened my horizons and inspired me to explore new interests. For instance, I've started experimenting with photography after seeing their stunning travel pictures.


Answer 2: It has deepened my appreciation for cultural diversity and motivated me to learn more about different countries and traditions.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: Do you think social media influencers are responsible for promoting positive messages?


Answer 1: Absolutely; social media influencers significantly impact their followers, so promoting positivity and constructive messages is crucial.

Answer 2: While influencers are free to express themselves, they should also consider their influence and use it responsibly to spread positivity and awareness.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: How do you think social media has changed how people connect with others?


Answer 1: Social media has made it easier to connect with like-minded individuals worldwide, fostering global communities and exchanging ideas.


Answer 2: However, it has also led to challenges such as superficial interactions and the spread of misinformation, affecting the quality of online relationships.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: Would you consider becoming a social media influencer yourself in the future?


Answer 1: While I appreciate social media influencers' reach and influence, I'm more inclined towards using social media as a platform for personal expression rather than seeking fame or influence.

Answer 2: It's not something I've seriously considered, but if I could use it to impact others or raise awareness about important issues positively, I might explore that possibility.

Follow-Up Question 5

Question 5: How do you think social media platforms can better regulate content and ensure user safety?

Answer 1: Social media platforms should implement stricter guidelines and algorithms to filter out harmful content such as hate speech, fake news, and cyberbullying.


Answer 2: Moreover, providing users with more control over their privacy settings and offering resources for mental health support can contribute to a safer and healthier online environment.

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Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. In the IELTS speaking test, candidates are evaluated based on four criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation. Each criterion is scored on a scale from 0 to 9, and the overall speaking band score is determined by averaging the scores for each criterion. Examiners assess the candidate's ability to communicate effectively, demonstrate linguistic accuracy, and maintain coherence throughout the test.

Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

Ans. To effectively frame your answer in one minute, summarise the question to ensure comprehension. Then, organise your response into key points or sections, possibly using bullet points. Prioritise delivering clear and concise information, avoiding unnecessary details. Practising speaking at a moderate pace is beneficial to ensure clarity and coherence within the allotted time.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test typically lasts for about 11 to 14 minutes. However, candidates should arrive at the test centre well before their scheduled appointment time, as they may need to complete registration procedures beforehand. Overall, candidates can expect to spend approximately 15 to 20 minutes for the entire speaking test session, including registration and waiting time.