
Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on May 22, 2024, 06:27

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to test-takers during the speaking section of the IELTS exam. It requires you to speak about a specific topic for a few minutes. Cue cards assess your ability to express ideas coherently and fluently under pressure.

When it comes to the topic "Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About," movies often profoundly impact us, shaping our emotions and perspectives. While some films inspire and uplift us, others may leave us disappointed or unfulfilled.

Throughout this page, we will explore sample answers for this topic, examining various reasons why a movie might disappoint, how it could have been improved, and personal reflections on the viewing experience. Let's delve into different perspectives on recent movie disappointments.

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1. Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic "Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About." They will then give you one minute to prepare before you begin speaking.


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2. Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test.

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3. Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: Follow-Up Questions

Follow-up questions in the IELTS Speaking test serve to deepen the conversation initiated by the cue card topic. They allow the examiner to assess your ability to sustain a discussion, express opinions, and provide detailed explanations.

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Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic, "Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About." They will then give you one minute to prepare before you begin speaking.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About
You should say
  • What was it?
  • When did you watch it?
  • Who did you watch it with?
  • And explain why you felt disappointed



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The best way to answer this cue card is to structure your response into small, manageable pieces. 


Start with a brief introduction, then describe your experience or opinion about the movie, highlighting key aspects that led to your disappointment. Finally, conclude with a summary of your thoughts.



  • Begin by briefly mentioning the movie's title and when you watched it. 
  • You can also mention your initial expectations or excitement about watching the film.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest: 

  • Share your thoughts on why you felt disappointed about the movie. Was it the plot, acting, directing, or something else? 
  • Provide specific examples or scenes that stood out to you.


Key highlights: 


  • Focus on key moments or aspects of the movie that contributed to your disappointment. 
  • This could include unrealistic plot developments, lack of character development, poor pacing, or unconvincing performances.




  • Summarise your overall feelings about the movie and why it failed to meet your expectations. 
  • You can also mention if there were any lessons learned or suggestions for how the movie could have been improved. 
  • Remember to keep your response concise within the two-minute time limit.

Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • Recently, I watched a movie titled 'Cats,' which deeply disappointed me. 
  • As a fan of the original musical, I eagerly anticipated this big-screen adaptation.
  • However, upon watching it, I found that it failed to capture the magic of the stage production."

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • Despite my initial excitement, 'Cats' fell short of my expectations in several ways. 
  • The decision to use CGI to depict the characters as humanoid cats was unsettling and detracted from the talented cast's performances. 
  • The storyline felt disjointed and confusing, lacking the original musical's emotional depth and narrative coherence.
  • As someone who cherished the music and spectacle of the stage version, watching 'Cats' was a disappointing experience. 
  • The CGI effects were jarring and distracting, pulling me out of the immersive world of the story. Additionally, the film seemed to lack the charm and whimsy that made the musical so beloved by audiences worldwide.

Key highlights:

  • One of the key moments that stood out to me was the lack of chemistry between the characters in 'Cats.' 
  • Despite the talented cast, their performances felt stilted and disconnected, making investing in the story emotionally difficult.
  • Another notable aspect was the pacing of the film, which felt rushed and erratic.
  • Scenes seemed to blend without a clear sense of progression, leaving me disoriented and unengaged."


  • In conclusion, 'Cats' failed to capture the magic of the original musical, instead delivering a disjointed and underwhelming adaptation that left fans like myself feeling disappointed and let down. 
  • It reminds us that not all stage productions translate successfully to the big screen, and sometimes, certain stories are best left untouched.

Describe A Movie You Watched Recently That You Felt Disappointed About: Follow-Up Questions

Follow-up questions in the IELTS Speaking test serve to deepen the conversation initiated by the cue card topic. They allow the examiner to assess your ability to sustain a discussion, express opinions, and provide detailed explanations. Expect these questions to be related to the movie you discussed, prompting you to elaborate on your opinions, experiences, and perspectives.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Can you elaborate on why the movie fell short of your expectations?

Ans 1. Certainly, the movie fell short primarily due to its weak storyline and underdeveloped characters. The plot lacked depth and coherence, making it difficult to stay engaged. The pacing felt rushed, leaving little room for emotional investment in the narrative.


 Ans 2. The movie failed to meet expectations mainly because it relied on superficial spectacle over substance. While it had potential, the filmmakers prioritised CGI effects and action sequences over character development and storytelling, resulting in a shallow and unsatisfying viewing experience.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. How could the movie have been improved to meet your expectations?


 Ans 1. I believe the movie could have been improved by focusing more on character development and refining the plot. A stronger narrative arc with well-developed characters would have made the story more compelling and engaging.


 Ans 2. To meet expectations, the filmmakers could have paid more attention to pacing and narrative coherence. By carefully structuring the storyline and balancing action with character-driven moments, they could have created a more immersive and satisfying viewing experience.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. Were there any scenes or moments in the movie that particularly disappointed you?

Ans 1. Yes, there were several scenes where the CGI effects felt overdone and artificial, detracting from the story's authenticity. Additionally, the movie's climax felt rushed and anticlimactic, leaving me unsatisfied.


Ans 2. The movie's climax was disappointing, lacking the emotional impact and resolution I expected. Instead of delivering a satisfying conclusion, it felt rushed and poorly executed, leaving many plot threads unresolved.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. Do you think the actors' performances contributed to your disappointment with the movie?

Ans 1. To some extent, yes. While the cast included talented actors, their performances felt lacklustre and uninspired. This, coupled with the weak characterisation, made it difficult to connect with the story on an emotional level.


Ans 2. The actors' performances definitely contributed to my disappointment with the movie. Despite their talent, they seemed constrained by the shallow characterisation and uninspired dialogue, failing to bring depth and authenticity to their roles.

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Q. What is IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. IELTS Speaking Part 2 is the individual long-turn section of the speaking test. Test-takers are given a cue card with a specific topic and asked to talk about it for 1-2 minutes. This part assesses your ability to speak at length on a given topic, organise your ideas, and express yourself fluently.

Q. How much time do I have to prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. After receiving the cue card, test-takers are given one minute to prepare their response. During this time, they can make notes or outline their speech. Using this time wisely is essential to structuring their thoughts and planning their answers effectively.

Q. What should I include in my response for IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Ans. Your response should include an introduction that introduces the topic, a main body that elaborates on the topic, and a conclusion that summarises your key points. It's important to speak coherently, provide relevant details or examples, and maintain a steady pace throughout your speech.