Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work: Sample Answers & Tips

8 min read

“Describe an activity that you do after school/work” is a popular cue card topic asked in the speaking section. You can describe anybody who is known to you, such as your friends or family members. 

“Describe an activity that you do after school/work” is a very interesting cue card topic to speak about as it allows you to express ideas and your thoughts about how a person should dress and present themselves.

This blog will discuss the IELTS cue card  “Describe an activity that you do after school/work”. And will understand how to make your Cue Card section original, impressive and effective. 

The IELTS 12,000 organisations trust the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The test is divided into four parts-

  • Reading Section
  • Writing Section
  • Speaking Section 
  • Listening section.

The speaking test is usually 11-14 minutes. The test is divided into three parts-

Part 1: Introduction and questions on familiar topics (4-5 minutes) 

Part 2: Individual long turn (3-4 minutes) and 

Part 3: Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes).

IELTS Speaking Highlights

Duration11–14 minutes
Number of Parts
Band Score Range0-9
Test ModeOffline/Online 

Let’s look at the cue card section in detail

How to Answer the Cue Card: Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work

Once you have received the cue card by the examiner, your next step should be to structure your answer. Out of 3-4 minutes of part 2 speaking time, 1 minute is provided for preparation. You should make notes of the phrases or keywords that come to your mind while framing your answer.

The “Describe an activity that you do after school/work” cue card topic can be answered in the following way:


  • Describe your interest in different activities.
  • Talk about the fun in activities. For example, if you love dancing you can talk about your interest in dancing, instances where you felt good after dancing.

Describe the activity that you do after/work 

  • Mention the activity you do after work/school.

Describe the person with whom you do the activity after school/work

  • Talk about instances to do activities with people after school/work. 

Reasons to do the activity after school/work

  • State the reasons why you love to do activity after school/work
  • For instance, If you love playing piano after school your reason to play the piano can be because it calms your mind.


  • Summarise all the points from the above-mentioned pointers.

Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work: Sample Answer 1


Nowadays all of us have a standard routine to follow which makes us feel tired and bored. Therefore it is necessary to have some relaxation post work or school.

Describe the activity that you do after/work 

The activity that I mostly prefer doing post-work is painting. I love to paint scenery, portraits or doodles. I usually spend one-hour daily painting post-work.

Describe the person with whom you do the activity after school/work

I usually paint with my elder brother once he is back from work. He is one of the best artists I have known to date. 

Reasons to do the activity after school/work

I paint with my elder brother after work as he gives advice and teaches me the ways to paint. I have learned painting from him since childhood.


With his learning from painting, I have been awarded various prizes for drawing competitions at the college level. His humble and kind nature has taught me how to teach a skill.

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Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work: Sample Answer 2 


For me, relaxation after work is very important. Activities that interest people can work like a therapy to rejuvenate for coming days.

Describe the activity that you do after/work 

After a hectic day, I prefer walking for 20-40 mins in a quiet place. Since childhood this is one activity that helps me to analyse myself.

Describe the person with whom you do the activity after school/work

I prefer to walk alone after work. It gives me a totally different experience. I mostly spend my time with my friends and family; therefore, I prefer to walk alone for quite some time.

Reasons to do the activity after school/work

The reason to walk after work is, while walking slowly in a quiet place, all the stress vanishes, and I am able to concentrate better in the coming days.


I believe everyone should include walking in their daily routine. Walking has health benefits and is also an activity that can help you relieve stress from a hectic day at work.

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Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work: Follow-Up Questions

In part 3 of the speaking test, the examiner might ask you certain follow-up questions related to the topic in the Cue Card. The third section of the Speaking test is for 4-5 minutes only and is known as a discussion round.

While answering, you should keep your answers short and to the point. You should also add supporting statements to your answers. You should also maintain the right tone while answering to create a good impression on the examiner.

Mentioned below are some of the common follow-up questions and answers for “Describe an activity that you do after school/work”

Q. What are the popular outdoor sports activities that are preferred by Indians?

A. Some of the popular outdoor sports activities that is prefered by Indians are cricket,football and basketball for younger people and jogging and walking for older people. Due to digitalisation, younger people have started staying indoors and play games like basketball and cricket on their smartphones or laptops. 

Q. In what ways do you think activities help in having a positive mindset?

A. Activities act as a stress reliever after attending school or work. For some people it helps to calm their mind. Activities also help the brain to focus on the good things and it freshens up your brain for the coming days.

Q. Do you see yourself continuing your favourite activity in the future? Why or why not?

A. I love dancing after work as it helps me to release my stress. I would definitely continue with my favourite activity in future as apart from releasing my stress, it also brings positive vibes and thoughts into my brain, which results in effective work for the coming days.

Q. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports activities?

A. The risk factor involved in extreme sports activities is the reason that people love such activities. It gives different experiences to people that they usually don’t experience in daily life. 

Q. Do you want to achieve any goals or milestones through the activity?

A. Yes, I want to change my designing pastime activity to my professional goal. I think I have a better understanding and knowledge about designing. I want to design appealing websites and applications to reflect my skills.

Additional Phrases to Answer the Question

Now, we have understood the ways to answer the topic. We have curated a list of phrases that you can use while framing the answer for “Describe an activity that you do after school/work”

Here is the list of phrases:

  1. Introduction
  • “One of my best pastimes after a long day is….”
  • “In my free time after school/work..”
  • “After work, I often engage in…”
  1. Describe the activity
  • “I’m passionate about…”
  • “The best way to relax after a stressful day is…”
  1. Describe the person with whom you do the activity after school/work
  • “The person I share these activities with..”
  • “I love to spend my activity time with…”
  1. Reasons to do the activity after school/work
  • “Activities help in expressing myself after school/work”
  • “I enjoy activities after school/work as it helps in releasing stress”

To excel in the speaking section, you should practice other cue card topics, and while speaking, you should be very confident in front of the examiner and you should maintain eye contact with the examiner. To get more detailed guidance on preparation for the IELTS test, consider contacting Leap Scholar.

Here are some similar Cue Card topics to practice:

  1. IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a  person who you believe dresses well 
  2. IELTS CUE CARD: Describe an invention changed the peoples life 
  3. IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a cafe you like to visit 
  4. IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a Time When You Observed the Stars 
  5. IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a long car journey you went on

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.  How do I attempt to describe an activity that you do after school/work in the speaking section?

    A. You can break the topic into various questions and parts to answer it properly. Mentioned below is the way:
    Describe the activity that you do after/work 
    Describe the person with whom you do the activity after school/work
    Reasons to do the activity after school/work

  • Q. How can I start my speaking test?

    A. You can start the speaking test in the following steps:
    First step is to introduce yourself
    Then answer your question at the moderate speed and the right tone
    Pronounce your words properly and use proper vocabulary.
    During speaking time it is your time to show your proficiency and skills.

  • Q. How can I speak well in the speaking test?

    A. You can speak well by following tips such as:
    1. Don’t mug up the answer
    2. Don’t use unclear and unfamiliar words
    3. Extend your answer with supporting statements
    4. Use a variety of grammatical structures
    5. Take small pauses to think.

  • Q. What are some of the common cue card topics?

    A. Some of the common cue card topics are:
    Describe A Cafe You Like To Visit IELTS Cue Card
    Describe a long car journey you went on cue card
    Describe a chocolate you didn’t like IELTS Cue Card
    Describe a creative person you admire IELTS Cue Card
    Describe your first day at school IELTS cue card.

  • Q. What is the IELTS exam for?

    A. The IELTS exam stands for the International English Language Testing System. This test assesses the capabilities of the English proficiency skill. The IELTS test is divided into four sections:

  • Q.  How do you talk for 2 minutes in IELTS?

    A. When the examiner gives you the cue card, it also contains hints related to the topic. So, during the preparation of 1 min, you should strategise your answer and write any phrases or keywords that come to your mind. You should use the time to structure and frame the answer. Once your speaking time starts, you should start with the answer directly and complete it within the time allocated in the right tone.

  • Q. How can I introduce myself in IELTS?

    A. You can introduce yourself in part 1. In your introduction, you can include your academic and professional background, achievements, skills, hobbies, and future goals.

  • Q. Is the IELTS speaking test easy? 

    A. Yes, the IELTS speaking test is easy. The total duration of the test is 11-14 minutes. The speaking test is done in three parts. To practice for the speaking test, you should record your speech on the phone to practice speaking in time and to set the right tone.

  • Q. How do I start the speaking test?

    A. The speaking test is in three parts
    – Part 1: Introduction and questions on familiar topics for 4-5 minutes 
    – Part 2: Individual long turn for 3-4 minutes
    – Part 3: Two-way discussion for 4-5 minutes.
    So, for the speaking test, you will start with your introduction, and then the evaluator will ask you questions on familiar topics.

  • Q. How to improve speaking skills?

    A. You can improve your speaking skills in different ways, such as:
    1. Try recording your speech on your phone to estimate your time and speed.
    2. You can listen to any one passage and then read the same; it will help set your tone.
    3. Try to learn phrases and keywords for the test.
    4. Practice cue card topics to understand the format of the section.
    5. Most importantly, keep speaking in daily conversation. It will help you to become more confident.

  • Q. Is there any dress code for speaking in IELTS?

    A. No, the IELTS has no proper dress code for speaking tests. You can wear casual, comfortable clothes to the test. You do not need to wear a suit tie and sit for the test. You should be decently dressed for the test and adequately groomed.

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Saloni Gupta

Hi, I'm Saloni, an experienced writer with specialization in preparing test material for English proficiency tests, particularly in IELTS. My strong understanding of SEO allows me to create informative and engaging material that helps students make the right decisions about pursuing their international academic and professional goals.

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