
Hello Happiness Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:56

To excel in the IELTS Reading section, you'll tackle 3 passages with 40 questions in formats like multiple-choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given. This segment lasts 60 minutes and tests your ability to grasp critical information, discern main ideas, and infer implications effectively.


In IELTS Reading, effective strategies such as skimming are used to identify key themes in the "Hello Happiness Reading" section, which explores the pursuit and understanding of happiness from various perspectives. Scan for specific details such as theories on happiness, cultural influences, scientific insights into well-being, and practical strategies for achieving happiness.


Regular practice with sample questions will sharpen your skills in navigating through various question types, enhancing your ability to identify main ideas, make inferences, and critically evaluate information about happiness across different contexts.


Prepare thoroughly for an in-depth exploration of "Hello Happiness Reading Answers," diving into studies and insights on what constitutes happiness and how it can be attained and understood in diverse cultural and societal contexts.

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1. Hello Happiness Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 


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2. Hello Happiness Reading Answers & Questions

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Hello Happiness Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Hello Happiness  Reading Passage 



Paragraph A 

Ask 100 people what would make them happy, and a sizable majority would say “winning the lottery.” Yet, if they won a vast fortune, within a year they would be back to their previous level of happiness. The fact is that money has many uses, but more money does not mean more happiness. Surveys carried out in recent years by leading psychologists and sociologists all confirm that while individuals may increase their material wealth during the course of their lifetime, this has no bearing on their well-being. And what is true for individuals can be applied on a larger scale to the world population. Statistically, wealthier nations do not achieve higher scores on the happiness-ometer than developing or underdeveloped nations. Once the basic criteria of adequate shelter and nutrition are satisfied, increased wealth plays no significant role. So why the obsession with getting rich? The answer, say researchers, is simple. Call it jealousy, competitiveness, or just keeping up with the Joneses, however well we are doing, there is always someone else who is doing better. Just as we acquire a new $25,000 car, our neighbour parks his brand spanking new $40,000 set of wheels in his drive, causing us much consternation, but fuelling us with new aspirations in the process. And so the cycle continues. Money, or material wealth, may be a prime mover, but it is not the foundation of our well-being.



Paragraph B


If money isn’t the key to happiness, then what is? In all 44 countries surveyed by a prominent research centre, family life provided the greatest source of satisfaction. Married people live on average three years longer and enjoy greater physical and psychological health than the unmarried and, surprisingly, couples in a cohabitational relationship. Having a family enhances well-being, and spending more time with one’s family helps even more. Social interaction among families, neighbourhoods, workplaces, communities and religious groups correlates strongly with subjective well-being. In fact, the degree of individuals’ social connections is the best benchmark of their happiness.



Paragraph C


Friendship is another major factor. Indeed, to return to the dollar-equals-happiness equation, in one survey, having a friend converted into $50,000 worth of happiness, confirms the well-known phenomenon that loneliness can lead to depression. Work is another area central to well-being, and certain features correlate highly with happiness. These include autonomy over how, where, and at what pace work is done, trust between employer and employee, fair treatment, and active participation in the making of decisions. Occupationally, happiness tends to be more common among professionals and managers, that is, people who are in control of the work they do, rather than subservient to their bosses, inequality implies less control for those who are in the weaker position, although there are more risks of losing their privileges for those in the stronger position.




Paragraph D


Control of one’s life in general is also key. Happiness is clearly correlated with the presence of favourable events such as promotion or marriage, and the absence of troubles or bad luck such as accidents, being laid off or conflicts. These events on their own signal the success or failure to reach one’s goals, and therefore the control one has. On a national level, the more that governments recognise individual preferences, the happier their citizens will be. Choice, and citizens’ belief that they can affect the political process, increase subjective well-being. Furthermore, evidence exists for an association between unhappiness and poor health: people from underdeveloped countries are among the unhappiest in the world, and their life expectancy has been falling steadily. People are more satisfied in societies which minimally restrict their freedom of action, in other words, where they are in control rather than being controlled. Happy people are characterised by the belief that they are able to control their situation, whereas unhappy people tend to believe that they are a victim of fate. Happy people are also more psychologically resilient, assertive and open to experience.




Paragraph E

But how good is the evidence for this alternative viewpoint then - that happiness, and not financial status, contributes to good health, and long life? A study of nuns, spanning seven decades, supports this theory. Autobiographies written by the nuns in their early 1920s were scored for positive and negative emotions. Nuns expressing the most positive emotions lived on average ten years longer than those expressing the least positive emotions. Happy people, it seems, are much less likely to fall ill and die than unhappy people.



Paragraph F

But what must we do to be happy? Experts cite the old maxim “be happy with what you’ve got.” Look around you, they say, and identify the positive factors in your life. Concentrating on the negative aspects of one’s life is a no-no, and so is worrying. Worrying is a negative thinking habit that is nearly always about something that lies in the future. It stems, apparently, from our cave dwelling days, when we had to think on a day-to-day basis about how and where to find food and warmth, for example. But in the modern world, worrying simply undermines our ability to enjoy life in the present. More often than not, the things we worry about never come to pass anyway. Just as important is not to dwell on the past - past mistakes, bad experiences, missed opportunities and so on.



Paragraph G

What else can we do? Well, engage in a loving relationship with another adult, and work hard to sustain it. Try to plan frequent interactions with your family, friends and neighbours (in that order). Make sure you’re not working so hard that you’ve no time left for personal relationships and leisure. If you are, leave your job voluntarily to become self-employed, but don’t get sacked — that’s more damaging to well-being than the loss of a spouse, and its effects last longer. In your spare time, join a club, volunteer for community service, or take up religion.



Paragraph H


If none of the above works, then vote for a political party with the same agenda as the King of Bhutan, who announced that his nation’s objective is national happiness.


Hello Happiness Reading Answers & Questions

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Hello Happiness

Questions and Answers 1-3

  • Choose THREE letters A-H.
  • Circle the correct letters, A-H, below
  • NB, Your answers may be given in any order..



Which THREE of the following statements are true, according to the text?



A. Money can bring misery.

B. Wealthier nations place more emphasis on happiness than poorer ones.

C. Securing a place to live is a basic human need.

D. The desire for social status is a global phenomenon.

E. An unmarried couple living together is less likely to be happy than a married couple.

F. The less responsibility one has, the happier one is.

G. Involvement in policy-making can increase well-being.

H. Our prehistoric ancestors were happier than we are.



Hello Happiness  Reading Answers with Explanations (1-3)



Question Type:  Matching Information


Matching Information questions in the IELTS Reading test require you to find specific details within a passage and match them to the appropriate paragraph. These questions test your ability to locate and understand specific information quickly. You will be given a list of statements and asked to identify the paragraph (labeled A, B, C, etc.) in which each piece of information is found.


How to best answer the question:


  • Quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea of the content and structure. 
  • Read the statements carefully. Underline or highlight key terms or phrases that will help you identify the relevant information in the passage.
  • Go through each paragraph systematically and match it with the statement that best fits the content. 


1. C




Paragraph A

Once the basic criteria of adequate shelter and nutrition are satisfied, increased wealth plays no significant role.




This is the right answer because Paragraph A discusses that once basic criteria like adequate shelter and nutrition are met, increased wealth does not significantly impact well-being, implying that securing a place to live (basic shelter) is indeed a fundamental human need.


2. E




Paragraph  B

Married people live on average three years longer and enjoy greater physical and psychological health than the unmarried and, surprisingly, couples in a cohabitational relationship.




According to Paragraph B, married people generally enjoy greater physical and psychological health compared to unmarried couples or those in cohabitational relationships, suggesting that an unmarried couple living together is less likely to be as happy as a married couple.


3. G




Paragraph D

Choice, and citizens’ belief that they can affect the political process, increase subjective well-being.



Paragraph D discusses how involvement in policy-making and the belief that individuals can influence the political process can increase subjective well-being, indicating that involvement in policy-making can indeed enhance well-being.


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Questions and Answers 4-7
  • Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.
  • Write the correct letter, A-I, for the questions 4-7 on your answer sheet.



Money can buy you just about anything, but not, it seems happiness. Whether on a personal or national 4__________ , your bank balance won’t make you happier. Once the basic criteria of a roof over your head and food on the table have been met, money ceases to play a part. One of the most important factors in achieving happiness is the extent of our social 5___________ – our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and so on. Equally important is the amount of 6__________ we have, either in our personal life, working life, or even in our ability to influence the political 7_____________ that our country embarks on.



A. episode

B. interaction

C. cooperation

D. control

E. number

F. level

G. course

H. conflict

I. limit



Hello Happiness  Reading Answers with Explanations (4-7)



Type of Question: Summary Completion


Summary completion questions provide a summary of part of the reading passage with several blanks. Your task is to fill in these blanks with appropriate words or phrases from the passage. The summary may cover a whole passage or a part of it, focusing on key points and main ideas.


How to best answer this question:


  • Quickly skim the passage to get an idea of its main ideas and structure.
  • Focus on keywords in the summary and look for them or their synonyms in the passage.
  • Carefully read the instructions to know the word limit and any specific guidelines.
  • Identify the part of the passage related to the summary. This often involves scanning for keywords or phrases.
  • Ensure the words you choose fit grammatically and contextually within the summary.
  • After filling in the blanks, review the summary to ensure it makes sense and adheres to the word limit.


4. F




Paragraph  A

Whether on a personal or national level, your bank balance won’t make you happier. Once the basic criteria of a roof over your head and food on the table have been met.



This answer is correct because it highlights that beyond meeting basic needs like shelter and nutrition, increased wealth does not significantly contribute to happiness, as stated in the passage.


5. B




Paragraph B 

One of the most important factors in achieving happiness is the extent of our social interaction – our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and so on.




This answer correctly identifies social interaction as a crucial factor in achieving happiness, as emphasised in the passage where it discusses the strong correlation between social connections and subjective well-being.


6. D




Paragraph D 

One of the most important factors in achieving happiness is the amount of control we have, either in our personal life, working life, or even in our ability to influence the political course that our country embarks on.




This answer is accurate because it points out that having control over various aspects of life contributes significantly to happiness, as discussed in the passage regarding autonomy and the ability to influence one's circumstances.


7. G




Paragraph D

Equally important is the amount of course we have, either in our personal life, working life, or even in our ability to influence the political conflicts that our country embarks on.




This answer correctly identifies that having the ability to influence the direction of events (control) in personal, professional, or political realms contributes to overall happiness, as stated in the passage.


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Questions and Answers 8-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage



8. People from underdeveloped nations try to attain the same standard of living as those from developed nations.

9. Seeing what others have makes people want to have it too

10. The larger the family is, the happier the parents will probably be

11. One’s attitude to life has no influence on one’s health

12. Instinct can be a barrier to happiness. 

13. Family and friends rank equally as sources of happiness.



Hello Happiness  Reading Answers with Explanations (8-13)



Question Type:  True/False/Not Given


In this task, you are presented with a statement, and your task is to determine if it agrees with the information in the passage (True), contradicts the information in the passage (False), or if there is insufficient information in the passage to decide (not given).


How to best answer the question:


  • Read the statement carefully to ensure you understand exactly what it is saying. 
  • Pay attention to details such as dates, numbers, and specific information.
  • Scan the passage to find the section where the relevant information is likely to be located. 
  • Focus on finding evidence that either supports or contradicts the statement.
  • True: If the statement agrees with the information in the passage.
  • False: If the statement contradicts the information in the passage.
  • Not Given: If there is no information in the passage that confirms or contradicts the statement.


8. Not Given









The passage does not provide information specifically about people from underdeveloped nations striving to attain the same standard of living as those from developed nations.


9. True




Paragraph  A

Just as we acquire a new $25,000 car, our neighbour parks his brand spanking new $40,000 set of wheels in his drive, causing us much consternation, but fuelling us with new aspirations in the process.




This answer is correct as it reflects the idea that seeing what others have (especially in terms of material possessions) often creates a desire to have similar things, as discussed in the passage about the influence of social comparison on desires and aspirations.


10. Not Given








The passage does not explicitly discuss whether the size of the family correlates with the happiness of parents, hence it cannot be determined from the given information.


11. False




Paragraph E

Happy people, it seems, are much less likely to fall ill and die than unhappy people.



This answer is false because the passage clearly states that one’s attitude to life (happiness) does have an influence on one’s health, as happy people tend to have better health outcomes.


12. True




Paragraph F

Worrying is a negative thinking habit that is nearly always about something that lies in the future. [...] But in the modern world, worrying simply undermines our ability to enjoy life in the present.





This answer is correct as it aligns with the passage’s discussion on how worrying, which can be driven by instinctual survival mechanisms, can act as a barrier to experiencing happiness in the present moment.


13. False




Paragraph G

Try to plan frequent interactions with your family, friends and neighbours (in that order).




This answer is false because the passage ranks family relationships higher than friendships in terms of importance as sources of happiness, contrasting with the statement that they rank equally.


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Q. How is the IELTS Reading test structured?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test is structured with three passages totalling 40 questions. These passages are drawn from academic and general interest sources such as books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Candidates must navigate various question types, including multiple-choice, matching headings, True/False/Not Given, and others, within a 60-minute timeframe, ensuring comprehensive reading and effective time management.

Q. How long is the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test spans 60 minutes in duration. Within this time, candidates must read three passages of varying complexity and answer 40 questions that assess comprehension, critical analysis, and vocabulary skills. There is no additional time allocated for transferring answers, making efficient time management crucial during the test.

Q. What types of questions are in the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. In the IELTS Reading test, you can expect various question types, including multiple-choice, matching headings, True/False/Not Given, matching information, sentence completion, summary completion, and short answer questions. These question types are designed to assess your ability to understand and interpret written information effectively. It's important to familiarise yourself with these question formats and practice them to improve your test performance.