
Please hold the line reading answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test with Answers

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:32

The IELTS Reading section assesses your proficiency in comprehending written English through excerpts from books, journals, and newspapers. You will be required to answer 40 questions within 60 minutes. Our valuable resources can help you prepare effectively, enhancing your reading skills and boosting your confidence to excel in the IELTS Reading test.



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Today, we’re exploring an important topic called: Please Hold the Line. This passage revolves around James Kellaris' research, conducted with Sigma Research Management Group, on the impact of different types of 'hold music' on customer service callers. 


The study found adult alternative music to be the best hold music overall, while men preferred classical, women favored light jazz, and rock was least liked, suggesting businesses face challenges in pleasing both genders with a single music choice.


Let’s explore this interesting passage together! You can also find Please hold the line reading answers attached below. Have fun solving! 🏆

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1. Please Hold the Line Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.



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2. Please Hold the Line Reading Questions and Answers

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Please Hold the Line Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Please Hold the Line Reading Passage 



Paragraph 1: 


Almost everyone has been placed on "musical hold," which means that when you call any customer service number, you should expect to hear at least a few bars of monotonous elevator music before an operator answers the phone. The question is whether to hang up or stay on the line. According to research reported by University of Cincinnati Associate Professor of Marketing, James Kellaris it either depends on the type of music played or gender. 



Paragraph 2: 


Kellaris has been researching the effects of music on consumers for over a decade, and she recently collaborated with Sigma Research Management Group to assess the effects of 'hold music' for a company that operated a customer service line.



Paragraph 3: 


Researchers tested four types of 'on-hold' music on 71 company customers, including 30 women. Light jazz, classical, rock, and the company's current adult alternative format were all evaluated. The sample included individual consumers, small businesses, and large businesses. Participants were asked to estimate the time. In addition, the researchers solicited and quantified their responses and comments. 



Paragraph 4: 


The service providers do not want you to be on hold, but if you are, they want you to have a pleasant experience. However, Kellaris' findings could spell bad news for businesses. The time spent "on hold," regardless of the music, was frequently underestimated. The actual wait time in the study was 6 minutes, while the average estimate was 7 minutes and 6 seconds.



Paragraph 5: 


He informed the client who had hired him of some good news. Their alternative type is most likely their best option. It was a wise decision because of two factors. For starters, it did not elicit significantly more positive or negative responses from people. Second, male and female reactions to this type of music differed less.



Paragraph 6: 


Other findings of Kellaris, however, make the state of musical hold a little less firm: time spent ‘on hold’ seemed slightly shorter when light jazz was played, but the effect of music format differed for men and women. Males appeared to wait the least when classical music was performed. This could be due to variations in attention levels and musical tastes.



Paragraph 7: 


Males gave the most positive responses to classical music, while females gave the most positive responses (and the shortest waiting time estimates) to light jazz. Rocks were the least desired by both genders, resulting in the longest estimated wait times. The driving beat of rock music, according to Kellaris, tends to aggravate people who call customer service with a problem. "The longer the wait appeared to be, the better the response to the music." "Perhaps time does fly when you're having fun, even if you're on musical hold," Kellaris jokes.



Paragraph 8: 


Men and women perceive music differently, which is unfortunate for businesses that use on-hold music. Kellaris jokingly suggests that the recorded message instruct male callers to press one and female callers to press two. Please hang up and try again later if you are upset.'


Please Hold the Line Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Please Hold the Line

Questions and Answers 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

  • YES if the statement agrees with the information given
  • NO if the statement contradicts the information given
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this



  1. The research sample consisted of actual customers of the company.
  2. Businesses want to cut down on the amount of time they spend on hold.
  3. Researchers only asked participants to estimate how long they were "on hold."
  4. There were an equal number of males and females in the sample.
  5. Advertising is regarded as an inadequate substitute for 'on-hold' music.
  6. The consumer service organisation polled was listening to classical music.



Please Hold the Line Reading Answers 1-6



1. Yes



Reference: 3rd paragraph, "Researchers tested four types of 'on-hold' music on 71 company customers, including 30 women."



Explanation: The research sample explicitly included customers of the company, confirming the statement.


2. Yes


Reference: 4th paragraph, "The service providers do not want you to be on hold."



Explanation: The passage indicates that businesses aim to minimize the time customers spend on hold, which supports the statement.


3. No



Reference: Not specified directly in the passage.



Explanation: The statement suggests limited questioning about time estimation, whereas the passage suggests broader questioning including responses and comments beyond just time estimates.



4. No



Reference: 3rd paragraph, "Researchers tested four types of 'on-hold' music on 71 company customers, including 30 women."



Explanation: The passage specifies that there were 30 women out of 71 customers tested, not an equal number of males and females.


5. Not Given



Explanation: The passage does not explicitly discuss advertising as a substitute for 'on-hold' music, making it impossible to determine if it's regarded as inadequate.



6. No



Reference: 5th paragraph, "Their alternative type is most likely their best option."



Explanation: The passage suggests an alternative type of music was best, but not specifically classical music as indicated in the statement.

Questions and Answers 7-11

  • Choose the type of music from the list A-D below which corresponds to the findings of the study.



Types of music


A. Light jazz

B. Alternative

C. Classical

D. Rock 



7. Favoured music by men

8. estimated longest waiting time (both sexes)

9. Avoiding music during phone hold

10. Music to use if the majority of clients are female

11. Best overall selection of "on-hold" music




Please Hold the Line Reading Answers 7-11



Type of question: Matching Features


In this type of question, you are given a list of items or descriptions and a set of options. Your task is to match each item with the correct option.


How to best answer:


  • Carefully read the incomplete sentence and understand what information is missing.
  • Pay attention to the context and any clues provided in the sentence or the surrounding text.
  • Select the option that best completes the sentence based on the information from the reading passage.


7. C



Reference: 7th paragraph, "Males gave the most positive responses to classical music."


Explanation: Classical music was favored by men, creating a positive on-hold experience and shorter perceived wait times for male customers.


8. D



Reference: 7th paragraph, "Rocks were the least desired by both genders, resulting in the longest estimated wait times."



Explanation: Rock music led to the longest perceived wait times, as it was the least favored by both men and women.


9. D



Reference: 7th paragraph, "The driving beat of rock music, according to Kellaris, tends to aggravate people who call customer service with a problem."



Explanation: Rock music aggravates callers, making the wait seem longer and less bearable for both genders.


10. A



Reference: 5th paragraph, "Their alternative type is most likely their best option."



Explanation: Light jazz, preferred by women, is suggested as a good option for a majority female client base.



11. B



Reference: 5th paragraph, "Their alternative type is most likely their best option."



Explanation: The alternative type of music was the best overall selection, as it balanced positive responses from both men and women.


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Questions and Answers 12-13

  • Choose the correct letter A-D



12. Researchers reached the conclusion that_______


A. Subjects overestimate the duration of time spent "on hold."

B. It is preferable for businesses not to use "on-hold" music.

C. Overall, light jazz was the most acceptable genre of music.

D. Both gender and musical genre affect callers' responses.


13. The researchers suggested that______________


A. Their customers still play alternative music.

B.  People "on hold" should be offered four different types of music.

C. Music is preferable to advertising.

D. Women can endure longer wait times than men.



Please Hold the Line Reading Answers 12-13



Type of question: Multiple Choice


Multiple Choice questions in the IELTS reading test present you with a question and a set of options from which you must choose the correct answer. Typically, you will have three or four options to choose from. Carefully read the question and each option before selecting the correct answer.


How to best answer:


  • Comprehend the passage to select the most accurate option.
  • Use efficient skimming and scanning techniques to quickly locate relevant information.
  • Be aware that some options are designed to mislead you, so base your choice on evidence from the passage.
  • Multiple-choice questions can be time-consuming if you spend too long on each option. Manage your time wisely to ensure you can answer all questions.


12. D



Reference: 1st paragraph, "James Kellaris it either depends on the type of music played or gender."



Explanation: The passage concludes that both gender and musical genre affect callers' responses.



13. A



Reference: 5th paragraph, "Their alternative type is most likely their best option."



Explanation: The passage suggests that the alternative type of music (alternative genre) is recommended for 'on-hold' use.



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Q. What are the criteria for determining the IELTS Reading score?

Ans. The IELTS Reading score is based on several criteria, including task performance, coherence and cohesion, organizational skills, vocabulary usage, and grammatical range and accuracy. These factors collectively determine the overall band score, which ranges from 0 to 9.

Q. Are spelling mistakes penalized in the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Yes, spelling mistakes can result in point deductions in the IELTS Reading test. Accurate spelling is crucial, as it is part of the assessment criteria. To avoid losing points, double-check your spelling when transferring answers to the answer sheet. Both content and language accuracy are essential for achieving a high score.

Q. Is grammar necessary for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. While the primary focus of the IELTS Reading test is on comprehension and information retrieval, grammar also plays a significant role. Clear and accurate expression of your understanding is facilitated by correct grammar. Paying attention to grammatical correctness ensures that your answers are clear and well-structured, preventing misunderstandings due to grammatical errors.