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Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 31, 2024, 12:56

In the IELTS Reading section, you'll encounter three passages that test your reading comprehension skills. These passages are sourced from diverse texts such as books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Each passage is followed by questions that evaluate your ability to grasp the main ideas, details, opinions, and the author's tone.


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The “Brand Loyalty Runs Deep” passage explores one of the most devastating periods in Irish history during the mid-19th century. It delves into the causes, impact, and societal repercussions of the famine that resulted from potato blight, affecting millions of Irish people and leading to significant demographic changes.


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1. Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.     

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2. Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Answers & Questions

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Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Passage



Paragraph A


At almost any supermarket in Sydney, Australia, food from all over the world fills the shelves. Perhaps you fancy some Tick Tock Rooibos tea made in South Africa or Maharaja’s Choice Rogan Josh sauce from India. Alongside local Foster’s beer, Chinese Tsingtao and Indonesian Bintang can also be found. For homesick Britons, the confectionary aisle is stocked with Mars Bars and Bounties, while for pining Poles, sweets manufactured by firms like Wawel or Solidarposc are available. Restaurants in Sydney range from Afghan to Zambian, catering to different ethnic groups as well as the rest of the curious general public.


Paragraph B


All of this variety results from population movement and changes in global trade and, to a lesser extent, reduced production and transportation costs. While Australia can claim around 40% of its population as the first generation, other countries, like Switzerland, may have fewer international migrants but still have people who move from city to city in search of work. Even since the 1990s, taxes or tariffs on imported goods have decreased dramatically. The World Trade Organisation, for example, has promulgated the idea of zero tariffs, which has been adopted into legislation by many member states. It is estimated that within a century, agriculture worldwide has increased its efficiency five-fold. Faster and better-integrated road and rail services, containerisation, and the ubiquitous aeroplane have sped up transport immeasurably.


Paragraph C


Even with this rise in the availability of non-local products, recent studies suggest that supermarkets should do more to increase their number to match the proportion of shoppers from those countries or regions more closely. Thus, if 10% of a supermarket’s customers originate in Vietnam, there ought to be 10% of Vietnamese products in the store. If Americans from southern states dominate in one northern neighbourhood, southern brands should also be conspicuous. Admittedly, there are already specialist shops that cater to minority groups, but minorities do frequent supermarkets.


Paragraph D


Two separate studies by Americans Bart Bronnenberg and David Atkin have found that brand loyalty (choosing Maharaja’s Choice over Patak’s or Cadbury’s over Nestlé) is not only determined by advertising but also by a consumer’s past. If a product is featured in a person’s early life in one place, then, as a migrant, he or she is likely to buy that same product even though it is more expensive than an otherwise identical locally-produced one.


Paragraph E


In the US context, between 2006 and 2008, Bronnenberg analysed data from 38,000 families who had bought 238 different kinds of packaged goods. Although the same brands could be found across America, there were clear differences in what people purchased. In general, there were two leading brands in each kind of packaged goods, but there were smaller brands that assumed a greater proportion of consumers’ purchases than was statistically likely. One explanation for this is that 16% of people surveyed came from interstate, and these people preferred products from their home states. Over time, they bought more products from their adopted state, but surprisingly, it took two decades for their brand loyalty to halve. Even people who had moved interstate 50 years previously maintained a preference for home-state brands. It seems the buying habits of food change more slowly than we think.


Paragraph F


Bronnenberg’s findings were confirmed by Atkin’s in India, although Atkin discovered something more unexpected. Firstly, during the period of his survey, the cost of all consumables rose considerably in India. As a result, families reduced their spending on food, and their caloric intake fell accordingly. It is also worth noting that although India is one country, states impose tariffs or taxes on products from other Indian states, ensuring that locally produced goods remain cheaper. As in the US, internal migrants buy food from their native place even when it is considerably more expensive than local alternatives and at a time when you might expect families to be economising. This element made the brand-loyalty theory even more convincing.


Paragraph G


There is one downside to these findings. In relatively closed economies, such as India’s, people develop tastes that they take with them wherever they go; in a more globalised economy, such as America’s, what people eat may be more varied but still dependent on early exposure to brands. Therefore, according to both researchers, more advertising may now be directed at minors since brand loyalty is established in childhood and lasts a lifetime. In a media-driven world where children are already bombarded with information, their parents may not consider it appropriate, yet more advertising is hardly welcome.


Paragraph H


For supermarkets, this means that wherever there are large communities of expatriates or immigrants, it is essential to calculate the demographics carefully in order to supply those shoppers with their favourite brands as in light of Atkin and Bronnenberg’s research, advertising and price are not the sole motivating factors for purchase as was previously thought.


To improve your vocabulary for the IELTS Reading section, read here.



Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Brand Loyalty Runs Deep

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • Choose the correct letter: A, B, C, or D.
  • Write the correct letter in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.


1. In this article, the writer refers to food products that are sold


  1. at markets
  2. Wholesale
  3. online
  4. retail


2. In Sydney, shoppers can buy beer from


  1. China and Indonesia
  2. India and South Africa
  3. Poland
  4. Vietnam


3. The greater variety of goods and brands now available is mainly due to


  1. cheaper production and more migration
  2. changes in migration and international trade
  3. cheaper production and transport
  4. changes in migration and transport


4. The writer thinks supermarkets ………… should change their products slightly.


  1. in Australia
  2. in India and the US
  3. in Switzerland
  4. worldwide


5. The writer suggests that


  1. the quality of products at specialist shops will always be better than at supermarkets
  2. specialist shops will close down because supermarkets will be cheaper
  3. specialist shops already supply minority groups, so supermarkets shouldn’t bother
  4. specialist shops already supply minority groups, yet supermarkets should compete with them


Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Answers with Explanations (1-5)


Type of question: Multiple choice questions


In this question type, you are asked to answer the question followed by several options, typically lettered A, B, C, or D. The task is to select the correct answer from the given choices based on the information provided in the reading passage.


How to best answer: 

  • Read the question carefully and understand what it asks.
  • Pay attention to the keywords in the question.
  • Skim the passage quickly to locate relevant information.
  • Eliminate the clearly incorrect options.
  • Select the answer that best fits the information in the passage.


1. D




From paragraph A: “At almost any supermarket in Sydney, Australia, food from all over the world fills the shelves.”




The answer is correct because it directly refers to the opening statement of the passage, which mentions that supermarkets in Sydney offer a wide range of food products from around the world, indicating their retail availability.


2. A




From paragraph A:  “Alongside local Foster’s beer, Chinese Tsingtao and Indonesian Bintang are both to be found.”




This answer is correct as it identifies that alongside local Foster’s beer, Chinese Tsingtao and Indonesian Bintang are available in Sydney supermarkets. This illustrates the diversity of international products accessible to shoppers.


3. B



From paragraph B: “All of this variety results from population movement and changes in global trade, and, to a lesser extent, reduced production and transportation costs.”



 This answer correctly attributes the greater variety of goods to changes in migration and global trade, as stated in the opening sentence of paragraph B. It highlights how population movements and shifts in global trade have contributed significantly to the diversity of products available.


4. D



From paragraph C: “Even with this rise in the availability of non-local products, recent studies suggest that supermarkets should do more to increase their number to match more closely the proportion of shoppers from those countries or regions.”




The answer aligns with the suggestion in paragraph C that supermarkets worldwide should increase their variety of products to better match the demographic diversity of their shoppers. This reflects the passage's assertion that supermarkets should adjust their offerings accordingly.


5. D



From paragraph C: “Admittedly, there are already specialist shops that cater to minority groups, but minorities do frequent supermarkets.”



This answer accurately reflects the passage's statement that while specialist shops already cater to minority groups, supermarkets should also ensure they provide products that appeal to these communities. It acknowledges the existing market for speciality products while emphasising supermarkets' role in meeting diverse consumer needs.

Refer to tips and tricks for the IELTS Reading section to achieve a high band score.


Questions and Answers 6
  • Which chart below, A, B, or C, best describes the relationship between shoppers at one Sydney supermarket, and what research suggests that the same supermarket should sell?
  • Write your answer in box six on your answer sheet.



Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Answers with Explanations (6)



Type of question: Locating Information


In this task, you are required to find specific details, facts, or information within the passage. These questions typically ask you to identify where particular information is located in the text.

How to answer: 


  • Understand what specific information you need to find (e.g., a word, phrase, or detail).
  • Quickly skim through the relevant paragraph or section to locate keywords related to the question.
  • Ensure the answer fits grammatically and contextually into the sentence or passage.
  • Check for Synonyms or keywords to locate the information.
  • Finalise your answers


6. B



From paragraph B: "While Australia can claim around 40% of its population as the first generation, other countries, like Switzerland, may have fewer international migrants but still have people who move from city to city in search of work."




Paragraph B highlights the impact of global population movements and changes in trade on the variety of products available in Sydney supermarkets. This aligns with the demographic breakdown described in Chart B, which likely illustrates the distribution of shoppers based on their national origins, reflecting the supermarket's strategy to cater to diverse consumer preferences.


Questions and Answers 7-13
  • Which study/studies do the following statements relate to?
  • In boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet, write


  1. if the information relates only to Atkin’s study
  2. if the information relates only to Bronnenberg’s study
  3. if the information relates to both Atkin’s and Bronnenberg’s studies


7. There was a correlation between brands a shopper used in childhood and his or her
preferences as an adult.


8. One reason for the popularity of smaller brands was that many people surveyed came from another state where those brands were bigger.


9. Even living in a new state for a very long time did not mean that shoppers chose new brands.


10. In general, food became more expensive during the time of the study. Despite this, families bought their favourite brands and ate less.


11. Taxes on products from other states also increased the cost of food. This did not stop migrants from buying what they were used to.


12. Children may be the target of more food advertising now.


13. Advertising and price were once thought to be the main reasons for buying products. This theory has been modified now.


Brand Loyalty Runs Deep Reading Answers with Explanations (7-13)


Type of question: Summary completion


Under this task, you will be given a summary with incomplete sentences. However, you will not be given any list of words/phrases to choose the missing information. You must refer to the main passage to fill in the missing information. 


How to answer: 


  • Read the summary to understand what information it’s missing
  • Identify keywords and locate them in the main passage to find missing words 
  • Review the context of the words you’ve chosen to match the summary
  • Finalise your answers 


7. C



From paragraph D: “Two separate studies by Americans Bart Bronnenberg and David Atkin have found that brand —-------- more expensive than an otherwise identical locally-produced one.”




 This answer is correct because Paragraph D discusses the findings of both Bart Bronnenberg and David Atkin regarding brand loyalty. They found that consumers often stick to brands they were exposed to in childhood, regardless of advertising, which supports the statement.



8. C



From paragraph E: “In general, there were two leading brands in each kind of packaged goods, but there were smaller brands that assumed a greater proportion of consumers’ purchases than was statistically likely. One explanation for this is that 16% of people surveyed came from interstate, and these people preferred products from their home states.”




This answer is accurate as it correlates with Paragraph E, which explains that smaller brands gain popularity among interstate migrants who prefer products from their home states. This supports the statement about brand preference linked to migration.


9. B



From paragraph E: “Even people who had moved interstate 50 years previously maintained a preference for home-state brands. It seems the habits of food buying change more slowly than we think.”




This choice is appropriate as it aligns with Paragraph E, which reveals that even after decades, individuals maintain their preference for brands from their home state. This reinforces the statement that brand loyalty persists despite long-term relocation.


10. A



From paragraph E: “Bronnenberg’s findings were confirmed by Atkin’s in India, although there was something more unexpected that Atkin discovered. Firstly, during the period of his survey, the cost of all consumables rose considerably in India. As a result, families reduced their spending on food, and their caloric intake fell accordingly.”




This answer is correct because Paragraph F discusses how, despite rising food costs, families continue to buy their preferred brands, supporting findings from both Bronnenberg's and Atkin's studies on brand loyalty and consumer behaviour.


11. A



From paragraph F: “As in the US, internal migrants bought food from their native place even when it was considerably more expensive than local alternatives, and at a time when you might expect families to be economising. This element made the brand-loyalty theory even more convincing.”




This choice is valid as it correlates with Paragraph F, which discusses how internal migrants in the US continue to purchase food from their native regions despite higher costs, supporting the statement about brand preference and migration patterns.


12. A



From paragraph G: “Therefore, according to both researchers, more advertising may now be directed at minors since brand loyalty is established in childhood and lasts a lifetime. In a media-driven world where children are already bombarded with information, their parents may not consider it appropriate, yet more advertising is hardly welcome.”




This answer is accurate because Paragraph G discusses how brand loyalty established in childhood influences advertising strategies, aligning with insights from both Bronnenberg's and Atkin's studies on consumer behaviour and brand preference.


13. C



From paragraph H: “For supermarkets, this means that wherever there are large communities of expatriates or immigrants, it is essential to calculate the demographics carefully in order to supply those shoppers with their favourite brands as in light of Atkin and Bronnenberg’s research, advertising and price are not the sole motivating factors for purchase as was previously thought.”




This option is correct as it connects with Paragraph H, which discusses how advertising and price are not the only factors influencing consumer choices, reflecting conclusions from both Bronnenberg's and Atkin's research on brand loyalty and consumer behaviour.


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Q. Is it necessary to answer the questions in order?

Ans. No, you do not need to answer the questions in order. You can skip questions and return to them later if you find them challenging or time-consuming. Managing your time effectively by prioritising easier questions first can maximise your score potential. Remember to allocate time wisely across all sections of the test.

Q. What should I do if I run out of time?

Ans. If you find yourself running out of time during the IELTS Reading test, quickly prioritise questions that you can answer confidently and efficiently. For questions you cannot complete, make educated guesses rather than leaving them blank. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so it's beneficial to attempt all questions within the allocated time.


Q. How can I practise effectively for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective practice for the IELTS Reading test involves using official IELTS practice materials and simulating test conditions. Focus on completing timed practice tests to build familiarity with the format and types of questions you will encounter. Analyse your performance to identify areas where you need improvement, such as understanding different question types or managing your time effectively during the test.